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Sunday, 16 April


NPR ragequits Twitter. Musk hatte zuvor dafr gesorgt, ... "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

NPR ragequits Twitter. Musk hatte zuvor dafr gesorgt, dass an ihren Tweets das Warnlabel "state-affiliated media" klebt, das sonst fr Organisationen wie Russia Today reserviert ist.

Pikantersweise hat die Deutsche Welle kein solches Warnlabel, obwohl es da ja tatschlich hingehren wrde.

Das Money Quote aus dem Artikel ist allerdings das hier:

For years, many journalists considered Twitter critical to monitoring news developments
Muhahahaha, ja, damals... Gute Zeiten!!

Ich finde ja immer bemerkenswert, wie viele Leute Elon Musk fr ein Genie halten, oder zumindest fr eine schlaue Person.

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IndyWatch Bellingen NSW All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 15 April


Hey Chris Minns: flags should be at half mast for a Paramedic murdered on duty. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Easy to overlook the things that matter in the early days of a new government. But this matters. On Friday morning, a young Paramedic was murdered on duty at Campbelltown in Sydney. Horrific. Thankfully, this happens so so rarely that this calls for a strong statement from the State. We...


Shocking. "IndyWatch Feed National"

More from Darwin @BenFordhamLive @liammendes Action for Alice 2020 - Darren Clark (@actionforalice) April 15, 2023


BRICS vs. The Debt Iceberg "IndyWatch Feed National"

Titanic formerly known as Olympic with J.J. Astor aboard

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Our newly generated CBDCs will be sold on safety, basically, a blockchain arrangement where every cent is traceable from its first creation. With the increase in hacking and identity fraud, the public will rush to the CBDC database with its security and convenience. Just a small chip implanted next to the thumb or for the more fainthearted, iris recognition and all your account changes will be notified instantly via the hip-pocket telephone.

In old times native Americans used beads for money and this went on presumably for very many generations. When the Europeans appeared they brought counterfeit beads and paid for real estate and services with these beads, which destroyed the local economy.

The natives were not so much swindled as betrayed, the newcomers were not playing by the established rules. Now its happening all over again, money has been swapped for debt.

The money at present in your pocket and bank account is not sound money on a solid foundation of gold with sensible layers of currencies, bonds, shares and options on top, this is a popular imagining, based on various historical arrangements which no longer exist. The king, queen, or president on one side, as commander of the army, is your best guarantee of security but even that doesnt make modern money sound. Modern money is not piled up like a py...


Warning to ADF Chief General Campbell - pack your toothbrush over war crimes. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Great work from our mate Ross Eastgate OAM. Thank you Ross. Lest We Forget. All ranks should be aware about what's coming BEN Fernencz, the last Nuremberg War Crimes trials prosecutor died on April 7, aged 103. Fernencz successfully prosecuted dozens of Nazis accused of committing war crimes, and then...


The legal realities of Albanese's Vanity Voice to Parliament "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you Steve for the tip on this great insight into Albanese's Voice.


The Road to Legendhood "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Mike Palecek

HE STOOD FIRM, FINE, LEAN, justice warrior, smart, ebullient, handsome, simulated, phony baloney.

In The Hall Of Me, a cavernous though sparkling, ravishingly lit room of mirrors.
From the middle He saw the smoke machine finally beginning to work, the rolls billowing, spreading out, like the ghosts of Damascus past.

This was his favorite room, one of several hundred, maybe soon several thousand with the planned additions, of His Library Of Me, taking up sizeable, significant acreage in this Chicago neighborhood that could have no more purposeful purpose, He had to admit.

Out in front sat the bronze statue showing Him dealing three-card monte on Pennsylvania Avenue wearing His Magicians hat, His wand in a pocket, a white rabbit on His lap and Habeas Corpus under his feet.

From the rooftop helicopter pad He could be in Marthas Vineyard in a quick jiffy, if need be, or D.C., or Honolulu, Tel Aviv or Nairobi, as the case may be.

He sported a gabardine suit, open shirt, sandals, sunglasses atop His head, and gold, embossed Forty Years of Service de...


How Can Biden Model Success For The Next Generation If He Cant Even Explain What It Is? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Joe Biden stands with group of children waving flagsInstead of looking into the eyes of the future and offering an answer that might truly speak to young people, Biden made it all about himself.


Die "Zeit" hat ein paar Chatnachrichten von Axel-Springer-Chef ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Die "Zeit" hat ein paar Chatnachrichten von Axel-Springer-Chef Dpfner verffentlicht. Der Link geht zur Tagesschau, bei der "Zeit" ist das hinter Paywall.

Die "Zeit" hat sich entschieden, die Chatnachrichten nicht zu paraphrasieren, sondern sie inklusive Tipp- und Grammatikfehlern zu zitieren, wodurch Dpfner wie ein unterbelichteter Vollidiot wirkt. Nicht nur das, sie packen noch "mit ibama meint er vielleicht den US-Prsidenten Barack Obama" und so dran, um den Eindruck noch zu verstrken.

Ich habe das bei der Lektre als sehr manipulativ und unter der Grtellinie empfunden. berhaupt fhle ich mich sehr unwohl bei dieser ganzen Nummer. Ist das legitim, private Chatnachrichten von anderen Leuten zu beschaffen, zu lesen und dann auch noch zu verffentlichen? Die zitieren jetzt nicht Dpfners Pornoprferenzen, aber es fhlt sich trotzdem wie ein sehr unfairer Eingriff in jemandes Privatsphre an.

Gut, viele von den Nachrichten haben tatschlich einen Nachrichtenwert. Beispielsweise dass Dpfner seine Mitarbeiter im Wahlkampf "gefragt" hat, ob man nicht noch mehr fr die FDP zu tun, damit die genug Hebel haben, die Ampel kaputtmachen zu knnen. Das ist skandals, aber jetzt auch nicht wirklich berraschend. Die Springer-Publikationen standen noch nie fr journalistische Integritt und Unabhngigkeit.

Sie haben auch ein paar Ossi-feindliche uerungen von Dpfner gefunden. Die nutzt jetzt der vllig berflssige Ostbeauftragte der Bundesregierung dafr, auch mal irgendwo zitiert zu werden. Aus meiner Sicht kann man die auch mit Vorsatz und Anstrengung nicht als Aufforderung an seine Mitarbeiter sehen, mehr Anti-Ossi-Meinungsmache zu fahren. Das ist seine Privatmeinung, die htte man nicht verffentlichen mssen oder sollen.

Fr mich bleibt als Fazit von diesem Artikel daher, dass ich nichts ber Dpfner gelernt habe, das ich nicht eh schon wusste oder vermutete, sondern ich habe etwas ber die redaktionellen Standards der "Zeit" gelernt. Ich bin mal gespannt, wie die Retourkutsche von Dpfner aussieht. Werden wir demnchst die Browserhistory von Joffe in der "Welt" sehen?

Ich hoffe nicht.

Update: Ich habe auf die Schnelle nur einen Kommentar gesehen, der sich auf Seiten Dpfners geschlagen hat. Im Cicero. Hinter einer Paywall. Damit ebenfalls nicht verlinkbar. Ist mir ja ein Rtsel, wieso sich die Publikationen alle so ins Aus schieen mit ihrem Paywall-Schei.

Update: Ein Lob an dieser Stelle brigens fr die Tagesschau, die die Zitate als "angebliche Dpfner-uerungen" bezeichnet. Das ist an der Stelle genau das richtige Adjektiv.

Update: Die Diskussionen empfinde ich gerade als sehr interessant, die ich gerade mit meinen Kumpels fhre. Im Wesentlichen ist der Konsens, dass der Dpfner das verdient hat, weil seine Zeitungen seit Jahren...


Orban: Conflict in Ukraine to End Once US, Europe Stop Backing Kiev "IndyWatch Feed National"

Sputnik 14.04.2023

BUDAPEST Ukraine is a non-existent country in financial terms, and as soon as the US and Europe stop supporting it, the conflict will end, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

In fact, Ukraine is a non-existent country in financial terms. The fall in economic indicators is huge, which is completely understandable Obviously, Ukraine cannot finance itself. The question is whether we support Ukraine, Orban told a Hungarian broadcaster.

He added that the moment America and Europe answer no to this question, the conflict will end.

Europe spends tens of billions of dollars to support Ukraine, this cannot continue indefinitely, the Hungarian leader stressed.


Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has once again been confronted with her membership in the World Economic Forums Young Global Leaders program. Should we trust her answers? On April 4th, former U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard spoke at the Independent National Convention in Austin, Texas. Other speakers included journalist Chris Hedges and former Cleveland Mayor and U.S. Read More...

The post Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question? appeared first on The Last American Vagabond.


Corporate Equality Index (CEI): Why brands risk going broke to look woke "IndyWatch Feed National"

If you're anything like me, you may have been utterly baffled by recent events in marketing. Companies like Gillette, Disney, Nike, Tampax, and Bud Light seem to have completely abandoned their core customer base and pandered to an entirely different demographic - one that's unlikely to even need or want their products in the first place. (Trust me when I tell you this is really important content. Let's see if I can write this article in a way that won't get me slapped with another round of defunding and deplatforming.) Well, look no further for the answer. Move over, ESG scores. Now big corporations are competing for super-high CEI scores. And to do it, many of them have to completely turn their backs on the loyal consumers who've been buying their products for years. What is a CEI score? Brought to us by a group of control-freaks-pretending-to-be-do-gooders who call themselves The Human Rights Campaign, CEI stands for Corporate Equality Index.


Quote of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


A new paper from the Australia Institute shows 93% of the benefits of economic growth between 2009 and 2019 went to the top 10%, while the bottom 90% received just 7%. The paper shows the share of economic growth going to the top 10% over that period was far higher in Australia than in other developed countries, including the US and Canada.

[Political reporter Amy Remeikis, writing in The Guardian, 11 April 2023]


Phrase of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


digital euthanasia: the use of a block button to terminate the presence of a troll in your social media timeline. [Simon Homes Court, 2023]


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Friday, 14 April


Inside the Australian warehouses with robotic workers "IndyWatch Feed National"

Amazons new Sydney distribution warehouse spans over 200,000 square metres, across four levels, and is...


Walk Into City Hall "IndyWatch Feed National"


(Source: Strong Towns/Edward Erfurt.)

I get asked regularly, What is the most powerful thing I can do in my community to advance or share the Strong Towns message?

The answer is really simple: walk into your city hall.

Your city hall is the hub for all the activities in your community and is more than just a brick-and-mortar building in the center of town. City hall is the location where ideas are debated and codified into ordinances by your elected officials through various meetings. This is where a team of city employees are managing the day-to-day operations of the city, ranging from trash collection to tax collection. City hall is an institution with a diversity of responsibilities serving your community.

Here lies an opportunity to humbly observe how your local city operates and is managed. There is no better way to start this discovery than by introducing yourself and sharing what you love about your community.

Here are four simple things you can do when you walk into your city hall:

1. Meet City Staff

Take the time to meet the staff that are working in your city. These are the people who have the job of implementing the policies and programs as directed by your city council or mayor. They're working on the business of the city by writing ordinances, administering codes, and preparing meeting agendas.

Take time to meet these people and learn about their jobs and the various projects they are working on. Ask lots of questions and learn about how things work in your city. Share what you love and want to see more of. Ask how to enact change for things that are not so loved by you and your neighbors. This breaks down barriers and opens the door for you to...


Fear of a Microbial Planet "IndyWatch Feed National"


Fear of a Microbial Planet, by Dr. Steve Templeton, is a wonderfully accessible book on the Covid era now published by Brownstone institute, offers desperately needed clarity and science on the organization and management of individual social life in the presence of pathogenic infection. It can be read as a definitive answer to expert arrogance, political overreach, and population panic.

For three years following the arrival of the virus that causes Covid, the dominant response from governments and the public has been to be afraid and stay far away through any means possible. This has further mutated into a population-wide germophobia that is actually being promoted by elite opinion.

Steve Templeton, Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute and Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Indiana University School of Medicine Terre Haute, argues that this response is primitive, unscientific, and ultimately contrary to individual and public health. The most unhealthy populations are those which preserve immunological naivete in the presence of a virus that is otherwise going to circulate widely.

Dr. Templetons story is both scientific and highly personal, taking the reader through the basics of immune response and public health even while relaying his personal frustrations with trying to talk sense to others in senseless times.

If a public health response is like an immune response, then consider this book as immunization against germophobia, politicized science, a self-defeating safety culture, and misplaced faith in...


The one-world digital currency is almost here but first they have to collapse the global financial system to make way for it "IndyWatch Feed National"

Ethan Huff Natural News April 13, 2023

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is often described as the central bank of central banks, is working on a new global central bank digital currency (CBDC) that could become the new one-world digital currency.

Known as Project Icebreaker, the plan involves coordinating all of the worlds central banks and their respective currencies under a new foreign exchange clearing house for retail CBDCs, meaning digital currencies used by ordinary people and businesses in their day-to-day affairs.

Much like the SWIFT payment system for international settlements, Project Icebreaker will enable varying digital currencies to be traded from country to country both quickly and efficiently.

The Icebreaker Hub, as the BIS is calling it, will facilitate data transfers for an array of transactions that occur at banks, both internally and in their dealings with other banks.

(Related: Australia recently launched its own CBDC pilot program to replace all cash throughout the country with a central bank-controlled digital currency.)

The central banking cartel wants total control over everything

When Russia invaded Ukraine, it was expelled from the SWIFT network by the central banking cartel as retaliation. The same type of thing would happen under Project Icebreaker to those who break script; they would face financial sanctions.

In Russias case, it was able to sidestep the SWIFT ban by dealing directly with economic powerhouses like China and India that belong to BRICS, minimizing the damage that the West tried to impose.

Project Icebreaker would make such an action a whole lot harder because it would tighten the noose on global trade and finance. The goal is to entangle every country into the CBDC web, enabling absolute totalitarianism on a global scale.

What if all monetary transactions were centralized through CBDCs and the BIS controlled the hub in which all retail CBDCs are exchanged globally? This is what Icebreaker is, explains Brandon Smith from the Birch Gold Group.

Now imagine that you operate a business that relies on overseas transactions; say you need to pay manufacturers in Vietnam or Taiwan to produce your products. With CBDCs in place you will most likely be completely dependent on a system similar to the Icebreaker Hub to move that digital money to Vietnamese banks and into the accounts of your manufacturers. Say officials at the BIS, for whatever reason, decide they dont like you and they initiate Russian-style sanctions denying your access to the hub. Your business is now dead.



"Slightly Racist or Slightly Sexist" Elon Musk DESTROYS BBC Reporter LIVE "IndyWatch Feed National"

The mainstream media's agenda is quite pathetic.

See how the story unfolds:


Russia jamming U.S. smart bombs in Ukraine, leaked docs say "IndyWatch Feed National"

Lara Seligman Yahoo April 12, 2023

American-made smart bombs are falling victim to Russian electronic jamming in Ukraine, causing them to miss their targets, according to leaked documents and confirmed by a Defense Department official.

In some cases, the weapons were also failing to detonate due to a technical issue, which Ukrainian troops have since addressed.

The news adds to an increasingly bleak picture of the state of Ukraines military that has emerged from a trove of top secret intelligence documents that leaked on social media and came to light over the past week. The documents show that Washington has grave concerns about Kyivs dwindling ammunition and air defenses, which could cause it to fall short of its goals for the anticipated spring counteroffensive.

The Pentagon in December began sending Kyiv advanced equipment that could convert unguided air-dropped munitions into precision-guided smart bombs that can hit Russian targets with a higher degree of accuracy.

The guided bombs can be launched by a variety of aircraft such as bombers and fighters, and are called Joint Direct Attack is called a JDAM-Extended Range, or JDAM-ER.

But the weapons have experienced higher-than-expected dud rates and have missed their targets on the battlefield, according to a leaked slide prepared by the Joint Staff and confirmed by a U.S. official, who was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.

In some cases, the bomb fuzes were not arming when they were released, causing the weapon to fail to detonate. The Ukrainian air force put in place a fix to ensure the bombs are arming correctly, according to the slide and the official.

The document includes a diagram of the munition and lays out the technical issue the weapons are experiencing as well as the proposed fix. It also provides a detailed account of the weapons failure rate in several recent attacks, including the dates and the number of munitions it took to take out the target. However, POLITICO could not independently verify that information.

A larger problem is that Russia is using GPS jamming to interfere with the weapons targeting process, according to the slide and a separate person familiar with the issue whos not in the U.S. government. American officials believe Russian jamming is causing the JDAMs, and at times other American weapons such as guided rockets, to miss their mark.

I do think there may be concern that the Russians may be jamming the signal used to direct the JDAMs, which would answer why these munitions are not performing in the manner expected and how they perform in other war zones, said Mick Mulroy a former Pentagon official and retired CIA officer.



Trial project aims to identify safety black spots for women, girls and gender diverse "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

A TRIAL project has been launched to improve perceptions of safety for women, girls and gender diverse people who travel to, through and within public spaces in Wollongong.

Wollongong City Council and Transport for NSW are calling for community feedback on a public safety project called Safer Cities: Her Way.

The project that will test community-driven solutions for making public spaces feel safer.  Wollongong is one of 10 councils participating in the Safer Cities: Her Way pilot program, including City of Sydney.

Through this project the NSW Government will invest $1 million in funding on trial interventions which will improve safety for women, girls, and gender diverse people in three locations within the City of Wollongong.

You can get involved in this project by:

  • Registering your interest to participate in a co-designing walk and workshop. Participants will join Council Staff and NSW Police on walks to explore the identified public spaces and note the things that make them feel safe and/or unsafe. Register your attendance online via the Our Wollongong website.
  • Drop a digital pin on Councils interactive map t...


Their ABC has decided 'Everything You Need To Know' about Albanese's Vanity Voice. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Here's their upthemselves video to prove it. Now listen to your superiors, Aunty ABC knows what's best. Trust The Science.


Climate change protestors again block trucks from entering or leaving Russell Vale Colliery "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

THIS morning about 20 campaigners have again picketed the gates of the Russell Vale Colliery, preventing coal trucks from entering and leaving the gates of the mine. The action is the latest in a string of protests at the Wollongong Resources owned mine since it resumed operations in late 2021.

Stop Russell Vale Mine spokesperson Renata Field slammed a 2020 approval for a five year expansion plan for the old South Bulli Colliery, established in the late 1880s and one of the oldest in Australia.

In the wake of the most catastrophic IPCC status report on climate change thus far, continuing to mine for dirty, fossil fuels is simply not an option for our planet and future generations, she said.

The expansion plan was following a decade-long campaign by local residents, which successfully prevented a much larger longwall mining expansion from being granted the green light. However, there remains significant community concerns about the greenhouse footprint of the mine, Ms Field said, and the subsiden...


LARB talks The Palestine Laboratory "IndyWatch Feed National"

My forthcoming book, The Palestine Laboratory, is out in May.

In a recent podcast by the Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB), acclaimed writer Malcolm Harris, author of Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World, talks about my book and highly recommends it.

The segment starts at 26:20.

The post LARB talks The Palestine Laboratory appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.


Wollongong mayor joins other civic leaders calling to supercharge the supply of affordable electric vehicles "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Picture: Kindel Media on

WOLLONGONG Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery has joined other civic leaders calling on the Federal Government to supercharge the countrys supply of affordable electric vehicles.

The Climate Council* have collected the names of 120 mayors and councillors from across the country, who are urging the implementation of fuel efficiency standards in an effort to bring more affordable electric vehicles to Australia.

A  joint statement, released earlier this week, and signed by 120 council elected officials, including Cr Bradbery, urges the Federal Government to legislate fuel efficiency standards that:

  • Are mandatory and deliver at least equivalent settings to those in other major markets.
  • Give Australian drivers more choice and affordability than they have today.
  • Support 100% of new vehicles sold in Australia to become zero emissions as soon as possible.
  • Are reviewed and updated approximately every five years.

We want to be part of the growing clean transport movement and champion the uptake of electric vehicles, Cr Bradbery said.

Thats why were calling on the Federal Government to implement fuel efficiency standards its an absolute must for o...


Lawrence Hargrave Drive to close in both directions at night during landslip repairs "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

WORK to complete repairs on a section of Lawrence Hargrave Drive at Stanwell Tops, damaged during last years severe weather events, will start in the coming weeks. 

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the work would start on Sunday, April 30 to repair landslip damage located about 500m south of Longview Crescent. 

 This work will repair the road surface and aims to make the road more resilient to heavy rainfall, the spokesperson said. 

The work will involve adding strength to the slope where a minor landslip created cracking along a 20-metre section of the road surface. 

We will reinforce the slope by adding rockfill to replace the material lost in the landslip before resurfacing the road and replacing the guardrail. 

The spokesperson said the repair work was expected to be complete by Thursday May 18, weather permitting. 

Work will be carried out from Sunday to Thursday from 8pm to 4am each week to minimise disruption to traffic. 

The road must be closed in both directions during the work to ensure safety for motorists and work crews. However, traffic access will be provided during a 10-minute period at 10pm, 12am and 2am. 

Outside the work hours, the road will be restricted to single lane access under traffic control and a reduced speed limit of 40kmh. 

Detours will be via Bulli Pass or McKell Avenue at Waterfall and then Lady Wakehurst Drive. 

A single lane closure will be in place on Sunday, May 7 during a planned night closure on the M1 at Mount Ousley and on Sunday, May 14 during planned rail track work. 



Fiction | Spare key "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tayla placed the cap back on the permanent marker and swivelled her foot around. When light shone directly on the shoe, you could see the difference in colour but otherwise the ink matched well. Shed get another couple of weeks out of that patch before it needed touching up again.

The post Fiction | Spare key appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Dramatic scenes as convicted rapist Jarryd Hayne is jailed: Distraught wife bursts into tears and has one long final hug with her husband as hes handcuffed and taken away "IndyWatch Feed National"

Dramatic scenes as convicted rapist Jarryd Hayne is jailed: Distraught wife bursts into tears and has one long final hug with her husband as hes handcuffed and taken away

  • Jarryd Hayne taken into custody
  • Emotional NRL star hugged wife 


PUBLISHED: 14 April 2023 


Both Jarryd Hayne and his wife broke down in tears as he was taken into custody following a failed bid to remain free until his sentencing hearing next month. 

There were dramatic scenes in the NSW Supreme Court on Friday morning as Justice Richard Button revoked the dis...


Tweed Shire Council apply for Special Rate Variation "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has confirmed that Tweed Shire Council apply for Special Rate Variation (SRV) of 2.35 per cent, this will be on top of the general rates increase of 4 per cent rate rise (all councils will receive at rise from between 3.76.8 per cent depending on population) taking it to 6.35 per cent. However, Tweed Councillor Reece Byrnes has said he will not support the SRV application. 

Tweed Shire Councillor Reece Byrnes. Photo supplied.

Cr Byrnes opposed

Im always fighting for our community, and that is why I voted against the rate increase, Councillor Byrnes told The Echo

When the decision was made to apply for the SRV in February Mayor Chris Cherry told the meeting that she was supporting the application to ensure to keep the option of an SRV available to councillors while other saving measure alternatives had been considered. 



Australias Fair Work Act 2009 used to Remove Informed Consent "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australias Fair Work Commission should be independent from the government, but in 2021 it became a tool of the state. This is a situation that has occurred in a similar manner in authoritarian states in the past, including Nazi Germany. Government capture of the Fair Work Commission has significant implications for our fundamental human rights... [Read more]

The post Australias Fair Work Act 2009 used to Remove Informed Consent appeared first on Vaccination Decisions.


Thats Capitalism, Folks! "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Something seems to have broken with capitalism.

Albert Edwards

Something seems to have broken with Albert Edwards.

Bill Bonner

You can tell when were in an economic crisis. The influencers begin to tell us how capitalism has failedyes, the system that made us so wealthy has now reached the end of the lineno more juice in that lemon, they say.  Now, its time for the experts to take over. Heres Futurism: Economist Warns That Capitalism May Be Ending:

The world is changing, and its getting more expensive while wages, as most working people have witnessed in their own lives, have failed to keep up with the rising cost of pretty much everything. According to Albert Edwards, a global strategist at the 159-year-old bank Socit Gnrale, this phenomenon is the result of what he calls greedflation.

The latest release of US whole economy profits data delivered another shock to my weakening confidence that the capitalist system is working as it should, the note continues. Companies have used first the pandemic and then the war in Ukraine to profiteer.

In other words, in Edwards eyes, the fact that Fortune 500 companies are raking in normal if not record-breaking profits in the wake of pandemic and war-induced geopolitical and economic stress, while price-gouging consumers as working-class wages stay the same, isnt exactly a sustainable way for people to live

No! Unbelievable! Those greedy SOBs: they raise priceswhen they can get away with it!

Lower salaries everyday

Well, thank God other segments of the population are more public spiritedmore self-sacrificingand more civic minded. You dont see them trying to take advantage of a bad situation, do you?

Take the long-suffering consumer, for example. He realises that producers are always trapped between resource costs, labour, taxes, and interest rates. So, the consumer always wants to pay full price so that producers profit margins can be maintained, right? No discount shopping for him.

And what about laborers? Employees? You dont see them asking for wage increasesjust because they know theres a shortage of skilled labour. Un un. They happily stick with their low salaries so employers can keep prices as low as possible for consumers.

But whats this? Rutgers already charges out-of-state students US$33,963 per year. From Fortune: Around 9,000 Rutgers employees are going on strike for the first time in 275 years:     

Classes were still being held at Rutgers as picket lines were set up at the schools campuses in New Brunswick/Piscataway, Newark and Camden. Union officials had decided Sunday night to go on strike, citing a stalemate i....


ABC 'comedy' smart arse should add AEC disclaimer "Written, spoken and authorised for the ALP" "IndyWatch Feed National"

So blatant. The Liberals are doing plenty of soul searching after a by-election defeat, followed by high-level resignations over the decision to oppose the Voice to Parliament. To help with any further departures, @markhumphries and co-writer @evanwilliams have created a new service #abc730 abc730 (@abc730) April 13, 2023


How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines? "IndyWatch Feed National"

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: May 22, 2021

In a May 5, 2021, Fox News report, Tucker Carlson asked the question no one is really allowed to ask: How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine?1

If you havent paid attention, the answer to this verboten (forbidden) question may shock you. Carlson points out (inaccurately, if you ask me) that vaccines have been shown to be generally safe, citing statistics on how many Americans have died after the seasonal influenza vaccine in recent years.

Each year, more than 165 million Americans get the flu shot, and according to the U.S. vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), there were 85 reported deaths following influenza vaccination in 2017; 119 deaths in 2018; and 203 deaths in 2019. How do those rates compare to the death rates from the coronavirus vaccine? Carlson asks. The answer is, theres really no comparison.

How Many Have Died From COVID Vaccines?

Between mid-December 2020, when the first COVID-19 shots were rolled out, and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination.2

Thats 182 more deaths than cited by Carlson. As of April 23, 2021, VAERS had also received 12,618 reports of serious adverse events. In total, 118,902 adverse event reports had been filed. If, like Carlson estimates, about 30 people per day are dying from the shots, these numbers will grow by the hundreds each week.

Carlson also cites data from an investigation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which found that VAERS catches a mere 1% of vaccine injuries,3,...


An invitation to celebrate Ramadan Iftar at SCU "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The 2019 Iftar feast provided by the Muslim community of Lismore. Photo Tree Faerie

Muslims all over the world are observing the blessed month of Ramadan which includes the fasting from dawn to dusk followed by Iftar.

To share the spirit of Ramadan as has been done in previous years, Southern Cross Universitys Muslim students and staff with collaboration with the Northern Rivers Muslim Community invite you and your family members to the Ramadan Iftar (breaking fast) event this Saturday, 15 April 2023, at 4.30 pm at Goodman Plaza, Lismore campus.

This is a wonderful occasion where the local Muslim community cook delicious and famous traditional foods to share with the wider community of Lismore and also include an some of the other Muslim traditions that happen at this time of day.

To attend, please register to help with numbers for catering and event management.

The deadline of registration is today, Friday 14 April 2023 at 4pm.

To find out more visit the Southern Cross Universitys Muslim students webpage.

The post An invitation to celebrate Ramadan Iftar at SCU appeared first on The Echo.


Robert F Kennedy Jr. on Fauci, Classified Docs, Ukraine, Biden, BBC and BRICS "IndyWatch Feed National"


Introduction by DM

A retired Marine Corps broadcaster (And We Know) brings positive videos out from a dark world. Of specific interest in the above video is Robert Kennedy expose on Fauci at 13:00 minutes.

A very funny tragically funny clip on Bidens mask glitch at 3:30 minutes.</p> <p>More on Bidens business in Ukraine and the laptop around 23:00 minutes.</p> <p>And more.</p> <p>The post <a href= "" rel="nofollow">Robert F Kennedy Jr. on Fauci, Classified Docs, Ukraine, Biden, BBC and BRICS</a> appeared first on <a href= "" rel="nofollow">Gumshoe News</a>.</p>


Voice Referendum Committee public hearings begin "IndyWatch Feed National"

While reports about the referendum for the Voice pull in every direction, for, against and in between, the Parliament of Australia has announced that the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum will commence its program of public hearings today in Canberra.

At its first hearing the Committee will hear evidence from representatives of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process, Thomas Mayor and Kerry OBrien, the Hon Robert French AC, and panels of eminent legal witnesses.

The Committee is inquiring into the provisions of the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 (Bill), introduced to the House by Hon Mark Dreyfus MP, Attorney-General on 30 March 2023.

Committee Chair Senator Nita Green said the Committee will be interested to focus its discussion on the question of whether the legislative provisions achieve what is intended and give effect to the Governments stated objectives before it moves to a referendum.

The Committee looks forward to the contributions received from witnesses as it moves to regional centres and back to Canberra for its hearings.



Sing 2 in the cinema under the stars tonight "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The Cast of Sing 2 and their voice people will screen tonight for free in Lismore.

A lovely thing to do is sit under the stars and watch a movie and tonight in Lismore you can do just that with the Newcastle Permanents Cinema Under the Stars event and a huge evening of family-friendly fun in Nesbitt Park.

After a wet weekend led to the January event being postponed, this great family-friendly evening will make its long-awaited return to the Lismore region for the first time in three years.

The free event includes live music, childrens activities and roving acts, with the feature film, Sing 2 (PG, 2021), to begin at sundown.

Bring a blanket (or two) and pack a picnic or buy something delicious from local vendors at the event and there will be plenty of free popcorn to munch on!

David Parker, Branch Manager (Lending) Lismore Branch, said that after three years of COVID-enforced hibernation and awful floods organisers were very happy to be bringing Cinema Under the Stars back.

Its on! said Mr Parker.

We are so excited to host Cinema Under the Stars and holding it over the Easter school holidays means even more people families, friends and visitors from out of town will be able to attend this amazing night out.

More than just a free night at the movies, this is a wonderful showcase of the exceptional talent we have in the Lismore region, with amazing food, brilliant performers and stunning musicians all ready to put on a show!

Pack a picnic, bring the whole family, and get there early to enjoy all the fabulous, fun, free events and activities that help make Cinema Under the Stars such an awesome night!

Event details

  • Venue: Nesbitt Park
    Time: 4pm
    Movie: Sing 2 (2021)
    Live music, childrens activities and roving acts

The post Sing 2 in the cinema under the stars tonight appeared first on The Echo.


Market Talk April 13, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed National"



Japans wholesale prices rose 7.2% in March from a year earlier, with the pace of increase slowing for the third straight month, data showed on Wednesday, offering some relief to households and firms hit by a steady rise in raw material costs. The gain in the corporate goods price index (CGPI), which measures the price companies charge each other for their goods and services, was roughly in line with a median market forecast for a 7.1% gain. It followed a revised 8.3% increase in February. Rising global commodity and fuel costs have pushed Japans wholesale and consumer inflation to multi-decade highs, heightening market expectations that the Bank of Japan (BOJ) may soon phase out its massive stimulus program.


The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today:

  • NIKKEI 225 increased 74.27 points or 0.26% to 28,156.97
  • Shanghai decreased 8.82 points or -0.27% to 3,318.36
  • Hang Seng increased 34.62 points or 0.17% to 20,344.48
  • ASX 200 decreased 19.80 points or -0.27% to 7,324.10
  • Kospi increased 11.02 points or 0.43% to 2,561.66
  • SENSEX increased 38.23 points or 0.06% to 60,431.00
  • Nifty50 increased 15.60 points or 0.09% to 17,828.00



The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • AUDUSD increased 0.009 or 1.35% to 0.67780
  • NZDUSD increased 0.0084 or 1.35% to 0.63050
  • USDJPY decreased 0.797 or -0.60% to 132.323
  • USDCNY decreased 0.01442 or -0.21% to 6.86728


Precious Metals:

  • Gold increased 26.24 USD/t oz. or 1.30% to 2,040.91
  • Silver increased 0.304 USD/t. oz or 1.19% to 25.781


Some economic news from last night:


Employment Change (Mar) decreased from 63.6K to 53.0K

Full Employment Change (Mar) decreased from 79.2K to 72.2K

Unemployment Rate (Mar) remain the same at 3.5%


Exports (YoY) (Mar) increased from -6.8% to 14.8%

Imports (YoY) (Mar) increased from -10.2% to -1.4%

Trade Balance (USD) (Mar) decreased from 116.88B to 88.19B


Some economic news from today:


Exports (USD) (Mar) increased fr...


Petes long distance walk highlights racism "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Peter Elzer, who arrived at Brunswick Heads via the beach from Byron Bay on April 5, plans to make a 2,023km walk to 1770, by April 24. Photo Tree Faerie.

#Racism Not Wanted



Driver charged after two pedestrians hit Casino "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

NSW Police says a driver who was allegedly drunk at the time, has been charged after two pedestrians were hit in Casino yesterday.

Police say that at about 10.45am yesterday, (Thursday, 13 April), emergency services were called to Barker Street, Casino, following reports two women had been hit by a car.

Police and NSW Ambulance paramedics administered CPR to one of the women, aged 73, before she was airlifted to Gold Coast University Hospital in a critical, life-threatening condition.

A 74-year-old woman was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics before being taken to Lismore Base Hospital in a serious condition.

Investigators from Richmond Police District attended and established a crime scene, which was examined by specialist police.

Breath test reading of 0.155

The driver of the vehicle, a 57-year-old man, was subject to a roadside breath test, which allegedly returned a positive result. A secondary analysis returned a reading of 0.155.

The man was arrested and taken to Casino Police Station, where he was charged with five offences including:

Aggravated dangerous driving occasioning grievous bodily harm,
Cause bodily harm by misconduct, in charge of motor vehicle,
Dangerous driving occasioning grievous bodily harm drive manner dangerous,
Drive with high range PCA, and
Negligent driving (occasions grievous bodily harm).

The man was refused bail yesterday to appear before Lismore Local Court today (Friday, 14 April).

The post Driver charged after two pedestrians hit Casino appeared first on The Echo.


Fire Could Burn For Days At Richmond Plastic Waste Plant This Could Be Worse Than Ohio #Dioxins "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/13/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Pentagon leaks: US air national guardsman, 21, identified as suspect | US military | The Guardian
China sent not-so-subtle threat to Joe Biden by revealing Hunter's bank records, says senator - Washington Times
New Tab
(5) spacejelly on Twitter: "Whatever, but pulling off a giant scam to insert the tech into markets and bodies is kind of what people are mad about. Not (hypothetically) curing cancer." / Twitter
(2) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: "Yep. He just said that. #mRNA" / Twitter
Elon Musk on Twitter: "@BillyM2k This will make some people upset, but I need to emphasize that accelerating synthetic mRNA technology was another silver lining. It is a revolution in medicine, like going from analog to digital. The Covid mRNA vaccine dosage level was too high and having a zillion booster shots" / Twitter
(7) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: "#SafeAndEffective" / Twitter
The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents Episode 12
New Tab
I live near the East Palestine chemical spill. Officials who say were safe are lying | Greg Mascher | The Guardian
CNN Environment News: Dioxin Dangers...


Husband Of Late Branama Crooner, Gospel Singer Kefee Remarries After Nine Years "IndyWatch Feed National"

<p><h1><a href= "" rel="attachment wp-att-44106"><img alt="TEDDY" class= "alignleft size-full wp-image-44106" height="383" src= "" width="493"></a></h1> <p><strong>LAGOS APRIL 13TH (URHOBOTODAY)-Teddy Don-Momoh, the husband of late gospel singer Keefe Obareki Momoh, better known as Kefee, has remarried.</strong></p> <p><strong>According to reports, Don got married to his new wife, Lara Kudayisi, during the Easter break.</strong></p> <p><strong>The couple shared photos and videos from their low-key wedding ceremony on Instagram, as they expressed love for each other.</strong></p> <p><strong>For Teddy he is excited getting married to Lara after the long mourning period.</strong></p> <p>Mr Don-Momoh is back yall. Thanks to all who waited patiently prayed for me supported me with all the -lys in search of my heart Ladies and gentlemen Im glad to let you know that Im back to fulfill destiny whole again, equipped with all the tools and Im not alone in this, he captioned his post.</p> <p>His new wife expressed joy in becoming Mrs Momoh.</p> <p>She noted how one can always find love again after trauma and pain.</p> <p>Expressing her love for her husband, she promised to share details of their love story, writing:</p> <p><em>Mr & Mrs Don-Momoh in the building.

Im still in the moon guys, but let me just drop this here;</em></p> <p><em>You can find love again after trauma and pain.</em></p> <p><em>I am coming back to share with you how it all happened very soon.</em></p> <p><em>Meanwhile, ask me all about it in my Insta story and I will answer you</em></p> <p><em>My husband @teddiizle stand correct Sha. Me sef, my shoe shine.</em></p> <p>Teddy had been married to Kefee before her untimely death on June 12, 2014.</p> <p>Kefee died in a hospital in Los Angeles, California after been in Coma for 15 days.</p> <p>They were married for two years before she passed on.</p> <p>Sun Online</p> <p><a href= ""> Source</a></p></em></p>


The war, the separation of the world, or the end of an Empire? "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Thierry Meyssan | Voltaire Network | April 11, 2023

Many are those who predict a World War. Indeed, some groups are preparing for it. But the States are reasonable and, in fact, consider rather an amicable separation, a division of the world into two different worlds, one unipolar and the other multipolar. Perhaps we are actually witnessing a third scenario: the American Empire is not struggling in the trap of Thucydides; it is collapsing like its former Soviet rival died.

The American Straussians, the Ukrainian integral nationalists, the Israeli revisionist Zionists and the Japanese militarists are calling for a generalized war. They are alone and they are not mass movements. No state has yet committed itself to this course.

Germany with 100 billion euros and Poland with much less money are rearming massively. But neither of them seems eager to take on Russia.

Australia and Japan are also investing in armaments, but neither of them has an autonomous army.

The United States is no longer able to replenish its military and is no longer able to create new weapons. They are content to reproduce the weapons of the 1980s in an assembly line fashion. However, they maintain their nuclear weapons.

Russia has already modernized its armies and is organizing itself to renew the ammunition it uses in Ukraine and to mass produce its new weapons, which no one can compete with. China, for its part, is rearming to control the Far East and, in the long term, to protect its trade routes. India thinks of itself as a maritime power.

It is therefore difficult to see who would and could start a World War.

Contrary to their speeches, French leaders are not at all preparing for a high-intensity war [1. The military programming law, established for ten years, plans to build a nuclear aircraft carrier, but reduces the size of the army. It is a question of giving ourselves the means of projection, but not of defending our territory. Paris continues to reason as a colonial power while the world is becoming multipolar. It is a classic: the generals prepare for the previous war and ignore the reality of tomorrow.

The European Union is implementing its Strategic Compass. The Commission coordinates the military investments of its member states. In practice, they all play the game, but pursue different goals. The Commission, on the other hand, is trying to take control of decisions on the financing of armies, which until now have depe...


gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr ... "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr den Ukrainekrieg liefern, steht laut Washington Post in den geleakten US-Geheimdienstdokumenten.

Ich bin ja normalerweise kein Freund von Geheimdienst-Geraune und Regierungsaussagen, auer sie sehen fr den Dienst oder die Regierung klar berraschend oder nachteilig aus. Wenn also die Ukraine jetzt sagt, sie htten ihre Angriffsstrategie nicht ndern mssen wegen dieser Leaks, dann ist das fr mich vllig uninteressant, denn was sollen die denn bitte sonst sagen, selbst wenn sie die Strategie ndern mussten.

Aber gypten ist ein alter Verbndeter der USA in der Gegend, oder wie es das US-Auenministerium formuliert:

Egypt is a valued U.S. partner in counterterrorism, anti-trafficking, and regional security operations, which advance both U.S. and Egyptian security. The decades-long defense partnership is a pillar for regional stability. Since 1978, the United States has contributed more than $50 billion in military assistance, which has contributed to Egypts capabilities to protect and defend its land and maritime borders and to confront an evolving terrorist threat, including in the Sinai Peninsula.
Raketen sind in dem Kontext Munition fr Raketenwerfer. Google-Stichwort ist MLRS. 40.000 Stck ist zwar eine bemerkenswert groe Menge, aber nicht ganz so unrealistisch wie sich das auf den ersten Blick anhrt.

Der russische Mehrfachraketenwerfer heit BM-21 Grad und gypten wrde dann wohl passende SAKR-45-Raketen liefern. Das 45 steht fr die Reichweite, 45 km. Das entspricht auch der Reichweite der billigsten Raketen fr das vergleichbare amerikanische Himars-System, das die Ukraine benutzt. Es gibt auch Raketen mit viel mehr Reichweite, 100km und mehr, aber die sind dann auch viel teurer und werden daher eher fr besondere Spezialeinstze aufgehoben.

Kann natrlich sein, dass das alles gelogen ist, um den gyptern ein Signal zu schicken. Mir ist nur gerade nicht klar, was das dann genau fr ein Signal sein sollte. Die galten bisher als solide US-Aliierte. gypten ist nicht in der Nato aber ist seit Ronald Reagan offiziell Major non-NATO ally der USA.


"Free The Weed" For More than Medical and Recreational Use "IndyWatch Feed National"

Now that both "marijuana" and "industrial hemp" are legal in many places, why isn't the latter taking off?----If you have to ask why, the answer is usually "money."

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Thursday, 13 April


I can make my own mind up about 'disinformation' thank you Government. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Today we're launching the AEC Referendum Disinformation Register, which will debunk mistruths spread about referendum processes. How & why do people spread disinformation? Watch the video below! - Disinfromation Register: - MR: AEC (@AusElectoralCom) April 13, 2023


I can make my own mind up about 'misinformation' thank you Government. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Today we're launching the AEC Referendum Disinformation Register, which will debunk mistruths spread about referendum processes. How & why do people spread disinformation? Watch the video below! - Disinfromation Register: - MR: AEC (@AusElectoralCom) April 13, 2023


Australias most useless Union: MEAA nowhere to be seen as another country newsroom closes. "IndyWatch Feed National"

People on the land have it tough enough. Now all they have is the taxpayer over-funded ABC. Today the people of Broken Hill and outback South Australia lost their local independent, self funded TV news service. A batch of mostly young people lost their jobs. The usual smug ABC story...


Equality at work: The ABC's Trainee class of 2023. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Congratulations to the ABC's 2023 trainee intake. Glad we are no longer seeing the quotas of private school pale males with hipster beards. Equality is crucial at Diversity Headquarters.


Pack Rapists Showed A Certain Degree Of Callousness, Laments Victorian Judge "IndyWatch Feed National"

Maybe Ive missed it, but there seems to be a very muted response from the Australian public to a story that broke overnight which should be stoking widespread outrage. Chris Graham explains.

The rape case, from a regional court in Victoria, involves two young men ganging up on a female friend at a 21st birthday party in 2016. The story has been widely reported by national media, in some cases multiple times. Heres the ABCs take:

Two men twice convicted of raping and sexually assaulting a woman at a party in regional Victoria seven years ago have been spared further prison time, and will instead serve community corrections orders.

Following a retrial last year, Shaun Bloomfield, of Horsham, and Luke Merryfull, of Geelong, both 28, were sentenced for the rape today in the Melbourne County Court. The men raped a young woman in a caravan at a party near Balmoral, south of Horsham in western Victoria, in April 2016.

The pairs initial convictions were overturned on appeal after a witness came forward with new evidence the day after the men were jailed in April 2019.

Bloomfield and Merryfull each spent 522 days in prison before the Court of Appeal overturned their convictions in September 2020.

The case then went to several retrials before the men were convicted for the second time in August last year, after pleading not guilty to the charges against them.

Thats the bare facts. Now heres how its being reported over in Korea: Two men convicted of raping a woman in 2016, have walked free from court, with a judge ruling they shouldnt spend any more time behind bars. Theyd already been jailed for a year. (sic) But county court judge David Brookes said theyd suffered enough, given extraordinary delays in the case.

The poor bastards. Imagine having to suffer through extraordinary legal delays, a substantial proportion of which happened to be the direct result of their first conviction being appealed by them.

Slow clap for the Australian justice system for yet another demonstration of how wildly incapable it is of dealing rationally and equitably with the crime of rape.

Unfortunately, the problem here is not merely the sentencing of the two men, which is manifestly inadequate. The problem is also the comments of the sentencing judge, David Brookes. For the real gravity of that to emerge,

Judge Brooks reject...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.55 AUD


Capitalism plus wind turbines: Adrienne Bullers The Value of a Whale and the financialisation of climate change "IndyWatch Feed National"

In monetary terms, investment firms have both a lot to answer for and a lot to supply in terms of achieving the pace of transition required to mitigate some of the catastrophic effects of climate change. Pragmatists on the left, including proponents of the Green New Deal, eye the enormous resources floating around in the financial world as possible sources of green investment. Adrienne Bullers The Value of a Whale answers this temptation with a firm, detailed No.

The post Capitalism plus wind turbines: Adrienne Bullers The Value of a Whale and the financialisation of climate change appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Pottsville High School site saved from developers again "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Vacant land at Seabreeze Estate, Pottsville originally earmarked for a high school. Photo supplied

The 6.3ha of vacant land at 1 Seabreeze Boulevard, Pottsville which is earmarked in the Tweed Development Control Plan 2008 (DCP 2008) as a potential school site has once again been saved from being developed as housing.

The developers Newland Developers Pty Ltd have had two previous development applications refused for DAs for residential developments at the site in 2017 and 2020. The Land and Environments Court (L&EC) once again dismissed the deemed refusal on 31 March, this time for a seniors housing development.

The developers had taken the Tweed Shire Council (TSC) to the L&EC on appeal for their proposed 93 lots for seniors housing as part of a community title subdivision making this the third time TSC had to defend the site for a future school. 

Tweed Shire Mayor Chris Cherry. Photo sup...


Biden's almost able to say a complete sentence. "IndyWatch Feed National"

The world might be a bit too serious a place for this mumbling gibberish. China is flying bombers and jets in Tawain airspace. They're floating ships in Tawain waters. Xi is shaking Macron's hand, and Biden has to rush to Northern Ireland to say THIS! Booker (@BookerSparticus)...


5 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

any of us are used to putting ourselves last and thinking about the needs of others before our own, but its essential for our overall health and well-being to prioritise taking care of ourselves. This means creating healthy habits and practices in our day-to-day lives that can help reduce stress, increase physical activity, improve mental alertness, protect against disease, and much more. It doesnt have to be complex or complicated, take a few minutes each day to do something good for yourself. Here are some ways you can incorporate self-care into your daily routine to live a happier and healthier life.

1. Use Organic Skincare Products

Taking good care of your skin is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
Investing in organic skincare products made with natural, non-toxic ingredients can help nourish and protect your skin from environmental stressors like pollution and UV radiation. Many organic skin care lines are available, so do your research and find one that works for you. Hemp skincare products are especially effective at calming and hydrating the skin. They can also help reduce inflammation and redness.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for our overall health, but too often, its the first thing we sacrifice when were busy or overwhelmed with life. Make sure to get at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night to ensure your body has time to rest appropriately and recover from the days activities. Try establishing a regular bedtime routine if youre having trouble getting enough sleep. This could include turning off electronics an hour before bed, taking a warm bath or shower, and reading a book before going to sleep. You should also avoid caffeine and sugary foods late in the day as these can make it harder for you to fall asleep.

3. Practise Mindful Eating

Mindful eating involves paying attention to what and how much were eating so that we are more aware of our bodys signals and cues. This helps us recognize when were feeling full, which can help prevent overeating or mindless snacking throughout the day. Mindful eating also helps us become more aware of how our foods affect our mood, energy levels, and overall health. You can practise mindful eating by taking the time to savour each bite and pay attention to your foods texture, flavours,and smell. Slow down when youre eating and focus on truly enjoying the experience.

4. Exercise Regularly



Appeal for information following public place shooting Ballina "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

About 9.15pm Monday 10 April 2023, there were reports of shots fired at Brunswick Street, Ballina. Image Google maps

Investigators are appealing for information after several shots were allegedly fired into a home at Ballina on Monday.

About 9.15pm Monday 10 April 2023, officers from Richmond Police District were called to a home in Brunswick Street, Ballina, following reports of shots fired.

At the scene, police were told that several shots had allegedly been fired into the front of the property. No one was injured.

Initial inquiries have led police to believe the incident is a case of mistaken identity.

A crime scene was established, and investigations are continuing into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

As inquiries continue, police are urging anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

The post Appeal for information following public place shooting Ballina appeared first on The Echo.


Learn about native plants, food and caretakers of Country at the launch of Our Place, Our Species "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Delta Kay, one of the caretakers featured in the documentary Our Place, Our Species. Photo Kate Holmes


Tony Abbott's crystal clarity on a NO vote for Albanese's Vanity Voice "IndyWatch Feed National"

Well said Tony Abbot He says it like it is. Vote for one country ! Vote for unity ! #VoteNOAustralia #VoteNoToApartheid Rad (@Just_Rad) April 12, 2023


Appeal for information following suspicious house fire Goonellabah "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Investigators are appealing for information after a house was destroyed following a suspicious fire at Goonellabah yesterday.

About 2.30pm (Wednesday 12 April 2023), emergency services were called to a home on William Blair Avenue following reports of a fire.

Fire and Rescue NSW officers attended and extinguished the blaze; however, the home was destroyed. Police have received no reports of injury.

Officers from Richmond Police District established a crime scene and commenced an investigation into the cause of the fire, which is being treated as suspicious.

As inquiries continue, anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

The post Appeal for information following suspicious house fire Goonellabah appeared first on The Echo.


Free Hawai`i "IndyWatch Feed National"

<p><p><span style="font-size: 130%;"><span style= "font-size: 130%;"><span>FREE HAWAI`I TV</span> <span><br> THE FREE HAWAI`I BROADCASTING NETWORK</span></span> <span><br> <span style="font-size: large;"> </span></span></span><br> <span style="font-family: Roboto;"><span style= "font-size: medium;"><span style= "font-size: medium;"><span><span face= ""trebuchet ms" , sans-serif"><b><span><span face= ""trebuchet ms" , sans-serif">"HAWAI`I - OCCUPIED OR COLONIZED?</span></span></b></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Roboto;"><span style= "font-size: medium;"><span style= "font-size: medium;"><span><span face= ""trebuchet ms" , sans-serif"><b><span><span face= ""trebuchet ms" , sans-serif"> </span></span></b></span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Roboto;"><span style= "font-size: medium;"><span style= "font-size: medium;"><span><span face= ""trebuchet ms" , sans-serif"><b><span><span face= ""trebuchet ms" , sans-serif">Was Hawai`i Ever Colonized?<br> <br> The Answer Is Both Yes & No.

Confused? Dont Worry.<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank"><span style= "color: red;">Watch For Our Simple Explanation & Why Youll Soon Be Hearing A Lot More About This.</span></a><br></span></span></b></span></span></span></span></span><a href="" target="_blank"></a><span style="font-size: small;"><span style= "color: red;"><b><span> </span></b></span></span></p></p>


Stronger laws needed to protect privacy and prevent data harvesting "IndyWatch Feed National"

As more people and their personal data fall victim to increased data harvesting in Australia, the Human Rights Law Centre is calling on the Federal Government to embrace bold proposed reforms to better protect peoples right to privacy.

Two years after the review of the Privacy Act was announced and following extensive public consultation, in February the Attorney Generals Department proposed a suite of much-needed reforms to protect privacy in the digital age.

Key proposals include placing additional requirements on entities that handle peoples personal information, giving people more transparency and control over how and when their data is used for targeted advertising, and improving options for people to seek redress in situations where their privacy has been breached.

 The Human Rights Law Centre welcomes the proposals to strengthen privacy protections in line with international standards and supports stronger protections against invasive targeting, and the introduction of a statutory privacy tort with appropriate safeguards.

The Human Rights Law Centre also supports enhancing the privacy regulators enforcement functions and information gathering powers, and establishing a federal Charter of Human Rights, would help Australia to strike the balance between the right to privacy and other human rights. 

Scott Cosgriff, Senior Lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre said:

 "Technology should serve communities, not put people at risk. Australias existing privacy laws are out-of-date and fundamentally inadequate for protecting human rights in the digital age.

 As online business practices threaten to move further towards surveillance and intensive collection and retention of our personal information, the Albanese Government should embrace this opportunity to reclaim the right to privacy for people in Australia. In addition to updating the Privacy Act, the government should go further by protecting the right to privacy in a federal Charter of Human Rights.

 "Giving people greater control over their own personal information will address the human rights risks posed by micro-targeted disinformation campaigns that can turbo-charge discrimination, facilitate political manipulation and distort public debate on matters of critical importance.

With existing privacy laws so seriously out of date, the Albanese Government must stand its ground against the powerful interests that profit from invasive data practices online, and take action to protect peoples lives.

Read the Human Rights Law Centres feedback on the Privacy Act review report.

Media contact:
Thomas Feng
Human Rights Law Centre
Media and Communication...


Prof Lesley Hughes leads climate talk April 26 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Professor Lesley Hughes. Photo

Plan C (formerly Resilient Byron) is hosting an upcoming series of trauma-informed conversations with some of Australias leading thinkers on our responses to the climate/ecological crisis.

From March to November, on the last Wednesday of each month, Plan C presents its Facing Up series.

The next Facing Up event is April 26, to be held at the Brunswick Picture House, starting at 5.30pm.

The evening will feature eminent climate scientist, Professor Lesley Hughes, in conversation with Plan C CEO Jean Renouf. The theme will be When climate catastrophe is your day job.

Lesley is a former lead author in the IPCCs 4th and 5th Assessment Report, a former federal climate commissioner, and now a councillor and director with the Climate Council of Australia.

Along with Plan C CEO, Jean Renouf, and local author, Professor Richard Hil, Lesley will be speaking on ways she has found to live and cope with climate change and its implications in her daily life.

There will be plenty of time before the talks to connect and converse with others, and remember, its a BYO event, although you can also purchase food and beverages on the night.

As we live in the midst of the climate and ecological crisis, we will address the major challenges we face, and how we might respond to them in a resil...


Macron wins respect on world stage and is reviled at home "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed from Victoria

Frances President Emmanuel Macron is making a mark on the world stage. At home its a different kind of mark. He raises the ire of most of his ow people. Both are the sides of the same coin, and in accord with the history of France. Take post Second World War leader De Gaulle. An autocrat at home and a fierce defender of Frances sovereignty abroad. Macron is of a similar mould.

This week, he marked out Frances independence from United States global geopolitics and launched a process of mending relations with China. He put his position as a defender of multipolarity, instead of an order of one dominant nation. He expressed a position that is strong and growing across Europe, behind the veneer of unity with the ambitions of the United States.

Photo by Ludovic Marin/AFP: Macron with Chinas leader Xi Jinping

Macron is winning kudos for this stand, as well as the predictable attacks, from those on the other side of the divide.

Back home, Macron is mired in the mess created by his ramming through by decree the raising of the pension age to 64. The scale of the response out in the streets and the wave of rolling strikes, by a for once united union movement, is far more than was expected.

Hindsight can now point to the realisation that this did not come out of the blue. The French have been becoming increasingly fed up with a series of what they see as attacks on their rights. There were the conditions gave rise to the Yellow Vest...


Ballina Shire Council reports critical shortage of planning staff "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Builders working on wooden construction site, modern wooden house.

Worker shortages are impacting development across the Northern Rivers but a shortage of tradies isnt the only problem, with five vacancies recently reported in Ballina Shire Councils planning division.

There were 314 development applications in the councils system as of January this year, leading Independent Councillor Rodney Bruem to ask if this was the new normal for Ballina at last months ordinary council meeting.

Cr Bruem said people were complaining to councillors that theyd put down deposits on blocks of land and were already facing increased costs in the likes of interest rates while waiting for DAs to be processed.

Staff said they thought it likely the council would continue to have a monthly number in the high 200s of outstanding DAs, or those more than 90 days in the system.

The number of DAs lodged with the Ballina Shire Council has increased every year since the financial year ending June 2018, except for last year.

Staff say filling vacancies in the councils planning division is critical if a recent improvement in its development application (DA) determination rate that has come partly thanks to state help is to continue.

The states planning department provided temporary workers to help councils catch up on overwhelming numbers of DAs after last years flood and landslide disasters.

Council staff also say their data excludes complying development certificates, which the former coalition government introduced to fast-track development approvals.

The ability of developers to potentially bypass local governments when seeking building approval means its unclear how many applications are being lodged in total compared to how many are determined and how many approved.

More than 1,000 DAs lodged in Ballina Shire each year this decade

The council received 861 DAs in the 2017...


Insurance Analysts Shocking Conclusions 600,000/year "IndyWatch Feed National"

Do you remember those stacks of plastic coffins coffins line an open field off the highway in Madison, GA (2017)

Introduction by DM

Headline from The Florida Standard:

600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst Former Bernstein senior analyst Josh Stirling draws a shocking conclusion from UK government health data.



Feros board defend allegations of misconduct "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Jason Smith, 25 April 1947 1 April 2023.

The death of recent Feros Byron Bay resident, Jason Smith, has put fire in the belly of a local advocacy group fighting the facilitys closure. 

In March, the Feros board announced the closure of its Byron Bay facility, located at 29-33 Marvell Street, in preparation for a new, state-of-the-art community, purpose-built facility.

It came weeks after a damning performance report on the facility by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC).

ACQSC found its elderly residents were subjected to substandard care across every aspect of the service.

The Feros board have also rejected Echo requests for evidence that the property is required to be redeveloped to meet its care requirements. 

Friends and Families of Feros Residents (FFFR) have enlisted the help of a Sydney law firm, and local solicitor, Mark Swivel of Barefoot Law, in an effort to stop Feros closing its doors to the place that many people still call home.

Swivel commented on social media that an Urgent Notice of Complaint about Feros Byron Bay Village will be lodged with ACQSC Commissioner, Janet Anderson.

Notice of complaint

Swivel says they were instructed to provide the urgent notice of complaint, because time is of the essence, given the unexpected conduct of the board and management, and the urgent pressure put on residents and their families as a result....


Jason Smith: A building life, 25 April 1947 1 April 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Jason Smith, 25 April 1947 1 April 2023.

Jason and his twin sisters grew up in Vaucluse, and his surfing life began at Bondi. When his parents moved to Balgowlah he started surfing on the north shore. Jason was a natural athlete and a very talented football player who played centre for the Eastern suburbs in Sydney Rugby Union. Later he excelled at golf and tennis.

Jason used to come to Byron Bay in the mid 60s, stay in caravan parks in town and surf The Pass. He moved up north permanently in 1971 and with mates rented a little cottage from Keith Flick, a kindly dairy farmer.

Vegetarian restaurant

The nearby Newrybar bakery (now Harvest) was operating then and you could wake up early and get a fresh loaf out of the oven. Jasons flatmates found a two-storey shop in Bangalow for rent at $13 a week. It was an old doctors surgery opposite Drapers house on the main street. They decided to open the Good Earth Restaurant, the first vegetarian restaurant in Bangalow.

After the restaurant closed Jason moved to Mt Warning where a friend had a farm. Jason had studied architecture at East Sydney Tech while the Sydney Opera House was being built. He was a regular visitor during its build.

In The Pocket he lived with Stephen and Linda Ash, and next to Geoff and Elsbeth Williams, for many years. His wonderfully simple designs at this time were much influenced by the work of Glenn Murcutt. His building work was excellent and he always had work in NSW as well as spending much time building houses in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa and Reunion Island.



Number of Australias Fish Species Considered Critically Endangered Doubles "IndyWatch Feed National"

The amount of critically endangered fish species in Australia has recently doubled after nine species were newly categorized as critically endangered in March. All nine species are part of the galaxias genus, and an additional tenth galaxias species has been labeled as endangered.

The findings present an urgent need to conserve these species. One major problem for these fish is the presence of invasive species, particularly brown and rainbow trout. Invasive fish species can crowd the critically endangered species into smaller portions of their original range or separate populations while also competing for resources.

If we are serious about stopping extinctions, then we need to tackle the major threats that are driving declines of our native animals, James Trezise, conservation director at Australias Invasive Species Council, told The Guardian. Scientists have recommended a threat abatement plan be established for freshwater pest fish, yet this hasnt happened.

The newly listed fish species include short-tail galaxias, tapered galaxias, East Gippsland galaxias and West Gippsland galaxias. Galaxiids, also known as mountain minnows, are often mistaken to be the same species, which can hinder conservation efforts. There are currently more than 40 different species of galaxiids in Australia, with many of them under threat, including the nine species now listed as critically endangered.

The nine species join another nine species for a total of 18 fish species officially recognized as critically endangered in Australia. According to Trezise, the species have greater than a 50% chance of going extinct within just two decades.

Because invasive species force the critically endangered species into small areas, these vulnerable populations are at greater risk from natural disasters, like flooding, drought or wildfires, and inbreeding. Extreme weather events are becoming more of a risk to galaxiids as climate change worsens, warned the Arthur Rylah Institute, which has been involved with galaxiid research and conservation for over 30 years.



Peter Duttons dirty laundry of corruption scandals is a mile long and overshadows his leadership "IndyWatch Feed National"

Peter Dutton has a long list of corruption scandals that have never been addressed in the past but would need to be before he was ever to become Prime Minister. Some of []


News Corp Australias Faith on Trial: Hillsong tops Apple Podcasts in Aus and NZ a childrens level sensationalist podcast for the masses "IndyWatch Feed National"

Faith on Trial: Hillsong- a childrens level sensationalist podcast for the masses

This News Corp Faith on Trial: Hillsong podcast has come up with nothing new. It is just a sensationalist and shallow regurgitation of some of what has been known about the Houstons and Hillsong, most of it for a very long time.

One of the journalists involved in this News Corp podcast, a young lady from Finland, approached me at court and asked me for an interview. She told me what they were doing.

News Corp is a global media company owned by the Murdochs who live in New York City. Rupert Murdoch, now in his 90s, was an Australian who took up American citizenship over fifty years ago. One of his sons Lachlan now runs it. Lachlan used to live in Bronte Beach. For a time at the end of my street. I never approached him or spoke to him. Later he moved to a nice ocean view house near Bronte shops. Then he moved to America to help his dad. Recently he bought the most expensive house in America.

Surely the Murdochs could afford to pay someone knowledgeable and a real investigative journalist to research and dismantle Hillsong.

These New Corp journalists are mainly Gen Y and Gen X airheads.

I pointed her in the right direction and gave her a long interv...


ANU background paper answers many of the common questions concerning the proposed formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian Constitution and the creation of the Voice to Parliament "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


 This background paper answers many of the common questions concerning the proposed formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian Constitution and the creation of the Voice to Parliament.

I hope it assists North Coast Voices readers ahead of any decision they make at the national referendum later this year.


"Responding to Common ... by clarencegirl


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Wednesday, 12 April


Russia didnt blow up Nord Stream Trump "IndyWatch Feed National"

RT | April 12, 2023

Former US President Donald Trump has dismissed claims that Russia was behind the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines last year, but said that speculating on the true perpetrator might get our country in trouble.

Speaking to Foxs Tucker Carlson in an interview set to air in full this week, Trump was asked for his thoughts about who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, which was hit by multiple blasts under mysterious circumstances last September.

I dont want to get our country in trouble so I wont answer it. But I can tell you who it wasnt, was Russia. How about when they blamed Russia. They said Russia blew up their own pipeline. You got a kick out of that one, too. It wasnt Russia, he told the Fox News pundit.

While the US and other Western governments have so far offered few details about ongoing investigations into the sabotage, a February report by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh stated that US President Joe Biden had personally ordered the bombing as a way to persuade Germany to ramp up support for Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia.

Washington has vocally denied the report, which relied on anonymous sources, and insisted it had no role in the bombings. Its a completely false story. Theres no truth to it. Not a shred of it, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told Fox in February.

Ukrainian officials have similarly denied any involvement in the Nord Stream sabotage, and subsequent reporting by the New York Times has claimed that an unnamed pro-Ukrainian group was behind the attack. It is unclear how the group could have accomplished the bombing from a small pleasure yacht as reported, however, as the operation would have required military-grade explosives and experienced divers, among other things.

Hersh has rejected the Times account as part of a ...


A Timeless Struggle: Copts in Egypt "IndyWatch Feed National"

In 2015, 21 Coptic men walked the shores of Libya in bright orange jumpsuits towards their deaths at the hands of Islamic State, as the world observed it on mobile devices. However, while people worldwide watched with mouths agape, the greater Coptic community was not left dumbfounded nor surprised by the targeted attack. While the community was shaken by the death of the 21 martyrs, the event was certainly not unprecedented, neither in its intentions nor its effects.

Copts are a part of an ethno-religious minority located in modern day Egypt. Although they are a minority in a primarily Muslim country, Copts make up almost 10% of Egypts population. With over eight million Coptic people within the country, and their diasporic counterparts living predominantly in the United States, Canada, and Australia, there is approximately a total of 18 million Coptic people around the globe. Although there are millions of Copts, many only know the Coptic Orthodox church in the context of devastating news headlines describing church bombings, kidnappings, and executions within Egypt.

Christian persecution first became apparent in AD 249, when Roman Emperor Decius issued an edict to re-establish the state religion, requiring inhabitants to worship the gods of their Roman conquerors. With this edict, and blatant refusal to comply, persecution took place on an imperial scale, culminating in about 800,000 men, women, and children being martyred in Egypt under Roman Emperor Diocletian. As the river Nile ran red with the blood of the martyrs, it became apparent that these events in Egypt would be characterized as a monumental period of Christian persecution. For this reason, the Coptic Churchs calendar starts from AD 284, the year of Diocletians accession to the throne, and is referred to as Anno Martyrii meaning Era of the Martyrs. While Decius edict was initially put in place as a means to ensure that everyone in his empire could participate in full traditional sacrifices, some historians agree that Emperor Diocletians primary intention was to wipe out Christianity. Although Diocletians efforts seemed successful in the moment, the Diocletianic persecution failed to accomplish its goals in the long term, as the Roman Empire did not have the ability to overthrow an organization that had a sizable population inhabiting most of the provinces bordering the Mediterranean. Additionally, many Christian lead...


NSW Liberal President responsible for the debacle gets the reward of the late Jim Molan's Senate Seat. "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Matt Kean's snakey finger prints are all over this one. After months and months of dithering, suddenly NSW Liberal President Maria Kovacic has decided she wants to take up the vacancy caused by the death of Major General Jim Molan AO DSC. She's from the left of the Liberal Party...


Autism Action Month A Mother Shares Reality "IndyWatch Feed National"

Autism Reality
We invite you to read and share this post. One strong, dedicated, tired mother's stream of consciousness about the unconscionable reality so many of us face. Author unknown, so just look in the mirror. Shared with permission from Marna Pacheco who ran it on Facebook. Marna is the founder of CapeABLE Weighted sensory products

Thoughts and prayers, kids. Thoughts and prayers.


By Marna Pacheco

It. Never. Ends.
Every Day.
Every Night.
24 hours a day.
CHAOTIC raging.
CHAOTIC destruction.
CHAOTIC crying.
CHAOTIC anger.
CHAOTIC confusion.
CHAOTIC noises.
CHAOTIC sleeplessness.
CHAOTIC elopement.
CHAOTIC self harm.
Out-of-control actions that last LONG resulting in actions that are:
Bigger than what we can handle.
We hear the same continual responses of:
We are so sorry
We cant imagine
You need a break
You cant keep doing this
Did you know there are services
You have to take care of yourself
I could never do that
You should take a vacation
You need sleep
I dont know how you do it
Its a broken system
Isnt there someplace she can go
I dont know how to help you
We truly understand.
We continually express the same concerns.
HOW can we keep going?

But time and time again we continually hit that:
AND we continually feel:
Worn out.
Beat up.
Tired beyond tired.
We cry out, What will happen to
others like us,
if this doesnt change?
WHY are we crying out?
-Because we cant change the broken system fast enough.
-Because no one (i.e. Doctors, Hospitals, Specialist, Caseworkers, Professionals, etc.) seem to have any answers of help.
-Because we cant stop her from growing and becoming 18an adult.
-Because an adult is self governing.
-Because she cant be self governing.
-Because we cant keep her SAFE by ourselves.
-Because a broken system is not recognizing...


Universities And The AUKUS Military-Industrial Complex "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australian universities do not want to miss out on the military-industrial-education complex, whatever its imperilling dangers.

The post Universities And The AUKUS Military-Industrial Complex appeared first on


Surprise! The COVID vaccines were never tested for safety "IndyWatch Feed National"

Steve Kirsch April 11, 2023

Executive summary

There were 31.2% higher deaths in the gold standard Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials.

There is only one way to know whether or not the vaccine caused any of the deaths in the 21 vaccinated patients who died: proper histopathology.

Pfizer never did it and the FDA never asked for it.

This was the biggest mistake in the pandemic and nobody has acknowledged that or lifted a finger to correct it (as I point out below). Had they done the proper testing on the 21 deaths, the vaccine would never have been approved.

In lieu of the proper tests, there were assurances from Pfizer that nobody died from the vaccine. Thats absurd. We need the tests, not assurances. The tests are cheap and dispositive.

We can fix this in a New York minute, but nobody wants to know the answer.

Today, only Ryan Cole is doing the proper histopathology and in 100% of the cases hes been asked to look at, he can attribute the deaths to the vaccine.

Someday, I hope that well have leadership at the CDC that is not corrupt and that will ask Medical examiners to do the proper tests.

This can literally happen instantly. For example, the CDC says that tomorrow, every Medical Examiner in the US should do histopathology looking for the vaccine as a cause of death on the next person who dies. This is no big extra burden for a medical examiner just a few extra steps.

Or they can ask just a few medical examiners in highly vaccinated regions to run the extra tests on everyone who has an autopsy for the next 30 days (and to make sure that everyone who dies suddenly gets an autopsy done).

The bottom line is this: we could almost instantly have proof of whether the vaccine is safe and effective or not and the costs in time and money is de minimis.

The CDC is simply not interested in finding the truth about the vaccines, even though their job is to protect America from health threats:

Perhaps its time to re-write the CDCs mission statement to be more accurate? Here is my suggestion:

CDC works 24/7 to protect the vaccine manufacturers so that nobody in America ever finds out just how deadly the vaccines really are...


Warrior woman the trials and triumphs of Marcia Langton "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

We have waited 122 years to recognize in our Constitution the privilege that we have of sharing this continent with the oldest continuous culture on earth. I say to Australians, do not miss this opportunity.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

People will forget what you said. people will forget what you did. but people will never forget how you made them feel. people want to be treated justly. perceived injustices can create enmity, and enmity is the beginning of the slide towards intractable conflict.  

 Colin Tatz Reflections on the Politics of Remembering and Forgetting

What is going on in the mind of opposition Peter Dutton that in the belief that hes taking the fight to the Prime Minister, he picks a fight with this most formidable woman?

This excellent profile of longtime indigenous academic and activist Marcia Langton should be required reading for all supporters of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament and the recognition of indigenous Australians in our constitution and for all people of goodwill who may be wavering under the weight of conservative misinformation and disingenuousness. Weve republished it here in In That Howling Infinite for folk who cannot scale the News Corp pay-wall.

When Dutton committed the Liberal Party to a resounding no, Langton was not backward in coming forward. she pulled no punches when she declared:

This is the Australia we live in; it is racist. So this could be the political making of a whole lot of people who want to help us get this over the line and create a permanent system of empowerment for Indigenous people. If we want to mute racism, we have to raise our own voices. We have to make sure that we win this campaign, because if we dont, then the racists will feel emboldened. We have to have a constitutionally enshrined voice that empowers our people, regionally and nationally, to make bureaucrats accountable, and respond to representations on all policy matters and legislative matters that affect us. If we can have a constitutionally enshrined voice thats permanent, that makes us a formal part of the democratic architecture of Australia, thats how we fight racism. Thats how we fight our disempowerment. The Guardian, 7th April 2023.

See also in In Th...


Nextdc [ASX:NXT] Shares Leap 9% for Customer Wins "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Australian data centre operator Nextdc [ASX:NXT] saw its share price rocketing almost 9% Wednesday afternoon after announcing new customer wins have increased demand at the groups Sydney data centres.

The companys contracted production has increased by 35.9MW (43%) to 120MW since 31 December 2022.

NXT said that the new S3 data centre has benefited the most from the recent customer contract wins and is now at 46% of total planned capacity.

The stock was trading for $12.10 by early afternoon, thanks to its boost of 8.86% just after lunch time.

NXTs share price has been hitting the green on all accounts, having risen 33% so far in 2023 and more than 18% in the last month alone.

By Wednesday afternoon, the tech stock was 10.5% up on the market average and up 20% in its sector:

ASX:NXT Nextdc Stock chart news 2023


Nextdc posts new customer wins and delights investors

Nextdc shares were charging higher nearly up 9% earlier today, upping the shares value to $12.10 apiece in early afternoon trade.

The share price surge came after the data centre operator revealed that its achieved new customer wins, which have boosted demand at its Sydney data centres.

The group, which is a technology company and innovative data centre-as-a-service provider working to build the infrastructure platform for the digital economy, has advised that thanks to its most recent customer wins, the companys contracted utilisation has increased by 35.9MW (43%) to 120MW since the end of December.

The contracted utilisation in question consists of megawatts (MW) and doesnt necessarily include contractual expansion options and reservation commitments to customers.

It has been found that Nextdcs new S3 data centre has benefited the most from the recent customer contract wins, with the centre now at 46% of its initial total planned capacity.

At its recent 1H23 results, the company exp...


Push to ban ransomware payments following Australias biggest cyberattack "IndyWatch Feed National"

The hack on Latitude Financial is Australias biggest cyberattack, with drivers license numbers, passports and financial documents among the stolen information.


Pentagon Confirms Document Leak "IndyWatch Feed National"

There is a mole within the Pentagon and officials are eagerly seeking to find the source. Someone has been leaking classified documents to the public that include plans to involve the international community in the Ukrainian conflict. Someone in the intelligence community wants the public to know about Americas increasing involvement in the Russia-Ukraine proxy war.

A source close to Zelensky has said that Ukraine has scrapped previous war strategies due to the leaked information. The documents actually mention that the US has been spying on Zelensky himself, which comes as no surprise. Chris Meagher, the assistant to the secretary of defense for public affairs, said the leak is under investigation and that they do not know how much information has been leaked. Meagher claims some of the documents have been altered in an attempt to cover up the truth. He is reassuring allies of our commitment to safeguarding intelligence and fidelity to our security partnerships.

The documents were highly classified and contained information on how the US spies on its allies and enemies alike. The documents began appearing on Discord servers, 4Chan, and other platforms about a month ago, with over 50 sensitive documents now revealed to the public. The Five Eyes intelligence alliance, which includes Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, are now urging the US to rectify the situation immediately. Time will only tell what secrets these documents reveal.

They could not deny that the papers were real. We have seen how the intelligence community treats those who expose the truth like Edward Snowden who must live out his existence in fear. The source knows the risks and will likely risk their life to expose the truth.

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. 2381

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and

The post Pentagon Confirms Document Leak first appeared on Armstrong Economics.


Developer MAAS ignores Tweed Council request to cease clearing operations at Tweed Heads "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Developmetn site at 60 Tringa Street,
Tweed Heads.

Last year Maas Group Properties from Dubbo bought the 15ha site at 60 Tringa Street for $20M+. It is a 37-lot legacy subdivision from 1996 that was approved on the Cobaki Creek floodplain an area that was 6ft under during the devastating 2022 floods according to local Robert Eady.

At the end of March the developers went in and started clearing and working on the site, this was in breach of consent conditions which had yet to be met say locals.  

The Tweed Shire Council (TSC) issued a cease work order but the developer continued to work at the site. Then at last Thursdays (6 April) Tweed Shire Council meeting the council moved a motion to seek legal advice on any and all potential non-compliances in relation to the existing current approvals for this development. They also moved that council write ot the landowner seeking that further operations on the site cease until the Plans of Management required under Condition 66 are produced and approved for the reported EECs (endangered ecological communities) observed on-site during clearing activities.



Population surge driving housing crisis new report "IndyWatch Feed National"

A  (PDF) finds that Australias housing crisis cannot be solved without a major slowing of population growth. Australia is experiencing record population growth, with an extra 650,000 migrants this financial year and next, set to drive a 900,000 surge in total population.The report finds record population growth is creating a perfect housing storm, worsening existing flaws in the housing market caused by negative gearing, capital gains tax discount, first home buyer grants and underinvestment in social housing.

The report by Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) says the housing crisis risks a dystopian future of homelessness and rent stress for many Australians for years to come.

SPA national president Jenny Goldie says SPA prepared the report because population growth is being overlooked as a key part of the policy response to the housing crisis.

The government turned on the immigration tap to full bore, and they could just as easily turn it down. This is an horrific social crisis, and the federal government should be held to account, Ms Goldie says.

According to the report, the insidious reframing of housing as a financial asset rather than a public necessity is shattering Australias social contract which promised dignity and security for all, Ms Goldie adds.

It is driving widening inequalities of wealth and personal autonomy. We have allowed these trends to intensify to the point where social cohesion is under severe strain.

The report calls for a combination of tax reform, regulation, investment in public housing and a sustainable population policy, to address the housing crisis.

It says all of the Albanese governments $10 billion proposed Housing Australia Future Fund should be used to build or buy social housing rather than the governments plan to invest the money in financial markets and build only with the dividends. The report brands the governments approach as irrational and risky.

But the report says that social housing on its own will not solve the housing crisis.  It points to strong evidence that population growth is a key driver of housing demand.

Thus, population growth must be slowed.  A target for net...


Missing boy, Burleigh Heads "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Update: The 8-year-old boy reported missing from Burleigh Heads has been located safe and well in the Main Beach area. The media and public are thanked for their assistance.

Original story:

Police are appealing for urgent public assistance to locate an eight-year-old boy reported missing in the Burleigh Heads area this morning.

The boy was last seen travelling on a scooter northbound along the Esplanade between the Burleigh Heads Surf Club and the North Burleigh Surf Club around 8am.

He is described as Caucasian, approximately 130 centimetres tall, with a slim build, with light brown hair in a mullet.

He was last seen wearing a navy blue t-shirt, black shorts and blue Asics runners. He was also riding an orange scooter and wearing a black helmet.

Anyone with information about his whereabouts is urged to contact police immediately.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at

The post Missing boy, Burleigh Heads appeared first on The Echo.


Lismore Region Refugee Settlement group to welcome humanitarian refugees "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

A refugee family is arriving next month to settle in the Northern Rivers with the assistance of the Lismore Region Refugee Settlement (LRRS) group. 

The family will be settling in the area as part of the Federal government community sponsorship scheme. To share the news LRRS are holding a meeting on Saturday 22 at 11.30am at the Sherwood Hotel Molesworth Street, Lismore to share the news. 

LRRS have also been attending local markets and are running a series of events to raise money. 

Jazz band Acid Bleed will be playing on 11 June at the Lismore City Bowling Club. Photo supplied

This Sunday 16 April they are joining with Rotary at the Commercial Hotel, 74 Walker Street, Casino to sell a BBQ lunch in the beer garden where you can enjoy the Channon Beaumont Trio playing the Blues. On 11 June they have confirmed the jazz band Acid Bleed to play at the Lismore City Bowling Club, Molesworth Street 1.30pm.

Engaging with locals at the markets about refugees settlign in the region they said that the positive responses from citizens has been overwhelming.
The LRRS group are a committee of Sanctuary Northern Rivers inc, and are working towards resettling refugee families throughout the Northern Rivers under the...


The Increasing Availability and Risk of Injectable Skinniness "IndyWatch Feed National"

Semaglutide, known by the brand names Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus and others, is the latest weight-loss craze to hit Hollywood and beyond. The prescription drug, which is administered via a weekly injection, is intended to treat Type 2 diabetes, but its widely used off-label for weight loss.

For those who want to dive deeper into the science, the AMA video by Peter Attia does a nice job of providing the background of this very popular drug. You should be aware, however, that although Peter is a brilliant physician, he is stuck in the conventional paradigm and we disagree on many aspects of health and longevity.

A 2021 study funded by Novo Nordisk, the drugs maker, found using semaglutide once a week led to a 14.9% reduction in body weight among adults with obesity.1 Theres been such a rush on the drugs that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists both Ozempic and Wegovy as currently in shortage. This, despite the drugs hefty price tag of about $1,400 a month.2

But quick fixes are rarely the answer when it comes to better health, especially in the case of complex issues like maintaining a healthy weight, which has mental, emotional and physical elements.

A weight loss drug, even if its seemingly effective, cannot address the underlying emotional drivers that may lead to overeating, for instance, and it wont save your health if you continue to eat an unhealthy diet no matter how thin your outward appearance may be.

By relying on medication to get thin, you rob your body of the chance to balance its weight naturally, in the way biologically intended, and expose yourself to untold side effects in the process.

Semaglutide Mimics GLP-1 in Your Body, Reducing Appetite

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs). As a peptide hormone, GLP-1 is, among other things, part of a group of incretin hormones, which are released when you eat to regulate insulin, along with many other functions.3

Along with affecting insulin, GLP-1 may influence the nervous system, leading to an appetite-reducing response. Many taking semaglutide report that the drug makes them feel full, faster, so theyre satisfied eating smaller amounts. According to a scientist writing under the name Modern Discontent on Substack:4

Although thi...


Rental vacancy rates lift a little "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Rental vacancies tick higher

Rental vacancy rates ticked up a notch to 1.1 per cent in March according to SQM Research, with the trend higher in Hobart, Canberra, and Darwin. 

Hobart has definitely turned a corner now, and after years of chronic shortages finally has a few rental vacancies on the market. 

Markets remain tight in most capital cities, however, and this lift wasn't enough to stop more enormous increases in asking rents, which rose +2.1 per cent over the month.

Sydney asking rents for units were up by more than +30 per cent over the past year, with Melbourne and Brisbane not far behind. 


Fixed mortgage rates are falling, reports Mozo:

Source: Mozo


FixedIt: Man guilty of sexual touching is not the victim "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The Daily Telegraph reported that 63-year-old Greg Peters pled guilty to sexually touching two women without their consent, with a sub-heading about how awful it is that he has to experience very minor consequences for his choice to grope two women who he was supposed to be instructing in an advanced form of horse riding.

The quotes in the lead paragraph were all taken unattributed from the defence lawyers statements and given no context. This is boringly common in reporting on mens violence against women.

If you see a headline or summary paragraph full of sympathetic quotes about a man convicted of hurting women, its a safe bet the quotes come from the defence lawyer during the sentencing hearing. If the quotes are condemning the victim (woman accused of lying etc) its usually from the defence lawyer during cross-examination.

Im not much worried about this single article by this one reporter. My concern is the cumulative effect of thousands of such articles across hundreds of publications, where most readers flick their eyes over the headline or (at most) skim the article. These readers dont need to think deeply about the details and may not realise how their attitudes are shaped by the endless repetition of sympathy for men who hurt women and contempt for women who are hurt by men.

Those people vote. They serve on juries. They run businesses and sports clubs and libraries and pubs. They respond to friends or colleagues talking about men who hurt them. Their attitudes matter.

Journalists dont have to be activists and certainly, court reporters shouldnt try to be activists. But they should try to be accurate and informative. Ignoring the context of unattributed quotes is the very opposite of both these things.

So, to provide the context:

I think this was probably a sentencing hearing (the alleged court reporting doesnt tell us, so its difficult to be sure).

Victims typically only give evidence if the facts are disputed (at a contested hearing). Peters pled guilty, so the victims dont need to give evidence and there would be no quotes for the article.

Victims can, if they choose, give a Victim Impact Statement (VIS) at sentencing hearings, but they can also ask the court to suppress them (including any mention of the fact the VIS was given) so we cant know whether the reporter ignored the VIS, was unable to report it, or there was no VIS.

The prosecutions job at a sentencing hearing is to sum up the facts of the case, refer the court to...


Meeting People is Easy - #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed National"

Here on #SolutionsWatch we've looked at Building Community as a key part of the solution to the issues that we face . . . but how do you find that community in the first place? Today on the de-program James goes through just a few of the many, many, many different ways you can start finding, meeting and connecting with like-minded people in your area and around the world.


"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/11/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

(33) DC_Draino on Twitter: "Another mass shooting and yet another shooter with pronouns in his profile and a history of anti-Trump posts When will Democrat leaders start condemning the growing threat of Leftist violence?" / Twitter
New Tab
Levels of carcinogenic chemical near Ohio derailment site far above safe limit | Ohio train derailment | The Guardian
EPA pressured for transparency around dioxin testing after Ohio derailment
Patrol cites driver of truck that spilled contaminated soil from -
Truck carrying toxic soil from East Palestine, Ohio train derailment site overturns in Columbiana County
(28) R A W S A L E R T S on Twitter: "#BREAKING: A truck carrying over 20,000 pounds of toxic soil out of the train derailment zone in toppled over in an accident #EastPalestine | #Ohio Officials say a truck hauling toxic soil out of East Palestine Ohio crashed Monday evening, spilling about half its contents" / Twitter
truck carrying over 20,000 po...


Ballina council keen to tackle illegal dumping, littering "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Illegal waste dumping in the Tweed Shirel. Image Tweed Shire Council

A new draft strategy targeting littering and illegal dumping of waste in the Ballina Shire is on display for public feedback until the end of the month.

Council staff put the draft to councillors at last months ordinary meeting for endorsement, with all councillors voting in favour.

Staff told the meeting the council had had some big gains over the last five-to-ten-year period, particularly around illegal dumping.

The introduction of a specialised trailer and better infrastructure, including cameras, had helped, along with a lot of prevention work, staff said.

But staff notes on the meetings agenda showed it was costing the council around $100,000 each year to clean up and dispose of illegally dumped materials.

The cost of cleaning up litter was reportedly more difficult to quantify.

Commercial tyre waste a regional issue

Tyres dumped illegally at Eltham Road, Bexhill. Photo supplied.

Councillors hear...


Bruns emergency pod accomodation update "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Pods in Bayside, Brunswick Heads. Photo supplied

Flood-affected residents are moving into the new emergency housing in Brunswick Heads and Mullumbimby. 

After a long year of homelessness and uncertainty, those people now face the challenge of living in small homes, squashed close together, in this latest social experiment in intensive community housing by the NSW government.

Many resilient locals have taken up the challenge. New tenants expressed relief and gratitude at the Brunswick Heads sites, but theres also a pall of anxiety and trepidation hanging in the air. 

The smaller Bayside site hosts 27 one, two and three-bedroom units along Torakina Road (see photo).

Fifty homes are on the sports field site, and a similar number in Mullum, alongside the railway line. Everyone has had a police clearance to reassure neighbours they pose no danger to the pre-school or community.



Councillors to vote on railway land parcel sell off "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

14 Kendall Street, Byron Bay. Photo street view

The state government is trying to quietly sell off a piece of rail corridor land in the centre of Byron for residential development.

In a Development Application (DA) coming before this weeks Council meeting, the governments Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) is proposing what is described as a boundary adjustment on railway land, located at 14 Kendall Street, Byron Bay.

According to the Council staff report, the government wants to incorporate 261 square metres of highly valuable beachside Belongil land into an adjoining block, so that it can become part of a private residential subdivision.

The application has been initiated by the TAHE, who describe the land in question as being surplus to requirements. No private developer was mentioned in the report, however TAHEs DA 10.2022.159.1 was referenced.

However, the land may not be surplus to the requirements of those, including Byron Council, who want to get trains back on the tracks in the Byron Shire. Nevertheless, Byron Council staff make no mention of this issue in their report on the matter, stating that the formal use and management of the area to be acquired will not change. The report also indicates that the matter was only brought to the specific attention of councillors, because the l...


Market Talk April 11, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed National"



The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today:

  • NIKKEI 225 increased 289.71 points or 1.05% to 27,923.37
  • Shanghai decreased 1.79 points or -0.05% to 3,313.57
  • Hang Seng increased 154.04 points or 0.76% to 20,485.24
  • ASX 200 increased 90.90 points or 1.26% to 7,309.90
  • Kospi increased 35.78 points or 1.42% to 2,547.86
  • SENSEX increased 147.88 points or 0.25% to 59,994.39
  • Nifty50 increased 98.25 points or 0.56% to 17,722.30



The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • AUDUSD increased 0.00102 or 0.15% to 0.66472
  • NZDUSD decreased 0.00223 or -0.36% to 0.61927
  • USDJPY increased 0.055 or 0.04% to 133.655
  • USDCNY increased 0.00604 or 0.09% to 6.89624


Precious Metals:

  • Gold increased 13.85 USD/t oz. or 0.70% to 2,003.80
  • Silver increased 0.154 USD/t. oz or 0.62% to 25.049


Some economic news from last night:


CPI (YoY) (Mar) decreased from 1.0% to 0.7%

CPI (MoM) (Mar) increased from -0.5% to -0.3%

PPI (YoY) (Mar) decreased form -1.4% to -2.5%


NAB Business Confidence (Mar) increased from -4 to -1

Westpac Consumer Sentiment (Apr) increased from 0.0% to 9.4%


Some economic news from today:


New Loans (Mar) increased from 1,810.0B to 3,890.0B




The major Europe stock markets had a green day today:

  • CAC 40 increased 65.53 points or 0.89% to 7,390.28
  • FTSE 100 increased 44.16 points or 0.57% to 7,785.72
  • DAX 30 increased 57.28 points or 0.37% to 15,655.17


The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • EURUSD increased 0.00438 or 0.40% to 1.09028
  • GBPUSD increased 0.00291 or 0.24% to 1.24101
  • USDCHF decreased 0.00524 or -0.58% to 0.90416


Some economic news from Europe today:


Mortgage Rate (GBP) (Mar) increased from 7.02% to 7.22%

Euro Zone:

Retail Sales (MoM) (Feb) decreased from 0.8% to -0.8%




The Inte...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

US-led Unipolar Hegemonic Order an Abnormal State, Will Be Reformed Sooner or Later

By Global Times

Apr 11, 2023 09:24 PM

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

In more than 30 years since the end of the Cold War, human society has been stuck in US' unipolar hegemony. It is by no means an abnormal state. Yet Washington is addicted to it and wishes to make it a lasting norm. When a growing number of countries start to pursue benign adjustments to that global order, the US seems to have ants in the pants. 

Perhaps being shocked by the ongoing flurry of visits of European leaders to China, French President Emmanuel Macron's appeal on "strategic autonomy," and China's contributive role as a peace builder in the Middle East, some American observers and media outlets can hardly hide their anxiety. Fox News is quite blatant, claiming, "The Future is Now: China, Russia revert to pre-1989 world and fundamentally challenge the US-led West" on Monday. A headline in The Washington Post on the same day read, "China's new world order is taking shape." The article underlined that China's new initiatives over "security" and "civilization" essentially challenge the architecture of the US-led order.

What kind of order is the US-led order? There is only one answer to that question - the unipolar hegemonic order under US domination. Those analyses simply unveiled that the US is fearing losing its global leadership position. The country does not know how to face a different, multipolar order. Actually, it is resisting the arrival of such an order.

Therefore, whenever there are countries that are unwilling to obey US leadership or get in the way of the US cementing its leading role, Washington would feel like having a fishbone stuck in its throat and will waste no time bringing out its stick. To the US' surprise, today, even Saudi Arabia and France are tired of tolerating the US bossing them around or demanding obedience. That must have touched Washington's sensitive nerves.

Fox News compares the current international relations to the Cold War. This is an ignorant charge. "Th...


Why I dont name and shame journalists in Fixed It "IndyWatch Feed National"

This is a question that comes up quite often. Particularly egregious headlines will make people angry, which quite naturally, means they want someone to blame. I get it. I do too. This work would be so much easier if there was just one or two people who were the cause and the source of the problem. We could target them, and even if we couldnt change their minds, we might be able to change their behaviour and there you go, problem solved. 

Unfortunately, thats just not the case. Anyone who has followed Fixed It will know the fixes happen across all mainstream publications that publish breaking news, crime and court reporting. (The reasons its focussed in those areas are complex. If youd like to find out more, its covered fully in the Fixed It book.)

After years of doing this work, I believe that targeting journalists who wrote an article published under a terrible headline does more harm than good. 

Journalists almost never write their own headlines. It might happen sometimes in digital publications or smaller outlets, but its impossible to know for sure. Some newsrooms still have sub-editors to write headlines, but theyre mostly concentrated in print publications where headlines are about attracting attention and using space on the page. Digital headlines are more likely to come from journalists but they could also be written by an editor, another journalist, or a section head and there is no way of finding out who that might have been. Online headlines are usually written with the need to attract attention in mind, but theyre also about search engine optimisation and social media shares. Any number of people could be involved in this process.

To give an example, if a journalist from the Daily Telegraph wrote an article about a murder in Sydney, the headline for the print edition might be written by the sub-editor, the section editor or the head of the newsroom. The same article could go out on the Teles digital edition under a headline written by any of the digital editors or sub-editors working that day. The Herald Sun, the Courier Mail, The Hobart Mercury and NT News might all republish the article in their print or digital editions, and each of them might use a different headline written by a different person. The article might also be posted on Facebook under yet another headline from the social media manager, and on Twitter with a much shorter one written by whoever is running their twitter feed that day. Its extremely unlikely the journalist who wrote the article would be able to write or even keep track of all the different headers posted over their piece. Its equally impossible for someone outside all these newsrooms to identify the person responsible for one specific headline. 

In the early days of Fixed It, I used to leave the journalists by-line in the headline image, which would som...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

US-Philippines Largest-ever Military Drills Meet Fierce Protests and Criticism

By Deng Xiaoci

Apr 11, 2023 09:49 PM

An activist holds a placard during a protest against the Balikatan joint military exercises between the Philippines and the US, outside Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City, suburban Manila on April 11, 2023. Photo: VCG

The US and the Philippines reportedly started their "largest-ever" military drills on Tuesday, involving more than 17,000 troops from both sides, as well as representatives from other countries, including Australia, which has met with fierce local protests against the increasing military presence of the US in the Philippines and warnings from observers of jeopardizing regional stability. 

The drills include 12,200 US military personnel, 5,400 Filipino forces, and 111 Australian soldiers. 

The event known as Balikatan 2023 that will last till April 28, came after Manila's announcement last week of the locations of four more military bases it is allowing the US military to use. One of them is in the north of Luzon Island, the nearest bit of land to the island of Taiwan. The drills also come ahead of a "2+2" meeting of defense and foreign ministers in Washington, DC from later on Tuesday through Wednesday.

The exercise incorporating training activities throughout the Philippines will also include a live-fire drill to bombard and sink a decommissioned ship in South China Sea waters. US warships, fighter jets as well as its Patriot missiles, HIMARS rocket launchers and anti-tank Javelins would be showcased, according to US and Philippine military officials, CNBC reported 

The two countries will stage an amphibious landing on the western island of Palawan facing the South China Sea. It will also be the first time Philippine and US navy frigates fire their weapons toward the South China Sea from waters off Zambales province, north of Manila.

Protesters were seen burning a US flag as they expressed opposition to the military event outside the Armed Forces of th...


Public resistance to Australia stationing US nuclear submarines "IndyWatch Feed National"


AUKUS designed to remove public resistance to Australia stationing US nuclear submarines

Apr 11, 2023
President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speak at the AUKUS meeting in San Diego, March 13, 2023.

The real reason for the AUKUS sub...


Report: Indonesias food estate program repeating failures of past projects "IndyWatch Feed National"

JAKARTA When the Indonesian government announced its food estate program in 2020, it envisioned the establishment of large-scale agricultural plantations across the country. These plantations of crops like rice, cassava and potato were supposed to be the answer to what the government says is an impending global food crisis, and would help feed the worlds fourth-largest population. But a field investigation at the sites of the food estate program in the Bornean province of Central Kalimantan by independent researchers in March 2022 and February 2023 instead found sprawling plantations that had been abandoned. Three years into the program, theres no rice or cassava crops ready to be harvested, and no farmers tending their fields. Instead, wild shrubs have sprouted on these plots of lands, and excavators have started to rust away, according to the investigation by environmental NGOs Pantau Gambut and Walhi Central Kalimantan, and BBC News Indonesia. In the village of Tewai Baru, Gunung Mas district, for instance, the investigation found 600 hectares (nearly 1,500 acres) of cassava plantations withering away. Villagers told the researchers that the crops hadnt been harvested. And despite being more than a year old, well into maturity for cassava plants, these crops appeared thin and stunted, the researchers found. The cassava tubers themselves were small, about the size of a human finger. The investigation also found seven abandoned excavators that no longer worked. A cleared area for the establishment of cassava plantation as a part of the food estate program in the TewaiThis article was originally published on Mongabay

Tuesday, 11 April


Australia: First Muslim minister of New South Wales, Jihad Deb, takes oath on Quran "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Australias first Muslim Minister of New South Wales is Jihad Deb. Although he grew up in Australia, he decided to swear in on the Quran in honor of his faith. We have seen a similar trend in America, where Keith Ellison and then Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar took their oath of office for the []


Bitcoin and Global Hegemony "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Both empirical realities and existing predictions show the usefulness and potential of Bitcoin as an instrument of national power in the practice of statecraft and also as a versatile element that could serve various roles under confrontational geopolitical conditions. However, it is unclear at this point if BTC and similar nonstate cybercurrencies could influence the fate of global hegemony. The historical record shows a strong symbiotic connection between the architecture of international monetary systems and political realities related to the global balance of power and the systemic structure of polarity. Specifically, major reserve currencies have always been issued by hegemonic great powers and underwritten by the strength that those superior positions confer. Such has been the case since the days of the Athenian drachma, the Roman denarius and the Byzantine solidus to the US dollar. In this regard, could the disruptiveness of unofficial cryptocurrencies like BTC have implications for the evolution of hegemony and the redistribution of the global correlation of forces in the coming decades? Admittedly, there is no hard conclusive evidence at this point but, from a long-range perspective, their existence is a relatively recent phenomenon, and the ultimate extent of their conceivable geopolitical ramifications remains unknown. After all, the arc of the so-called longue dure brings both predictable cyclical patterns and wild cards whose behaviour is hard to anticipate. Therefore, the formulation of an answer requires the practice of strategic foresight to assess multiple hypothetical possibilities and to determine how each could reshape hegemony. In order to do so, the present analysis integrates the scrutiny of forecasts, scenarios and perspectives. In particular, it seeks to identify the plausible implications of said cybercurrency for the hegemonic position still held by the United States as the leading superpower and the supremacy of the US dollar as the worlds top reserve currency.


BTCs potential as a major reserve currency

The idea of a major global reserve currency not controlled by any national state is not new. In the context of the Bretton Woods conference, British economist John Maynard Keynes proposed the idea of launching a supranational monetary unit, called Bancor, which would be backed by gold, a plan that was unsurprisingly not welcomed by Washington. No sane statesmen would have missed the opportunity to achieve global monetary and financial superiority as a war booty. In the post-Cold War era, the rise of Bitcoin endorses once more the hypothetical scenario of a de-nationalized global currency that cannot be unilaterally controlled in accordance with the particular interests of a singl....


Macron sparks outrage, infuriates China hawks over Taiwan comments "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

German foreign policy scholar and China-watcher Ulrich Speck said Macrons comments vindicated Australias decision to tear up its contract for French-made submarines in favour of the AUKUS pact.

Malcolm Davis from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute described Macrons comments as ill-conceived at best, and poorly timed given the situation in Ukraine, and the need for Europe and the US to work together to support Kyiv

The Age, By Latika Bourke, April 10, 2023 

London: French President Emmanuel Macron has sparked outrage after saying Europe should reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting involved in any conflict between Washington and Beijing over Taiwan.

Macron made the comments in an interview with Politico on-board COTAM Unit, Frances Air Force One, while travelling home to Paris after a three-day state visit to Beijing where he struck a range of business deals for French companies

Macron said he wanted Europe to adopt strategic autonomy from the United States, a concept which is backed by Beijing.

He warned against Europe becoming Americas followers.

If the tensions between the two superpowers heat up we wont have the time nor the resources to finance our strategic autonomy and we will become vassals, Macron told the travelling journalists.

The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just Americas followers.

The question Europeans need to answer is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No. The worse thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the US agenda and a Chinese overreaction.

Europeans cannot resolve the crisis in Ukraine; how can we credibly say on Taiwan, Watch out, if you do something wrong we will be there? If you really want to increase tensions thats the way to do it, he said.

France has long held out an ambivalence for US power and influence over Europe. France, for example, forced the withdrawal of ...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Uneasiness over Macron's 'Strategic Autonomy' Statement Shows Washington's Declining Ability to Maintain Hegemony

By GT staff reporters

Apr 10, 2023 10:03 PM

Chinese President Xi Jinping holds an informal meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron in Songyuan, Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province on April 7. Photo: Xinhua

French President Emmanuel Macron's remarks urging Europe to reduce its reliance on the US and to be cautious about being dragged into a conflict between Beijing and Washington over Taiwan question are being seen by observers as jamming the brakes on Europe that is being coerced into becoming deeply involved in the Taiwan question, and signals a dead end for the US strategy of luring Europe to contain China. 

This rational and pragmatic warning appeared to alarm American politicians and media, who immediately criticized the French President. This discomfort mirrored Washington's declining ability to rein in its allies and growing anxiety in maintaining hegemony. 

Speaking with media outlet Politico and two French journalists in an interview on his plane back after concluding his visit to China, Macron emphasized that "the great risk" Europe faces is that it "gets caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building its strategic autonomy," according to Politico.

"The paradox would be that, overcome with panic, we believe we are just America's followers," Macron said in the interview. "The question Europeans need to answer is it in our interest to accelerate [a crisis] on Taiwan? No."

He also noted that Europe had increased its dependency on the US for weapons and energy and must now focus on boosting European defense industries. 

In response to Macron's latest take on Taiwan, Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a Monday briefing that China hopes all parties can recognize the essence of the Taiwan question, continue to stick to the one-China principle and oppose any form of Taiwan secessionist activities. The biggest threat to cross-Strai...


Byron Bay Triathlon Aquathlon skip the bike "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The all NEW aquathlon is made for those who love to swim and run and want to leave the bike at home!

This year at Byron we have the SPRINT distance Swim 1000m Run 5km playing out along the stunning coastline of Byron Bay with an ocean swim followed by the run taking you past the iconic Byron Bay Surf Life Saving Club , then onto an out and back course along Lighthouse Road.

If this sounds like the distance for you visit to find out more!

The Place. The Race. The Party!

Byron Bay Triathlon Australias best destination triathlon! Make a weekend of it, hang out at the beach and celebrate well past sunset. 11-14 May 2023.

The post Byron Bay Triathlon Aquathlon skip the bike appeared first on Byron Bay Blog.


What Can Forced Vaccination Teach Us About Medical Ethics? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

One of the greatest challenges I have faced throughout my medical career is having watched physicians on so many occasions push dangerous and unnecessary treatments on patients, assuring them that they are safe.

Some of these treatments inevitably injure those patients. When this happens, if the patient asks about causation, the doctor will tend to insist that the injury had nothing to do with the doctors therapy and instead attribute it to some other cause like pre-existing anxiety.

This dynamic is commonly referred to as medical gaslighting (summarized here), and one the most perplexing things about it is that the majority of doctors who gaslight their patients are very intelligent individuals who sincerely want the best for their patients. Since this profound contradiction is so systemic throughout the medical field, I believe that the problem transcends the individual doctor, and the root causes need to be examined to understand why it happens.

For example, I believe a major issue is that physicians go through a medical training process which does provide trainees with the capacity to be able to recognize most medical injuries.

Medical Education and Medical Ethics

Medical education is currently structured in such a way that medical schools are largely judged by their ability to prepare students to get good scores on board exams. As a result, pre-clinical curriculums are geared towards maximizing board-relevant content, of which there is a lot leading to the first two years of medical school commonly being analogized to the student drinking from a fire hose.

This, in turn, prevents a significant amount of material (which many believe is important for becoming a competent physician) from making it into the pre-clinical curriculum (which is a problem since the structured component of ones medical education largely disappears after the pre-clinical years conclude).

One of the largely neglected subjects in our medical training is medical ethics. Presently, medical school accreditation bodies require this subject to somehow be taught in the curriculum, and the medical board exams provide a few questions testing the subject. This results in the medical ethics education typically consisting of a few lectures that are largely geared towards learning the concepts tested on boards.

Board examinations, in turn, require one to understand the four principles of medical ethics (do no harm, conduct actions that benefit the patient, respect the patients autonomy, ensure limited medical resources are fairly distributed), and then answer logical questions pertaining to given situations. This process results in medical ethics being something that doctors can logically...


Unlike the U.S., China Issues Warning about Dangerous ChatGPT AI Financial Bubble "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As someone who grew up with modern computer technology and at one time earned my living from it, and as someone who not only lived through the financial collapse but has also owned an ecommerce business for over 21 years and has survived multiple economic downturns, it has been plainly obvious to me that the current financial frenzy over chat AI hype is one of the largest developing financial bubbles being blown up with no real model of generating revenue at this time.

And yet, hardly any other financial analyst has come out to expose this very dangerous financial bubble that could burst at any time, and potentially sink the entire economy, until today.

But that financial analysis over the current spending frenzy regarding AI did not come from any financial analysts in the U.S., but by the Chinese Government.

China is the worlds second largest investor in technology start-ups by venture capitalists, with only the U.S. spending more.

Sequoia and Other U.S.-Backed VCs Are Funding Chinas Answer to OpenAI

A boom in artificial intelligence startup funding sparked by OpenAI has spilled over to China, the worlds second-biggest venture capital market. Now American institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be Chinas answer to OpenAI.

The American investors, including U.S. endowments, back key Chinese VC firms such as Sequoia Capital China, Matrix Partners China, Qiming Venture Partners and Hillhouse Capital Management that are striking local AI startup deals, which havent been previously reported. U.S. government officials have grown increasingly wary of such investments in Chinese AI as well as semiconductors because they could aid a geopolitical rival. (Source.)

The Chinese government might be regulating the AI industry to prevent a financial crash over this wild speculation in the Tech sector over OpenAI, based on an opinion piece published earlier today in a Chinese financial publication.

Chinese shares related to artificial intelligence plunged after a state media ou...


Unlike the U.S., China Issues Warning about Dangerous ChatGPT AI Financial Bubble "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As someone who grew up with modern computer technology and at one time earned my living from it, and as someone who not only lived through the financial collapse but has also owned an ecommerce business for over 21 years and has survived multiple economic downturns, it has been plainly obvious to me that the current financial frenzy over chat AI hype is one of the largest developing financial bubbles being blown up with no real model of generating revenue at this time.

And yet, hardly any other financial analyst has come out to expose this very dangerous financial bubble that could burst at any time, and potentially sink the entire economy, until today.

But that financial analysis over the current spending frenzy regarding AI did not come from any financial analysts in the U.S., but by the Chinese Government.

China is the worlds second largest investor in technology start-ups by venture capitalists, with only the U.S. spending more.

Sequoia and Other U.S.-Backed VCs Are Funding Chinas Answer to OpenAI

A boom in artificial intelligence startup funding sparked by OpenAI has spilled over to China, the worlds second-biggest venture capital market. Now American institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be Chinas answer to OpenAI.

The American investors, including U.S. endowments, back key Chinese VC firms such as Sequoia Capital China, Matrix Partners China, Qiming Venture Partners and Hillhouse Capital Management that are striking local AI startup deals, which havent been previously reported. U.S. government officials have grown increasingly wary of such investments in Chinese AI as well as semiconductors because they could aid a geopolitical rival. (Source.)

The Chinese government might be regulating the AI industry to prevent a financial crash over this wild speculation in the Tech sector over OpenAI, based on an opinion piece published earlier today in a Chinese financial publication.

Chinese shares related to artificial intelligence plunged after a state media ou...


Unlike the U.S., China Issues Warning about Dangerous ChatGPT AI Financial Bubble "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As someone who grew up with modern computer technology and at one time earned my living from it, and as someone who not only lived through the financial collapse but has also owned an ecommerce business for over 21 years and has survived multiple economic downturns, it has been plainly obvious to me that the current financial frenzy over chat AI hype is one of the largest developing financial bubbles being blown up with no real model of generating revenue at this time.

And yet, hardly any other financial analyst has come out to expose this very dangerous financial bubble that could burst at any time, and potentially sink the entire economy, until today.

But that financial analysis over the current spending frenzy regarding AI did not come from any financial analysts in the U.S., but by the Chinese Government.

China is the worlds second largest investor in technology start-ups by venture capitalists, with only the U.S. spending more.

Sequoia and Other U.S.-Backed VCs Are Funding Chinas Answer to OpenAI

A boom in artificial intelligence startup funding sparked by OpenAI has spilled over to China, the worlds second-biggest venture capital market. Now American institutional investors are indirectly financing a rash of Chinese AI startups aspiring to be Chinas answer to OpenAI.

The American investors, including U.S. endowments, back key Chinese VC firms such as Sequoia Capital China, Matrix Partners China, Qiming Venture Partners and Hillhouse Capital Management that are striking local AI startup deals, which havent been previously reported. U.S. government officials have grown increasingly wary of such investments in Chinese AI as well as semiconductors because they could aid a geopolitical rival. (...


The impossibility of actual politics "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

After the Arab Spring, the African left was left demoralized and disorganized. However, a recent book argues that the revolution continues in quotidian life.

Image credit Hossam el-Hamalawy via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 2011.

Twelve years have passed since the Arab Spring, and both Egypt and Tunisia are facing a stark economic crisis. Both are currently under the mercy of extremely unfavorable structural adjustment programs imposed by the International Monetary Fund, relying heavily on food imports, mired in debt, and facing historical inflation rates with unprecedented hikes in food prices. This dire economic situation is made all the worse by a relentless escalation of authoritarian measures in both countries. The prevailing atmosphere indicates that the counterrevolution has prevailed and that avenues of emancipatory possibility have shrunk almost to the point of extinction.

Every year, however, as the anniversary of the January uprisings approaches, dread ensues, not only because it prompts us to reflect on the defeat, but also because of the steady barrage of analysis we are inundated with, grappling with the same questions every year, and revealing an unsatiated desire to answer questions that we already probably know the answers to. Questions abound about horizontalism or verticalism, leadership, or leaderlessness that date back to the break between Stalin and Trotsky, which have eternally divided those in the 1917 camp vs the 1968 camp. Spontaneity contra organization ad infinitum.

A book that stands out in this genre, however, is Asef Bayats Revolution Without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring. Published in 2017, it has become one of the most referenced in the field. In it, the Iranian-American sociologist grapples with the idea of what revolution means in a post-Cold War era. Bayatcorrectly in my opinionattributes the failure of the January uprisings, despite their extraordinary mobilization and resistance, to a lack of revolutionary vision, political organization, and a dearth of intellectual articulation by its leaders. He does so by comparing them to the revolutions of the 1970s when the concept of revolution was largely informed by socialism and anti-imperialism. Adversely, the January uprisings, affected by the NGOization of the world, seemed to be more concerned with democracy, human rights, and accountability.

Deviating away from the approach he took in Revolution Without Revolutionaries, Bayatin his sixth and latest book, Revolutionary Life: The Everyday of the Arab Spring...

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