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IndyWatch Bellingen NSW All Topics Summary was generated at Bellingen NSW IndyWatch.

Friday, 17 March


Der Ukraine-Liveticker heute hat ein paar bemerkenswerte ... "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Der Ukraine-Liveticker heute hat ein paar bemerkenswerte Meldungen im Kleingedruckten. Liest das eigentlich berhaupt jemand, diese Liveticker? Ich berspringe die immer, aber diesmal wies ein Leser auf diese Meldung hier hin:

In Bulgarien haben Getreideproduzenten einen Importstopp fr ukrainischen Weizen gefordert. Die um gut 30 Prozent billigere, zollfreie Einfuhr aus der Ukraine mache die heimische Weizenproduktion nicht mehr konkurrenzfhig [] hnliche Probleme gebe es auch infolge des Imports von preisgnstigeren Sonnenblumenkernen aus der Ukraine.
Jetzt macht der Putin auch noch unsere Bauern kaputt!!1!

Aber die Meldungen drumherum haben auch ein paar Klopper. Den hier z.B. finde ich super:

Die Grnen fordern raschere Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine.
Man vergleiche das mal mit den Wahlkampfplakaten vor dem Krieg. Aber es stellt sich auch noch eine andere Frage. Von wem fordern sie das konkret? Ich dachte die sind in der Regierung?

Oder wie wre es mit dem hier:

Russland hat im vergangenen Jahr dank hoher lpreise einen Handelsberschuss von 332,4 Milliarden US-Dollar (gut 311 Milliarden Euro) erzielt. Das Exportvolumen sei um 19,9 Prozent auf 591,5 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen, der Import im gleichen Zeitraum um 11,7 Prozent auf 259,1 Milliarden Dollar geschrumpft, teilte die Zollbehrde mit. Gegenber 2021 ist der Handelsberschuss Russlands damit um 68 Prozent gewachsen.
Die Sanktionen wirken!! Nur nicht in die Richtung, in die sie gedacht waren. Der lpreis wre ohne die Sanktionen nie so hoch gegangen.

Auf der anderen Seite muss man natrlich immer vorsichtig mit solchen Angaben sein, denn sie kommen von der Landesregierung. Die hat ein Interesse daran, dass die Zahlen so aussehen, wie sie aussehen. Da knnte es ein paar Flle von kreativer Buchfhrung auf dem Weg gegeben haben, wie bei uns mit der Arbeitslosenstatistik z.B.

Auerdem gab es noch die Meldung, dass die Russen die CIA-Story nicht glauben, dass der Nord-Stream-Angriff von einem verwirrten Einzeltter aus der Ukraine gekommen sei, denn die Ukraine habe ja dadurch nichts zu gewinnen gehabt.

Aber die Topp-Meldung in der Liste ist ganz am Ende:

vergangenes Jahr stieg die Ukraine durch die Militrhilfen aus den USA und Europa jedoch zum drittgrten Rstungsimporteur auf.
Wer importiert denn gerade bitte noch mehr Waffen als die Ukraine?!? Dafr muss man zur Prim...

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IndyWatch Bellingen NSW All Topics Summary Today.

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Thursday, 16 March


ABC 'comedy' wanker "IndyWatch Feed National"

New submarines are on their way! Eventually. Possibly. Mark Humphries (@markhumphries) March 16, 2023


NSW Labor on Matt Kean's fundraising war-chest "IndyWatch Feed National"

Dear Comrade, We've always known the Liberals have ultra-rich donors with deep pockets. But would you believe this: Treasurer Matt Kean alone has raised $360,000 for the Liberals' election campaign: And unfortunately for us, that kind of cash goes a long way in tight elections like this one.$360,000 can buy...


Yet another tacit Liberal party murder confession. "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Liberal Party has made a number of tacit murder confessions in regard to Robodebt and the illegal importation of COVID-19, but the SA Division of the Liberals appears to be striving to win a glod Logie award for such confessions.

Short link to this posting:

In a video of 35 seconds duration, the SA Liberal Party hammers the Malinauskas Government for making ambulance ramping twice as dangerous, and potentially twice as deadly as it was under Premier Steven Marshall. 

I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect that this advertisment is an admission that the Liberal Party violated the Genocide provisions in Section 268.5 (2) of the Commonwealth  Criminal Code Act (1995) and the Criminal Neglect provision in Section 14(1) of the SA criminal code:

This advertisement is 35 seconds of ultra-compelling audio-visual evidence of the fact that in Australia, politicians see themselves as being above the law when they make fatal decisions.

HOW WIERD This advert is demanding that Peter Malinauskas fix a deadly problem that the Liberal Party did not fix in 4 years of government.

Robo-debt, Welfare-Gate, COVID-GATE and Vaccine-Gate are other examples of this nasty habit of making unlawful decisions that kill people.


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Ronald Medlicott. Citizen, teacher and volunteer Christian lay-advocate.


Population growth approaching record pace "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Population count accelerates

Australia's population increased by 128,670 in the September 2022 quarter, implying an annual pace of around 500k per annum. 

Source: ABS

The population is growing faster than previously projected, and the population clock was ratcheted up to 26,384,000. 

Indeed, this implies population growth of faster than one person per minute, which is actually more like an annual population growth of 573,000 per annum.

I guess it will slow down a bit at some point.

The peak of the rush to south-east Queensland passed in the September quarter, and with more employers requiring workers back at their desks in Sydney and Melbourne with each passing week this trend will continue. 



Ukrainians picking very unwise fights with potential mercenary Muslim enemies "IndyWatch Feed National"

Kind-hearted and tolerant Ukrainians use the Koran as a cutting board for their salo. Donbass Devushka (@PeImeniPusha) March 15, 2023


Simply magnificent new campaign ad for Sleepy Joe Biden. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you Underminder, you always come through with the goods!


Australia's traditional owners - China - buying up our country like it's going out of fashion. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Peaceful invasion hey? But don't despair if you can't afford a house, we've got submarines coming.


SA union leader resigns after store CCTV records her apparently shoplifting "IndyWatch Feed National"

Leah York has today announced she will step down from her position as Branch Secretary of the South Australian Branch of the AEU following an incident in Mount Gambier last week. Ms Yorks resignation will be effective close of business today. The AEU is in the process of determining interim...


Legislating short-term holiday letting the way forward say Greens "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Ballina MP, Tamara Smith, has committed to introducing legislation on short-term holiday letting (STHL) within the first 100 days of the next NSW parliament if she is re-elected.

The proposal for non-hosted STHL includes: development applications STHL to operate, a bed tax to fund local services, a requirement for STHL rentals to be used as emergency accommodation during natural disasters, giving local councils planning powers over how STHL operates in their area, and stopping the short-term letting of houses built after 1 January 2018 in an LGA until the vacancy rate hits three per cent.

The policy was launched yesterday at Lions Park in Lennox Head.

Our region has been the belly of the beast for the disastrous impacts of Short Term Holiday Letting but now its adding fuel to the rental crisis across the entire state, said Tamara Smith.

In 2019 we received a commitment from the Berejiklian Government to cap STHL in Byron. At that time the Northern Rivers had a shortage of 15,000 social and affordable homes. Now it is far worse and nothing has changed.

STHL has removed thousands of homes across the Northern Rivers from the rental market, leaving residents homeless, workers unable to afford accommodation, and people who have grown up here forced out of the region altogether. Something has to change, said Ms Smith.

We need homes, not Short Term Holiday Letting.

Treat it as a business

STHL is a business and its time to treat it like a business. This policy would end STHLs dominance over communities across NSW. By giving regulatory powers to councils, each community can deal with the impacts of STHL in the way that best works for them.

Cate Faehrmann, NSW Greens MP, planning spokesperson and lead upper house candidate said, If the gGovernment claims it will solve this housing crisis by building new houses then it needs to make sure those houses become homes and not holiday rentals. Freeing up new housing for rentals instead of STHL will help take some of the heat out of the rental crisis.

Short-term holiday letting makes big profits off the backs of communities while giving little in return. Giving councils the ability to set a bed tax on STHL will allow councils in high tourism areas like Byron Bay the ability to maintain their local services and invest in local housing.

Ms Smith emphasised that communities must be out before tourists, especially during natural disasters.



Alignment of DCP and LEP for Kingscliff welcome "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Kingscliff. Photo supplied.

The Kingscliff community has been active in taking the opportunities offered to them over the years to have input into how their community will be shaped into the future. However, differences between various planning instruments such as the DCP (development control plan) and the LEP (local environment plan) have often left locals frustrated that development applications (DA) went through that didnt appear to match the communitys preferred outcomes because the planning instruments werent consistent. 

Kingscliff Ratepayers and Progress Association Inc (KRPA) told The Echo that they welcomed the request to prepare a Planning Proposal for the Kingscliff Locality Plan (KLP) and Tweed DCP that was approved by all councilllors at the last Tweed Shire Council meeting. 

This has been a process of a very long time in the planning and process of council. As many of you will know the Kingscliff community has long called for us to marry up the ideals put forward in the DCP and the locality plan of what the community want to see in their community going forward and get them to be consistent with the LEP (local environment plan) in this zone, said Mayor Chris Cherry (Independent) at the meeting. 

We do have this problem with the expectations in the community and them wanting us to uphold the DCP limits and requirements and to this date, they are not consistent with the LEP. So I think this is a really positive...


Lydia Tr is dead "IndyWatch Feed National"

To paraphrase a quote, I am less interested in Lydia Trs dreams than in the near certainty that the Trs of the real world dont make it out of Staten Island. Art is the opposite of rent. Artists need money to live and time to create, as do audiences in order to attend.

The post Lydia Tr is dead appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Child protection and DCJ workers feeling abandoned in Lismore "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Lismore case workers for the DCJ feel abandoned by the NSW government. Photo David Lowe.

The failure of the NSW government to support the most vulnerable people in Lismore and the Northern Rivers a year on from the devastating 2022 floods is being called out. The Public Service Association (PSA) Union is calling for an independent review of Community Services as the number of children in motels increases and the DCJ struggles to secure case workers. 

A year on from the devastating floods that hit the Northern Rivers, Lismores Community Service and Housing Centre, run by the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), is still without a site clients in the Lismore area can access, said the PSA union spokesperson. 

The two temporary sites that were supposed to become available are still inaccessible leaving nowhere for DCJ workers to meet with their clients in Lismore. 

Lismore clients need to travel to Ballina for face-to-face contact and support. Community service members who may need to meet their clients in a secured area have to do this out of Ballina or Casino.

A demountable proposed for NSW Government Housing staff at the Lismore City car park remains unused and guarded 24/7. Other temporary demount...


THREAD: Forestry Corps Total Forest Closure Notice is fake: no arrests at #ForestWalkOn "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Govt is using our money to destroy our native forests. We need them and our native animals need them. Fran Fagan Wingham resident Phew! I got lost, drove rocky waterlogged trails through the Yarratt State Forest lots of forestry utes & blokes but not pulled over. Yarratt Forest NOT closed. Got to []

Author information

Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston

Co-publisher and editor-in-chief at No Fibs

Margo Kingston is a retired Australian journalist and climate change activist. She is best known for her stint as Phillip Adams Canberra Babylon contributor and her work at The Sydney Morning Herald and #Webdiary. Since 2012, Kingston has been a citizen journalist, reporting and commenting on Australian politics via Twitter and No Fibs.


Clarence candidate Dr Clancy talks mining and waste incinerators "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Greg Clancy, Greens candidate for Clarence.

As a founding member of the CCA Greens candidate Dr Greg Clancy does not support mining in the Clarence catchment. Here he shares his position on the Casino Waste incinerator and the action needed to address the climate emergency. 

To see his response on STRA and floodplain development click here.

The junction of the Mann and
Clarence Rivers. Corazon site top left. Photo supplied

Do you support the Clarence Catchment Alliance (CCA) anti-mining pledge? The pledge supports the CCA position against mining in the Clarence catchment. 



5 Ways to Improve Your Self Confidence "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

A lack of self-confidence can seep into all aspects of life, from career opportunities to
relationships. Take the time and effort to build up your self-confidence, since having a strong sense of self-worth will help you develop a better outlook on life. Here are five ways you can start improving your self confidence.

Build Positive Relationships

Your relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances can majorly impact your self-confidence. Being around people who support you and genuinely care about you can make you feel better about yourselves and the world around you. Furthermore, making an effort to build positive relationships with others is an excellent way of boosting self-confidence.

Create Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations reflect good things about yourself or something you want to happen in the future. Creating positive affirmations can be helpful if you struggle with low self-esteem or lack of motivation because they can become mantras that remind you of your potential and strength when you need it most.

Choose affirmations that resonate with you, write them down, and repeat them to yours daily. For example, I am worthy of love and respect, I am capable of achieving great things, or I am deserving of happiness.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

It can be easy to focus on all the things you havent achieved or all the goals you havent yet reached. Instead, celebrate the small wins throughout the day; even something as small as getting out of bed in the morning or completing that project youve been dreading for weeks is worth celebrating.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking time for yourself allows for reflection on all aspects of life, including successes and failures, which are essential when learning how to become more confident.

  • Make sure that your diet is balanced with healthy foods.
  • Get enough sleep each night, aim for seven to nine hours.
  • Exercise regularly even if its just going out for a walk.
  • Practice mindfulness activities such as yoga or meditation.
  • Get creative by painting, drawing or writing.
  • Find something that brings joy into your life. It could be anything from ...


Byron Councillors call for more govt flood funding "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

2022 flooding aftermath in Mullumbimby

Byron Shire Council has launched a pre-election call for more government funding and support to future proof all of the Shires flood-impacted premises.

In an attempt to capitalise on the current state government promise spree, the Council has written to NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet, Opposition Leader, Chris Minns, and all local candidates for the seats of Ballina and Lismore.

The letter calls on the leaders to recognise the opportunities to make all existing flood-prone buildings safer against future flood risks through buybacks, house-raising and wet-proofing.

It expresses gratitude for the $800M the government has already committed to achieve these goals region-wide, and asks for an additional $180M for the Shire itself to make premises more resilient.

The figure is based on an average of $100,000 per building, plus an additional $35M for buybacks.

It also asks the government to recognise that many of Byron Shires premises can be returned to habitable use through house-raising, because peak flood levels on the Shires floodplains are not as deep as on some other heavily impacted floodplains.

This does not look after the grief, nor does it replace losses, Greens Councillor Duncan Dey told last weeks Council meeting while moving the motion in relation to the letter. 

Its about making t...


Witchcraft and the Cruelty of Anti-Semitism "IndyWatch Feed National"

(L) Chancellor von Bismarck (C) Witch burning, Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica (R) Chancellor Hitler at Berlin in 1938, Photo: AP(L) Chancellor von Bismarck (C) Witch burning, Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica (R) Chancellor Hitler at Berlin in 1938, Photo: AP

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

I recently found a 1956 book entitled The Magic Background of Modern Anti-Semitism: An Analysis of the German-Jewish Relationship. It was written by Adolf Leschnitzer from lectures he gave at Free University of Berlin from 1952 to 1954. He served in WWI as a German soldier and then was a history teacher in high schools until he emigrated, to escape persecution, in 1939 first to Netherlands then to England.

The theme of the book Magic Background goes like this.  For two centuries the 1200s and 1300s there was violent persecution of Jews in Germany (this book never talks about Jews elsewhere). Oddly, the cruelty lightened up during the 1500s and 1600s, the reason being that a focus on witchcraft replaced it. Then it came back again in 1800s and 1900s.

In the preface, Adolf Leschnitzer says In an...


Electricity charges are set for a steep rise "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Jim Hayes

Australians are about to pay a whole lot more for using electricity. All parties promised to put a stop to all these price rises during the last federal election campaign. The promise has been betrayed.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) who is supposed to keep a lid on he rises has just lifted what can be charged by electricity companies, and they have been allowed to set tiers to charge different plans with different prices in some areas. The argument given is that this will generate competition.

Expected price rises are from around 20 percent to more than 30 percent. This will add considerable financial stress to many already pressed households.

The problem with the existing price regulation system is that it relies on the belief that the market is the way to generate the best outcome. If this outcome is to deliver lower prices, it has been a total failure.

To be fair, it must be acknowledged that the Albanese government did set a price cap in October last year. This had a small and temporary positive effect. There was a little fall in prices. Unfortunately. this might be coming to an end. A bigger and longer-term solution is needed.

Images by LAVO: Ending coal power plants and shifting to renewable alternatives is part of the answer

If lower energy cost is still the objective, there must be a different approach. It is not necessary to peg to international prices, as is the case at the moment. Instead of generous subsidies to energy companies, there should be sufficient investment into cheaper and cleaner energy. Australia remains reliant on aging coal generation plants that are no longer working efficiently, and therefore raising costs. T...


Labors Craig Elliot commits to SSF and keeping old Tweed Hospital site open "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Craig Elliot, ALP candidate for the seat of Tweed at the 2019 state election. Photo supplied

Talking state significant farmland (SSF) and the Tweed Hospitals Labors Craig Elliot has committed to preserving SSF, free parking at the new Tweed Valley Hospital (TVH) and keeping the old Tweed Hospital in public hands in The Echos second round of candidate questions. (See first round here)

Will you give an unequivocal guarantee to protect the remaining Cudgen State Significant Farmland including any attempts to rezone for non-agricultural purposes, such as those proposed by the Cudgen Connection?

Yes. Labor is on the record as being committed to protecting State Significant Farmland. I have never supported having this prime agricultural land rezoned and sold off to developers.

Will you honour the commitment made at the last State Election to provide free parking at the TVH?

Yes. Labor has always supported free parking at the Tweed Valley Hospital. There is existing free parking at Murwillumbah Hospital, Byron Central Hospital and the current Tweed Hospital so the idea of free parking is not extraordinary, but an accepted reality expected by Tweed locals.

What commitments will you make to mitigating the impact of the TVHs identified 5,500 additional daily traffic movements on local communities eg substantial free parking, regular and timely shuttle bus service, enhanced public transport?

Geoff Provest has failed to properly plan for and manage additional traffic movements. He has failed to provide the necessary upgrades to road infrastructure and failed to deliver additional public transport servi...


Fresh STRA audits and prosecutions ahead "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Research shows that when the Airbnb listings increased, so did property prices and rents. When strict regulations are introduced, the number of listings go down and properties are returned to the long-term rental and home buyer market.

Hundreds of locals who are renting out their studios and granny flats on Airbnb, in breach of consent conditions agreed with Byron Council, could face prosecution under a new measure introduced last week.

In the latest attempt to address Byron Shires housing emergency, councillors unanimously voted to enforce the consent conditions, a move that they hope will encourage the owners of secondary dwellings to move them from the short-term accommodation (STRA) to the long-term rental market.

The new enforcement strategy will par...


Roller Derby returns to Byron, March 18-19 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Northern Rivers Revolt is taking place this weekend at Byron Bay. Photo Richard Tompsett

The Northern Rivers Revolt Roller Derby tournament is returning after the covid hiatus to Byron Bay on March 18-19, with six teams competing at the Cavanbah Centre. 

Organisers say five teams will be travelling from around the country to compete in the diverse and all-inclusive tournament.

Northern Rivers Revolt is taking place this weekend at Byron Bay. Photo Richard Tompsett

Co-organiser, Jade Lancett, says, All profits raised will be donated to our charity partner...


Election 2023 Tweed: Geoff Provest "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Tweed MP Geoff Provest. Photo

The seat of Tweed is currently held by Geoff Provest for the Nationals by a margin of five per cent. He has held the seat for 16 years since 2007.

What is your big number one issue that youre looking at going into this election?

Affordable housing/housing supply/cost of living

How long have you been the sitting MP?

16 years 

What are your top three important achievements in Parliament?

The new Tweed Valley Hospital.

Additional land for Cudgen Nature Reserve and funding for the Koala Rehabilitation facility.

Major redevelopments of Tweed local schools ($120 million under construction at present in addition to past projects) and the TAFE College at Kingscliff.

Looking New South Wales Parliament at the moment what is the thing that frustrates you the most?

The time it takes to see positive change implemented in the community from idea, to legislation, to action can be a very long time. 

Do you support building on floodplains?

For new residential developments, NO I do not, but alternatives must be developed to meet the housing needs of affected regions into the future

How would you address the issue of legacy floodplain approvals (developments that have been approved but not yet built, that are on floodplains)?

We need to critically examine them on a case-by-case basis this is clearly evident after the disastrous impact of last years floods.

Do you consider that the current NSW governments Short Term Rental Accommodation laws (STRA) has contributed to the current housing crisis and would you advocate for local councils to regain control over STRA?

The Far North Coas...


Australias old media are on the ropes and are being exposed for bias and conflict of interest daily "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australias old media are now being exposed daily for their biased reporting and failure to declare their conflict of interests which has to mean their days are numbered. The evidence for that []


Fortem launches in Ballina for first responders "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

<figure class="wp-caption alignnone" id="attachment_324261" style= "width: 2048px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="size-full wp-image-324261" height="1395" src= "" width="2048"></a> <figcaption class="wp-caption-text" id="caption-attachment-324261"> Ballina SES Unit Commander Gerry Burnage, Ballina Mayor Sharon Cadwallader and Fortem Australias Cief operating Officer Darrin Lincoln. Photo David Lowe.</figcaption> </figure> <p>A service which provides mental health and other support for emergency first responders and their families was launched at SES headquarters in Ballina this week.</p> <p>Fortem Australia is a not for profit organisation which supports the mental fitness and<br> wellbeing of those who provide first line protection and care for Australian communities in times of crisis.</p> <p>The organisation was established in 2019, and has now begun recruiting community engagement coordinators locally to assist first responders and volunteers associated with organisations such as the NSW Police Force, NSW Fire & Rescue, NSW Ambulance, Rural Fire Services, State Emergency Services NSW and Marine Rescue NSW.

Fortems Chief Operating Officer and co-founder Darrin Lincoln explained that the name means brave in Latin. He says the hardships experienced by the first responder community, especially in the Ballina and Lismore region, have promoted the expansion of Fortem into new regional areas.</p> <figure class="wp-caption alignright" id="attachment_324264" style= "width: 2047px;"><a href= ""> ...</a></figure>


Blockchain is the answer to Russia's settlement issues, banking exec says "IndyWatch Feed National"

There is no technical reason preventing Russia from creating its own blockchain-based system, blockchain provider Fuse Network's CEO believes.


Link "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


CEO former Australian citizen Rupert Murdoch, News Corp:

The Australian, 14 March 2023

Its more than one plus one plus one, from the pen of Canberra Bureau Chief Joe Kelly

..The sum of the three is more than one plus one plus one in this case, Mr Albanese said.

And I think that the co-operation weve had is really exciting. We see that this is an investment in our capability. At the same time, of course, were investing in our relationships in the region as well.

And Ive been talking with other leaders in the region, as well, explaining our position. And...

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IndyWatch Bellingen NSW All Topics Summary Today.

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Wednesday, 15 March


Decentralized Communication - #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed National"

As the internet clampdown begins, people are finally beginning to wake up to the need to find alternative communication platforms. But if the masses are just herded from one centralized platform to another, has anything really changed at all? Join James for today's important edition of #SolutionsWatch where he examines some of the many decentralized communication networks, platforms and protocols that are being developed to address the root of the censorship problem.


Are You Too Late To Bitcoin? "IndyWatch Feed National"

What is the top for an immutable money that becomes the standard for humanity? Why its time to get off zero.

This is an opinion editorial by Luke Broyles, a Bitcoin content creator.

How much bitcoin does it take to get rich and fund your lifestyle? How little bitcoin does it take to protect yourself against inevitable inflation, bank runs and fiat demise? Are you too late to Bitcoin? What would a 1% allocation do?

These are questions that newbies and veterans of Bitcoin alike ask themselves and each other and, oftentimes, there isnt a clear answer.

Lets provide a solid framework to answer that question.

There Is No Top For An Immutable Money Standard

January 2009 was BTC's first price prediction. Hal Finney predicted that bitcoin could become the global-dominant payment system, or $10 million per coin (Finneys calculation would be closer to $40 million today). But bitcoin would not surpass $1.00 until April 2011... Over two full years later.


What Finney understood is that upon the invention of perfect money all global wealth would inevitably consolidate into it. Henry Ford, Nikola Tesla and others also foresaw this.

A closed (monetary) system inevitably absorbs all open (productivity) systems. Money is the technology that prices everything else within its own ledger. There is no "top" price prediction for an immutable monetary standard of the human race, the standard.

Source: Author

Its About Purchasing Power, Not Price

So, a better way to think of bitcoin's value is not in price, but in purchasing power. Overlaying a share of monetary stock with a given amount of productivity (or economic value) is a better way to predict the money's value. Its worth noting that in a finite ledger, wealth inequality as we know it today does the reverse as we expect today (a topic for another...


Australia's Treasury and Reserve Bank Held Consultations With Coinbase, Others "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tom Duff Gordon, vice president for international policy at Coinbase. (CoinDesk TV)


Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating told his wife in front of friends at a dinner party that their marriage was over, Annita Keating has revealed. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Paul Keating and former wife Annita Keating

Sydney Morning Herald

Paul ended our marriage at a dinner party:


Former prime minister Paul Keating told his wife in front of friends at a dinner party that their marriage was over, Annita Keating has revealed.

Breaking her silence on the couples 1998 split, Mrs Keating said she felt as though she had been stabbed when her husband of 23 years broke the news to her.

In an interview with The Bulletin magazine, she still does not explain the reason behind her break-up with the former Labor leader, prime minister from 1991-96.



Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating partner- its a gay man "IndyWatch Feed National"

Above recent photograph: Two old Sydney gays. Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating with Sydney radio shock jock Alan Jones.

I dont know who Paul Keatings live-in gay partner is.

Below photograph: former Australian Prime Ministers Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.



How to Prepare Your Staff for an Office Fit Out "IndyWatch Feed National"

Are you planning an office refit? If so, youre probably excited about the changes it will bring for your staff and for the company as a whole. But before the work begins, its vital that you take the time to prepare your staff for the transition.

Its important to understand that an office fit-out is a process thats going to affect a significant number of people in different ways. In order to ensure a successful transition, its important to get as many people on the same page as possible.

Having a clear plan in place can help ensure that everyone is on board and ready for what lies ahead.

Here are some tips to help you prepare your staff and make sure everything goes smoothly during an office fit-out.

  1. Explain the Purpose of an Office Fit Out
    Informing staff about any changes, renovations, or installation of furniture before they happen helps reduce disruption, leads to better morale from the staff, and allows all necessary resources to be efficiently allocated ahead of time.

    Additionally, it might also help to explain to your staff why youre having an office fit out in the first place. Is the company downsizing? Is the old layout outdated or impractical? Explaining the purpose of the fit-out might help your staff understand the decision and alleviate any concerns associated with the project.

  2. Outline Any Safety Protocols and Procedures that Must be Followed
    As the employer, you will need to outline safety protocols and procedures for all staff members that may be affected during or after the fit out. These should include sufficient training requirements along with policies concerning wearing protective clothing and equipment such as hard hats and boots. Staff also need to know where obstacles may be present as well as any site-specific risks that must be assessed and monitored throughout the process.

    Additionally, ensure staff are familiar with all fire prevention measures so they can safely evacuate should an emergency arise. Following these steps will ensure both staff safety and adherence to directives which may help minimise liabilities during the entire office fit out process.

  3. Detail Any New Policies or Processes That May Need to be Implemented
    The team should also receive notices about any challenges that might arise during construction. This might include notices about construction noise or restricted access to certain areas of the building. Communication needs to remain open throughout this time so that staff can voice their concerns and be informed of progress updates.

    Additionally, a detailed schedule should be put in place to...


When's 'The Plan' kick in Jim? "IndyWatch Feed National" CaptObvious23 (@CaptObvious23) March 15, 2023


Canberra: Join us - rally, say No to War protect truthtellers 8am 20th March ACT Courts "IndyWatch Feed National"

Join us - rally, say No to War protect truthtellers 8am Monday 20th March at the ACT Courts. On the 20th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq, and as the Coalition of the Willing which was responsible for the illegal invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003 has regrouped as AUKUS, we should remember the legacy of that disastrous war and other destructive wars. (Reposted from .)


Two people in particular are suffering persecution today because they dared to expose war crimes. Julian Assange released material including a video of the Baghdad airstrike which killed two Reuters journalists and other civilians, and ADF Major David McBride gave the ABC information about alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. David will be in court on the day to learn the date of commencement of his trial after 4 years!

We have a great line up of speakers

Dr Monique Ryan MP, Major David McBride, Senator David Shoebridge, Lawyer and survivor of a political prosecution, Bernard Collaery, Dr Sue Wareham, President of MAPW, GetUp CEO. Larissa Baldwin-Roberts and CBA whistleblower, Jeff Morris. Co Convenor of AAPP, Craig Andrews will MC the rally.

The wars on Iraq and Afghanistan resulted in the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of people, as well as injuring or displacing millions more. The wars caused widespread environmental destruction.

Join us to call on the Australian government to:

bring Assange home

drop the charges against McBride, and


Please come along to support David McBride and Julian Assange and to express horror that the countries which were responsible for so much heartbreak in Iraq and Afghanistan are bent on engaging in another war.

This rally is a joint event between the Alliance Against Political Prosecutions, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network and the Medical Association for the Prevention of War.

MAPW Fundraising dinner 6.30pm, 28 March, Ainslie Football Club, with speaker Prof Clinton Fernandes, author of Island of the Coast of Asia, and the recent Subimperial Power: Australia in the International Arena on AUKUS and Australias Role in the Emerging World Order.

This talk examines the contours of a changing global order and Australias....


It's war, right! "IndyWatch Feed National"

This reminds me of the dancing doctors and nurses. #ukraine Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) March 13, 2023


Australian Beaches Cleaned Significantly Through Waste Control Strategies "IndyWatch Feed National"


People oftentimes visit Australia not just to get a taste of the city, but to enjoy the beaches as well. In fact, thousands of visitors flock to the waters and watch as surfers ride the waves while others simply sunbathe.

However, with tourism also comes waste. People dont oftentimes think about the trash they leave behind. Theyre simply there to enjoy, without a care in the world. As a result, some parts of the beaches have been littered with so much plastic.

A recent scientific survey was conducted and when this was completed, researchers found that plastic on Australian beaches has fallen by 29 percent since they did the previous survey in 2013. They were impressed at what they found.

The authors of the study give credit to the well-executed and locally focused waste control strategies. They say that this is what Australians can achieve if they just put their heads together, and this may be something that the rest of the world could follow.

The efforts had been organized by the Australian national science agency. And for this y...


Paul Keating's statement condemning the Albanese Government over AUKUS and our China deterrent nuclear submarines "IndyWatch Feed National"

Conflict of interest anyone? The Albanese Governments complicity in joining with Britain and the United States in a tripartite build of a nuclear submarine for Australia under the AUKUS arrangements represents the worst international decision by an Australian Labor government since the former Labor leader, Billy Hughes, sought to introduce...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Pentagon Drones Gather Data for Kievs Future Strikes on Russia Ambassador to US

Anatoly Antonov quoted US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby as saying that US UAVs make these kinds of overflights on a daily basis

AP Photo/Michael Sohn

WASHINGTON, March 15. /TASS/. US drones are collecting reconnaissance data to be used by the Kiev forces for their future strikes on the Russian territory and Russian troops, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has said.

"The unacceptable actions of the United States military in the close proximity to our borders are cause for concern. We are well aware of the missions such reconnaissance and strike drones are used for," the ambassador was quoted as saying in a communique, issued in connection with Tuesdays US MQ-9 Reaper drones crash in the Black Sea.

The Russian diplomat quoted US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby as saying that US UAVs make these kinds of overflights on a daily basis.

"What do they do thousands of miles away from the United States? The answer is obvious - they gather intelligence which is later used by the Kiev regime to attack our armed forces and territory," Antonov said.

"We proceed from the fact that the United States will refrain from further speculations in the media landscape and stop making sorties near the Russian borders," he added.


Bowen clown show. "IndyWatch Feed National"

He falls somewhere short of convincing. Whenever Peter Dutton and Liberal & Nationals MPs talk about energy prices, remember that they voted for higher energy price rises and absolutely zero support for Australian businesses and households in Parliament. Chris Bowen (@Bowenchris) March 15, 2023


Establishment of the US Department of Defence All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office "IndyWatch Feed National"

Media release

On 20 July 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense published a media release titled "DoD Announces the Establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." The text of the release reads:

"On July 15, 2022, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence [DNI], amended her original direction to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security by renaming and expanding the scope of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group [AOIMSG] to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office [AARO], due to the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2022, which included a provision to establish an office, in coordination with DNI, with responsibilities that were broader than those originally assigned to the AOIMSG.

Today, USD (I&S) Hon Ronald S.  Moultrie informed the department of the establishment of AARO within the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and named Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick, most recently the Chief Scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency's Missile and Space Intelligence Center, as the Director of AARO.

The mission of the AARO will be to synchronize efforts across the Department of Defense, and with other US federal departments and agencies, to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in, on or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace and other areas of interest, and, as necessary, to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations and national security. This includes anomalous, unidentified space,...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

Putin Lambasts Version on Pipeline Blast by Ukrainian Activists

The explosion of such kind, with such power and at such depth, could only be made by specialists, supported by the whole might of a state having certain technologies, Russian President noted

ULAN-UDE, March 14. /TASS/. Statements that the terrorist act at Nord Stream pipelines was committed by certain Ukrainian activists not affiliated with official Kiev are downright nonsense, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview on Tuesday.

"I am confident this is utter nonsense," the President noted in a comment on publications offering such version.

"The explosion of such kind, with such power and at such depth, could only be made by specialists, supported by the whole might of a state having certain technologies, Putin noted. "Certainly," the Russian leader said, answering the question whether it can be assumed that exactly the Western countries committed the blast.

"One should always look for those having the interest. Who was interested? Theoretically the United States is certainly interested - to halt supplies of Russian energy resources to the European market and deliver volumes of its natural gas, particularly liquefied, even if it is much more expensive - by 25-30% - than Russian one," Putin said.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.80 AUD


EXPOSED! Police officer LIES to driver on national television "IndyWatch Feed National"

Don't trust this cop on his tormenting rant on driver licence possession. 

In the colony Australia the police lie to the people every single day.

They lie in the courts and on the streets. 

Its up to you to not just catch them out but most importantly, hold them accountable.

This is an excerpt from a longer video (available on liabilitymate), where the focus is on the police officers words and not the drivers arguments.

The Victorian police officer clearly states:

Theres been a traffic offence committed, right? And you are required in Victoria when you commit a traffic offence to give me you name and address and produce your licence.

First and foremost is that a police officer alleges that he saw a traffic offence being committed, where it's up to the courts to enforce the law, should you chose not to accept the alleged

He must also caution the driver of a legal action referred to in the U.S as the Miranda warning, which is also applicable here in Australia.

When you hold a driver licence, you are required to state your name, address DoB (Date of Birth) and thats it.

ANY other question asked by the officer, you have the right not to self incriminate and it is to your benefit that you do not answer any other questions, not matter how 'enticing' the may be, as they are actually entrapment.


Moody's downgrades entire US banking system from 'stable' to 'negative' - Biden's sky-high inflation "IndyWatch Feed National"

CNN: Moodys downgrades their outlook of the entire U.S. banking system amid the sky-high inflation under Biden RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 14, 2023


Govt committee in Pakistan lets plagiarizing vice-chancellor off the hook "IndyWatch Feed National"

Muhammad Suleman Tahir

A government expert committee in Pakistan last year cleared a university vice-chancellor of plagiarism charges based on inconsistent claims of ignorance, Retraction Watch has learned. 

The committee, which was convened by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), also appears to have flouted rules that would have held the vice-chancellor responsible even if he had no knowledge of any plagiarism committed by work under his supervision. HEC funds and oversees higher education in Pakistan.

This sends the wrong message to the academic community and undermines the credibility of the HEC, Farukh Iqbal, who brought the charges, told Retraction Watch.

The case seemed simple enough at first. But it has since spiraled into a saga that may reveal as much about the value of political muscle in Pakistan as it does about academic dishonesty.

In October 2020, Iqbal was working toward a PhD in chemical engineering at RMIT University in Australia when he noticed a new paper in the journal Fuel that looked familiar. The authors, it turned out, had lifted heavily from Iqbals 2017 masters thesis, as we reported in 2021.

Iqbal complained to both the HEC and Fuel. The journal investigated and found that Iqbals work had indeed been plagiarized. It pulled the paper in June 2021. (The retraction notice mistakenly refers to a PhD thesis.)

That same month, however, the first author of the retracted paper, Vice-chancellor...


Get 'em young. "IndyWatch Feed National"

BTN- Behind The News, Ep5 2023. Remember watching BTN in primary school? This is what they show now. As a parent are you happy with this content shown to your kids? SpannaG (@SpannaGoddess) March 14, 2023


Avatar, the Chthulucene and the problem of kinship "IndyWatch Feed National"

It is perhaps no surprise that James Camerons Avatar filmsrespectively the first and third highest grossing film of all timefail to offer an imagination which exceeds the banal territories of capitalism. But, through their lip-service and surface-level critique of it, the films show us precisely the way contemporary capitalism operates.

The post Avatar, the Chthulucene and the problem of kinship appeared first on Overland literary journal.


SA power users face shocking electricity price surge "IndyWatch Feed National"

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

South Australians who can least afford it will bear the brunt of proposed electricity price rises, according to the States peak advocacy body for the non-government health and community services sector, SACOSS.  


Kingscliff triathlon this weekend "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The twenty-fifth Kingscliff triathlon will take place at Kingscliff this weekend. Photo

The twenty-fifth Kingscliff triathlon will take place at Kingscliff this weekend. The event will welcome an expected field exceeding 1,300 athletes competing in various distances, including 200 junior athletes ranging from age 7 to 12.

Friday 17 March will host a Take 3 for the Sea beach clean up walk from Cudgen Surf Club at 7am, with all participants enjoying a free coffee afterwards. 

Saturday 18 March the Kingy Tri team will join the local Salt Park Run at 8am, offering random draw prizes to runners in attendance. 

From 9am on Saturday 18 March local families can come and join a Free Community Swim in Cudgen Creek, across 1km, 400m and Kids Splash n Dash distances. Interested families can register on the day up to 30 minutes prior to each event. 

Sunday 19 March will host the triathlon.

This year we are pleased to host a wider community program as part of the event weekend. With a focus on increasing local bed nights, weve added events for the whole family from barefoot bowls, to community swims, to beach clean up walks. And they are all completely free, said Race Director Mike Crawley.

This year we will also trial a move to Rowan Robinson Park to better centralise the flow of business along Marine Parade.

Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, said he was delighted to see the Kingscliff Triathlon back again in 2023 and encouraged locals to take advantage of the free activities on offer.



It flooded the first storey in 2022 so is a 60-lot development a good idea? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

60 Lot Residential Subdivision on Rileys Hill Road, Broadwater. Photo supplied

Wherever you look we have politicians saying there will be no more development on floodplains yet the message just doesnt seem to be getting through. 

The Richmond Valley Council (RVC) has been asked to approve a 60 Lot Residential Subdivision on Rileys Hill Road, Broadwater on a floodplain 70 metres from the Richmond River. According to locals the area flooded extensively during the 2022 flood with many houses across the road from the site being flooded up to and including the first floor.

The proposed subdivision plan was prepared by Ardill Payne in December last year (2022), for client Broadwater Riley Pty Ltd. The Australian Proprietary Company was registered on 3 December 2020 and has its registered office in Lennox Head.  



Their feelings. The only thing that matters. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Get 'em while they're young. I cant get over how much this sucks. Cancel your Netflix subscription. Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 14, 2023


Tucker Carlson Asked GOP Presidential Hopefuls About Ukraine: Trump Calls for Peace in Europe, Regime Change at Home; DeSantis Response Stuns Establishment "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tucker Carlson Asked GOP Presidential Hopefuls About Ukraine: Trump Calls for Peace in Europe, Regime Change at Home; DeSantis Response Stuns Establishment | 14 May 2023 | Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson asked Republican presidential hopefuls, those who have announced and those exploring a bid, about their policy on Russias war of aggression against Ukraine. Carlson reported the responses on Monday nights show and posted the responses in full on Twitter. Nikki Haley, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Asa Hutchison and Chris Sununu [five useless eaters] opted to not participate. But the number of politicians who did respond is impressive, considering as Carlson acknowledged that it was presumptuous of a cable news show to conduct such a query. Those who answered: President Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, Gov. Ron DeSantis (FL), Gov. Kristi Noem (SD), Greg Abbott (TX), Sen. Tim Scott (SC), former Gov. Chris Christie [also useless] (NJ) and Ohio businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. President Trump called for peace in Europe (but not at any price) and for regime change at home. [Exactly!]


The ghost who talks then doesnt "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

You can probably count on less than one hand the number of times Cr Andrew Bing has spoken in the Lismore Council chambers. Last nights meeting didnt take it beyond the status quo. Photo supplied.

At last nights Lismore Council meeting, Councillor Andrew Bing moved a motion that Lismore City Council begin the process to reduce the number of councillors from 11 to 9 as soon as practicable.

He immediately reserved his right to speak at the end of the debate then didnt take the opportunity to address the chamber.

Cr Bing is known for being tight-lipped and rarely, and sometimes never, utters any words at all during an entire council meeting, but it appeared that this was his moment and he had something to say.

The Councillor Comment as per the agenda said: We have eleven councillors, and for the population we have in our LGA, its an enormous impost on our council. Our population has shrunk, therefore councillor numbers should decrease.

The Staff Comment was that a referendum is required to reduce the number of councillors. The referendum could be run in conjunction with the 2024 Local Government Election which would be an increase of approximately 10 per cent of the total election cost. If successful, this would not come into effect until the following election in 2028.

Alternatively, the referendum could be run prior to and independently of the election in 2024, but this would incur the full cost of an election. This would come into effect at the 2024 election. 

Not the first time this issue has arisen

Cr Adam Guise said the motion was an interesting one that had raised its hea...


The Upcoming Northwest "Heatwave" "IndyWatch Feed National"


On Friday afternoon at 4 PM, where would be the better place to put on your sunglasses and go outside for a warm St. Patrick's Day stroll?

Seattle or Los Angeles?

The surprising answer:  SEATTLE!

To illustrate the stunning situation, here is the latest European Center surface air temperature forecast at that time.    59F in Seattle and even higher over Chehalis and Portland.

In contrast, about 55-56F in LA on Friday afternoon.



Anthony Albanese goes to the United States and plays the sycophant "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Joe Montero

Anthony Albaneses performance in San Diego was an embarrassment. Surely, he could have at least pretended to be other than a fawning puppet of the United States. Standing up as a leader with his own mind and a little independence would have won respect. The cringe worthy performance failed to do this. Many expected much better from a government they expected to turn away from the foreign policy of the Scott Morrison era. They are left disappointed.

The Australian Prime Minister joined US president Joe Biden and British Prime Minister rishi Sunak. These are the three countries joined in the AUKUS alliance, and it has been clear from who is calling the shots from the start. This has now been confirmed. Biden made it clear that hat his words that the purpose is to ensure the Indo-Pacific is kept free and open. This is code for maintaining the two oceans as United States spheres of influence and control. Sunak and Albanese played second fiddle.

Photo by Leah Millis/Reuters: U.S. President Joe Biden meets with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, at Naval Base Point Loma in San Diego, California 

Australia has signed up for the stationing of a fleet of nuclear submarines and expanding the number of United States military personnel on Australian soil and this has nothing to do with the defence of Australia. If this had been the case, equipping the Australian Defence Force would have taken a different form. It would not be based on the means to fight overseas, which is exactly what the submarines and the military alliance is all about.

The cost has of the submarines already blown out to $368 billion and likely to blow out much more before they are delivered sometime after 2030. This will impose a considerable cost on the Australian government and economy. Investment that could have been used for more useful purposes will be directed down this black hole.

If the truth were told, it would be said that these submarines will not really be Australian. They will remain under Washingtons command, while Australia gets saddled with the bill. The expanded port in Western Australia will become an American facility. The promised small arms and military supp...


National Australia Bank makes first-ever cross-border stablecoin transaction "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Big Four Australian bank is the second to issue a stablecoin and hopes to support transactions by corporate clients by the end of the year.




Turn up the music. Turn down the lights.

Splendour in the Grass, your annual hit of good as hell music and arts, returns to North Byron Parklands from Friday 21 to Sunday 23 July. With the full lineup set to drop in just a few weeks time, its about damn time that Splendour shared a secret with you

Making her much anticipated pilgrimage across the globe to beautiful Byron Bay for Splendours 21st edition is 4 x GRAMMY Award-winning singer, Emmy Award-winner, songwriter, rapper, flautist, and singer of those tunes you just cant get enough of Lizzo!

Theres no denying it. Lizzo has shifted the sound, soul, and spirit of popular music and culture. Shes maintained unstoppable momentum since 2019s now-classic, RIAA platinum certified debut album, CUZ I LOVE YOU. The album is fuelled by history-making hits like the platinum certified Tempo (feat. Missy Elliott), the 2x platinum Juice, the 4x platinum Good As Hell and the 7x platinum Truth Hurts. The latter ascended to #1 on Billboards Hot 100, affirming Lizzo as the first black solo female R&B singer to claim the top spot since 2012 and became the longest-running #1 by a solo female rap artist ever.

Named by Rolling Stone as one of the 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time, Truth Hurts went on to earn a GRAMMY Award for Best Pop Solo Performance, with CUZ I LOVE YOU (DELUXE) receiving a GRAMMY for Best Urban Contemporary Album.

Lizzo makes her Splendour debut armed with her biggest, boldest, and brightest revolution thus far: her hugely adored second full-length offering Special. Bursting with chunky disco-funk beats designed to make you move, Specials spirited, charismatic anthems are her most adventurous yet. The album saw Lizzo receive 5 nominations at the 65th Annual GRAMMY Awards with lead single About Damn Time taking out the coveted title of Record Of The Year.

Crowned 2019s Entertainer of the Year by bothTIME and Entertainment Weekly, Lizzo has lit up the stage at the American Music Awards, the MTV Video Music Awards, the BET Awards and Saturday Night Live, and now its our turn!

Joining Lizzo will be over 100 of the worlds most provocative and prolific musicians and DJs, alongside a crew of celebrated homegrown talent. Sit tight and stay tuned for the rest of the lineup, which is coming very soon!

Dont want to miss Lizzo as she lights up the amphitheatre? Splendours got you covered with the festivals FIRST RELEASE TICKET SALE. Sign up now to purchase Splendour in the Grass 2023 3 Day Event and Camping Tickets at special early prices, available until allocation ex...


More resources needed on the ground for Northern Rivers DV services "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Alex Rubin (Nationals), Jacqui Watts CEO of No to Violence and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin (Labor) at the Lismore listening session last week. Photo supplied

The domestic violence (DV) services in the Northern Rivers were already underfunded and stretched before the 2022 floods. Since then they have been inundated with people needing their help as the pressures from the floods, the previous fires and the covid pandemic took their toll.

There is always the spike that takes place after natural disasters like fires, floods, and earthquakes, Jacqui Watt, CEO of No to Violence told The Echo, following their listening session in Lismore last week.

No to Violence (NTV) are a not-for-profit that works with men who use domestic violence, supporting them to change their behaviour through counselling services like their Mens Referral Service phone line. They also advocate for the wider perpetrator intervention sector, which also runs behaviour change programs and other services.

Ahead of the 2023 NSW state elections they are on a listening tour and they spent the day in Lismore meeting with three of the candidates running for the seat of Li...


Independent MLC candidate Farrelly holds forum in Byron, March 16 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Elizabeth Farrelly, architect, academic, columnist, is running for the NSW Upper House. Photo supplied

Architect, academic, columnist and 2023 NSW Upper House candidate, Elizabeth Farrelly, will be in conversation with councillor and lawyer, Mark Swivel, on Thursday March 16, at Barrio at Habitat, Porter Street, Byron Bay, from 6pm.

They will discuss issues of particular importance to the Northern Rivers region, such as climate change, mitigating flood risks, jobs creation, cost of living issues and affordable housing for locals, with audience questions and contributions welcomed.

Farrelly says, The challenges facing NSW, and regional NSW in particular, have been growing in magnitude and urgency. But the major parties dont seem to do much about them they dont seem to want to. Elizabeth  Farrelly Independents represents ALL NSW, not just pork-barrelled marginals or the inner city, and we want to address these important issues.

Unlike the major parties, we dont answer to party bosses, big donors or lobbyist mates. Were not interested in political games or point-scoring. Were passionate about positive outcomes for everyone in NSW, whoever you are, wherever you are, Farrelly says. Our beautiful state deserves a long-term vision that puts its land and people first, letting our diverse  communities thrive for generations to come.



Feros board refuse to provide evidence of facility closure claims "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Matilda, Kate Smorty and Dianne Briend. Photo Eve Jeffery

With Feros announcing it will redevelop its aged care facility in Byron Bay, the management board, through a public relations manager, have declined to provide The Echo with evidence that the aged care home does not meet the current government standards as a residential care facility.

The Echo sought confirmation of claims by the Feros board that the facility cannot be upgraded to meet the current government standards as a residential care facility and has to close. 

The Echo asked, Is there a report, or government document, that supports this claim?.

The board replied, There are many factors that make it impossible for Feros Care Byron Bay to remain open in its current form. This is because the home now needs to meet the more stringent requirements of nursing home standards.

It comes as elderly residents, some of whom had ju...


Election 2023  Clarence: Dr Leon Ankersmit "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Dr Leon Ankersmit is running for Labor in the seat of Clarence.

Dr Leon Ankersmit is running for Labor in the seat of Clarence. After working for 30 years in the community services sector he says it is vital to provide affordable housing.

What is your big number one issue that youre looking at going into this election?

The biggest issue for our region is housing. Housing cost is the main driver of cost of living pressure, and housing supply is under great pressure especially now that so many dwellings are uninhabitable following the floods.

A related factor is the availability of tradespeople to build and repair homes. We have lost 60,000 trade apprenticeships during the past ten years in NSW and we are now seeing the effect of having ignored the warning signs for a decade because we simply do not have enough workers to address the housing crisis.



Protecting old growth trees and saving Banyabba Koalas in March 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


The Echo, 10 March 2023:

View over Valeries boots at the logging taking place in Doubleduke State Forest. Photo supplied

The magnificent old trees in a grove known as the Gully of the Giants are still standing this morning. They might not be so lucky tomorrow. The trees are part of Doubleduke State Forest, west of Evans Head, being logged under the auspices of the NSW Governments Forestry Corporation.

Logging couldnt go ahead this morning because yesterday, Save Banyabbas Koalas Valerie Thompson, bought the Gully Giants a reprieve. Logging was unable to commence due to the logging machinery having been captured by the ropes suspending Valeries tree platform.


Tuesday, 14 March


Election candidate Loughrey responds to comments around Indigenous massacres "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The following is an unedited reply to questions put to Independent Kevin Loughrey.

In a Bay FM interview last week, Loughrey made claims around Indigenous massacres that occurred by early European settlers. As upset listeners called the station, The Echo sought clarification.

Loughrey told BayFM presenter Mia Armitage, From the very beginning of settlement in this country, the administrations had a benign attitude towards the Aborigines, and did their utmost to try and integrate them into modern society.

The Echo asked, Where do you source your views from? You also said, If we have any criticism at all, it is that we left those children who were full blooded Aboriginals in their despicable circumstances. And that included things like child rape and so forth.

The Echo asked, Are you talking about marriage age in Aboriginal cultures, when you talk about child rape? Or are you saying that full-blood Aboriginal communities in colonial times had a lot of actual child rape by Aboriginals, as opposed to rape by colonists? If so, is there a historian that youre relying on for that information?

Independent Kevin Loughrey.

Loughreys reply:

Dear Hans and Mia

Some things you should know. My eldest brother was murdered by two tick a box Aborigines.  I was put into foster care when I was four because my mother was so ill she could not look after me. Life just after the 2nd World War was austere and tough.  I grew up with families who were real Aborigines, not the pretenders you see parading around today.  They had exactly the same opportunities as I had.  One of them who was friends with my elder brothers, Peter K, went on to own a successful furniture removal company.  There were 4 boys in that family and two girls.  The other three boys went on to become a doctor, teacher and lawyer. My father owned a corner grocery store and gave them groceries when times were tough.  Mr K the father lost his leg in an industrial accident.  So anyone who suggests Aborigines were disadvantaged are taking far too generalised and simplistic view of thin...


NSW election candidate Q&A for Ballina "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Candidates for the seat of Ballin ain the 2023 NSW state election.




Where do the candidates stand on policy and values? The following questions were put to all local candidates for the state election, to be held March 25. Candidates are listed as they will appear on the ballot.

Holiday letting

Do you support Councils precinct proposal or supports the governments intervention and decision after the IPC recommendations?

Peter Jenkins Sustainable Australia Party

Yes. Local governments and owners corporations should be given more rights to impose restrictions on short-stay accommodation. Housing is a fundamental need and human right.

Andrew Broadley NSW Labor

Absolutely. The decision by the National Party to break yet another election promise and send this decision to the Planning Panel is a disgrace. Byron Shire residents were promised a 90-day option before the last election and have been let down yet again. Byron Council have undertaken significant community consultation in developing their proposal. The views of the community regarding the operation of STRA should be respected.

Kevin Loughrey Independent

Absolutely not. It is effectively the theft of private property.  Not only that, holiday rental brings wealth into our community. Fix the housing and rental shortage by creating more houses, not by robbing people of the use of their property to derive an income.



The ugly face of NSW Labor is still in business. "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Just in case you were fooled into thinking that NSW Labor was all nice, new, and clean - a quick reminder, people like Laurie Ferguson is still pulling the strings. Far left Laurie is long gone from the shop-front of Australian politics but he still lingers in the back rooms....


Vote for Food Scorecard "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

VOTE FOR FOOD SCORECARD OF MAJOR PARTY POLICIES ON FOOD FOR THE NSW ELECTION The upcoming NSW election will be contested in the context of substantial cost of living rises, extreme weather and continued pandemic recovery. Sustain, Food Fairness Illawarra, Professor Karen Charlton from the University of Wollongong, Australias Right to Food Coalition, Community []

The post Vote for Food Scorecard appeared first on CGA.


Ballinas surprise ghost candidate declines Meet the Candidates invite "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The NSW State Election is scheduled for 25 March 2023. (File pic)

Ballina voters had a surprise fifth candidate appear when the electorates ballot paper was drawn last week: Peter Jenkins for the Sustainable Australia Party (SAP).

Mr Jenkins drew whats called the donkey position: the candidate named at the top of the ballot form list. Its considered an advantage owing to a percentage of unengaged voters who will just vote 1 for the first candidate.

The minor party representative appears to be akin to a ghost candidate, a term used during the 2022 federal election with reference to Pauline Hansons One Nation Partys field of candidates, including in the Northern Rivers division of Richmond.

Ghost candidates were typically living outside electorates they were running in, and had low campaign profiles, including minimal engagement with the communities they were named as representing.

Peter Jenkins is registered as living in Bellingen, a riverine village halfway between Sydney and Brisbane in the state electorate of Oxley.



Rental relief in the regions "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

City rentals tighten

SQM Research reported today an increase in rental vacancy rates in Darwin, Canberra, Hobart, as well as many regional locations, as the long tail of the dwelling construction pipeline delivered some welcome relief to tenants.

There were significant increases in rental vacancy rates in many parts of regional Australia: Gold Coast, Mornington Peninsula, and the Blue Mountains, for example.

On the other hand there were sharp declines to very tight levels in CBD vacancy rates for Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, as international students rushed back to Australia. 

Overall, there is likely to be ongoing pressure in the rental markets of the larger capital cities as students return and as employers increasingly require employees to be back in the office. 

Indeed there was no respite for renters in the largest capitals, with asking rents for units rising nearly 9 per cent in Sydney and Melbourne over the past quarter, while Brisbane wasn't far behind. 


Election 2023 Tweed: Craig Elliot "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Craig Elliot is running for the seat of Tweed on behalf of Labor. Photo supplied

Long-term resident Craig Elliot is running for the seat of Tweed in the 2023 elections. He ran for Labor in the 2019 election coming in second for the two-party preferred vote behind sitting Nationals member Geoff Provest. Mr Elliot would need at least a five per cent swing in his favour to win.

What is your big number one issue that youre looking at going into this election? 

We need a fresh start for Tweed, and thats something Geoff Provest and his boss Dominic Perrottet cant give us. Our area needs a Tweed Labor MP so we can have a strong voice in a new, energetic Minns Government. After 12 years in power the Liberals and Nationals have had their chance theyre just a tired old government.

Labor has positive and fresh plans to address the cost-of-living crisis, the housing emergency, resuscitate our health system and rebuild our health workforce, to recruit and retain more teachers, and to repair the damage caused by 12 years of the Liberals and Nationals privatisation. 

What is your background what did you study or train for? What skills do you bring to this? What is your current job? 

I have lived in Tweed for more than 25 years with my wife Justine, [who is the Federal MP for the seat of Richmond] and we have raised our now two adult children Alex and Joe on the North Coast.

I am an electrician by trade, a former frontline police officer and currently employed as a Superintendent in Corrective Services. I hold a Ba...


Nats candidate for Ballina responds to pork barrelling claims "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Josh Booyens Nationals candidate for the state seat of Ballina

The Nationals candidate for the seat of Ballina in this months state election has defended practices labelled pork-barrelling in the lead-up to a Meet the Candidates forum in Byron.

Look, I cannot accept this talking down of fighting for investment for regions, Nationals candidate Josh Booyens told Bay FM 99.9 listeners in a recorded interview aired last Friday, I cannot accept it at all.

Mr Booyens said the electorate was in a unique situation.

The Nationals candidate said hed spoken to clubs and organisations from Ocean Shores to Wardell that had been recipients of grants from the state government.

The grants had been allocated not because of our local member, Mr Booyens said, but because these clubs, organisations and councils bypass our local member and go to Ben Franklin, or go directly to the minister.

Councils do the same thing as well, Mr Booyens said.

That to me is effective representation.

Any dollar a good dollar



Extraordinary and powerful documentary showing on April 5 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Ballina Region for Refugees will present the inspirational movie And Still I Sing at the Byron Theatre on the evening of April 5 to raise funds for its refugee resettlement program.

Two Syrian families are now living in Ballina and Byron shires, with a third family coming in the next couple of months.

A screen shot from the documentary And Still I Sing. Image supplied

The group plan to help two more refugee families make new lives in our region before the end of 2023.  Funds are urgently needed for accommodation, transport, food and household expenses etc to help the families integrate into their new communities.

An extraordinary documentary by Afghan filmmaker Fazila Amiri, And Still I Sing is the remarkable story of three female singers from Afghanistan who courageously use their voices to stand up for womens rights despite threats of violence and even death.

Zahra and Sadiqa are contestants on Afghan Star mentored by trailblazing pop singer and Afghan Starjudge Aryana Sayeed, fighting against oppression and misogyny as they compete to become the shows first female winner.

Pop music was banned by the Taliban during their previous reign from 1996-2001. As one of Afghanistans most famous pop stars, Sayeed received countless death threats and fled the country before returning after the regimes fall. As well as Afghan Star she is also planning a concert in Kabul, hoping to unite the nation in celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence from British rule. But the threat of violence is ever present, and it has to be organised through the right channels to ensure security but without tipping off the Taliban who are moving ever closer to the capital.

And Still I Sing follows the heroic personal journeys of all three during the tu...


Seemacht EU "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Die Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie der EU

Erstmals verabschiedet hat die EU eine Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie (European Maritime Security Strategy, EUMSS) im Jahr 2014. Zur Begrndung hie es damals, der grere Teil nicht nur des Auen-, sondern auch des Binnenhandels der Union werde auf dem Seeweg abgewickelt. Insbesondere hnge die Energiesicherheit der EU in hohem Ma vom Import von Energietrgern ber die Weltmeere ab.[1] Nicht zuletzt verliefen ber 70 Prozent der EU-Auengrenzen im Meer. Die Sicherheit der maritimen Gewsser bzw. die Sicherung der Seewege seien deshalb fr die EU von grter Bedeutung. Bereits damals hie es, dies gelte grundstzlich global insbesondere fr das Netzwerk der Schifffahrtsrouten zwischen Kontinenten, aber auch fr verschiedene Seegebiete mit spezieller strategischer Bedeutung. Besonders habe die EU die Nord- und die Ostsee, das Mittel- und das Schwarze Meer, die arktischen Gewsser und den Atlantischen Ozean sowie die Outermost Regions (OMR, Gebiete in uerster Randlage) im Blick. Letzteres bezieht sich auf die Gewsser rings um oder vor Territorien etwa in der Karibik oder im Indischen bzw. im Pazifischen Ozean, die von EU-Staaten kontrolliert werden Lnder und Inseln, die die Kolonialmchte einst erobert hatten und die sie bis heute in ihrem Besitz halten.

Im Golf von Guinea

Die neue Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie, die die EU-Kommission und der Auenbeauftragte Josep Borrell am Freitag vorgelegt haben, knpft im Kern an die Version aus dem Jahr 2014 an. So heit es, auch weiterhin msse man zum Beispiel gegen Piraterie, Menschenhandel, Schmuggel von Waffen und Drogen, illegalen Fischfang oder Terrorismus vorgehen; die EU tue dies beispielsweise im Rahmen ihrer Operation Atalanta, mit der sie seit 2008 am Horn von Afrika Piraten bekmpft, oder im Rahmen ihrer Operation Irini, mit der sie seit 2020 das Waffenembargo gegen Libyen durchzusetzen sucht. Auerdem sollen Manahmen wie diejenigen weitergefhrt werden, mit denen die EU im Golf von Guinea ttig ist. Die Region ist seit vielen Jahren von Piraterie betroffen, was die Union insofern trifft, als dort zahllose europische Handelsschiffe kreuzen. Die EU untersttzt jetzt Anrainerstaaten bzw. regionale Organisationen etwa bei der Verbesserung der Hafensicherheit oder auch bei Entwicklung sowie Umsetzung maritimer Sicherheitsstrategien.[2] In der Vergangenheit hat die Deutsche Marine auch schon an Gromanvern im Golf von Guinea teilgenommen, deren Ziel darin bestand, den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen Piraten zu proben.[3]

Strategischer Wettbewerb

Allerdings geht die neue Maritime Sicherheitsstrategie ber die Einsatz- und Operationswelt ihrer Vorgngerin deutlich hinaus. Zum einen zielt sie auf den verstrkten Schutz der eigenen maritimen Infrastruktur ab etwa auf den Schutz von Hfen und Ksteninfrastruktur, von Schiffen, aber auch von Pipelines und Unterseekabeln, und zwar unter explizitem Bezug auf den Ansch...


Byron Bay Main Beach carpark closed for two nights "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Byron Bays popular Main Beach carpark will be closed for two nights on 14-15 March 2023.

The reason for the closure is to allow for the installation of concrete wheel stops in the car parking spaces. In keeping with the colourful Byron vibe, the stops will be painted to represent the sand and the ocean so they can be easily seen by walkers and drivers.

Main Beach carpark is not only a carpark, but it serves as a great place for people to check the surf and take in the spectacular beach vista from the lighthouse right up the coast, James Flockton, Councils Infrastructure Planning Coordinator, said.

At the moment there is no barrier at the end of the car parking spaces that front the ocean, and often drivers are parking over the footpath which is impeding pedestrian access, Mr Flockton said.

Its very tricky for people pushing prams or using mobility devices to navigate the cars.

The wheel stops will stop drivers unknowingly parking on the footpath and it will be a lot safer for pedestrians as well.

The carpark will be closed from 8pm to 3am this Tuesday and Wednesday night.

Electronic signs will be in place advising of the closure.

The post Byron Bay Main Beach carpark closed for two nights appeared first on The Echo.


NSW Police Falsely Claimed that Violet Coco Blocked an Ambulance "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

good cross-section of NSW civil society was appalled when Violet Coco was sentenced to 15 months prison time last December, in relation to her taking part in a Fireproof Australia action that blocked one lane just one lane of the Sydney Harbour Bridge for 25 minutes last April.

During the hearing, NSW police argued that Coco and the three other Fireproof Australia activists conducting the nonviolent direct action to warn of the escalating climate crisis had blocked an ambulance trying to get across this bridge with its lights and sirens on responding to an emergency.

At the time, there had been an uptick in nonviolent climate action in Sydney, much of which involved road blockages, with the chief argument against these protests put by AM radio shock jocks and conservative politicians being they could block an ambulance responding to an emergency.

So, it was quite convenient that an ambulance had been put out by this action, as it served to validate the opposing position, just after the Perrottet government had rolled out its harsh antiprotest laws, while prominent climate defender Violet Coco was putting her liberty on the line.

But on Tuesday, when two fellow Fireproof activists, Alan Glover and Karen Fitz-Gibbon, went before Downing Centre Local Court, the NSW Police Force withdrew its false allegation that an ambulance had been blocked by their Harbour Bridge action, which has clear implications for C...


Ballina not taken for granted as MP Tamara Smith pursues re-election "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Ballina MP Tamara Smith. Photo Tree Faerie.

The Ballina electorate is one of the key seats to watch in this months NSW state election, with a three way tussle between the Greens, Labor and the Nationals, and the result likely to be decided by preferences. With a background in teaching and the law, the Greens Tamara Smith has represented the region since she was elected in 2015, riding the anti-CSG wave, and then re-elected in 2019 with a 4.7% swing.

Ms Smith was the first Greens MP to be elected in regional NSW, with the electorate since becoming a major focus of the National Party, who held the seat from 1998 to 2015.

In recent months Tamara Smith has been speaking to as many people as possible across her diverse patch, which includes Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Brunswick Heads, Alstonville and Ballina. She said there have been numerous roundtable meetings to make sure that we leave no stone unturned in terms of what is needed in our community.

Discussions this time have also focused on what the community wants to prioritise if it comes to a balance of power situation after 25 March.

Weve been running a really strong grassroots campaign for over six months, Ms Smith told The Echo. Our volunteers have been absolutely amazing. Weve knocked on thousands of doors, and weve had lots of meanin...


Who is going to tell Clarence Valley Council that they are being a tad overly optimistic about the long-term outcomes from this roadwork? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


Clarence Valley Council Noticeboard, 10 March 2023:

Low-lying section of Yamba Road to be raised

Yamba Road will have increased flood immunity under the Regional Roads and Transport Recovery Package co-funded by the NSW and Federal governments.

A grant of almost $10 million announced 02 March will go towards raising Yamba Road between Harwood Bridge and Palmers Channel by approximately one metre. This low spot is typically the first section of Yamba Road to close during riverine flooding.

Once complete, Yamba and surrounding communities will experience significantly less days of isolation during floods. The betterment will eliminate road closures for flood events of 10 per cent annual exceedance probability or less, compared to up to 72 hours under current conditions.


Monday, 13 March


Were a target. What to do? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Australians should take special heed of the analysis of the noted defence strategist Peter Jennings and then draw the exact opposite conclusion from his about what should be done.

Jennings, who for 10 years was executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and was a deputy secretary of the Department of Defence, was one of five defence experts lined up by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in a series titled Red Alert. Its aim was to provide a more public discussion about Australias defence needs than what will come out of the secretive Defence Strategic Review. And it was widely taken up by other media.

The fives conclusion was to expect war with China sooner rather than later because China was determined to take over Taiwan by force if necessary. The US would then move militarily to defend Taiwan and Australia would have to join in.

Jennings pointed out that in the first 72 hours China could fire missiles (with or without nuclear warheads) on the naval fleet bases in Sydney and Perth, on RAAF bases near Brisbane and Darwin, and on communications bases near Alice Springs and Exmouth, among other targets.

The five concluded that war with China was almost inevitable and Australia needed an urgent massive upgrade and spend on its military and must maintain and strengthen its alliance with the US.

Those conclusions defy logic. Surely if Australian cities are going to be bombed because we are mad enough to follow the US blindly into a conflict which has nothing to do with us, the better course of action would be not to follow the US into that war and to loosen the ties with the US so that Australia could have its own defence policy and aims.

And the main aim should be to avoid war.

Lets take a cold hard look at Taiwan. Like most Australians, I like democracy and Taiwan is democratic. But I would rather see Taiwan go under the communist yoke than see Australian cities bombed possibly with nuclear weapons (think Hiroshima and picture Sydney looking like that destroyed city in 1945).

We should look at the aims of the US, Austr...


The Myth of Fair Value "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

QUESTION: If the metals are not trading at a fair value relative to everything else, then does that not prove they are manipulated?



ANSWER: Your problem is the assumption that everything must be trading at some fair value. That is up there with the theory of random walks.  ALL markets trade for periods where they remain well below fair value. That was the entire takeover boom of the 1980s which they also blamed on me because I was advising many of the takeover players. I simply showed these charts back then which show in terms of book value, the Dow Jones bottomed in 1977. The market was grossly undervalued because you could buy a company, sell all its tangible assets, and double or triple your money. Michael Douglas famous speech in that movie about greed would not even be possible if everything always trade like some mythical robot at fair value. Everything overshoots and undershoots.



Questions About You Must Know the Answers To "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Timing is everything
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The Metals Are Not Manipulated "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

COMMENT: Marty; Two former Merrill Lynch traders were each sentenced to a year and a day in prison Thursday for manipulating the precious metals markets, the US Department of Justice announced. Of course, - , which is forever bullish metals, claims they moved the metals in the direction they wanted from 2008 to 2014. It just seems that people claim it is always manipulation when they have been wrong. They only look at gold in dollars as you have said its a global market. They would have to manipulate all the currencies as well.

This latest affair of so-called manipulating trades during the day proves what you have been saying. They have always been gunning for stops during the day, but they cannot manipulate the trend between a bull or bear market. Do you think people will ever understand this is a global economy?


ANSWER: I know. Unless people have actually been a trader, they will never understand the market. They will blame people like this to pretend they were not wrong. The problem is that this nonsense of manipulation is driving a stake through the heart of the market. Trading is like a poker game. Do you reveal your hand before everyone starts to bet? Sometimes you bluff, but the point is if you are bluffing, you have to stand behind your bet.



The mere fact that someone is blaming this type...


Health Officials Caught Deploying Fear and Staging Coverup "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

In January 2022, House Oversight Committee Republicans released a batch of emails sent to and from the National Institutes of Health (NIH),1,2,3 showing that scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic strongly suspected SARS-CoV-2 was a genetically engineered virus.

The correspondence also revealed that NIH leaders Dr. Anthony Fauci and then-NIH chief Dr. Francis Collins were nervous about the possibility that they'd funded the creation of this virus and were determined to suppress questions about its origin.

Fauci, Collins and at least 11 scientists convened for a conference call February 1, 2020, during which they discussed the evidence for genetic manipulation. Yet, no more than three days later, by February 4, four of the participants had already drafted a paper titled "The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2," in which they dismissed the possibility of a lab origin for the virus.

One of the authors of this paper, Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., a professor at Scripps Research, has so far insisted that Fauci did not attempt to influence the working group's conclusions.

In a letter to Sens. James Comer and Jim Jordan, Scripps Research answering questions on Andersen's behalf claimed that Andersen "objectively weighted all the evidence available to him." In a March 5, 2023, memorandum,4,5 the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic laid out evidence showing that this assertion is "demonstrably false."

Fauci and Collins Prompted Creation of 'Proximal Origin'

According to the Select Subcommittee, the evidence available clearly shows that Fauci did indeed prompt Andersen to write "Proximal Origin," and for a specific reason, namely to "disprove" the lab leak theory. "The authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal," the Subcommittee writes.

As noted in the memorandum,6 in a February 8, 2020, email, Andersen stated: "Our main work over the last couple of weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory " Furthermore, in a February 12 email to the journal Nature, Andersen openly and clearly admitted Fauci's and Collins' influence:7



WATCH: Building Community #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The powers-that-shouldnt-be are trying to keep us apart. Divided. Alone in the urban jungle. And so, building community is a way to fight back by constructing something newBut no one said building a community is easy. Join James Corbett for this episode of #SolutionsWatch, as he looks at The Conscious Agora and other examples of



MARCH 10TH, 2023 Source John Pilger This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger in Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dorminos sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, Figures of Courage. I have known Julian Assange since I first interviewed him in London []

Sunday, 12 March



Sydney on 10 March to mark the launch in Australia of Davide Dormino's sculpture of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, 'figures of courage'.

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