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Saturday, 25 March


Mitch King - The Bellingen Brewery Co "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Friday 24th Mar, 7.00pm 10.00pm, Bellingen Brewery

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Sunday, 05 March


Hancock: When Do We Deploy The New Variant "IndyWatch Feed National"

Matt Hancock

by Dee McLachlan

We Frighten The Pants of Everyone With The New Strain

When do we deploy the new variant

Oh sure its not the government, its just messages from a rogue minister. The evening standard:

The leaked messages of...


Sending a message to the world? Ya reckon? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says #SydneyWorldPride sent a message to the world that Australia is enriched by its diversity. Read more: SBS News (@SBSNews) March 5, 2023


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.30 AUD


TL;DR: Schaut Picard Season 3. Wenn ihr Season 1 und ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

TL;DR: Schaut Picard Season 3. Wenn ihr Season 1 und 2 nicht gesehen habt, holt das nicht jetzt nach.

Ich bin ein alter Star Trek-Nerd. Discovery habe ich gehasst. Mit der "Enterprise"-Sequelserie bin ich schon nicht warm geworden. Modern Trek finde ich furchtbar.

Frher war Star Trek mal eine Utopie. Grundlegende Probleme waren gelst. Geld, Krankenversorgung, Essen, Fortbewegung ... alles gelst.

So konnte die Show von Ethik handeln, und abstraktere Fragen aufwerfen.

Das sah man schon optisch. Die Raumschiffe waren hell beleuchtet. Menschen waren kompetent. Vorgaben der Vorgesetzen basierten auf guten Informationen und langer Erfahrung und wurden nicht ignoriert oder auch nur in Frage gestellt (im Allgemeinen). Wenn also jemand Befehle nicht befolgt hat, dann war es der Captain, und es war auergewhnlich und daher spannend.

Modern Trek spielt in dunklen Verliesen, man kann kaum was erkennen. Die Leute vertrauen nicht ihren Vorgesetzten sondern jeder macht sein eigenes Ding. Kompetenz ist egal, Gefhle sind alles. Niemand wirkt vertrauenswrdig oder kompetent.

Das ist eine Dystopie, keine Utopie. In die neue Serie Picard habe ich kurz reingeschaut und war dann massiv enttuscht. Das war Modern Trek, nur noch schlimmer. Offensichtlich von Leuten gemacht, die nicht mit Star Trek aufgewachsen sind, die anscheinend auch einen Dreck auf die Werte gaben, um die es bei Trek frher ging. Das ist nur noch "The CW"-Style Massenware gewesen. Sehr betrblich, dass Patrick Stewart da berhaupt mitgemacht hat.

Warum schreibe ich das alles? Weil die 3. Staffel von Picard den ganzen Schei ber Bord geworfen hat. Heute kam die 3. Episode raus. Luft bei Amazon Prime und hat englische Tonspur.

Ich kann mich ehrlich gar nicht mehr erinnern, wann ich das letzte Mal der nchsten Episode einer Trek-Show entgegen gefiebert habe. Muss bei DS9 gewesen sein oder so.

Bei Picard Season 3 habe ich das wieder. Das ist der erste gute Trek seit 25 Jahren.

Wenn ihr also eigentlich Fans von Star Trek seid, aber angesichts des Mlls der letzten 20 Jahre angeekelt aufgegeben habt, dann solltet ihr Picard Season 3 nochmal eine Chance geben.

Ich wnsche viel Spa.

Das ganze Konzept der Strerhaftung bei Raubmordkopierern ... "IndyWatch Feed National"

Das ganze Konzept der Strerhaftung bei Raubmordkopierern kommt ja nicht aus Gesetzen sondern da haben Richter sich selbst zu Gesetzgebern aufgeschwungen und das mal eben per Urteil selbst erfunden, das Konzept.

Wenn die das tun, und damit davon kommen, was tun die sonst noch so? Nun, sie eskalieren frhlich weiter. Das Landgericht Leipzig fand jetzt mal eben spontan, dass Quad9 (ein kostenloser DNS-Anbieter) nicht nur Strer sondern Tter ist, wenn sie einen Namen auflsen, der zu Raubmordterrorkopien fhrt.

Gut, der DNS-Provider kann erstens gar nicht wissen, zu welchem Port ich mich verbinden will. Aber nehmen wir mal an, das Problem gbe es nicht.

Nehmen wir mal an, das ganze Internet ist nur Webseiten, und Quad9 wrde jede Webseite aufrufen, bevor sie mir antworten, und sie knnten irgendwie magisch feststellen, ob da Raubkindsmordterrorkopien angeboten werden.

Dann wre das trotzdem wertlos, weil die Webseite ja Quad9 andere Daten zeigen kann als mir. Selbst wenn eine Raubmassenkindsmordterrorkopie erkennbar wre, automatisiert gar, knnte Quad9 nicht sehen, ob die Webseite mir welche anbietet.

Kurz gesagt: Ein bemerkenswert krasses Fehlurteil, offenbar gefllt gnzlich unbeschwert von Sachkenntnis oder Einarbeitung in die Fragestellung.

Das wre als wrde man den Richter einlochen, weil ich ihn nach dem Weg zu einem Restaurant gefragt habe, und spter stellt sich raus, dass das Restaurant irgendwelche Sanitrauflagen nicht eingehalten hat.

Das Landgericht Leipzig schloss sich hier brigens dem Landgericht Kln an:

Das Landgericht bezieht sich dabei auf die "berzeugenden Ausfhrungen" des Landgerichts Kln, das bereits im September 2022 die tterschaftliche Haftung fr Urheberrechtsverletzungen Dritter auf Cloudfare bertrug. Cloudfare betreibt nicht nur ein Content Delivery Network, sondern auch einen DNS-Resolver.

Vinyl chloride's invisible threat: Thousands of pounds are released every year in the U.S. as part of "poison plastic" manufacturing "IndyWatch Feed National"

Vinyl chloride entered the spotlight after the Feb. 3 Ohio train derailment. But the hazardous substance has been around for decades and is everywhere from buildings and vehicle upholstery to children's toys and kitchen supplies and factories have been emitting the EPA-designated toxic chemical into the air for years. The train that derailed had the manmade and volatile compound on board, prompting temporary evacuations. But the derailment isn't the first time vinyl chloride has alarmed experts. Experts say that the volatile compound, "used almost exclusively by the plastics industry," has "leached into groundwater from spills, landfills, and industrial sources," and that people who live around plastic manufacturing facilities "may be exposed to vinyl chloride by inhalation of contaminated air." According to the EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), which "tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment," there are 38 TRI facilities in 15 states mostly around the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern U.S. that use vinyl chloride, emitting about half a million pounds of the substance every year. The problem begins at vinyl chloride's origins. It's generated from ethane, which is obtained through fracking natural gas. The U.S. Energy Information Administration said ethane production hit a monthly record last year of more than 2.4 million barrels per day. The global PVC market is expected to become a $56.1 billion industry within the next 3 years. 

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption and health from reliable major media sources.

Australia becomes first country to recognise psychedelics as medicines "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australia has become the first country to recognise psychedelics as medicines, after the Therapeutic Goods Administration took researchers by surprise and approved the psychedelic substances in magic mushrooms and MDMA for use by people with certain mental health conditions. MDMA and psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, will be considered schedule 8 drugs - meaning they're approved for controlled use when prescribed by a psychiatrist - from July this year after the TGA acknowledged there were few other options for patients with specific treatment-resistant mental illnesses. The changes will allow MDMA to be used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, and psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. They will still be considered prohibited substances ... for all other usages. "Prescribing will be limited to psychiatrists, given their specialised qualifications and expertise to diagnose and treat patients with serious mental health conditions," a TGA statement published on Friday said. Associate Professor David Caldicott, an emergency department doctor who appeared at the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide ... was pleasantly surprised by Friday's decision. "The conditions for which these drugs might be used [post-traumatic stress disorder and treatment-resistant depression] are currently conditions for which you're basically destined to a lifetime of drug use. Whereas the MDMA particularly is used to facilitate psychotherapy, only for a few doses," [said Caldicott].

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on mind-altering drugs from reliable major media sources.

Society has never produced so much food, yet we live in a world where only the rich get to be healthy "IndyWatch Feed National"

According to the World Health Organization definition, 1.9 billion adults are considered overweight. Of these, more than 650 million people are classified as obese. In Australia, health authorities suggest being overweight is more dangerous to us than alcohol, and only second in "preventable health risk" to smoking. ABS health data claims 67% of Australian adults are overweight, an increase on 63.4% a decade ago. Last year, Australia's former conservative government released a "National Obesity Strategy", concerned Australia was facing health risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancers. That government did recognise weight is influenced by complex "social, environmental, and economic factors", but their framework of encouraging "healthy choices" as a remedy unhelpfully individualises a collective problem. First, shaming individuals into weight loss doesn't work. 95% of weight loss attempts fail. Two-thirds of dieters regain the weight they lose. Second, the structural giveaway here is an admission that the poorest "experience the greatest burden of disease linked to excess weight". Our societies have never produced so much food, and the time to prepare it are priced as a luxury, while highly processed items are inexpensive, easy and aggressively mass-marketed. It's not a failure of collective willpower that's jeopardising our health, but a diet of bad food that's culturally familiar, low in nutrition and super available.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on food system corruption from reliable major media sources.

Whales Will Save Climate Unless the Military Destroys Them First "IndyWatch Feed National"

With the Biden administration's mandate to slash carbon emissions "at least in half by the end of the decade," the Pentagon has committed to using all-electric vehicles and transitioning to biofuels for all its trucks, ships and aircraft. The plan ignores the Pentagon's continuing role in the annihilation of whales, in spite of the miraculous role that large cetaceans have played in delaying climate catastrophe and "maintaining healthy marine ecosystems," according to a report by Whale and Dolphin Conservation. This fact has mostly gone unnoticed. The decimation of populations of whales and dolphins over the last decade - resulting from the year-round, full-spectrum military practices carried out in the oceans ... has fast-tracked us toward a cataclysmic environmental tipping point. The other imminent danger that whales and dolphins face is from the installation of space-war infrastructure, which is taking place currently. This new infrastructure comprises the development of the so-called "smart ocean," rocket launchpads, missile tracking stations and other components of satellite-based battle. Throughout their lives, whales enable the oceans to sequester a whopping 2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. That astonishing amount in a single year is nearly double the 1.2 billion metric tons of carbon that was emitted by the U.S. military in the entire 16-year span between 2001 and 2017. Clearly, key path forward toward a livable planet is to make whale and ocean conservation a top priority.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on military corruption and marine mammals from reliable major media sources.

How to fight microplastic pollution with magnets "IndyWatch Feed National"

Huge amounts of plastic ends up rivers and oceans every year, harming the environment and potentially also human health. But what if we could pull it out of water with the power of magnets? [Chemistry student] Ferreira became determined to find a solution to remove microplastics from water. He started by designing his own spectrometer, a scientific instrument that uses ultraviolet light to measure the density of microplastics in solutions. "I could see there were a lot of microplastics in the water and they weren't just coming from big plastic breaking down in the sea," he says. It was on his local beach that Ferreira came up with a solution that could extract microplastics from water. "I found some oil spill residue with loads of plastic attached to it," he says. "I realised that oil could be used to attract plastic." Ferreira mixed vegetable oil with iron oxide powder to create a magnetic liquid, also known as ferrofluid. He then blended in microplastics from a wide range of everyday items, including plastic bottles, paint and car tyres, and water from the washing machine. After the microplastics attached themselves to the ferrofluid, Ferreira used a magnet to remove the solution and leave behind only water. Following 5,000 tests, Ferreira's method was 87% effective at extracting microplastics from water. Ferreira is currently in the process of designing a device which uses the magnetic extraction method to capture microplastics as water flows past it. The device will be small enough to fit inside waterpipes to continuously extract plastic fragments.

Note: Researchers from Australia are also finding innovative ways to rapidly remove hazardous microplastics from water using magnets. Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.

A world in which your boss spies on your brainwaves? That future is near "IndyWatch Feed National"

The reptilian annual World Economic Forum at Davos, where the masters of the universe meet to congratulate themselves on their benevolent dictatorship, is home to many sinister ideas. This year, one of the creepiest discussions of all was delivered under the guise of progress and productivity. Nita Farahany, a Duke University professor and futurist, gave a presentation at Davos about neurotechnology that is creating "brain transparency." The new technologies, which Farahany says are being deployed in workplaces around the world ... include a variety of wearable sensors that read the brain's electrical impulses and can show how fatigued you are, whether you're focused on the task at hand or if your attention is wandering. According to Farahany, thousands of companies have hooked workers ranging from train drivers to miners up to these devices already, in the name of workplace safety. But what we are really discussing is workplace surveillance. Farahany paints a picture of a near future in which every office worker could be fitted with a small wearable that would constantly record brain activity, creating an omnipotent record of your thoughts, attention and energy that the boss could study at leisure. Farahany acknowledges that there could be drawbacks here: "Done poorly, it could become the most oppressive technology we've ever introduced on a wide scale." All of this raises the question: what exactly is your employer buying when they give you a paycheck? For bosses, the answer is simple: "Everything."

Note: Tune into a fascinating, 17 min. conversation about this issue that raises important questions about the overreliance on technology as a tool of control, under the guise of workplace safety. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption from reliable major media sources.

Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance "IndyWatch Feed National"

In the pandemic's bewildering early days, millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools that could help stop coronavirus' spread. In return, governments got a firehose of individuals' private health details, photographs that captured their facial measurements and their home addresses. Now, from Beijing to Jerusalem to Hyderabad, India, and Perth, Australia, The Associated Press has found that authorities used these technologies and data to halt travel for activists and ordinary people, harass marginalized communities and link people's health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools. In some cases, data was shared with spy agencies. China's ultra-strict zero-COVID policies recently ignited the sharpest public rebuke of the country's authoritarian leadership since ... 1989. Just as the balance between privacy and national security shifted after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, COVID-19 has given officials justification to embed tracking tools in society that have lasted long after lockdowns. What use will ultimately be made of the data collected and tools developed during the height of the pandemic remains an open question. Australia's intelligence agencies were caught "incidentally" collecting data from the national COVIDSafe app. In the U.S. ... the federal government took the opportunity to build out its surveillance toolkit, including two contracts in 2020 worth $24.9 million to the data mining and surveillance company Palantir Technologies Inc.

Note: Read an essay by constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead on COVID and the surveillance state. Detroit police recently sought COVID relief funds to install ShotSpotter microphones throughout the city. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the coronavirus and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.


Penny Wong gives $3.5M of our money as 'a start' to fund LGBTQ organisations in the Asia-Pacific "IndyWatch Feed National"

"Feel safe". This week, Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced at Sydney's WorldPride Human Rights Conference that Australia would spend $3.5 million as "a start" to support organisations advocating for LGBTQ rights in the Asia-Pacific. "As amazing as the announcement is, we still have so much work to do in...


Train Derailment and Dr Young on The Toxins In Ohio "IndyWatch Feed National"


US sabotage.

Today, Kerry Cassidy video BIG Intel 3/01/23: BOMBSHELL. This video explains the FF in Ohio in an interview with Dr Robert Young. (Dr Young has attracted his fair share of controversy over the years.)</p> <p>The five tanker train carriages contained volatile vinylidene dichloride (and was not vinyl chloride). Dr Young explains the catastrophy of the Ohio derailment. A 100-year catastrophy.</p> <p>Was this orchestrated by humans?</p> <p>The post <a href= "" rel= "nofollow">Train Derailment and Dr Young on The Toxins In Ohio</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel= "nofollow">Gumshoe News</a>.</p>


AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw colluded with Rupert Murdoch and Bruce Lehrmanns lawyers to undermine rape trial "IndyWatch Feed National"

Below is a letter from ACT Director of Public Prosecution Shane Drumgold sent to ACT Chief Police Officer Neil Gaughan outlining evidence of corrupt police trying to stop rape charges against Bruce []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"



Portfolio Committee No. 7 Planning and Environment

Report 18

March 2023

Allegations of impropriety against agents of the Hills Shire Council and property developers in the region

Ordered to be printed 2 March 2023 according to Standing Order 238

At 4:17:38pm a63.4MB, 478page report was created in PDF form as Report no 18 - PC 7 - Hills Shire Council inquiry.pdf and subsequently published on the Parliament of New South Waleswebsite at:

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Saturday, 04 March


New York Cantor WontProvide Data on New Forced Treatment Plan "IndyWatch Feed National"

Late last year, New York City Mayor Eric Adams put into motion a plan expanding the use of force to drug and hospitalize people against their will. While this used to require clear evidence of imminent danger, it now requires only concern that a person may be having delusions or even simply not taking care of their physical health. Some have noted that this is meant to be used as a way to forcibly remove unhoused people from the streets, so its no surprise that advocacy groups and activists expressed concern.

The Consumer Advisory Board (CAB committee) I chair for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOMH), has also expressed concern. So we pressed DOMH for more information and guidance around the new rules for emergency interventions.

Photograph of the red and blue lights on top of a police car at night
Blue light flasher atop of a police car

We wanted to listen to the training about the new rules which was given to clinicians and police officers. What were they being told about their expanding roles?

We also wanted numbers. How many people have been detained, imprisoned, or drugged under the new rules? How does that compare to the previous state of things? How was the sprawling bureaucratic superstructure of city government tracking outcomes on the ground in real time?

DOMH answered our call and offered a presentation. But as the presenter arrived, we quickly realized that this presentation could not be the same one that was being given to clinicians and the police. The presentation was straightforwardand without substance. First, the presenter offered no slides, PowerPoint, or handouts. While supplementary materials arent a requirement, data a...


Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

Shermon Burgess : Pillar of the Community Crikey! Australian anti-Islamic activist Shermon Burgess becomes the latest far-right figure to convert to Islam, Scobie McKay, Crikey, March 3, 2023. Apparently, The Great Aussie Patriot (AKA the man who once sang the Continue reading


Rush to the regions reverses "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Regional reversal

Bit of a tongue-twister, but the rush to the regions has now reversed, as employers increasingly want employees back in the office. 

Domain's rental vacancy figures showed capital city vacancies diving -46 per cent over the past year to record lows, but regional vacancies finally easing, rising +37 per cent year-on-year. 

Source: Domain

Nationally rental vacancy rates fell to all-time lows at 0.8 per cent.

Source: Domain

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide all have record low vacancy rates.



Mike Stone Get Ready for the China War Hoax "IndyWatch Feed National" March 3, 2023

Almost to the day that Russia began their military action against the Ukraine, there was a massive rollback of the virus hoax. Now that Ukraine is all but lost, they are moving on to a new external threat, China.

Does the US government think Americans are going to defend a country that poisons them and sodomizes their children?

by Mike Stone (

Exactly one year ago, we discussed the possibility that the virus hoax was being swapped out for the Ukraine war hoax.

You may recall that at the time the country was still in the grip of the virus hoax. Fat, dumb Americans had done nothing to stop it. They refused to boycott the companies pushing it, refused to stop flying, refused to lift a finger in defense of their country. Thanks to them, we were on the brink of full Australia-style concentration camps. Then suddenly it all stopped. Almost to the day that Russia began their military action against the Ukraine, there was a massive rollback of the virus hoax.

No government or ruling body in history had ever voluntarily relinquished the kind of total control that our government had seized over the years 2020 to 2022. Never before in history. For a government as tyrannical and as traitorous as our own to do that was unthinkable.




Australian renewables integration: Part 1 "IndyWatch Feed National"

Forty years ago, Australia had an electricity system delivering cheap, reliable power. That is no longer the case.

The post Australian renewables integration: Part 1 first appeared on Watts Up With That?.


HIIT is safe, feasible and efficacious for improving exercise capacity and peripheral insulin sensitivity in people with NASH. "IndyWatch Feed National"

PMID:  Dig Dis Sci. 2022 Dec 20:1-17. Epub 2022 Dec 20. PMID: 36538276 Abstract Title:  High-Intensity Interval Training is Safe, Feasible and Efficacious in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves bursts of high-intensity exercise interspersed with lower-intensity exercise recovery. HIIT may benefit cardiometabolic health in people with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).AIMS: We aimed to examine the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of 12-weeks of supervised HIIT compared with a sham-exercise control (CON) for improving aerobic fitness and peripheral insulin sensitivity in biopsy-proven NASH.METHODS: Participants based in the community [(n=14, 5610 years, BMI 39.26.7 kg/m, 64% male), NAFLD Activity Score 5 (range 3-7)] were randomized to 12-weeks of supervised HIIT (n=8, 44 min at 85-95% maximal heart rate, interspersed with 3 min active recovery; 3 days/week) or CON (n=6, stretching; 3 days/week). Safety (adverse events) and feasibility determined as70% program completion and70% global adherence (including session attendance, interval intensity adherence, and duration adherence) were assessed. Changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (VOpeak), exercise capacity (time-on-test) and peripheral insulin sensitivity (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp) were assessed. Data were analysed using ANCOVA with baseline value as the covariate.RESULTS: There were no HIIT-related adverse events and HIIT was globally feasible [program completion 75%, global adherence 100% (including adherence to session 95.47.3%, interval intensity 95.36.0% and duration 96.82.4%)]. A large between-group effect was observed for exercise capacity [mean difference 134.2 s (95% CI 19.8, 248.6 s),0.44, p=0.03], improving in HIIT (106.297.5 s) but not CON (- 33.443.3 s), and for peripheral insulin sensitivity [mean difference 3.4 mg/KgLegFFM/min (95% CI 0.9,6.8 mg/KgLegFFM/min),0.32, p=0.046], improving in HIIT (1.00.8 mg/KgLegFFM/min) but not CON (- 3.11.2 mg/KgLegFFM/min).CONCLUSIONS: HIIT is safe, feasible and efficacious for improving exercise capacity and peripheral insulin sensitivity in people with NASH.CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry ( identifier ACTRN12616000305426 (09/03/2016).

read more


Northern Rivers Revolt Roller Derby Tournament "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Tweed Valley Rollers (TVR) together with Northern Rivers Roller Derby (NRRD) are hosting a 2 day roller derby tournament in beautiful Byron Bay!

2 Full days of Roller Derby Action!

Games commence at 9am and will be played on the hour, with a 1 hour lunch break at 1pm.

Teams will battle it out in a Round Robin Style Tournament.

Each team will play a total of 5 games throughout the two day event.
Games will be 20 minute halves with a five minute half time.

The winners at the conclusion of the 2 days will be determined by means of highest points achieved after fielding a win/loss/draw result.

Tickets are available online or cash at the door.
Spectator Day Pass- $5

Kids under 13 Gold coin donation

WHEN: Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 March 2023
WHERE: Cavanbah Centre, Byron Bay

For further information, visit

The post Northern Rivers Revolt Roller Derby Tournament appeared first on Byron Bay Blog.


4th Industrial Revolution: SpaceLink "IndyWatch Feed National"

Bank of International Settlements CEO Augustin Carstens

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Germans have been freezing through winter since the Nordstrom Pipeline was destroyed.

While brainwashed left-wing rent-a-crowds in other countries have been protesting against Russias involvement in the Donbas, not realising the Ukrainians started the war in 2014, the German left-wing protesters are protesting against NATO, for increasing their heating prices (they are now buying liquid fuels from Norway and elsewhere), costing their government a fortune in weapons donations and creating an existential threat like never before.

When the European Economic Union was formed, Germany devalued their currency compared to everyone else and consequently got a better deal on exports, helping to make Germany an economic powerhouse within Europe.

Their success expanded to the world including China and led to a relatively comfortable, first-world sort of lifestyle, especially attractive to those east of Berlin, and also to Turks, who formed the largest minority labour force.

Germany and France are the two massive foundations of the new European unity.

The countries of the EU are an odd match economically, France profiteers from its post-colonial money-printing activities in a number of African countries, Britain already exited with all its banks, others are in it for free money and barely have blonde...


Market Talk March 3, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed National"



The major Asian stock markets had a green day today:

  • NIKKEI 225 increased 428.60 points or 1.56% to 27,927.47
  • Shanghai increased 17.74 points or 0.54% to 3,328.39
  • Hang Seng increased 138.08 points or 0.68% to 20,567.54
  • ASX 200 increased 28.20 points or 0.39% to 7,283.60
  • Kospi increased 4.22 points or 0.17% to 2,432.07
  • SENSEX increased 899.62 points or 1.53% to 59,808.97
  • Nifty50 increased 272.45 points or 1.57% to 17,594.35



The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • AUDUSD increased 0.00267 or 0.40% to 0.67557
  • NZDUSD decreased 0.00112 or -0.18% to 0.62058
  • USDJPY decreased 0.639 or -0.47% to 136.121
  • USDCNY decreased 0.01288 or -0.19% to 6.90722


Precious Metals:

  • Gold increased 10.81 USD/t oz. or 0.59% to 1,846.81
  • Silver increased 0.192 USD/t. oz or 0.92% to 21.081


Some economic news from last night:


Caixin Services PMI (Feb) increased from 52.9 to 55.0


Jobs/applications ratio (Jan) remain the same at 1.35

Tokyo Core CPI (YoY) (Feb) decreased from 4.3% to 3.3%

CPI Tokyo Ex Food and Energy (MoM) (Feb) increased from 0.1% to 0.3%

Services PMI (Feb) increased from 52.3 to 54.0


Home Loans (MoM) decreased from -4.2% to -4.9%


Some economic news from today:


Nikkei Services PMI (Feb) increased from 57.2 to 59.4

FX Reserves, USD decreased from 561.27B to 560.94B





The major Europe stock markets had a green day:

  • CAC 40 increased 63.90 points or 0.88% to 7,348.12
  • FTSE 100 increased 3.07 points or 0.04% to 7,947.11
  • DAX 30 increased 250.75 points or 1.64% to 15,578.39


The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today:

  • EURUSD increased 0.00153 or 0.14% to 1.06113
  • GBPUSD increased 0.00464 or 0.39% to 1.19874
  • USDCHF decreased 0.00407 or -0.43% to 0.93813


Some economic news from Europe today:...


A weekend for the Lions pride "IndyWatch Feed National"

Just one of over 25,000 Lions Club volunteers. Photo supplied.

Today thousands of Australias most dedicated and hard-working volunteers will be on deck to let you know more about what Lions Australia does. Many of Lions Australias 25,000 plus hardworking volunteers will be out in the community celebrating Lions Awareness Day this weekend.

Where theres a need, theres a Lion and after 75 years of helping others in Australia, Lions know their role as a service club is only becoming increasingly important.

Lions Awareness Day

Held today, Saturday March 4, Lions Awareness Day is particularly important this year as Australia continues to face some of the worst flooding in history.

Lions Australias CEO, Rob Oerlemans, said our country need volunteers now more than ever. Lions Australias 25,000 plus hardworking volunteers often serve their communities silently behind the scenes. Lions Awareness Day is a wonderful opportunity to recognise the incredible difference our volunteers make and give people an opportunity to learn more about our organisation.

When disaster strikes Lions volunteers are the first to offer support. Its been a big couple of years for our members with many communities impacted by flooding.



Leeton Memories bring colour to history "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

A visually-arresting and innovative approach to local history will debut in Leeton this March

Jo Roberts with her Leeton Memories display
Local artist Jo Roberts has a display in the windows of the Leeton Community Op Shop that is based on the memories of longtime resident Joe Errey.

This is the first of a series of window displays that, over coming months, will interpret observations from elders about their lives in our town and bring into focus changes in the local landscape.

"This project began with a conversation I had with Joe Errey," said Jo Roberts.

"We're both keen observers of birds and I was enthralled by his descriptions of flocks of birds, particularly those that are now rarer to see over our town."

Joe's memories include seeing flocks of budgerigars, as well as identifying a River Red Gum planted in 1913 by his grandfather at their former farm.

This towering giant sits a little way off Vance Road and marks the beginning of the Errey family's connection to Leeton after they settled on the land.

"I was also amazed to learn that Joe's pet corella is more than 50 years old, which seems...


"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed National"

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/3/23).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Protective covers of hazmat tank cars melted in Ohio derailment, NTSB says - The Washington Post
You searched for ohio - The Last American Vagabond
EPA requiring Norfolk Southern to test for dioxins following train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio
Erin Brockovich in East Palestine: 'Something is not right here' - YouTube
New Tab
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and the viral infection - ScienceDirect
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin increases Bovine Herpesvirus type-1 (BHV-1) replication in Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) cells in vitro - PubMed
[Political poisoning with dioxins--a weapon of chemical "disgracefulness"] - PubMed
New Tab
Director Of Columbiana County Humane Society Reveals Ohio Animals Still Suffering From "Poisoning"
(43) Ben Bergquam - Real Americas Voice (RAV-TV) News on Twitter: "More concerning footage today from our East Palestine investigation. Dead deer on the banks of Little Beaver Creek at the point where it meets the Ohio River. I followed the creek from East Palestine, to where it merges with the Ohio River to see how far the rai...


We need a climate movement that addresses the trauma of fighting for a burning planet "IndyWatch Feed National"

I used to think trauma was something that only applied to people exposed to extreme situations like war, genocide, abuse or crime. Yet, living on planet Earth pretty much guarantees you some trauma. 

Trauma comes from the Greek traumat, which means wound. It is an emotional wounding that results from experiencing or witnessing a highly stressful, horrifying event or series of events where one feels a lack of control, powerlessness and threat of injury or death. This sounds disturbingly similar to what humans are increasingly living through with climate change. 

Being pushed beyond my own limits by the climate crisis forced me to take its traumatic impacts more seriously. As I witnessed the continent where I live burn to the ground during one of Australias worst bushfire events, I felt utterly overwhelmed. Id spent the past decade helping to build the power of the climate movement, hoping to avert disasters like these. It was as though everyones work was burning to the ground, taking lives, homes and livelihoods with it. 

The months that followed were like a dream. I moved through the world numb, unaware that the trauma of the experience had sent me into a dissociative state. As often happens in trauma, my brain switched off my capacity to feel as a way of trying to protect me. 

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Tweet of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"




Meme of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


via Woman of Wonders, Twitter

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Friday, 03 March


Hidden tunnel discovered inside Egypt's Great Pyramid at Giza "IndyWatch Feed National"

Hidden tunnel discovered inside Egypt's Great Pyramid at Giza

Nine metre passageway unveiled by Egyptian officials, which could provide answers on how ancient wonder was built
MEE staff Fri, 03/03/2023 - 11:21
A hidden corridor inside the Great Pyramid of Giza was announced by Egypt's Tourism Ministry of Antiquities on 2 March 2023 (Reuters)
A hidden corridor inside the Great Pyramid at Giza was announced by Egypt's Tourism Ministry of Antiquities on 2 March 2023 (Reuters)

A nine-metre-long hidden passageway has been discovered inside Egypts Great Pyramid at Giza. 

The corridor, which is two metres wide and located on the northern side of one of the worlds largest pyramids, was unveiled during a press conference on Thursday by Egyptian antiquities officials. 

The findings were made as part of the Scan Pyramids project, which uses infrared thermography, 3D construction technology, and radiographic muons, among other non-destructive and non-invasive techniques, to investigate the site. 

The project was launched in 2015 as a collaboration between Egyptian experts and universities in Canada, France, Germany, and Japan. 

Egypt from space: Satellite views of the pyramids, Nile, Cairo, and Suez
Read More

The Great Pyramid was built as a monumental tomb around 2560 BCE during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu. It has three known chambers and is the largest of the three main pyramids that ma...


How a Trojan Virus Pretends to Be a PDF Using the RLO Method "IndyWatch Feed National"

Readers like you help support MUO. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Read More.

You cannot guarantee that a file is truly an image, video, PDF, or text file by looking at file extensions. On Windows, attackers can execute a PDF as though it were an EXE.

This is quite dangerous, because a file that you download from the internet, mistaking it for a PDF file, may actually contain a very harmful virus. Have you ever wondered how attackers do this?

Trojan Viruses Explained

Trojan viruses derive their name from the attack of the Achaeans (Greeks) in Greek mythology on the city of Troy in Anatolia. Troy is located within the borders of today's anakkale city. According to the narratives, there was a model wooden horse built by Odysseus, one of the Greek kings, to overcome the walls of the city of Troy. Soldiers hid inside this model and secretly entered the city. If you're wondering, a copy of this horse model is still found in anakkale, Turkey.

The Trojan horse once represented a clever deception and an ingenious feat of engineering. Today, however, it is viewed as malicious digital malware whose sole purpose is to harm target computers undetected. This virus is called a Trojan because of the concept of being undetected and causing harm.

Trojans can read passwords, record the keys you press on your keyboard, or take your entire computer hostage. They are quite small for this purpose and can cause serious damage.

What Is the RLO Method?

Many languages can be written from right to left, such as Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. Many attackers use this nature of language to launch various attacks...


Nearly half of British viewers believe ethnic minorities and LGBT communities are over-represented on TV, new survey finds "IndyWatch Feed National"

The message from the above Ikea advert should be clear Dont Buy Ikea

Laurence Dollimore Daily Mail March 1, 2023

Almost half of Brits believe ethnic minorities and LGBT communities are over-represented on television, a survey has found.

Some 45 per cent of people in the UK think ethnic minorities are over-represented, while just 26 per cent say they are under-represented, according to the new YouGov poll.

Meanwhile, 44 per cent of Britons believe gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender people are over-represented on their TV screens. However, there are no reliable figures to show if Britons perceptions about representation on television are correct.

It comes just weeks after a report by the Campaign for Common Sense suggested the unrecognisable to most viewers  as it accused the broadcaster of over-representing minorities.

Meanwhile the marketing departments of 500 major brands said in a 2017 survey that they were focused on promoting diversity to prevent perceived discrimination, with some admitting they had purposefully used fewer images of white and straight couples in their campaigns.

The YouGov survey spoke to more than 1,000 people in each of the seven countries that participated, including the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Chile, the United Arab Emirates and Australia.

It found that out of all the nationalities questioned, Brits were far more likely to believe ethnic minorities and LGBT people were over-represented on TV, reports The Times.

In neighbouring France, for example, just 19 per cent of people believe ethnic minorities are over-represented, while 33 per cent think they are under-represented.

In fact in every other country surveyed, more people believed ethnic minorities and LGBT people were under-represented on TV rather than over-represented a reversal of Britains results.

According to the latest UK census data, released in November last year, ethnic minorities make up 18.3 per cent of the population in England and Wales, while 81.7 per cent of people are white.

Meanwhile 1.5 per cent of Brits aged over 16 identified as gay or lesb...


Does anyone think this bloke is even mildly amusing? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you Underminder who writes: The ABC's fair and balanced take but it's OK guys it's only satire so don't get outraged. Mark Humphries on the superannuation changes, ABC employees receive 15.4% of their base salary as contributions while the plebs they are trying to stir up get 10.5% rising...


Wordgame Albanese the shyster caught out. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you Jill. This bloke is a shyster! Weasel words and word games. What a hypocrite! Conned and blustered his way into the job and now we all pay! JILL (@1Swinging_Voter) March 3, 2023


World Wide War on Humanity Unfolding "IndyWatch Feed National"


Another chilling episode for the day.

The actors (Nazi or otherwise) are being brought into the light. There is so much going on it is difficult to keep up with what is unfolding across the globe. Nothing is as it seems nothing.</p> <p>The video is for across-the-board comments.</p> <p>The post <a href= "" rel="nofollow">World Wide War on Humanity Unfolding</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Gumshoe News</a>.</p>


Good luck with that love. "IndyWatch Feed National"

From The Australian Teal independent MP Monique Ryan declared an ambition to be the prime minister one day, according to an affidavit tendered in her staffer Sally Ruggs Federal Court case against her. In evidence on Friday, Ms Rugg claimed Dr Ryan said: You dont understand, I need to be...


Archbishop condemns Channel Ten, Waleed Aly and the gang. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Catholic Archbishop Anthony Fisher doesnt miss the ultra-tolerant Waleed and the woke Project. Perhaps a quick note to ACMA might help get the message home: FreeTV Code of Conduct: 3.2.1 In broadcasting a news or Current Affairs Program, a Licensee must: a) not include material which, in the reasonable...


Kansas Citys Homeless Residents Provided With Jobs And Housing "IndyWatch Feed National"


Homeless people need all the help and support the government can give. Unfortunately, some are left to their own devices and they end up sinking deeper into poverty.

What they need are jobs. When a person feels productive, so many things can change, and these are often for the good.

In a pilot program thats meant as an answer to the homelessness problem thats happening in Kansas City, the state made sure that they were provided with part-time work. This helped many immensely especially when getting the housing they desperately needed.

Kansas City Missouri has also now witnessed a lowering in litter collection because the pandemic slowed down court cases and community service clean-up programs.

By putting 26 of the citys 1,800 homeless people to work, changes happened. They made them clean the streets that they stayed in. This move targeted two issues in one go and they were able to remove more than 67,000 pounds of trash by the time the work time ended and this also gave the homeless workers the ability to consider themselves employed on a housing application.

We really wanted to focus on people that were home...


Tanya Plibersek recounts Gillard's abject failures. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Such a myth about Ms Gillard's 'achievements'. ALP Mining Tax - COST MONEY - Scrapped. ALP Carbon Tax - Ruined industries. Scrapped. ALP NDIS - Launched unfunded and too soon. Now a mess Gonski - Absolute failure. But Tanya Plibersek praised them all. JILL (@1Swinging_Voter) March 2, 2023


Richard Marles trainwreck interview on Labor's superannuation broken promise "IndyWatch Feed National"

Albo didnt know the cash rate. Today his deputy Richard Marles was asked 3 times to explain Labors #superannuation policy, but couldnt. Its a super debacle. Black Semi Fascist (@BFacist) March 2, 2023


COLOSSUS and MAGGIE THE ION LADY "IndyWatch Feed National"

Just as Winston Churchill ordered the destruction of the worlds first programmable computer, COLOSSUS, in 1945, almost half a century later the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard similarly ordered the destruction of an iconic Australian particle accelerator that was taking Australia to the bleeding edge of electronic engineering research, i.e,  MAGGIE, THE ION LADY.

This postings short link:


The worlds first programmable computer has a TOP SECRET military secret until the Year 2000, and until then, the 12,000 people who worked at Blechley Park during World war 2 could not tell their stories even to husbands, wives or children.

For incredible insight into the heroic ordinary people who helped to develop the COLOSSUS computer, I recommend that Ronalds space readers find the time to watch this truly remarkable behinds-the-scenes video of the untold facts, which have a shocking parallel with the saga of Australias Maggie the Ion Lady story:

The following screen captures are snapshots from the Colossus story and they are important to the terrible story of our Maggie.

COLOSSUS was a colossal size:



A litany of separation and rejection: The shameful shadow behind Sydney World Pride "IndyWatch Feed National"

OPINION: They say timing is everything, but theres a stark irony about World Pride happening throughout Sydney at the same moment as an inquiry into some of the harbour citys darkest and most shameful years. Away from the rainbow strip, just off Macquarie Street in a sandstone building raised from the citys bedrock, the New []

Author information

Michael Burge

Michael Burge

Journalist at No Fibs

Michael is an author and Guardian Australia journalist who lives on Ngarabal country in the NSW Northern Tablelands. He was was born at Inverell into a farming family with New England roots deeper than most. His debut novel Tank Water is out now from MidnightSun Publishing.


Poetry | 2 rat poems by joanne burns "IndyWatch Feed National"

the courtyard rat squatting on an empire of pizza boxes rainsoaked piles of stewing cardboard flattened packaging from long covid's eager merchandise anything to transcend an unimagined plague rat traps line the walls like doctors' obsolete portmanteaux from a much earlier decade

The post Poetry | 2 rat poems by joanne burns appeared first on Overland literary journal.


No April Fools Day Tweed rodeo "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

A proposal for an annual rodeo was put forward for Tweed Shire. Photo

A proposal for an annual rodeo at the Council-managed Les Burger Sports Field, Cabarita Beach was knocked back by the majority of Tweed Shire Councillors at yesterdays council meeting. 

The proposal to Tweed Council was for an event to take place on 1 April that would also include live music, motorbike show etc for 1,500 to 2,500 attendees. 

A similar event had recently been run on the sports field in Evans Head without issue, and with Richmond Valley Council support. They appear to run these rodeos regularly in the Kyogle area, said the staff report. 

The proponents have advised that bulls are the primary animal involved. Horses are involved but only for an equine demonstration. They have a vet onsite for the duration of the event but are not legally required to provide this. They have also advised they have the RSCPA attend all events and they have apparently been happy with proceedings at their events.

Councilor Dr Nola Firth put the motion to say the Tweed Council does not support the rodeo event proposed, which was seconded by Cr Meredith Dennis.

Looking at the application it is proposed to be an annual event. It is on Council land and we as leaders in the community need to be taking a lead on this issue, said Cr Firth. 

We heard from Lisa Ryan that this is entertainment at the expense of animals.

The RSPCA is opposed to rodeo and rodeo schools because of the potential for significant injury, suffering or distress to the animals involve...


World Wildlife Day once its gone, its gone forever "IndyWatch Feed National"

If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love.
 Steve Irwin (22 February 1962  4 September 2006)

Wombat. Photo Pixabay.

Humanity can no longer stand by in silence while our wildlife are being used, abused and exploited.
It is time we all stand together, to be the voice of the voiceless before its too late. Extinction means forever.
 Paul Oxton



Bluesfest cancels controversial Sticky Fingers shows "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Sticky Fingers is the band at the centre of a Bluesfest controversy that saw other bands pull out of the festival.

As we approached this years Bluesfest, controversy arose as two acts pulled out of the event after discovering Sticky Fingers was also playing. Sticky Fingers is no longer on the bill.

King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard announced on social media 10 days ago that they stand against misogyny, racism, transphobia and violence. On Instagram, they said they were surprised and saddened to see Bluesfest commit to presenting content that is in complete opposition to these values.

Given this decision by the festival, we have decided to cancel our appearance at Bluesfest.

Sticky Fingers

The act at the core of the issue is Sticky Fingers whose frontman Dylan Frost was accused in 2016 by Thelma Plum of being abusive, and who was alleged to have been part of an altercation in the crowd at First Nations punk act Disposessed show also in 2016.

According to a long 2018 article in The Australian, cited by Bluesfest, the bands own video of the event shows Frost doing nothing more than telling Dispossessed he has the greatest respect for them. Frost, a Maori who has marched alongside indigenous activists at political rallies avows that he abhors racism, according to that Weekend Australian Magazine article.

In December of that year Sticky Fingers announced an indefinite hiatus a statement from the band said: For some time weve been dealing with some internal issues in the band. Theyve heightened to the poin...


Annual neighbourhood clean-up this weekend "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

CIGARETTE butts, plastic food wrappers and drink containers are again expected to top the list of the most common types of rubbish collected over this weekends Clean Up Australia Day.

Northern suburbs residents are encouraged to bring the family and step up for the annual event, with several sites registered at Helensburgh, Thirroul, Bulli and Bellambi. Visit Clean Up Australia Day to find details and locations.

The nationwide clean-up encourages Australians to help protect and care for their local environment by collecting rubbish in a bid to provide a more sustainable future.

Wollongong City Council is supporting community clean ups at locations from Helensburgh to Dapto across Saturday and Sunday. Participants are asked to bring gloves, sturdy footwear, and sun protection.

Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery said cigarette butts, plastic food wrappers and drink containers topped the list of the most common types of rubbish picked up last year.

Of those, chips and lolly bags were the worst offenders; these polluted our parks, sports field...


Young driver training initiative on offer by BYS "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

<figure class="wp-caption aligncenter" id="attachment_323453" style="width: 2000px;"><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="wp-image-323453 size-full" height="1333" src= "" width="2000"></a> <figcaption class="wp-caption-text" id="caption-attachment-323453"> Young people like Jax are getting help to get their licence by BYS Transport & Training Coordinator, Jess Green, and other mentor drivers. Photo Tree Faerie.

Currently, the NSW government requires L plate drivers to prepare for their P plates with 120 hours of driving, including 20 hours of nighttime driving. </span></span></p> <p class="p5"><span class="s3">Yet for young people like Jax da Costa, getting those hours, is going to be pretty tough. Jax has done about 20 hours but its been difficult. My dad works in the afternoons, and hes the only one I can drive with at the moment.</span></p> <p class="p5"><span class="s3">Byron Youth Services free Driver Training Initiative is helping people like Jax get the hours they need and has begun to roll out the program on Byron Shire roads.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span></p> <p class="p5"><span class="s3">The initiative addresses difficulties local youth face in accessing transport while on their Ls and obtaining their P licence. Young people who dont have support or transport options to get their driving hours will be linked to volunteer mentors who will provide youth support to learn to drive. This strategy will provide i...</span></p>


Australian (alleged) C-19 deaths misclassification of flu and pneumonia "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australian official mortality data show no clear evidence of significant excess deaths in 2020, implying from an older WHO definition that there was no COVID-19 pandemic. A seasonality analysis suggests that COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were likely misclassifications of influenza and pneumonia deaths.

Australian excess mortality became significant only since 2021 when the level was high enough to justify calling a pandemic. Significant excess mortality was strongly correlated (+74%) with COVID-19 mass injections five months earlier. 

Strength of correlation, consistency, specificity, temporality, and dose-response relationship are foremost Bradford Hill criteria which are satisfied by the data to suggest the iatrogenesis of the Australian pandemic, where excess deaths were largely caused by COVID-19 injections. 

Supporting this hypothesis also is the fact that the youngest 0-44 age group with lowest risks of COVID infection and death has suffered disproportionately the highest multiples of excess mortality with the advent of COVID injections-a result which is unlikely to have other natural explanations. Therefore, Australia appears likely to be experiencing an iatrogenic pandemic and the associated mortality risk/benefit ratio for COVID injections is very high.

See document:


Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating partner- its a gay man "IndyWatch Feed National"

Above recent photograph: Two old Sydney gays. Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating with Sydney radio shock jock Alan Jones.

I dont know who Paul Keatings live-in gay partner is.

Below photograph: former Australian Prime Ministers Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.



U.S. Treasury Introduces CBDC Working Group, Discusses Potential Routes For Digital Dollar "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Treasurys statements explore the potential forms and implementations of an American CBDC.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has released comments from Undersecretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang on the Next Steps to the Future of Money and Payments, addressing CBDCs and the approach the American government is taking to their potential implementation.

The original Treasury report released in September 2022 described the formation of a CBDC working group that would advance work on a CBDC. Liangs remarks confirmed the formation of that group.

One of the central tasks for the CBDC Working Group is to complement the Feds work by considering the implications of a U.S. CBDC for policy objectives for which a broader Administration perspective is helpful, Liang said. To give you a sense of how we are pursuing this work, I will describe our approach to thinking about CBDC options, the policy questions we are attempting to answer, and the kinds of recommendations we hope to develop.

Highlights from this description include a look at the potential forms that a CBDC could take, the potential for a separate retail and wholesale CBDC and the possible core features of the CBDC. Also discussed is the idea that a potential U.S. CBDC, if one were created, would best serve the United States by being intermediated, meaning that the private sector would offer accounts or digital wallets to facilitate the management of CBDC holdings and payments. In terms of technology, a retail CBDC might involve a different architecture compared to a CBDC that is intended solely for wholesale use.

In his piece for Bitcoin Magazine, Mark Goodwin described how Bitcoiners may have spent so much time looking for CBDCs, we missed the private-entity stablecoin monster right in front of our eyes.

The Treasurys released remarks suggest that a CBDC may well come on the backs of private entities, with major incentives to participate. The United States has gotten serious in regards to its consideration of a CBDC. And all this just as legislation has been introduced by Republican lawmakers that would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to anyone.

Although this bill may not have much of a chance of passing, notable is the specific angle of preventing a Federal CBDC, potentially leaving free those intermediated by private parties.

The remarks also described how a CBDC is one of many directi...


Global South refuses to ride with the West on Russia "IndyWatch Feed National"

Indian historian, editor and journalist, Vijay Prashad writes about the changing global reality. The great majority of nations no longer accept being dominated and told what to do by the United States and European powers (Asia Times 25 February 2923). They have followed their own course in several recent occasions. One of them is in their response to the conflict in Ukraine. The West has been insisting on the vilification of Russia and pushing for war. Most other nations, including newly emerging powers, are calling for an end to vilification and a peaceful solution. The West is losing credibility.

At the G20 meeting in Bengaluru, India, the United States arrived with a simple brief. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at the February 2023 summit that the G20 countries must condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and they must adhere to U.S. sanctions against Russia. 

However, it became clear that India, the chair of the G20, was not willing to conform to the U.S. agenda. Indian officials said that the G20 is not a political meeting, but a meeting to discuss economic issues. They contested the use of the word war to describe the invasion, preferring to describe it as a crisis and a challenge. France and Germany have rejected this draft if it does not condemn Russia.

The map shows the divide between Asia, Africa, and South America on one side and the Unite...


Election 2023 Lismore: Alex Rubin the Nationals "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Alex Rubin resigned from the military in order to run in this election. I have taken a huge leap of faith, at great personal risk, it is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. Photo supplied.

Alex Rubin has resigned from the military after a long career to contest the NSW seat of Lismore for the Nationals.

What is your big number one issue that youre looking at going into this election?

Water security, building a future-ready Northern Rivers that is drought-proof and flood safe. This is the key to all our futures. We live in both the most drought-prone and flood-prone areas of New South Wales.

We need to address the lack of action but its not too late. What people are saying to us is that we need to look beyond the next election cycle and take action for the next generation.

People who arent members of Parliament would certainly get the impression
from watching the television that its a bunfight Are you prepared for that sort of life in Parliament?

I am ready to stand up and represent our community with the values of honesty, accountability and transparency. I have experienced complex and agenda-driven negotiations while deployed with the UN in Syria, helping to keep two countries from re-escalating a centuries-old conflict.

There is alw...


An election to decide the fate of koalas "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Susie Hearder has organised a protest outside the office of Geoff Provest MP today at 10am. Photo supplied.

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) says that this election will decide the fate of koalas and the AJP candidate for the Seat of Tweed, Susie Hearder, has organised a protest outside the office of Geoff Provest MP today, World Wildlife Day, at 10am to highlight the issue.

Ms Hearder says this comes after another perfectly healthy female koala was killed on Clothiers Creek Rd at Tanglewood, and her pinky joey tragically had to be euthanased.

This is happening every week in the Northern Rivers, she said. To lose a healthy female breeding koala is devastating, especially when the species is under such pressure. This mum and her baby didnt stand a chance as signage alone wont stop them being killed on the roads we build through their habitat.

Dead koalas devastating for first responders

Ms Hearder says witnessing and picking up the limp and still warm body of a mother koala and her baby is devastating for first responders. Wildlife rescuers suffer emotional trauma and carry the financial burden including, equipment and escalating fuel costs while desperately trying to save our precious koalas against inc...


Das Deutsche Heer am Pazifik "IndyWatch Feed National"

Talisman Sabre

Manver der Serie Talisman Sabre werden von den Streitkrften Australiens und der Vereinigten Staaten seit 2005 alle zwei Jahre gemeinsam abgehalten. Regelmig nehmen Land-, Luft- und Seestreitkrfte beider Staaten teil. Zudem werden Truppen aus weiteren Lndern eingebunden. Die bungsserie gilt als das grte gemeinsame Militrtraining der USA und Australiens. Manverschaupltze sind gewhnlich der Bundesstaat Queensland im Nordosten Australiens sowie das vor dessen Kste liegende Korallenmeer. In der Vergangenheit kam es mehrfach zu Protesten, weil das Manver unter anderem das Great Barrier Reef zu schdigen droht.[1] Vor zwei Jahren waren rund 17.000 Soldaten aus sieben Staaten an der bung beteiligt. Im Jahr 2017 probten alles in allem rund 30.000 Militrs aus den USA, Australien, Neuseeland, Kanada und Japan das grte Landemanver unter Beteiligung australischer Truppen seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Ein beteiligter US-Offizier kommentierte Talisman Sabre 2021 mit dem Hinweis, das Manver habe gezeigt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten gemeinsam mit Verbndeten am Pazifik in der Lage seien, schlagkrftige Marineeinheiten zu formen und zwar binnen Tagen.[2]

Luftbewegliche Operationen

An Talisman Sabre 2023, das laut Angaben der australischen Streitkrfte vom 21. Juli bis zum 4. August stattfinden soll, nimmt zum ersten Mal Deutschland teil. Wie die Bundeswehr mitteilt, wird neben Krften des Seebataillons und der Luftwaffe ... eine Infanteriekompanie des Heeres zu der Kriegsbung nach Australien entsandt.[3] Dort solle sie unter anderem unter Fhrung eines australischen Groverbandes in einem herausfordernden Szenario luftbewegliche Operationen durchfhren. Dies geschehe in Zusammenarbeit mit weiteren Partnern in der Region. Genannt werden neben den USA und Australien Japan, Sdkorea und Indonesien. Laut Berichten nimmt an dem Manver auch Frankreich teil, das Sttzpunkte und Truppen in seiner Kolonie Neukaledonien im Sdosten des Korallenmeers unterhlt.[4] Darber hinaus ist es den Vereinigten Staaten offenkundig gelungen, drei Staaten aus der pazifischen Inselwelt Neuguinea, Fidschi und Tonga in die bung Talisman Sabre 2023 einzubinden.[5] Das ist insofern von einiger Bedeutung, als der eskalierende Machtkampf zwischen den USA und China lngst die Pazifikinseln erreicht hat ( berichtete [6]).

Koloniale Welten

Mit der Beteiligung an Talisman Sabre 2023 baut die Bundeswehr ihre Prsenz in der Asien-Pazifik-Region weiter aus. Den Anfang hatte die Fregatte Bayern gemacht, die im August 2021 zu einer ausgedehnten Asien-Pazifik-Fahrt aufbrach und bis zu ihrer Heimkehr im Februar 2022 unter anderem Australien, Japan und mehrere Pazifikinseln besuchte, darunter die US-Kolonie Guam. Guam ist ein zentraler US-Sttzpunkt beim militrischen Aufmarsch gegen China.[7] Die Fregatte Bayern hatte zuvor einen Tankstopp auf Diego Garcia eingelegt, einer In...


Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital and Sanctuary on the up "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Recovery Centre being hoisted into position at the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital and Sanctuary. Photo David Lowe.

This week saw a delicate operation at the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital and Sanctuary, with the installation of a new hospital ward, via truck and crane, in what was once a playground, now to be a Wildlife Recovery Centre.

In other big news for local wildlife lovers, the NSW government has reserved $1.5 million a year, for four years, to cover Byron Bay Wildlife Hospitals operating costs, no matter which party wins the state election.

The new funding starts in July, but will not cover new purchases, projects or equipment, so the hospital is still firmly in fundraising mode.



Legal advice to Clarence Valley Council states the way is open to walk back inappropriate planned but as yet unrealised urban development on Yamba flood plain "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


On 6 December 2022 Local Government Legal sent Clarence Valley Council a letter in response to a request for advice and clarification concerning the following: 

(i) whether compensation becomes liable when and if the NSW Planning Minister was to rezone vacant lands that have not had DA approval for development on the Yamba floodplain (WYURA ) from R1 General Residential to RU2 Rural landscape and C2 Environmental Conservation zonings at Councils request, and 

(ii) whether compensation becomes liable if land previously approved for the importation of fill was to be similarly rezoned;

 (iii) whether there are any other legal implications of such an action.


It is clear from the wording of advice contained in the letter, that vacant land can be lawfully rezoned so as to change its status from R1 General Residential to RU2 Rural landscape provided proper processes are followed under provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

It is also clear that compensation is not payable to the land owner if such a rezoning is done in good faith and with due reference to the Act.

It would appear that vacant land may also be rezoned C2 Environmental Conservation under the same provisos.



Seymour Hershs Nord Stream Theory: Fact or Fiction? "IndyWatch Feed National"

In his online article How America took out the Nord Stream Pipeline, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh sees the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea as a collaboration between Norway and the United States. Based on the testimony of a whistleblower, Hersh situates the planting of C4 explosive devices by U.S. Navy Divers under the cover of the BALTOPS 22 international naval exercise in June; according to Hersh, the explosive devices were triggered by a Norwegian Navy P8, which dropped sonar buoys for this purpose on September 26th, 2022.

First of all, it should be noted that neither the U.S., nor Russia, nor European states have been able to present any valid evidence of perpetration, so Seymour Hershs theory must be taken seriously. Unfortunately, however, his article fails to provide any evidence. Whats more, in addition to minor weaknesses in content, important questions remain unanswered: for example, Hersh does not address why the attack took place on September 26 of all days, why the detonations occurred 17 hours apart, and fails to mention the dark ships described by Jerry Javornicky.

The major event BALTOPS 22, with which Hersh links the attack, took place between June 5th and 17th, with the participation of over 45 ships and over 75 aircraft from 16 countries, including Germany, Poland, Sweden, Norway, the Baltic States, the United Kingdom and the United States. NavyMil reported that Scientists from five nations brought the latest advancements in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicles effectiveness in operational scenarios. A June 12th NATO article is even more explicit: In support of BALTOPS, U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet partnered with U.S. Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicles effectiveness in operational scenarios. Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring (MIREM) all under the direction of U.S. Sixth Fleet Task Force 68.

These publications confirm in essence the scenario described by Seymour Hersh. BALTOPS 22 is also conceivable as the setting for the attack. However, it should also be borne in mind that th...


CLIMATE COUNCIL, February 2023: There is no doubt that the consequences of climate change are now playing out in real time across Australia" "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


There is no doubt that the consequences of climate change are now playing out in real time across Australia.

Every Australian is being impacted by climate

change. Whether weve paid exorbitant prices

for produce at the supermarket, choked our

way through bushfire smoke blanketing our

communities, faced evacuations during

dangerous extreme weather events or lost our

homes in a bushfire or flood, life as we know

it is being disrupted in many ways.


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Thursday, 02 March


Woman claims Rolf Harris sexually assaulted her aged 10 "IndyWatch Feed National"


Convicted paedophile and disgraced Australian entertainer Rolf Harris is under 24-hour care as he battles neck cancer. It is believed the 92-year-olds health deteriorated earlier this year after the death of his dog. He is no longer able to speak and now has to be fed via a tube.



Brunson: Justice Jeffrey Doe Adds to The Dissent "IndyWatch Feed National"

Left and right photos by indigolt, at Center photo: sawtooth oak tree, at
Left and right photos by indigolt, at Center photo: sawtooth oak tree, at

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Editors Note: In her 26 February 2023 article, Mary Maxwell played the part of a fictitious Justice Henry Doe, writing a dissent in the SCOTUS case of Brunson v Adams. In this article, she plays the part of Justice Jeffrey Doe. None of it should be construed as official.

The United States Supreme Court

Petition for Certiorari in Brunson v Adams, 22-380

Justice Jeffrey Doe joins Justice Henry Does dissent to the courts majority opinion and adds to it.

I respectfully join Justice Henry Does dissent, especially for his crucial recommending that this court request the appointment of a special master to look into a possible covert enemy in the 2020 presid...


Doing Washingtons Bidding: Australias Treatment Of Daniel Duggan "IndyWatch Feed National"

Former US marine Daniel Duggan accused of training Chinese pilots is a victim of the United States governments political dispute with China.

The post Doing Washingtons Bidding: Australias Treatment Of Daniel Duggan appeared first on


Aeris Resources [ASX:AIS] and Helix Signal High-Grade Zone at Canbelego "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Copper, gold, and silver producer Aeris Resources [ASX:AIS], together with project partner Helix Resources [ASX:HLX], shared an update on their Canbelego joint venture in Cobar, New South Wales.

A high-grade copper zone has been found within 16 metres by 150 metres in the down dip of the Upper Canbelego Main Lode.

Investors were inspired by the results released today, upvoting the AIS share price by more than 6% on Thursday in early afternoon trade.

HLX though much, much lower in market cap increased by 25%.

Aeris has dropped more than 15% in share value over the last week, and 25% in the past 12 months:

asx:ais stock chart

Source: TradingView

Aeris Resources and Helix share high-grade copper results

Earlier on Thursday, the precious metals miner updated investors on the Canbelego Copper Project, located in southeast NSW.

The partners said the Upper Canbelego Main Lode RC (reverse circulation) drilling program was a success, mapping out high-grade copper, near surface to more than 120 metres down-dip.

Copper sulphides were discovered over nearly 22 metres downhole of the diamond drill core.

These were the highlights:

  • 6m at 4.72% Cu from 103m within 10m at 3.02% Cu from 100m (CBLRC062)
  • 4m at 3.27% Cu from 70m within 10m at 1.58% Cu from 68m (CBLRC063)
  • 3m at 2.45% Cu from 78m within 23m at 0.75% Cu from 62m (CBLRC058)
  • 9m at 1.3% Cu from 108m within 16m at 0.9% Cu from 108m (CBLRC059)

Aeris said the diamond core intersected 22 metres of medium to strong intensity for copper sulphides, which could offer potential to extend the down-dip another 40 metres, to more than 150 metres total.

New high-grade oxide copper was also flagged at the intercept, 13 metres below the surface. This is open 130 metres to the south, stretching to the groups pre-existing underground copper activities.

Commenting on the l...


Why Healthy Soil Makes Healthy Humans "IndyWatch Feed National"

Just like our gut, the soil in our gardens needs a rich diversity of microbial life to be healthy.


Community to have their say about a more inclusive and responsive health system "IndyWatch Feed National"

Friday, 3 March 2023

MEDIA RELEASE: The South Australian Health Minister, Chris Picton, has launched a new initiative to be led by South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS), that will support more equitable, active community engagement and participation in South Australias healthcare system.


Doing Washingtons Bidding: Australias Treatment of Daniel Duggan "IndyWatch Feed National"

The increasingly shabby treatment of former US marine Daniel Edmund Duggan by Australian authorities in the service of their US masters has again shown that the Australian passport is not quite worth the material its printed on.

In January this year, Sydneys Downing Centre Local Court heard that Australian Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus accepted a request from the US before Christmas to extradite Duggan. Duggan is no longer an American citizen, but Canberra has often regarded this as irrelevant when it comes to the US-Australian alliance.

In a 2017 indictment unsealed on December 9, Duggan is accused by prosecutors of using his expertise to train Chinese fighter pilots to land on aircraft carriers along with eight co-conspirators working at a South African flight school. It is also alleged that the US State Department warned him to apply for written authorisation to train a foreign air force in 2008, which is a requirement of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The allegation here is that he went ahead without securing authorisation, thereby breaching trafficking and arms control laws between 2009 and 2012.

Duggan has been held since October. In the finest traditions of Australian justice, he is being confined in conditions that suggest presumed guilt. His lawyer, Dennis Miralis, has stated at various points with some exasperation that his client is presumed innocent under US law. Duggans wife, Saffrine, insists that her husband is a victim of the United States governments political dispute with China.

This presumption has also been sorely tested by Duggans detention in a two-by-four-metre cell at the Silverwater jail, which also houses convicted terrorists. Miralis can only assume that the New South Wales Department of Directions has been all too willing to follow instructions delivered from on high.

Earlier this month lawyers for Duggan made a submission to the UN Human Rights Committee challenging these conditions. Their submission argues that the authorities have failed to protect Duggan from inhumane and degrading treatment, failed to segregate him from convicted inmates, violated his right to adequate facilities to enable him to prepare his legal defence, and denied his right to confidential communications.

The submission also references the assessment of a clinical psychologist who visited Duggan in the Silverwater prison. The psychologist...


Casino and Grafton out of reach for many renters "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The pressure on renters remains high and has been having an increasing impact on rural and regional areas. 

Labor candidate for Clarence, Leon Ankersmit.

Labor candidate for Clarence, Leon Ankersmit, highlights that this is seen in an eight per cent increase in regional areas over just the last 12 months.

Both Labor and The Greens have put out plans to address the housing crisis with The Greens proposing a $1 billion investment in social and public housing and Labor focussing on immediate relief and fairer rules for renters. 

Grafton and Casino, they were the places where people could always find a place to live, but thats no longers the case, said Mr Ankersmit. 

I was on the executive of Anglicare for ten years so weve been talking about the rental crisis for at least that long. Charities have addressed the devastating impacts of poverty that results from rental stress, hoping for an intervention from government.

Over the last five years, the rental crisis has arrived in Grafton and Casino which used to be affordable places. This is not because of the flood, though this has increased the pressure on housing stock, the rental crisis was here before that. It is because of the lack of investment in social housing over all these years. 



Tech Titans Turn Their Hand at Mineral Discovery "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Over recent months, influential tech titans have made a surprising entry into the mining industry.

According to some sources, tech will be the answer to a looming crisis in metal supplies.

So how do computer engineers plan on finding the next generation of ore bodies?

The answerArtificial Intelligence!

As a major consumer of critical metals, tech has a lot of skin in the game when it comes to securing supply chains of raw materials.

Its why theres been some high-profile tech names entering the mining space of late

Disrupters looking to flip the traditional methods of discovery.

According to them, AI and algorithms will replace boots on the ground.

Thats what the Californian-based KoBold Metals is looking to achieve.

It has some pretty powerful backers toobillionaire tech giants Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos recently committed US$150 million.

It enabled the company to secure a prized high-grade, copper-cobalt mine in Zambia.

Known as Mingomba and grading at around 3.64% copper, the company now holds one of the highest-grade undeveloped deposits in the world.

Thanks to Gates and Bezos, this tech company has a flagship project to showcase across the mining industry.

Yet, interestingly, the mine was NOT discovered by algorithms or artificial intelligence. It was found by a team of Zambian and Australian geologists years before KoBold acquired the asset.

But looking at the board of KoBold, you can quickly recognise that theres not a geologist or mining engineer in sight

Instead, its made up of a list of young start-up tech entrepreneurs, with mostly computer and data science backgrounds:

Fat Tail Investment Research

Source: KoBold Metals

[Click to open in a new window]



Ending human rights abuses behind bars "IndyWatch Feed National"

Australias review by the anti-torture watchdog hasagainshone the spotlight on the human rights abuses permitted in the darkness behind prison walls, and provides clear guidance on how governments across the country can prevent torture and mistreatmentand be held more accountable when they do notin compliance with international human rights standards. These standards should set the floor rather than the ceiling when it comes to upholding and protecting human rights

The post Ending human rights abuses behind bars appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Lismore Council stripped of planning powers "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

NSW Planning Minister, Anthony Roberts, has removed planning powers from Lismore City Council. Councillors failed, on February 14, to constitute a local planning panel (LPP), which is designed to speed up planning processes to support flood-recovery efforts that would have allowed them to nominate two members to the committee from a minister-approved pool of candidates.

The NSW governments LPP usurps Councils planning powers. 

In a letter to Mayor Steve Krieg, Roberts said the failure may result in confusion and uncertainty for planning processes in Lismore LGA.

Under (s) 2.17 of the EP&A Act 1979, Roberts appointed members to sit on Councils behalf. 

All associated costs for the panel will be borne by Council, Roberts added.

Disempowering communities

Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP, planning spokesperson and lead candidate for the Upper House said, The Planning Minister has a track record of disempowering communities to serve developer interests. 

The NSW government needs to establish a process that gives Lismore residents agency over the reconstruction process, not one that will let developers roll over the community to squeeze as much profit out of reconstruction as they can. 

The Lismore community has been crying out for greater transparency and control over the recovery process. Instead, the NSW Government has disempowered the community even further, said Ms Faehrmann.

The people of Lismore are anxious about how decisions are being made about the future of their city. The last thing they need is an undemocratic planning panel making decisions for them about what reconstruction is going to look like.

The fact that Lismore council needs to pay for the staff and facilities of the governments sham planning panel is completely unacceptable. Its another flagrant example of state government cost shifting which will hurt Lismore council ratepayers even more.

Im calling on the government to reverse this decision and at the very least pay for the costs of this planning panel, she said.

Lismore needs transparency

Local councillor and Green Candidate for Lismore Adam Guise said,...


Should rich people be able to support Ballina Council with their taxes? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Ballina Cr Eoin Johnston. Photo supplied.

Near the end of Ballina Shire Councils last epic meeting, Cr Eoin Johnston put forward a motion to pursue the idea of tax deductible donations from the public to fund essential local council services.

He wanted support from his fellow councillors to take his motion to the Australian Local Government Association.

What initially sounded like a thought bubble turned out to be a serious proposition, which Cr Johnston said was inspired by Kerry Packer, Thargomindah and Karratha, and had been in his head for quite a few years.

The next ALGA meeting will be in Canberra in June. Im happy to go down there and attend that meeting and present this, said Cr Johnston. It certainly has obstacles and there would be a lot of debate and it might have little chance of getting through to the taxation heads in Canberra, but thats where it has to go.

Mining money

Eoin Johnston then spoke about the spectacular council-provided facilities in the outback town of Thargomindah, despite a very small ratepayer base in the area. The mayor met took me around and said, Well, we have one very good ratepayer and thats Santos oil.



Patience of the One World Government Gang (OWGG) One Unit of their Plan "IndyWatch Feed National"

By Malcolm R. Hughes

I received a very interesting video via telegram of a talk by Todd Callender an attorney and international lawyer, on the subject of the Covid-19 vaccine. He paints a dire message for those who took the jab.

From the research of Dr David Martin PhD we know that the natural Coronavirus was a pathogen of the gut of canines. Since it could not cross the species barrier, scientists (?) created a at the University of Chapel Hill in U.S. DARPA provided grants to Chapel Hill to create a bio-weapon. Why would that be? Just read on! They were successful in 2002. In 2003 Coronavirus Sars2 was patented in the name of the CDC who continued to hold the patent until January 2020.

Who was it that insisted that the population have the annual flu vaccine? Of course it was th...


ABC journalists to go on strike "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed from Victoria by a member of the MEAA

Next Tuesday (7 March) ABC journalists will be walking off the job for 24 hours. This is their first strike since 2006. The current dispute is over the of management to offer an acceptable agreement, which resulted in more than 90 percent of the journalists voting for strike action unless a suitable offer is made.

In fact, the latest offer is less than the offer that had been made last year and rejected.

Both television and radio services are affected by the dispute.

ABC journalists rejected the first offer on 9 November last year

Journalists are asking for better job security, equal pay for journalists in the regions and for women, and inclusion of journalists form diverse backgrounds. They want a career path for junior journalists to gain skill and experience. There must be backpay to cover for the delay by the ABC in trying to work out a new agreement.  

ABC management is initially tried to impose a three-year agreement with a one-off payment of $750 and pay increases of 3.5 percent, 3 percent, and 2,5 percent. This will not even keep up with the inflation rate.  The new offer is a $1,500 once-off payment, and pay increases of 4 percent, 3.5 percent, and 3 percent.

This offer has been rejected because although a little more pay is offered, there is still nothing to improve job security and equality.

When voting, the journalists also supported a strategy that will involve Various forms of continuing industrial action. Expect further disruptions until a resolution is found.

MEAA Media Director Cassie Derrick said members are resolute and determined to fight for a better deal. A media release by the union said that despite a meeting with the ABC managing director David Anderson on Tuesday this week, nothing new was offered.

The media release quoted Cassie Derrick.

David Anderson listened to our concerns and has agreed to postpone voting on the current offer, but there was no commitment made about providing an improved deal that addresses the major concerns of the staff.:

This dispute has a lot to do with years of government attacks on the ABC and cuts in funding, championed by Rupert Murdo...


Byron Council welcomes changes to councillor misconduct process "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Independent Byron Shire Councillor Cate Coorey has spoken in support of recommendations of a review of the process for handling misconduct by councillors, including an independent commission. Photo Eve Jeffery.

Big changes are recommended for handling misconduct by councillors in NSW and the Byron Shire Council has voted, at least initially, to support them.

The state government commissioned an independent review of how allegations of councillor misconduct are dealt with in 2021. The Minister for Local Government said the people of NSW expected their elected Council representatives to uphold the highest standards of behaviour, and anyone who breached that trust should face the consequences.

Mr Gary Kellar holds an Australian Public Services Award and oversaw the review, with his findings report made available online late last year via the NSW Office of Local Government.

Mr Kellar made 49 recommendations and the Byron Shire Council staff recently highlighted some to councillors in their first ordinary meeting for 2023.

New independent commission to investigate council complaints

The key change Mr Kellar recommended was a new independent Councillor Conduct Commission, taking over the power of council general managers to handle complaints.

Mr Kellar said the new commission would oversee independent Councillor Conduct Review Panels, as well as tougher fines and sanctions for misconduct, including fines for individuals.

Councils who experience misconduct would be jointly required to meet the costs of the independent panels and the commission with the NSW Government.

QLD councillor training course recommended

As well as reviewing and recommending changes to misconduct management, Mr Kellar recommended a focus on training.

His list of r...


Search to resume for swimmer missing at Byron Bay "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

A joint search and rescue operation restarted at 7am this morning for a swimmer last seen off Byron Bay. Photo Marine Rescue NSW

A search resumed this morning for a man reported missing while swimming at Byron Bay.

Officers from Tweed/Byron Police Area Command have been told two people saw a man struggling in surf about 30m offshore of Main Beach about 5.30pm on Wednesday 1 March 2023.

A 22-year-old man attempted to assist the swimmer but was overwhelmed by the prevailing conditions.

Local police, NSW Ambulance, Surf Life Saving, Fire and Rescue NSW, Marine Rescue and Queensland PolAir personnel attended the scene and began searching for the man; however, the search was suspended about 8.30pm without any sign of the missing swimmer.



Spag Circus shows its regeneration skills this Sat "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Super Mighties from Spaghetti Circus. Photo supplied

The Super Mighties from Spaghetti Circus will perform this Saturday at the Regeneration community festival at Mullum Community Garden.

Spaghetti Circus is one of Australias leading youth circuses, and theyve created the performance specially for Regeneration.

The show will draw on the popular novel, Big Magic, by local author, Sarah Armstrong, wholl also read an extract from her forthcoming kids book.   

Its a celebration of the magic of the natural world, says Petrina Hutchinson, head of school with Spaghetti Circus, with the kids being a bridge connecting our future with our history.

Regeneration will have lots of hand-on fun for kids, including seed bomb and seed propagation workshops, a tree-planting, and audience participation during the circus performance.

The free festival is funded by the NSW government, and aims to reconnect communities following fire, flood and pandemic, via the joy of ecological restoration.

Its aspiring to have zero waste to landfill so attendees are encouraged to bring cups, water bottles and plates, and book a free ticket beforehand, to help let food stalls know how many people to expect.

Most sessions are under cover, but a brolly could be helpful if it rains.



Work begins on 41 Byron holiday apartments "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Promotional material for buyers at:

Last Wednesday, a ground breaking ceremony was held at 116-118 Jonson Street, Byron, as the first soil was turned for the new Bonobo by Raes development.

Demolition of the Holiday Village Backpackers, located south of Mercato, has been underway since October 2022, says developer Podia and their joint venture partner, Centennial Property Group.

Prior to that, the buildings were made available to flood victims for temporary crisis accommodation.

The developers say, Two upper levels will house 41 two, three and four bedroom hotel-apartments, which will be available for short-term letting, and will be managed exclusively by Raes. Raes is also curating the retail and food and beverage tenancies surrounding the large public courtyard on the ground floor.



Rupert Murdoch, Fox News and News Corp set to be sued for over $30 billion and die a death of a thousand lawsuits after Ruperts admissions under oath "IndyWatch Feed National"

Rupert Murdochs companies are set to be sued out of existence after Rupert gave evidence under oath that Fox News commentators knowingly lied to their audience about the 2020 presidential election being []


Screenworks new CEO hits the ground running "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Screenworks CEO Lisa OMeara. Photo David Lowe.

Lisa OMeara is the new CEO of Screenworks, the Ballina-based screen organisation with an increasingly national outlook. She sat down with The Echo to talk about where Screenworks is heading.

Coming from her role as National Manager for Careers and Enterprise at SAE, Ms OMeara recently took over at head office from previous Screenworks CEO Ken Crouch (she did a weeks comprehensive handover to download his brain). Mr Crouch has moved to a new role at Screen Australia.

Ms OMeara paid tribute to her predecessors financial and organisational acuity, which has helped the not-for-profit charity grow from its Northern Rivers origins to assist screen creatives right across regional Australia.

In the past, Lisa OMeara was involved with Screenworks as an Events and Marketing Communications Manager, following marketing roles involving the Nine Network, SBS and the games industry.

She said her recent experience at SAE means shes well-placed to build connections between regional film-makers and creative industry leaders.



TV In Australia "IndyWatch Feed National"

This clip didnt seem real at first. But the laughter, combined with a profoundly disturbing scene It reminded me of something. Its been a while, but Oliver Stones gruesome satire of TV in Natural Born Killers might as well be running in prime time. Via: Australians vs. The Agenda:


About Not Listening to People "IndyWatch Feed National"

Some years ago, an old man of about 85 years of age was admitted to a British hospital. He kept on insisting that he didnt have time to be hospitalised because his mother needed him. The staff didnt believe him. But he told the truth. His mother was one of the oldest people in Britain, and she was dependent on her sons help. The story appeared in the BMJ as a warning about distrusting what people tell their doctors.

Illustration depicting a doctor and nurse standing aloof or angrily pointing at an older female patient sitting downI went on a lecture tour in North America after I had published my book about deadly medicines and organised crime in the drug industry and lost my way at a large hospital in Baltimore. I couldnt find the auditorium and the organiser of the meeting didnt answer her phone. I strolled around in despair while the time for my lecture was rapidly approaching.

As a last resort, I addressed the reception at the hospital. As I was in a hurry, I bypassed a large queue of patients and explained to the receptionist that I was not a patient but a doctor scheduled to give a lecture in a few minutes time.

Please go to the end of the queue, she replied with a stone face. I repeated that I was a doctor and asked for help to find my colleague who worked at the hospital.

Please go to the end of the queue, the robot replied. It didnt matter to her how much I begged for help. She likely thought I was a psychiatric case with a delusion that I was a doctor, as she didnt tell me that the hospital information desk was close by.

I arrived at the auditorium right on time after having asked a friendly person in the corridor where the hospital information desk...


Zionists Attack Palestinian Writers and Australian Free Speech "IndyWatch Feed National"

The acclaimed Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd were invited to the Adelaide Writers Festival, South Australia, but have encountered a storm of false defamation from Zionists, pro-Zionist Mainstream media  and pro-Zionist politicians. Susan Abulhawa has also been falsely defamed for her humane, pro-peace views on the appalling Ukraine War. The eminent anti-racist Jewish Australian Festival Director, publisher  Louise Adler, is standing firm against this ferocious Zionist attack on free speech in Australia.

Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd have been falsely defamed for alleged anti-Semitism and hate speech for criticising the century-long genocidal abuse of indigenous Palestinians by Zionists. However anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism because a large body of anti-racist Jewish scholars condemn racist Zionism, Israeli Apartheid, Apartheid Israel, and the century-long and  ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2.2 million Palestinians killed by violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 2.1 million).

Thus anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman (New York University): The Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis. Likewise anti-racist Jewish Canadian writer Naomi Klein: There is a debate among Jews Im a Jew by the way. The debate boils down to the question: Never again to everyone, or never again to us? [Some Jews] even think we get one get-away-with-genocide-free cardThere is another strain in the Jewish tradition that say[s], Never again to anyone.

Famed  anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers and scholars Tariq Ali, Russell Banks, John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Eduardo Galeano, Charles Glass, Naomi Klein, W.J.T. Mitchell, Harold Pinter, Arundhati Roy, Jose Saramago, Giuliana Sgrena, Gore Vidal, and Howard Zinn have condemned [Israels] long-term military, economic and geographic practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation (Google Jews against racist Zionism and Non-Jews against racist Zionism). Indeed 25% of US Jews and 38% of those under 40 say that Israel is an apartheid state.

Despite a century-long Palestinian Genocide and successive mass population expulsions (800,000 in the 1948 Nakba or Catastrophe, and 400,000 in the 1967 Naksa or Setback), today 7.5 million Indigenous Palestinians represent 50% of the 15.0 million Subjects of Apartheid Israel (while 7.0 million Jewish Israelis represent only 47%), but 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians (73% of the Indigenous Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel) cannot vote for the government ruling them i.e. they are subject to egregious Apartheid as recognized by major world and Israeli human rights organizations.

Each year Israel violently kills about 500 Palestinians and a further 4,000 die a...


Kazakhstan: at the Crossroads and in the Crosshairs "IndyWatch Feed National"

Resource businesses are booming in the vast steppes of Kazakhstan. Oil, gas, iron, copper, and uranium extracted by state-owned enterprises and joint-ventures with the energy majors and mining giants of the world comprise the core of a thriving export economy. Thanks in part to a welcoming investment climate and the ongoing Nurly Zhol (Bright Path) infrastructure modernization program, the country is developing into an important conduit for east-west commerce, harkening back to centuries past when the Silk Road was the main vein of world trade. But in the backyard of a debilitated Russia and in the pathway of an ascendant China, Kazakhstan is warming into a hotspot of geostrategic interest in and of itself, as it seeks a way out from becoming entrapped between its two assertive neighbors.

Last year brought distinct challenges to Astana, with high inflation sparking civil unrest, and Vladimir Putins invasion of Ukraine throwing regional supply chains into disarray. Many Kazakhstani commodities either transit Russia or undergo downstream processing there before entering world markets. These deep industrial ties are as much a legacy of the Soviet era as they are a reality of Kazakhstans remote, landlocked geography. Russia maintains a strong paternalistic relationship with its former satellite states, but its present alienation from the West is forcing that dynamic to evolve.

Kazakhstani President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev perturbed the Kremlin last February by denying its request for his militarys participation in Ukraine, despite the fact that just one month prior, he had solicited the aid of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) to quell domestic protests. Tokayev has since gone further in distancing himself from Moscow by banning the ubiquitous Z and other Russian military symbols, canceling the May 9th Soviet Victory Day parade, and even declaring that he would not recog...


Boosting disaster preparedness and resilience in Iluka on the Clarence River flood plain "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


Australian Rural and Regional News, 22 February 2023:

A new not-for-profit community organisation has been launched in Iluka with the mission of empowering and educating our community to proactively prepare for and effectively respond to emergencies, while fostering a strong sense of connectedness and resilience.

Iluka Community Organisation Planning for Emergencies ICOPE was formed in September 2022 by 15 Iluka residents concerned about the isolation Iluka had experienced during past fires and floods, particularly the 2022 floods.

ICOPE President Cheryl Dimmock said the organisation strives to create a safer and more prepared community through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions.

Iluka RFS Secretary Tony Belton, who is also an ICOPE member, applied for and received a grant to equip an evacuation centre in Iluka and this was the real impetus that necessitated ICOPE, she said.

ICOPE is aware of the isolation experienced during fire and flood and are working to ensure that a suitable evacuation centre is established in the village.

Mrs Dimmock said while disaster preparedness was central to ICOPEs formation, the organisation also understands the importance of community connectedness.


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Wednesday, 01 March


AFP Commissioner Avoids Questions About Police Assault of Peaceful Protester "IndyWatch Feed National"

If I was going to detain somebody, and they were a peaceful protester, I would endeavour to ensure that they didnt get three broken ribs and fractured vertebrae, like happened after your officers, Senator David Shoebridge put it to AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw last Monday.

Do you agree thats a poor outcome from an arrest? the Greens senator then asked the head of the federal police, who was proving rather reluctant to consider the arrest, which saw Iranian protester Hamid Sotounzadeh hospitalised with serious injuries, was an issue worthy of raising.

As footage circulated by Counteract shows, Sotounzadeh was set upon by Australian Federal Police officers on 9 February, as he was demonstrating against Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps across the road from that nations embassy in Canberra.

Indeed, that Sotounzadeh suffered fractured bones and was rendered unconscious due to officers setting upon him, for peacefully protesting the IRGC over the months-long repressions its subjected Iranians to, has led to the charge that the local cops acted in a manner akin to those in Iran.

The clip of the arrest shows a fellow protester gradually becoming more and more distressed as she approaches her friend whos lying on the ground, covered in scuff marks and no longer moving, as three AFP officers hover around him.

Sotounzadeh was still in hospital five days after the police assault. And despite an officer insisting hed failed to follow orders prior to their having set upon him, the man hasnt been charged with anything.

Investigating their own



A Day To Celebrate: Regeneration Saturday 4 March "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Regeneration is a free one-day family-friendly community festival. It will be held on Saturday 4 March at the Mullum SEED Eco Hub, home of the beautiful Mullum Community Garden, 156 Stuart Street Mullumbimby, between 9am and 5pm.

Therell be short workshops on Bush Regen, Seed Propagation and more, with leaders in the field.

Lots of fun stuff for kids including seed-bomb making, and an all-day Spaghetti Circus play-space.

Speakers include Aunty Delta Kay, Damon Gameau and the lovely Mandy Nolan as MC.
Sing with the REDInc Choir and dance to the world-music of The Palm Wine Ambassadors. The festival is funded by a NSW Government grant, with support from local partners.

Check out the program, sponsors and partners at and book your free ticket as there is limited capacity.

The post A Day To Celebrate: Regeneration Saturday 4 March appeared first on Byron Bay Blog.


Improve Home Insulation With Roller Shutters "IndyWatch Feed National"

Its no secret that Australian summers can be intense. Temperatures can regularly soar up into the 40s and the sun can be absolutely brutal. During these times, you want to make sure you can stay comfortable at home without having to blast the air con all day and night.

One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that your home is properly insulated. When people think about insulation, the first things that come to mind are usually ceiling, wall and underfloor insulation. And while these are undoubtedly important, all too often window insulation is left as an afterthought, which is baffling.

More heat gain occurs through windows than any other surface in the home. In fact, up to 87% of a homes heat energy can be gained through windows.

But there are solutions. One of the often overlooked benefits of window roller shutters is the ability to improve your homes insulation.

So lets have a look at a few ways that window shutters can help to insulate your home.

Prevent Thermal Transfer

High-quality window roller shutters are made from premium grade aluminium with a baked-on enamel reflective coating designed to reflect the sunlight. They feature non-flammable foam insulation and can help to reduce heat transfer by up to 75%. Insulating shutters trap a layer of air between the pre-insulated internal panel and external cladding, thus providing an effective barrier against heat loss and gain.

Roller shutters can reduce energy consumption from HVAC systems when heating or cooling your home or business during different seasons. Additionally, these energy-efficient benefits can also give a cost saving to you in the long run. Not only are roller shutters beneficial in controlling temperature but they also provide security benefits with additional protection from moisture and light penetration, leading to an all around product that provides most users with value.

Block the Sunlight

Window Shutters Melbourne

Installing roller shutters on the exterior of your home is a great way to block out excess sunlight and can significantly reduce the temperature inside. Not only will it decrease your electricity consump...


Closure of Mount Ousley Road at Bulli Tops "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

MOUNT Ousley Road will be closed in the northbound direction at Bulli Tops next week for bridge maintenance and repair work.

Mount Ousley Road will be closed northbound only at the M1 Princes Motorway exit at Cataract from 8pm Friday March 10 until 12pm on Sunday March 12, weather permitting.

There will be no northbound access to Appin Road from Mount Ousley Road. 

Detours for light and heavy vehicles needing to access Appin Road will be in place via the M1 Princes Motorway. Motorists will be detoured via the Helensburgh exit to return southbound on the M1 Princes Motorway to access Appin Road.

Motorists travelling southbound on the M1 Motorway and Mount Ousley Road will not be impacted. Also, motorists travelling on the Princes Highway (Bulli Pass) will not be effected.

Access to Appin Road via the Princes Highway (Bulli Pass) will continue to be available to motorists.

Transport NSW advises motorists to follow the direction of traffic control and allow up to 20 minutes additional travel time. For the latest traffic updates visit ...


What testosterone does to a girl "IndyWatch Feed National"

Transitioning was, for me, a way of making my body mine. It let me decide what this body was and what it meant. This is what five years of testosterone actually does to a girl. From the words of Abigail Thorn, trans YouTuber and playwright: the cause is my will.

The post What testosterone does to a girl appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Tweed rail trail now open "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The Rail Trail was officially opened with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony performed by the Biren Cultural Group. Joining them from back left are: NRRT Inc President Pat Grier, NSW Deputy Premier Paul Toole, Tweed MP Geoff Provest MP, Tweed Mayor Chris Cherry and Lismore MP Janelle Saffin.

The Tweed section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail opened this morning making 24km of the former rail line open to the public.

The rail trail runs from the heritage-listed Murwillumbah Railway Station to Crabbes Creek and features 26 bridges and two tunnels. 

The Northern Rivers Rail Trail.

The Tweed section of the rail trail meanders gently southwards through the spectacular scenery of the Tweed Valley, connecting the villages of Stokers Siding, Burringbar, Mooball and Crabbes Creek. The path features a 500m Burringbar Range Tunnel, home to tiny micro-bats and glow worms, said a spokesperson. 

Lismore MP Janelle Saffin, who represented Federal Member for Richmond Justine Elliot at the ceremony, said the Northern Rivers Rail Trail would eventually run from Murwillumbah to Casino through the spectacular scenery of the Tweed Valley, Byron Shire, Lismore and Richmond Valley.



Time for drug law reform in NSW as state election looms? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson, Cate Faehrman with Adam Guise outside Lismore Court House. Photo supplied

Drug law reform has been taking the world by storm as Australia has, as usual, dragged its feet.

A harm reduction, rather than a war on drugs approach has been established as the most effective way to deal with drug addiction and its negative consequences, and to reduce the number of people needlessly in jails.

Health and safety reform is now inevitable. Australians increasingly want governments to take control of the drug problem through such measures. While our laws and government policies prioritise a criminal response, most Australians dont, Matt Noffs, CEO of the Ted Noffs Foundation, told The Echo back in 2020.

He has been proven right, with Queensland announcing they are giving pill testing the green light and introducing changes to parliament on 21 February that will relax drug laws.

Drug laws in Queensland will be relaxed for anyone caught carrying small quantities of illicit substances like heroin, cocaine or ice, with users to be given three chances before facing a criminal charge, reported the ABC.

NSW Greens call to legalise cannabis

The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice Report in 2018-19 also recommended a harm minimisation approach. However, the Liberal-National coalition said they would not take up all the reco...


Self-Care For Dummies by Jill M. Talbot "IndyWatch Feed National"

eek comfort where you can, even if its in a dumpster
Have someone explain it to you like youre a toddler
Read more on ways you can help, even though there are none
Read Wittgenstein
Eat Life cereal
Have more questions than answers
Dance like nobodys watching
Change your password to Spiderman
Count backwards by sevens
Shout, How did we get here? during Happy Hour
Grade preschoolers artwork
Google Breathing for Beginners
Watch Shark Tank wearing pyjamas
Send TikToks to your therapist
Jump start your exercise
Nourish yourself by getting rid of mirrors
Re-create Grandpas famous lasagne
Learn how to make a prettier pie
Read a thesaurus
Lose yourself in the produce aisle
Stay connected with candy floss
Sit down to write an actual letter
Make your own Self-Care list
Sign off and repeat tomorrow.

This started as an erasure poem from an NPR article on self-care during the war in Ukraine. A few of the suggestions remain. I was reminded of a crisis centre whose response to my suffering was always to tell me to drink milk and have a bath. Most self-help out there seems equally absurd to me


Back to Poetry Galley

The post Self-Care For Dummies by Jill M. Talbot appeared first on Mad In America.


They Cant Build A New World Order Until The Old One Is Destroyed "IndyWatch Feed National"

Soros adapted photo

By G5+


In America, we have an oligarch problem, much bigger than that Putin faced in 2000.

The entire West is now captive by billionaire elites: media, the political establishment, and central institutions. The expansion from markets, finance, and trade to politics, social issues, and public health.



New beginnings for Anaiya after the flames "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Anaiya Cooper hopes to raise funds to restore her business by working very hard. Photo Tree Faerie.

Two weeks ago, massage therapist, Anaiya Cooper suffered a major setback when her business went up in flames.

The fire started on a day when it was business as usual for Coopers Ayurvedic Wellness Studio, located in the Mullumbimby Industrial Estate. She told The Echo, I cleaned down at the end of the day. I did the washing and put everything in the dryer and left, the same as I do every other day. Ive been in the industry for 18 years putting towels in dryers and I have never had an issue.

Ms Cooper says the fire came as a big shock. 

Within an hour, we came back and there were several fire crews here. They said it was one of the most toxic fires they have dealt with because of the oil content. I had oil in stock.

Very grateful 

Ms Cooper said after the flood she was very grateful, because her business is primarily upstairs....


IPC hears of holiday letting pros and cons "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The Independent Planning Commission (IPC) held its public hearings last week over two days, with commissioners hearing from organisations and residents on the negative and positive impacts from holiday letting.

The IPC is collating submissions around Councils plans to introduce a precinct model to regulate the short-term rental accommodation (STRA) industry, something that has been strongly opposed by the sector.

After Planning Minister Anthony Roberts (Liberal) reneged late last year on an agreement for Council to self-regulate the industry, he asked both the IPC and the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to provide recommendations to improve housing affordability and rental availability in the Byron Shire. The reports will inform the ministers views as to whether Council can proceed with its adopted policy. 

Other NSW councils already have precinct models in place.

Apart from presentations by DPE, councillors and the STRA sector, speakers included Kim Goodrick, Jan Barham, David Wallace, Leone Bolt, Liz Friend, Sabine Muschter, Holly English, Chris Kerin, and Belinda Lewis.  

Deb Summons, representing the Byron Chapter of the Australian Short Term Rental Association (ASTRA), argued that holiday homes are not suited to become or return to the rental market, something echoed by Reid Campbell from Byron Bay Holiday Hire. 

Ocean Shores pharmacist, Brett Dyer, explained to the panel how difficult it is to find and retain staff owing to the housing shortage. 

With her submission, Tricia Shantz quoted the 1993 book Ground Rules, Social Planning for Local Government, by Colleen Menzies: Communities become ghettos when their social dynamics are destroyed and their sense of community pride is replaced by wanting to move elsewhere. 

For more information visit

The post IPC hears of holiday letting pros and cons appeared first on The Echo.


Grant me this "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

How councils are reliant on govt grants to provide basic services

Lets examine the grip on NSW councils by the state and federal governments! 

Why? Because roads and infrastructure works, for example, are dependent not only on Council revenue from rates and fees, but also NSW and federal government grants.

And considering some grants are hand-picked by ministers to favour certain electorates (called pork barrelling), it raises questions around equity and integrity in governance. 

The Echo asked all NSW election candidates their position on this.

According to Byron Councils Director Corporate and Community Services, Esmeralda Davis, Grants are a significant portion of Council revenue, and in 2022, [equate to] more than Council raises in general land rates.

Grants are split by operating and capital. If a grant is operating, it is used to fund an activity or purposes on an operating basis, whereas capital grants are provided for the renewal of existing assets or construction of new assets.

A table provided to The Echo by Davis showed that in 2022, total grants amounted to $33,339,000, while general rates revenue was $26,863,000. In 2021, grants totalled $22,505,000 against a general rates revenue of $26,106,000. Davis says, The big difference between 2022 and 2021 in terms of overall grant revenues is essentially funding associated with the February/March 2022 flood events, and this will continue at elevated levels for the next few years, as Council restores the damaged infrastructure.

In 2022, 26.5 per cent of Councils overall revenue came from grants, whereas general land rates provided 21.3 per cent, and conversely for 2021, 19.7 per cent of Councils revenue came from grants, whereas general land rates provided 22.9 per cent.

There are currently 72 grants available from differing sources, including the NSW and federal governments, and philanthropic programs, Davis said, adding Council is also not eligible for many of them owing to the grant being targeted at differing sectors, eg manufacturing, health, research.

Councillors tabled grant applications, both successful and not, at last Thursdays meeting. 

Recent successful grants included a floodplain management plan ($...


Jim Chalmerss proposal to cut top end superannuation benefits deserves support "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Joe Montero

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has released the tax expenditures and income statement. This is about tax concessions, credits, and deductions. Together, they amount to more than $150 billion a year. One third of this is superannuation discounts.

Given the reality of a tax revenue shortage, it makes sense to consider which of these giveaways is not justified. Clawing back some of the money could provide for the improvement if needed government services. The statement reveals that more than 55 percent of the benefit flows to the top 20 percent of incomes, with 36 percent to the top 10 percent.

Here is some of the detail. A third (35 percent) of rental deductions, including deductions for rental loss, interest costs, property maintenance, and council rates went to the richest. It is a similar story for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Another group of benefits mainly going to the same cohort include $150 billion a windfall from negative gearing, capital gains discounts, franking credits, and more.

Any move that helps to redraw the balance towards treating all Australians as equals should be supported.

It is clear that Australia has a welfare scheme for the rich, aiding the shift of income upward and away from those who need help the most. Australia cant afford to continue doing this, and it is unjust.

This is the reason why Chalmers announced the intention to cut the benefit to those with balances above $3 million in their superannuation accounts

The coalition and its backers are set against the cut and campaigning to have it stopped. In a cynical move to protect, they are accusing Labor of dishonouring its pledge not to touch tax breaks in the taxation system. This deserves to be called out for what it is.

The cut is not yet a done deal. For now, it is out for debate. The downside is that that action is to be delayed until after the next election. Its a strategy that will give those fighting to maintain the privileges time and opportunity to organise and deploy a scare campaign, pretending everyone is going to be targeted, and therefore a mistake.

There is also that very l little detail about intention has been given, and the benefit will...


Which NSW election candidates support pork barrel grant reform? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

With Byron Shire Council heavily reliant on government grants to fill potholes, commission flood studies and even improve toilet amenities, The Echo asked all NSW election candidates their position on reforming how grants are allocated.

Currently, ministers can grant political favours to certain electorates (called pork barrelling). 

For example, in the recent NSW governments Stronger Country Communities Fund Round Five decision maker, the Deputy Premier, Paul Toole (Nationals) favoured five projects, one of which was in his own electorate. 

The Echo asked candidates, If elected, would you support taking the personal intervention away from ministers, and instead conduct all grant allocation in a transparent process by non-political actors?

Greens MP, Smith (supports reform)

Greens MP, Tamara Smith told The Echo, Having councils utterly dependent on the whim of government is a very clever political device. 

Local councils have been slowly denuded of their resource capability and sustainability through rate pegging, capping of developer contributions, and being denied innovations like tourist tariffs to raise money. 

In towns like ours, that means we are utterly dependent on government handouts to manage our extremely high infrastructure needs because of the millions of people using our public spaces and roads each year, with limited means of raising money to pay for upkeep. 

Smith described it as an appalling way to do both economic management and democracy. 

It is dumb economically, because rather than having a model based on systematic maintenance of critical infrastructure as the criteria for funding that saves money over time, a grant system means it comes down to at best, luck, at worst, corruption. 

I have watched Nationals politicians in the Northern Rivers groom mayors and manipulate the grant system to benefit their own political aspirations, and those of their allies. Grants are taxpayers dollars, and should be administered with the highest standards of accountability, transparency, and fairness. 

Smith added, funding councils should be based on...


Gym/dance studio blocked from proceeding at Ballina Racecourse "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Site of the proposed gym school and dance studio, near Ballina Racecourse.

A proposal to amend the Local Environmental Plan for a site at 34 Racecourse Road was blocked by Ballina Council at their last meeting, preventing the redevelopment of the site for a proposed gym school and dance studio.

Despite staff recommendations to proceed to a Gateway determination, it quickly became obvious that councillors thought this was the wrong location for the idea, with horse racing to be prioritised over other uses.

Cr Eoin Johnston said he didnt know much about horses but he knew strange noises and horses were not a good combination, with stables close to the proposed gym/dance studio. It seems to be something in the wrong place, he said.

Although a lot of people dont like the horse racing industry or the gambling industry, it is an integral part of the economy of this country and it is something thats much loved by a certain strata of the community, he said.

Staff member Matt Wood said councillors would have the opportunity to block the DA later, if they felt it was inappropriate, but there was little enthusiasm in the room to take the idea further, despite the many pages of work already put in by the proponent.

Wrong place?

Cr Stephen McCarthy said Im not a lover of horse racing, but I did drive out there and have a good look around this particular block I think its just in the wrong place. And I think it would cause problems in the future.

Cr Kiri Dicker said she was wary of catastrophising the potential impact on the horse riding and horse racing industry Im not convinced that this is going to threaten its existence o...


Powerful Indigenous film screens in Byron "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Local filmmaker Sinem Saban and the Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM, filming on Yolngu Country in north-east Arnhem Land.

Local filmmaker, Sinem Saban, who is screening her latest documentary, Luku Ngrra: The Law of the Land this week in Byron, has considered herself an activist for over 20 years. 

She has been in war zones in Iraq, Palestine and Israel, and marched in Indigenous rights protests in Australia. 

When she started to spend a lot of time with Dr Gondarra OAM ten years ago, she slowly started to realise just how static and paralysed she was in her hatred of the perpetrators of such wars and injustice. 

You could say Dr Gondarra has been like a teacher to me, she says, not just because of what he has taught me about his pain, his struggles, his culture and his law, but also because of the spiritual wisdom that has come from those life experiences.

Saban says it became very obvious to her that Dr Gondarra is a very unique person in the arena of Indigenous activism and beyond; he has a healing spirit that she believes is really i...


How to beat the fracking frenzy lessons from the campaign that ended fracking in Ireland "IndyWatch Feed National"

The reality of the climate crisis makes it clear that we must leave the oil in the soil and the gas under the grass, as the Oilwatch International slogan goes. The fossil fuel industry knew this before anyone else. Yet the industry continues to seek new extractive frontiers on all continents in what has been labeled a fracking frenzy by campaigners. 

In Australia, unconventional fossil gas exploration has been on the rise over the last two decades. Coal seam gas wells have been in production since 2013, while community resistance has so far prevented the threat of shale gas fracking. The climate crisis and state commitments under the Paris Agreement means that the window for exploration is closing. But the Australian economy remains hooked on fossil fuels and the industry claims that fossil gas is essential for economic recovery from COVID, green growth and meeting net-zero targets.  

The Northern Territory, or NT, government is particularly eager to exploit its fossil fuel reserves and wants to open up extraction in the Beetaloo Basin as part of its gas strategy. The NT recently announced a $1.32 billion fossil fuel subsidy for gas infrastructure project Middle Arm and greenlighted the drilling of 12 wells by fracking company Tamboran Resources as a first step towards full production. 

Gas exploration is inherently speculative with high risks. The threat of reputational damage is high enough that large blue chip energy companies like Origin Energy a major player in the Australian energy market are turning away from shale. This leaves the field to smaller players who are willing to take a gamble in search of a quick buck. This is precisely how Tamboran came to prominence in Australia. After buying out Origin Energy in September 2022, Tamboran is now the biggest player in the Northern Territorys drive to drill.&nbsp...


Ukraine War: Russia Must Negotiate Sincerely "IndyWatch Feed National"

By many counts, Putins invasion of Ukraine has been an unparalleled mistake. He has united Europe and the West against this regime. He has, to quote NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg gotten more NATO, not less. He has turned a country that was relatively polarized and divided on the issue of Russia relations as recently as the 2010 presidential election into a country that is overwhelmingly in favor of prosecuting the war to its end. And it has lost tens of if not hundreds of thousands of its soldiers on the battlefield over the past year.

What does Russia want from Ukraine that would justify such a steep price?

There are signs that Moscow itself might be having a hard time coming up with an answer. Over the past year, the Kremlin has vacillated between initially trying to get rid of the Nazi regime in Kyiv, to protecting the citizens of the Donbas from Ukrainian forces and expanding their hold on Zaporizhzhia and Kherson as new territories.

In his Stalingrad anniversary memorial speech, Putin laid out Russias desire for victory, comparing it to the defeat of the Nazis in WW2. One interpretation could be that Russia seeks the absolute surrender of Ukraine and the creation of a new client state. Russias superficial pursuit of negotiations, which has been viewed as insincere by both NATO and Ukraine, would appear to contradict this to a domestic audience. Unconditional surrender, after all, requires no negotiation.

The creation of a client state, however, could require up to 800,000 Russian soldiers to occupy the country and support the client government. Russia would have to devote a significant amount of economic, political, and military resources to maintain that situation. And if the lessons from Afghanistan are to be learned, Russia would very likely find itself in a quagmire if they attempted to absorb the whole of Ukraine.

Thus, a more likely desire falls under Russias quest for self-defense. Most Russians who support the war claim it is an act of self-defense, namely, that NATO sought to destroy Russia and would have attacked it in any case regardless of whether Russia attacked Ukraine. This....

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Tuesday, 28 February


Finding Your Lifestyle of Liberty - #SolutionsWatch "IndyWatch Feed National"

[iframe src="" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
Today James gives you a sneak peak of the "Lifestyles of Liberty" VIP (Very Independent Producer) webinar that will be hosted by Richard Grove of Autonomy on March 5, 2023 by previewing his presentation for the event.


Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

This week on Yeah Nah Pasaran! we talk to Hannah Gais [Twitter]. Hannah is a senior researcher and journalist with the Southern Poverty Law Center and the co-author (with Jason Wilson) of Leaked Chats, Documents Show Atomwaffen Founders Path to Continue reading


Right at the Museum "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Recently I returned to working in a museum

One of my first activities was to create this interpretive panel for their iron lung.

It surprised me as I'd already written about this item when I worked here six years ago, but returning to it I learned this is a Both respirator.

Edward Both was an inventor considered the "Edison of Australia" and he had a remarkable career in medical and military settings, as well as creating a scoreboard for the Melbourne Olympics.


Dont ask the government about the next war "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

By Alison Broinowski, Feb 22, 2023

This is war protest month, with more to follow. Will efforts against the Iraq war, that failed twenty years ago this week, succeed in heading off the next one?

On Sunday 19 February thousands protested at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC against US militarism, proxy warfare, and the threat of nuclear conflict. The ANSWER Coalition plans a March on 18 March, marking the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion. They will demand Negotiations not Escalation in Ukraine, and an end to US militarism abroad.

In London a rally organised by Stop the War UK and others on 25 February will call for immediate talks to end the war in Ukraine. They oppose the Russian invasion, as well as NATOs role in Ukraine, and nuclear war. No2Nato

In Australia, the ABC broke its discreet silence on 20 February with a two-part series of interviews by John Lyons with four non-ASPI defence experts, all of whom agreed that for Australia to join in an American war with China would be disastrous. Part 1 and part 2

And this week Greenleft publicised anti-AUKUS events in six Australian cities on 24 February. Protesters will gather outside the electorate offices of Penny Wong in Adelaide, Jim Chalmers in Brisbane, Richard Marles in Melbourne and Geelong, Pat Conroy in Newcastle, and Anthony Albanese in Sydney. Take action against AUKUS, militarisation on Feb 24

This belated upsurge of anti-war protest takes its cue from 15 February 2003, when 30 million people around the world marched in opposition to the prospect of war in Iraq. Many had never joined a mass demonstration before. They were ignored, and the US-led invasion went ahead on 20 March.

The protestors knew they were lied to by political leaders who claimed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological and nuclear. The covert purpose of invading Iraq was to gain control of its oil, and assert US dominance over seven Middle East states: Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria.

The war began, and spread to Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria, provoking retaliation from al-Qaeda and its Islamic State successors. All of the invaded countries, includin...


If you keep a thing seven years "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

If you keep a thing seven years, you are sure to find a use for it, Walter Scott wrote these words back in 1826 way before popular culture got its hands on the notion of seven years as a significant milestone. We quietly celebrated our seven-year anniversary of living at Taylors Arm last December, and More If you keep a thing seven years


There was no rain recorded in Lismore from 9am on 27 February to 4:30am on 28 February 2023. How different was last year...... "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


BOM8.50am 27/02/2022

Heavy rainfall occurring

Minor flooding occurring. Rises to major flooding possible from overnight Sunday into Monday.

BOM2.15pm 27/02/2022

Flood levels forecast

The Wilsons River may reach moderate flood level on Sunday evening. It may reach the major flood level early Monday.

SES4.20pm 27/02/2022

Evacuation warning for Lismore

Residents and business in low-lying areas of Lismore may need to evacuate due to rising floodwater.

BOM5.08pm 27/02/2022

Forecast revised

Renewed rises are occurring. The river level may reach 11.0 metres during Monday, the highest level since the March 2017 flood.



Covid and A Parasitic World View "IndyWatch Feed National"


A fascinating video with Dr. Lee Merritt & Karen Kingston on Its All Parasites: Cancer, Vaccines, Remedies!</strong></p> <p>More pieces to the puzzle?</p> <p>Is this why Ivermectin had successes as proved by the metadata analysis from 95 studies?</p> <p>What is the purpose? <span id="more-35443"></span></p> <p>It is interesting to note some parasites more or less turn their hosts into the walking dead. (<a href= "" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">National Geo</a>)</p> <p style="padding-left: 40px;">These masters of mind control manipulate their hosts from within Some parasites can alter the behavior of their host in ways said Janice Moore, a biologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.</p> <p style="padding-left: 40px;">A parasite that can alter the behavior of its host, and in doing so improve its own transmission, is going to be favored by natural selection, she said. (See World War Z: Could a Zombie Virus Happen?)</p> <p> </p> <p>The post <a href= "" rel= "nofollow">Covid and A Parasitic World View</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Gumshoe News</a>.</p>


March In Your Patch "IndyWatch Feed National"

March is the month named after Mars, the Roman God of War.  So March in your patch is an excellent time to wage war on it. Be it ripping out the weeds, mulching up a storm, or popping in a plethora of plants, March is the ultimate time to launch a full scale (but well planned) attack on you patch! So, all you weekend warriors March into action!

Warm Areas

Frost free or occasional light frosts (North from about Coffs Harbour and all the way across to the west to Geraldton)

  • Okay, its still pretty warm out there, but you could certainly consider popping in the following incredible edibles, especially towards the tail end of the month. Consider cabbage, Asian greens, rocket, silverbeet, cauliflower, beans, peas, spring onions, leeks, radish or cucumber.
  • Whack some lettuce in but consider popping them under a shade cloth tent if the days are still quite warm.
  • Hop into the herb patch with coriander (try a slow bolting variety if its still very warm), sweet basil, lemon grass and oregano.
  • Feeling fruity? Go Carmen Miranda with some strawberries, watermelon, citrus, rockmelon, pineapple and passionfruit!
  • Plants feel the need for a feed at this time of year. A seaweed tea, or any low environmental impact liquid fertiliser, is perfect for giving them a kick start as they establish. Apply to the soil early in the morning and in the concentrations mentioned on the packet.
  • Ave a go with an avocado!
  • Begin to prepare your potato beds now.youll be glad you did come April!
  • Pretty up the patch with these flowering fancies- marigolds, sunflowers and pansies, cornflowers, violas, snapdragons, stock, verbena and lavender (non-invasive varieties of course!). Popping these in around your veggies will give some colour and interest to the patch, and act as beneficial insect attractors!
  • Consider a green manure crop to add some life and love to an overworked patch. At this time of year, try millet, oats, lupins or field peas. This will improve your soil incredibly, and, as a bit of forward planning, youll find it well worth the effort!
  • Water smarter at this time of year. Water first thing in the morning, and instead of quickie irrigation, a nice, deep drink a couple of times a week is far more beneficial!
  • Top up mulch on your veggie patches, herb gardens and ornamental beds, especially important for weed suppression at this time of year. A hot tip is to mulch after watering the patch, to a depth of about 7cm. Keep mulch clear of plant stems.especially young seedlings. Choose a sustainable, low environmental impact mulch, one that will enrich your soil as it breaks down.
  • Weeding is an important job to do at this time of year. Cut down the competition between your tasty treats and these sp...


Former Wollongong councillor announces candidacy for Keira in coming state election "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

COMMUNITY activist and former Wollongong City councillor, Andrew Anthony, has announced he will be running for the seat of Keira in the upcoming NSW state elections, representing the Sustainable Australia Party.

The incumbent minority Liberal/National Coalition government, led by Premier Dominic Perrottet, is seeking to win a fourth successive four-year term in office at the March 25 election. They will be challenged by the Labor Party, led by Opposition Leader Chris Minns.

Also, re-contesting two seats in the northern Illawarra will be sitting MPs, Labors Ryan Park in Keira, and Liberals Lee Evans in Heathcote. The Greens, other minor parties and several independents will also contest the election.

Born and raised in Wollongong, Mr Anthony, who has announced his candidacy for Keira, says he has a deep understanding of the communitys challenges through a long history of community activism. He said he has proven himself to be a community leader in local government and a passionate voice for change.

The Sustainable Australia...


What is your opinion on short term holiday letting? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

At today's announcement that Byron Shire Council may get to decide how long homes can be holiday-let in the shire. L to R: Cr Cate Coorey, Ballina MP Tamara Smith (Greens), Byron deputy mayor Michael Lyon (Greens), planning minister Anthony Roberts (Liberal), MLC Ben Franklin (Nationals). Photo Jeff Dawson
The original announcement that Byron Shire Council may get to decide how long homes can be holiday-let in the shire. L to R: Cr Cate Coorey, Ballina MP Tamara Smith (Greens), Byron deputy mayor Michael Lyon (Greens), planning minister Anthony Roberts (Liberal), MLC Ben Franklin (Nationals). Photo Jeff Dawson

In the run-up to the previous state election, the coalition planning minister visited the Byron Shire Council Chambers in Mullumbimby and promised voters that Byron Shire could determine the limits they wanted to put on short-term holiday letting (STHL). In good faith, the Council, community and businesses spent time and money gathering information and establishing the preference of where to put a 90-day cap that was the minimum that the state government would allow. 

The day before the proposition was to be voted on by Byron Shire Councillors the state government, the same one who had set up the four-year process that had got the community and council to this point, pulled the pin and told the Council that the matter would now be sent to the Independent Planning Panel (IPC). 

Liz Friend has been raising money for people who are at risk of and experiencing homelessness and has now put her mind to raising signatures in support of the 90-day cap through a campaign called Byron Deserves Balance. 

Wednesday 8 March



Malicious Prosecution Claims Many Children Removed by the State Are Removed Unlawfully "IndyWatch Feed National"

Pastor Paul Burton (5th from the L) and Andrew Katelaris (7th from the L) (DM on the L)

by Dee McLachlan

No authority seems to want to deal with wrongful child removals.

I rode up to Sydney to attend a Malicious Prosecution trial Pastor Paul Robert Burton and Dr Andrew Katelaris brought a CIVIL case of maliciously prosecution against two top government officials Lloyd Babb and Michael Coutts Trotter. It was to go over five days, and I arrived to be there on the second day.

Who are these government officials?

Mr Babb was the Director Of Public Prosecutions and Mr Coutts-Trotter was the Secretary of FACS NSW. By the way, the executive in charge of a...


Sydney unit supply to shrink 84pc "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Inventories drag

The Q4 business indicators for the Aussie economy came in a bit soft, overall.

Mining profits had an absolute bonanza through 2021 and 2022, and it looks as though the quarterly peak in profits fell in the June quarter of 2022.

Previously strong quarterly mineral exploration is now set to follow commodity prices lower, with a modest quarterly decline in expenditure to around $1 billion led down by gold exploration spend. 

The total wages and salaries bill in Q4 increased by +2.4 per cent, rounding off a strong rebound in activity for 2022, although it looks as though the strongest part of the rebound was also experienced around June 2022. 



Electricity out in two areas of Byron Shire "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Main Arm, The Pocket and Mullumbimy Creek outage.

Main Arm, The Pocket and Mullumbimby Creek lost their electricity in the last hour through an unplanned outage. 

The electricity went out just after 9.30am this morning leaving over 700 households without electricity. Those with solar are smiling quietly to themselves over their independence from the electricity grid. 

Currently, the reason for the electricity outage is unknown and is being investigated by Essential Energy. 

Just after 9.30am this morning, Essential Energy customers in parts of Billinudgel, Main Arm and surrounding areas, are currently affected by an unplanned power outage, Essential Energys, Chris Maccoll, Operations Manager Coastal, told The Echo.

Network protection equipment automatically operated, isolating power supply to 711 customers following the detection of a fault on the high voltage powerline supplying power to those areas.

Crews have immediately responded and have commenced a patrol of the powerline and power poles to identify the fault.

Essential Energy apologises for any inconvenience and assures customers it is working as quickly as safety will allow to restore power. Outage tips and updates are available on Essential Energys website at

Essential Energy reminds everyone if they see fallen or damaged powe...


Experts call for urgent whistleblower protections for migrant workers who report exploitation "IndyWatch Feed National"

A national coalition of over 40 legal service providers, unions, ethnic community peak bodies, churches, and national organisations is calling on Minister for Home Affairs Clare ONeil to urgently bring widespread migrant worker exploitation out of the shadows.  

Led by the Migrant Justice Institute and Human Rights Law Centre, the Breaking the Silence proposal urges the Federal government to establish whistleblower protections that would enable migrant workers to report exploitation without risking their visa.

The Albanese Governments wholesale review of Australias migration system will report in April, as the Government is devising strategies for faster and greater migrant intake. 

With hundreds of thousands of international students, skilled workers and backpackers arriving or returning to the country, there is a historic opportunity and urgent need to implement these reforms within the next six months.

Additionally from 1 July, the Government will reinstate limits on international student work hours, putting tens of thousands of underpaid students at risk of visa cancellation if they speak up for working extra hours in order to earn the equivalent of minimum wage.

The Migrant Justice Institute has surveyed over 15,000 migrant workers over the past 5 years. These studies consistently found that around three quarters of migrant workers earned below the casual minimum wage in Australia, and a quarter earned less than half that. Nine in 10 underpaid workers suffered in silence and took no action. 

Migrant workers generally endure exploitation in silence for fear of jeopardising their visa or ability to stay in Australia. The proposed reforms in Breaking the Silence include:

  •  A protection against visa cancellation for exploited migrant workers who take action against their employer and have breached their work conditions;

  • A short-term visa to allow exploited migrant workers to remain in Australia and pursue a claim against their employers, with visa security and the ability to work.

Sanmati Verma, Managing Lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre says:

The conditions for exploitation are built into our visa system. If migrant workers cant speak up without fear of losing their place in Australia, most will never come forward. When they leave Australia, new migrant workers will simply replace them in those exploitative jobs.

These whistleblower protections must be a cornerstone of the governments migration reforms.

Associate Professor Laurie Berg, UTS, and Co-Executive Director of Migr...


Clean up Mullum on Sunday, March 5 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Organisers for Clean up Mullum are inviting the public to help improve the town on  Sunday, March 5 from 8am till 1pm.

The event is associated with the annual Clean Up Australia event.

Co-organiser, Bronwyn Morris, says they will meet at Mullum Co-op to clean up anywhere around town.

Pick up your bags and sign up at Mullum Co-op, then choose an area to clean up and get out there!, she says.

Enjoy a bite to eat and a drink (BYO cup, please) afterwards, thanks to Mullum Co-op, Woolworths Mullum, and Byron Shire Council for your support. Please bring covered shoes, sturdy gloves (some back-up pairs will be available at rego desk), a wide brimmed hat, sun smart clothing, a water bottle and a drink cup for drinks after the clean-up. Also your own rubbish bag, if you have one.

The post Clean up Mullum on Sunday, March 5 appeared first on The Echo.


Stalins Great Terror "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

You were taken away at dawn. I followed you
As one does when a corpse is being removed.
Children were crying in the darkened house.
A candle flared, illuminating the Mother of God
The cold of an icon was on your lips
A death-cold sweat on your brow
I will never forget this; I will gather
To wail with the wives of the murdered streltsy
Inconsolably, beneath the Kremlin towers.
Anna Akhmatova, Moscow 1935

I have written often in In That Howling Infinite on Russian and Ukrainian history. Although I am no expert, and profess an amateur interest only, I do possess a short and humble pedigree. Once in another lifetime, I read politics at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom.  My tutor in Soviet Studies was exiled Hungarian academic and historian Tibor SzamuelyLike many refugees from Communism, he was descended from both perpetrators and victims. An uncle of the same name served in the Hungarian Soviet Republic that took power for six months under Bla Kun in 1919, and died violently that year when the revolution failed. He was among that governments most bloodthirsty ministers, and was called Butcher Szamuely. Szamuelys family wound up in Moscow, where Tibor was born, and where his father was executed in Stalins purges. Young Tibor served in the Red Army, and he too was arrested and sent to a Labour camp. Rehabilitated, he served as Chancellor of Budapest University. In 1964, then nearing 40, he was teaching in the ideological institute of Ghanas Marxist president Kwame Nkrumah when he defected to England.

Back then, I was a political ingenue and a naive communist sympathiser and fellow-traveler, although my evolving perspectives were transforming and expanding. As my tutor, he advised me to study with an open mind and to put off juvenile thinking. He hadnt been well when I knew him and he died a year after I graduated. Under his tuition, Id resolved to specialize in Soviet Studies but events intervened and I ended up in the Middle East (and that is another story. see: Tanks for the Memory how Brezhnev changed my life). I nevertheless retired an active interest i...


China actually has a decent chance of negotiating a Russian-Ukrainian ceasefire "IndyWatch Feed National"

One year last Friday since the military presence of Russia in Ukraine, the proxy war on Russias border continues. The US and its allies settle in for ongoing war, and contrary to the claims, it is not going well. China has now put forward a 12-point peace plan. Andrew korybko (Andrew Korybkos Newsletter 25 February 2023) suggests that this presents the best chance of ending the war. Will this be allowed to happen? Korybkos article should be read by everyone.

The fast-moving sequence of diplomatic events that followed the release of Chinas peace plan on Friday Russias praise of it, Zelenskys unexpected interest, his announcement that he hopes to soon meet President Xi, and then Lukashenkos trip to Beijing next week extends credence to this prediction. The very fact that the Ukrainian leader didnt dismiss it outright like his American counterpart and other Western ones did is worthy of explanation since it defied many observers predictions.

Most observers are convinced that the Russian-NATO proxy war in Ukraine will be a protracted struggle due to each sides polar opposite envisaged end game in this conflict, yet China actually has a decent chance of negotiating a Russian-Ukrainian ceasefire after the positive reaction to its official peace plan. It was expected that Moscow would praise Beijings pragmatic 12-step proposal yet few could have foreseen that Kiev would also be interested in it too.

Zelensky reacted by saying that China started talking about Ukraine, and I think this is a good thing. But it actually begs the question, what will these words be followed with? The steps next are important, after which he announced that he has plans to meet with Chinese President Xi in the coming future. Approximately 24 hours later, his Belarusian counterpart Lukashenko disclosed that hell be traveling to the Peoples Republic on a state visit from 28 February-2 March.



Politicians of all stripes descend on Ross Lane for big announcement "IndyWatch Feed National"

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway with local mayors and other representatives at the Ross Lane announcement. Photo David Lowe.

Yesterday a quiet driveway off flood-prone Ross Lane in Lennox Head was the scene of an unusual moment of pre-election fervour, when political representatives and candidates from across the region and every level of government came together to announce that something was finally being done about Ross Lane, along with numerous other roads across 26 disaster-declared LGAs.

Ballina Mayor Sharon Cadwallader spoke first, saying that almost $4 million to sort out Ross Lane was a great day for the local community. This important project is really something, she said. This is where the rubber hits the road, people. This is where things happen for our community. And I couldnt be more delighted.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, the Nationals Sam Farraway MLC then spoke about the wider funding announcement, with the NSW and Commonwealth governments coming together to support 57 road-related infrastructure programs across northern NSW, with $312 million in funding.

If were going to be serious about building back better, we need real and meaningful programs and projects and funding streams that are going to deliver, said Minister Farraway.



WSP: Ms ZANELLI Responds "IndyWatch Feed National"

WSP: Ms ZANELLI Responds

  • an In My View article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on (and replying to) a very prompt response to one of three recipients of an Open Letter published on Friday 24th February 2023, seeking clarification to a public statement made by the Co-Chairs of the Governing Board of the Whitby Secondary Partnership (WSP).


Ms Christina ZANELLI, Co-Chair of the WSP Board of Governors, has very kindly provided a prompt response to the concerns I raised in my Open Letter to her, her Co-Chair Ms Su CROSSLAND and Mr Jamie HENSHAW, the Executive Head Teacher of WSP on Friday 24th February 2023. I am a little surprised to note that my email addressed, primarily, to three dignitaries of the Whitby Secondary Partnership (WSP) Board of Governors should receive a response from Ms ZANELLIs Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust (YEAT) email client, almost as though YEAT has replaced WSP already.

In the interests of openness and transparency, I will reproduce (i.e. copy/paste) Ms ZANELLIs email to me (timed and dated 08:50 on Monday 27th February 2023), in which she has kindly invited me to attend the Public Meeting in March (for which invitation I have cordially thanked her), in its entirety, at the foot of this article followed by my response.

Before doing so, I have a number of thoughts to express on the subject of Ms ZANELLIs reply. To that end, I will first highlight some of her remarks in the form of excerpts (in blue type) some of which, in my view, raise more questions than answers.

Firstly, I am surprised (and disappointed) that Ms ZANELLI, in her opening sentence, appears to have attributed to me, personally, remarks cited in my Open Letter as specifically attributable to other sources, thus:

the proposed amalgamation is being characterised, by some, as akin to a hostile take-over bid amounting to the attempted privatisation, by steath of Whitbys secondary education provision.

This is careless. Ms ZANELLI appears to have misread my remarks. I have not decried academisation. Others have. I would have expected Ms ZANELLI or any other Head Teacher or (Co-)Chair of Governors to discern that important distinction.

I write with care; I do not appreciate having the words of others thrust into my mouth.

Ms ZANELLI explains that approaches were made to WSP by two secondary trusts (academies) in September (I imagine Ms ZANELLI means September 2022), but that the...


Australia has a methane problem and it is not going away "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


Methane (CH4)is a simplehydrocarbon found in nature as a gas. Ithas a much shorter atmospheric lifetime than carbon dioxide (CO2) around 12 years compared with centuries but absorbs much more energy while it exists in the atmosphere.Reportedly absorbing heat 84 times faster than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period.

Methaneaffects air quality to the point of being a dangerous pollutant when it leads toground level (tropospheric) ozone. Methane leaks can also pose explosion hazards.

Methane is also a greenhouse gas whose presence in the atmosphere in increasing intensity affects the Earths temperature and climate....


Dont Trust, Verify: Fixing The Problems With Academic Research On Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

To date, much of the academic research on Bitcoin has lacked high-quality data and rigorous review. Its time to fix that.

This is an opinion editorial by Rupert Matthews, a lecturer at the Nottingham Business School.

Even though the Bitcoin network is open source and accessible to anyone with an internet connection, the Bitcoin community can at times be viewed as closed to new ideas, with many stories of people excluded as a result of promoting and supporting non-Bitcoin activities.

At the same time, the benefits of Bitcoin are immediately apparent to those within the community, who also need to support the sharing of information on Bitcoin to no-coiners in order to support wider adoption. Unfortunately, broader perceptions of Bitcoin in the media and the old guard of Wall Street have meant that the education process can be an uphill battle that must first dispel mistruths before actual education can begin.

Please remember, even one of our most ardent supporters was once a no-coiner too:


It is also worth remembering, no-coiners cannot all be Michael Saylors, and are not all lucky enough to have close personal friends (thanks Eric Weiss) willing to take the time to clearly explain the concept to us, or the personal motivation to spend thousands of hours educating ourselves. We likely needed several touch points, combined with some base understanding to create the mental curiosity to ask: What is money? And where does money come from?

Saifedean Ammous works are some of the best, most widely-referenced sources for answering these questions, but people still need to be willing to read the 274 pages of The Bitcoin Standard to access them.

The problem is then, not only whether we have the voices to promote education, but also whether we have enough voices to both compete against those selling their assets of choice from Wall Street, but also against uninformed journalists (who are often unable to own the assets they report on), and are greater in number or have wider audiences.

Unfortunately, the sources of conflicted views of Bitcoin dont end with Wall Street speculators and journalists. Nic Carter, in his critical review of the recent White House...

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Monday, 27 February


Australia to deport Kazakh-born Irish woman for allegedly spying for Russia "IndyWatch Feed National"

THE GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA has ordered the deportation of a Kazakh-born Irish citizen, who is believed to be a spy for the Russian Federation, according to reports from Australia and Ireland. The woman in question has been identified as Marina Sologub, 39, an ethnic Russian who was born in Kazakhstan, but grew up in the Republic of Ireland.


Youre The Voice "IndyWatch Feed National"

(L) Lidia Thorpe stopping the Sydney Pride March yesterday, (C) Thorpe becomes an independent Senator, and (R) Albo

 J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor



Freeing the arts from the markets: a reading of Chokepoint Capitalism "IndyWatch Feed National"

On one read, chokepoint capitalism is really just plain old capitalism. The regulatory barriers (or moats) that companies erect to protect their monopolistic/monopsonistic powerincluding regulatory capture, neutering of competitors, complex contractual terms with suppliers, and straight up non-compliance with their legal obligationsare how capital works to protect and reproduce itself.

The post Freeing the arts from the markets: a reading of Chokepoint Capitalism appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Rents are continuing to rise and contribute to the housing crisis "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Joe Montero

The exorbitant cost of housing across Australia isnt going down. Its continuing to go up instead. The main driver at this time is rents. They have recorded staggering increases over the last year, by as much as 47 percent at Katanning in West Australia. In other places they have risen at least 10 percent. capital cities, regional centres and towns are affected.

The lack of affordable rental housing should be regarded as a national disgrace and cause an immediate response. Australians are being pushed into housing poverty. Other than a lack of a job, there is the biggest part of todays cost of living crisis. This crisis wont be solved without the measures to lower rents.

Some commentators are blaming the rent problem on a worsening shortage of dwellings. Maybe this is true in some places. Mostly in the inner-city locations near universities, which have experienced a new influx of international students. But it is not the general case. and when policy is based on the fallacy that it is, the effect is to make the problem even worse.

Housing unaffordability has been and is still being driven by a rising proportion of ownership in the hands of fund managers and corporations, able to take advantage of negative gearing provisions, tax breaks, and other forms of government support like public/private partnerships. Foreign based investors are provided with the added bonus of a five-year tax write off.

These benefits, it is claimed, help to overcome the supply shortage.

These fund managers and are not mainly in it to make profit form rents. Their interest lies in profiting from rising asset values.

Nevertheless, they can use their monopoly strength to influence the market through their control of a sizable portion of the stock by either not letting it or using monopoly power to raise rents.

Statistics on the degree of fund manager and corporate ownership are sketchy. This not an area that is being researched well. What we do have, provides somewhere between 12 and 30 percent of all housing stock. This might not seem like a lot. But when you consider that this portion is in a few hands and concentrated in the capitals, it becomes far more sig...


Just what Ballina needs, another petrol station "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Proposed Mobil Service Station. Ballina Shire Council.

Despite the objections of a large number of neighbours, including Ballina Toyota, Ballina Shire Council has given the green light to a new 24 hour Mobil service station on 485 River Street, West Ballina.

Proceedings opened with deputations in support of the project (from Stephen Moore, who said he was very much looking forward to building a service station in town to lower fuel prices and improve convenience), and against, from local resident Ralph Moss, who said there should be no new developments in the area until drainage and flooding issues were resolved.



Government urged to support equitable global access to medicines at WHO Pandemic Treaty meeting "IndyWatch Feed National"

Media Release  February 27, 2023

World Health Organisation (WHO) member governments will meet in Geneva this evening AEDT to start debating a draft Pandemic Treaty intended to learn from the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic and develop better strategies for future pandemics, to be completed in 2024.

Leading public health, fair trade, church, human rights and aid and development organisations have written to the Ministers responsible for Health, Foreign Affairs and Trade asking them not to repeat the catastrophic moral failure of inequitable global access to COVID vaccines, treatments and tests. The letter is attached. Quotes from organisation leaders are below.

The letter notes that World Trade Organization (WTO) rules for 20-year patents and other intellectual property rights on COVID-related products meant that most of the global production of vaccines, often produced with publicly -funded research, were sold at high prices to rich countries, with very low access for low-income countries. The COVAX vaccine donation scheme did not reach its modest targets of 20 per cent vaccination rates in low-income countries by the end of 2021, and even today these rates remain at only 27.7 per cent.

Because of delaying tactics by a few high-income countries, it took 20 months of negotiations for members of the WTO to agree to a limited change to patent rules for COVID vaccines only in June 2022. During this time research shows that over a million lives may have been lost through lack of access to vaccines. There is even less access to treatments and tests, and consideration of a waiver from WTO rules for them has again...


Neighbours of Mullum Hospital site seek up-zoning "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

The proposed upzoning boundary adjustment. Image supplied.

Should a handful of properties neighbouring the old Mullumbimby Hospital be included in the rezoning of the site, so that they can share in the benefits of the new R1 zone?

This is the question to be debated at this Thursdays Council meeting. 

Greens councillor, Duncan Dey, will move a motion proposing that the plan to redevelop the hospital should be effectively expanded, to consider the interests of four properties located to the south.

This [rezoning of the hospital site] implies housing density and height that differs greatly from the neighbours to the south, Cr Dey said.

Such development is likely to overshadow those neighbours.

An equitable way of sharing the burdens and the benefits of development is to examine precincts rather than just properties. Recognising cross-boundary impacts south of the ex-hospital site points towards a zone boundary as proposed in this motion.

Cr Dey said the benefits to the broader...


Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine says the latest Roy Morgan Poll into NSW voting intention shows the election is still up for grabs just over a month before 25 March election day "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


Roy Morgan Research, media release, excerpt, 21 February 2023:

Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine says the latest Roy Morgan Poll into NSW voting intention shows the election is still up for grabs just over a month before election day in late March with the ALP holding a narrow two-party preferred lead over the Liberal-National Coalition:

The latest Roy Morgan Poll of NSW voting intention shows the ALP on 52% narrowly ahead of the Liberal-National Coalition on 48% on a two-party preferred basis. This result is a reverse of the 2019 New South Wales election when the L-NP won a majority of 48 seats in the 93 seat lower house.

The primary voting intention shows an almost three way split between the Coalition on 35% ahead of the ALP on 32.5% and another 32.5% supporting other parties and independents. This result is very similar to last years Federal Election when the ALP won Government despite receiving only 32.6% of the primary vote, even less than the L-NP on 35.7%.

The low primary vote for the major parties increases the importance of preferences from minor parties and independents. Around half of the support for this group is flowing to two minor parties on either side of politics the left-wing Greens on 9.5% and right-wing One Nation on 6.5%.

Greens support traditionally flows strongly to the...


CSIRO: new research shows that stronger El Nio may speed up warming of deep waters in the Antarctic shelf, making ice shelves and ice sheets melt faster "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


CSIRO News, 21 February 2023:

Stronger El Nio could cause irreversible melting of Antarctica

Totten Glacier. Photo: Esmee Van Wijk


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Sunday, 26 February


AGE OF ECONOMICS interview on economics and capitalism video "IndyWatch Feed National"

A diverse group of global thinkers answers 8 fundamental questions about economics and capitalism. In this video interview, Yanis Varoufakis has a go:

0:00 Prologue

01:19 Intro

01:38 1. Why does economics matter?

03:00 2. What are the differences between economic science and economic engineering? 09:46 3. What role does economics play in society? Does it serve the common good?

15:21 4. Economics provides answers to problems related to markets, efficiency, profits, consumption and economic growth. Does economics do a good job in addressing the other issues people care about: climate change and the wider environment, the role of technology in society, issues of race and class, pandemics, etc.?



Whats behind the Great Volatility? Audio of SSGA Zurich Address "IndyWatch Feed National"

From the Great Moderation to the Great Crash, the Great Recession, the Great Stagnation, the Great Inflation and, finally, to the Great Volatility. What are the forces driving this 50yr dynamic? Plus an answer to: What did the euro crisis teach us about the EUs various debt instruments?

A lecture delivered on 24th January 2023 in Zurich at the State Street Global Advisors Conference.

The post Whats behind the Great Volatility? Audio of SSGA Zurich Address appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.


Report: Community Food Forests and Orchards "IndyWatch Feed National"

Gavin Hardeys Churchill Fellowship project report To investigate the potential of community food forests and orchards

The post Report: Community Food Forests and Orchards appeared first on CGA.


Case against sling-tackle police officer thrown out - Australia's corrupt judicature "IndyWatch Feed National"

A magistrate has thrown out the criminal case against a police officer who knocked a man unconscious in a sling-tackle arrest during a heated anti-lockdown rally in 2021.

Beau Barrett, an acting sergeant, was suspended from Victoria Police and charged with recklessly causing injury and assault after footage of him tackling Daniel Peterson-English to the ground at Flinders Street Station went viral on social media.

Beau Barrett (centre) leaving Melbourne Magistrates Court in December.Credit:Joe Armao

The day Barrett tackled Peterson-English, hundreds of anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine mandate protesters marched through the CBD and occupied the Shrine of Remembrance, where they clashed with police attempting to clear the crowd.

Magistrate Rob Stary discharged the case on Friday morning, finding a jury could not possibly conclude Barrett had criminal intent and acted unlawfully when he tackled Peterson-English on September 22, 2021.

Stary said Peterson-English had acted in a menacing and abusive manner towards police, disregarding repeated requests from the officers to leave the station and keep his distance, and Barrett had acted on a perceived threat.

Mr Peterson-English acts in a manner that is entirely provocative, Stary told the court.

It may be that the arrest was executed in a way that is not in strict accordance with the manual, but whether it could be said to be unlawful and whether it could be said to be done without any regard to the probable consequences and criminal intent, in my view a jury properly instructed could not convict Mr Barrett of those offences.

The court earlier heard Peterson-English...


A Dissent in the Brunson Case? Appoint a Special Master "IndyWatch Feed National"

The High Bench, Photo:

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Editors Note: In her 23 February 2023 article, Mary Maxwell created a make-believe Supreme Court ruling in the Brunson case. She played the role of Chief Justice Jane Doe.  Now she offers a dissent in which she writes as Justice Henry Doe.

The United States Supreme Court

Petitioner Raland Brunson v Respondents Alma Adams et al

Dissent to the ruling dated March 21, 2023

Justice Henry Doe, with whom Justice Jeffrey Doe joins, dissenting

The majority opinion contains three flaws: 1. Its move to revive the Court of Equity is good but does not go far enough; a special master should be appointed to look into the allegation of an internal enemy and treason. 2. The time has come to discuss directly the way in which facts are precluded if they smack of conspiracy theory. 3. There is a need for sua sponte correction of...


Coledale RSL Club to reopen in April after members vote to sell-off pokies "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The extraordinary general meeting held at the Coledale RSL Club on Saturday unanimously supported a motion to sell poker machines to fund its reopening. Picture: Coledale RSL Club Facebook Page

IN a surprise and welcoming move, Coledale RSL Club has announced it is reopening for business in April.

Despite attempts to keep the financially strapped venue open through merger talks and a fundraising campaign, the club closed for business on December 11 2022.

In a letter to members, club secretary and director Warrick Try announced the news of the closure.

It is with great regret that your Club Board of Directors are announcing the closure of the Coledale RSL Club. Despite many attempts to turn around the adverse trading results, it has proven impossible to do so, he wrote.



Do you have a community celebration or cultural activity that needs Council funding? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

NAIDOC Week 2022, Wollongong Youth Centre

THERE is a range of funding grants now available through Wollongong City Council to support community events, heritage projects, bands and choirs, NAIDOC Week celebrations and other cultural activities in the region.

Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery said there are people in the community who find getting their big ideas off the ground without financial assistance.

For many years now we have offered a range of grants to help individuals or groups with financial or in-kind support, Cr Bradbery said.

They are made to support programs, projects and events that strengthen community ties and bring people together. Its these relationships that create a safer and more interconnected community, and in turn creates a more vibrant and liveable city.

I encourage applicants to visit Councils website, check out the range of programs a...


WHY IS COVID ENDEMIC "IndyWatch Feed National"



AI Helps Crack NIST-Recommended Post-Quantum Encryption Algorithm "IndyWatch Feed National"

The CRYSTALS-Kyber public-key encryption and key encapsulation mechanism recommended by NIST for post-quantum cryptography has been broken using AI combined with side channel attacks.

The CRYSTALS-Kyber public-key encryption and key encapsulation mechanism recommended by NIST in July 2022 for post-quantum cryptography has been broken. Researchers from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, used recursive training AI combined with side channel attacks.

A side-channel attack exploits measurable information obtained from a device running the target implementation via channels such as timing or power consumption. The revolutionary aspect of the research (PDF) was to apply deep learning analysis to side-channel differential analysis.

Deep learning-based side-channel attacks, say the researchers, can overcome conventional countermeasures such as masking, shuffling, random delays insertion, constant-weight encoding, code polymorphism, and randomized clock. 

The NIST-recommended encryption algorithms are the result of a NIST competition designed to provide encryption able to withstand quantum-computer attacks. Shors quantum algorithm will be able to defeat current classical encryption in polynomial time when quantum computers become a reality. This is expected by some to be within the next five to ten years and has been called the cryptopocalypse.

The NIST approach to solving this issue is to develop more complex mathematical problems that are resistant to (although not necessarily proof against) quantum decryption. Such algorithms are described as quantum safe rather than quantum secure. Safe means it is safe until it is cracked; secure means it cannot be cracked by mathematical means. Basically, any pro...


NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet set to kill off the Liberal Party in NSW at the state election "IndyWatch Feed National"

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottets brothers are still fugitives in hiding from a corruption inquiry and the NSW Liberal Party still has 20 seats to fill with candidates with the state election only []


The Northern Rivers region is at least two years away from a genuine region-wide flood watch system, leaving populations on the flood plains potentially as vulnerable as they were in 2022 "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


The five-paragraph letter to Lismore City Council was short, dismissive.

The [NSW] Department of Planning and Environment was rejecting the councils application for a $100,000 grant to improve its flood warning system. The proposed works - new rainfall and river height gauges, CCTV cameras and a community flood dashboard - were deemed premature.

Three days later, on February 28, the biggest flood in modern Australian history inundated Lismore, and the rest of the Northern Rivers.[The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 June 2022]

The rainfall event that triggered the 22 February to 15 March 2022 Northern Rivers Flood reached its maximum intensity in less than 24 hours and, 41 climate gauge stations (out of the 108 active climate gauge stations covering the river basins about to flood) as well as 8 flood gauge stations (out of 86 active flood gauge stations covering those same basins) had already or were about to fail.

The most critical of these active station failures occurred in the Richmond, Tweed and Brunswick basins. While th.........

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Saturday, 25 February


Dangers of an Israeli spy in your pocket "IndyWatch Feed National"

My book review appears in todays Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age:

Imagine a weapon so powerful that it makes every person on the planet with a mobile phone potentially vulnerable. It isnt a scammer or traditional hacker but a new, much more virulent form of intrusion that takes control of all your personal information without you even knowing and uses those details to exercise intolerable influence over your life.

Israeli cyberweapon company NSO Group is the maker of Pegasus, the most infamous cyberweapon today. This tool has been used by democracies and despots for more than a decade, routinely sold by Israel to nations with which it wants friendlier relations.

From Saudi Arabia to Mexico, Pegasus has infected innumerable phones, many of which are owned by so-called enemies of the state including journalists, dissidents and human rights activists (though NSO claims its clients only target terrorists and criminals).

New York Times journalists Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti wrote in early 2022 that, cyberweapons have changed international relations more profoundly than any advance since the advent of the atomic bomb. Its a debatable statement, but theres no question that numerous other nations, including the US, China, Iran, Canada, New Zealand, Russia and Australia, also develop and deploy cyberweapons against friends and foes.

This book is a fascinating insight into how a global collective of journalists, led by the French journalism non-profit Forbidden Stories, uncovered the extent of Pegasus spying with the help of Amnesty Internationals Security Lab. A leak of 50,000 phone numbers chosen for surveillance by NSO clients gave the reporters and technologists the ability to determine who exactly had been targeted, and why.

The aim, writes Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud, was to confirm that cyberintrusion had been weaponised to stifle the free press and undermine political dissent. We would also be able to reveal that it was being weaponised at a sweep and scale that astounds and horrifies.

Ive spoken to countless victims of Pegasus spying, from the wife of a murdered Mexican journalist to a leading critic of the repressive Togolese regime in West Africa, and they all speak of the chilling effect when learning that their messages, photos and calls have been intercepted by nefarious forces. For some, though not all, it leads to self-censorship in their daily lives, such is the fear of being continually targeted.

The strength of this book lies in its detailed explanations of how to conduct this kind of investigation when not even...


GKP S5/E7 What is ChatGPT? "IndyWatch Feed National" Gday Folks, On this latest episode Im joined by Andy and Ethan to chat about the latest development in A.I. ChatGPT. Check it out as I blow their minds with an introduction into what its capabilities are. The members are going to see first hand the power of this tool as i demonstrate []


Link "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

This week I shared with a Studio Co!Lab what I've learned using the Cut-Up Technique

To begin my talk I encouraged everyone to print a copy of Picasso's poem about noon, since he's known to have stated that artists steal and it feels right to honour this contemporary of Cut-ups.

My Cut-up experiences have been realised in lyrics, sampling and also a book that invites destruction.

I also mentioned the poetry reading that I gave at a book launch which performed a live remix.

We began cutting Picasso's poem into individual words while I explained how the imagery reminded me of the Riverina and introduced David Bowie's use of the technique.

The singer acknowledged his debt to Brion Gysin and echoed some of the magical attributes he promoted with a process pioneered earlier in the 20th Century by Tristan Tzara.

My recollection is Cut-ups were a significant development in the split between Surrealism and Dada, when Tzara created a "manifesto" using newspaper clippings.

At the time the Surrealists were writing manifestoes and took offence at this brute process for generating words.

However, the cut-ups have been seen to share in common the influence of Freud's ideas of dream analysis as a way of identifying cues from the unconscious.

Cut-up documents interrogate the text in a haphazard manner that reveals as much about the dynamics and relationships of the reader, while allowing anyone to be an author. 

In this way it shows a Dadaist antiestablishment attitude that can be seen as an attack on authorial intention.

Some might view the process as reassembling a document and the process can be viewed through a variety of philosophical positions, such as the magic and art roles.

When you begin creating a cut-up text there are decisions about the process that determine roles for chance or probability.

You might choose to draw a word from a hat, or you might assemble them from a visible pool of possible words.

My partner developed an exhibition that referenced William S. Burroughs' use of the Cut-up Technique in 2014 and that year introduced me to an alternate approach proposed by the Disquiet Junto.

While the process of preparing the pieces and then pasting them together has a meditative quality that suits gallery spaces that are open for more of a performance art aesthetic, the simplicity of the idea is ripe for technology.

It is interesting to...


55 DAYS OF DEATH "IndyWatch Feed National"

Between 00:00 a.m. on the 1st january 2023 and 11:59 p.m. on the 24th February 2023, another 2,344 of our fellow Australians have died  as a direct consequence of having been unlawfully exposed to the Pneumonic Plague Virus that is commonly known as COVID-19.

31 St December 2022:





Coronial Inquest into Kumanjayi Walkers death to hear evidence from Aboriginal leaders on self-determined justice solutions "IndyWatch Feed National"

The coronial inquest into the police-shooting death of Kumanjayi Walker will next week hear evidence from Aboriginal experts on community-led solutions to prevent future deaths in custody of Aboriginal people.

On 9 November 2019, 19-year-old Warlpiri and Luritja teen Kumanjayi Walker was killed after being shot three times at close range by police officer Zachary Rolfe in his community of Yuendumu. Constable Rolfe was charged with murder after the shooting but acquitted at trial. 

The North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA), with support from the Human Rights Law Centre are highlighting systemic injustices experienced by Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory and call for:

  • an end to discriminatory policing and excessive use of force by police; 

  • independent and robust police accountability mechanisms; and 

  • proper resourcing for self-determined justice solutions, community-led alternatives to police and community-controlled health services. 

Quotes from Dr John Paterson, Acting CEO at North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA): 
As the coronial inquest recommences next week, the family and community of Kumanjayi Walker lead with tremendous strength. They continue to participate in this demanding process, at great personal cost to themselves and their families. At a time when we are set to hear evidence from Aboriginal experts and community members calling for self-determined justice solutions, we stand behind the family and the Yuendumu community in their calls for answers, accountability and justice for Kumanjayi Walker.

Aboriginal communities and organisations have always had the answers. The families and community have shown dignity and leadership throughout this ordeal and continue to do so. They must be listened to, and governments must act on community calls for change. 

Hundreds of our people have died in custody since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody over 30 years ago. Yet governments continue to sit on their hands and fail to act. For as long as governments allow police to act with racism and impunity, deaths in custody will continue.

Quotes from Amala Ramarathinam, Acting Managing Lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre: 

While this inquest has been a long and drawn out process, Kumanjayi Walkers loved ones and community continue to attend and participate at every step of the way. The family and community have led with dignity and strength throughout, as they gave evidence, welcomed the Coroner and all parties into their community and offered meaningful self-determined solutions, so that what happened to their loved one never happens to anyone else.



2023 COVID-19 NSW STATE OF PLAY 2023: Counting Dead People - Part 2 "Will we choose to prevent Covid deaths?" "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

In Northern NSW by the week ending 11 February 2023  in a published NSW Respiratory Surveillance Report which includes basic death demographics   211 people had been newly confirmed (via PCR or RAT) as having contracted COVID-19, 11 people were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 infections and 4 people were reported to have died from COVID-19.

Statewide in New South Wales in that week ending 11 February 2023:

  • a total of 5,587 people were diagnosed with COVID-19;

  • 180 people were hospitalised with confirmed infections;

  • 61 people were reported as having died from COVID-19; and

  • all COVID-19 deaths were individuals aged between 50 and 90+ years of age.

NOTE: In the last 4 weeks up to 16 February 2023 based on PCR test results only with all RAT results excluded there were 135 confirmed COVID-19 cases recorded in Tweed Shire, 54 cases in Ballina Shire, 38 in Clarence Valley, 24 in ...

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Friday, 24 February


Draft of Suggested Wording for SCOTUSs Ruling in Brunson Case "IndyWatch Feed National"

Plato argues with Aristotle, as seen on outer wall of SCOTUS buildingPlato argues with Aristotle, as seen on outer wall of SCOTUS building, Photo:

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Editors note: The early part of this article contains the true content of Brunson v Adams, abridged, with our author Mary Maxwell inserting herself as Chief Justice Jane Doe. In the later part (under the photo of King Richard II), she speaks philosophically about the role of SCOTUS and presents options for solving the Brunson case. The pronoun we means the Court is speaking.

In The Supreme Court of the United States: RALAND J BRUNSON, Petitioner, v.
ALMA S. ADAMS, et, al., Respondents.  Decided [putatively] March 22, 2023

OPINION.  Ms Chief Justice Jane Doe delivers the opinion.

This case came to us from a citizen petitioner Brunson, disturbed by the refusal of 385 members of Congress to investigate allegations that the 2020 presidential election involved fraud. His case was dismissed at the district court in Utah for lack of standing. At the Appeal level in the Tenth Circuit, Respondents argued that they have immunity. We have jurisdiction, under 28 U.S.C.A. 1257(a).


Petitioner asks for speedy consideration as This case uncovers a serious national security breach that is...


Final Results of the 2022 Judith Wright Poetry Prize "IndyWatch Feed National"

Overland, the judges and the Malcolm Robertson Foundation are thrilled to announce the final results of the 2022 Judith Wright Poetry Prize.

The post Final Results of the 2022 Judith Wright Poetry Prize appeared first on Overland literary journal.

Final Results of the 2022 Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize "IndyWatch Feed National"

Overland, the judges and the Malcolm Robertson Foundation are thrilled to announce the final results of the 2022 Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize.

The post Final Results of the 2022 Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize appeared first on Overland literary journal.


Fiction | A Collection of Endings "IndyWatch Feed National"

There is, apparently, a certain psychology attributed to those who collect and hoard. I am not sure if I fit the mould of a subject suffering from early deprivation or having an intense fear of intimacy, but I am a collector. I collect endings. Each one is different in its own singular way. Maybe I even orchestrate them in my life: manipulate break-ups, terminations, conclusions, finales. Such a habit might be symptomatic of a particular disorder, possibly a certain form of masochism.

The post Fiction | A Collection of Endings appeared first on Overland literary journal.


UNHAPPY ANNIVERSARIES. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Today marks 2 very unhappy anniversaries the first anniverary is Russias ill-fated, illegal invasion of Ukraine, and the second anniverary is that 13 years ago, I set up this Ronalds space web blog in an effort to try and stop the Australian Federal Parliament from continually exploiting, dominating, defrauding, and randomly killing people.

This postings short link:

Yes, it really has been 13-years since I posted this:


When justice finally prevails, I shall be out of a job until then, I shall continue to try and tell you the truth. ( A life-time job?)

MEMORY LANE: a brief look at the role of the Australian Federal Police See no evil policies and practices when it came to the problem of welfare recipients being def...


The notion that inflation is being caused by wages must be dumped "IndyWatch Feed National"

Contributed by Joe Montero

The national accounts released on Wednesday show that wages remain stagnant as inflation rises.  This a stark rebuff of the ongoing claim by employer organisations and their political hacks, too high wages cause inflation.

Inflation happens when the quantity of money in circulation increases relative to what we can spend it on. By identifying what is causing the increase in the quantity of money, we come up with the cause of inflation at the time in question.

If wages have remained more or les static, they cant be the cause. It can be argued that a decrease a big enough effect.

Secondly, inflation is affected by the degree of growth of the national economy. If this is less than the growth in the money supply, the excess causes inflation. In the last financial year growth in the economy, as measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is said to have ben 5.9 percent. GDP per hour worked declined (0.7 percent) as did per unit labour costs (2.5 percent). Wage costs relative to output has decreased in net terms.

Prices went up by 8.5 percent. If wages were not the cause of inflation, then what was?

Consider the graph below.

It is clear from this that government the government contribution to GDP as measured has been minor. Changes in inventories, usually associated with increased output, has hardly moved.  The biggest contributor is private demand.

The graph below shows that non-discretionary spending on essentials(necessities) has remained static.  Discretionary spending on non-essentials experienced some Covid related disruption....


Australias internet speed plummeting "IndyWatch Feed National"

Every year the story is the same, where Australias internet speed is falling.

The buffoons in charge of the colony have no clue what theyre on about where the results speak for themselves, year after year.

From the survey conducted by in January 2023, Australias Fixed Broadband is rated at No. 76 globally.

According to some online project, Australia belongs to the First World list of countries, in essence meaning those who are aligned with the USs financial (debt based) fiat currency system.

Thursday, 23 February


Ignore and rule "IndyWatch Feed National"

What do Europeans do when they hear the war waged by the government of Ethiopia has killed more people than the war in Ukraine?

Berlin. Image credit @Carol.78 via Filckr CC BY-ND 2.0.

Europeans love to start the day with a little piece of Africa. Coffee for mum, tea for dad, chocolate for the little one and a banana pocketed on the fly by the teenager for the bus ride to school. Europeans know that their prosperity is built on the work of others. They know that without the oil extracted by workers in Nigeria, the coltan supplied by traders in Congo, and the uranium produced by miners in Chad, their cars wouldnt run, their phones wouldnt work and their homes would soon go dark. Yet, how many Europeans are able to locate the capital of Nigeria, Chad or Congo on a map? A kindergarten child can easily name several African mammals, but few would ever suggest the child memorize the name of an African language, society or personality. How can a civilization that thrives on labor in the Global South be so indifferent to these societies?

The literature provides three answers to that question. The first says roughly: Its capitalism. Capitalism masks social relations. In order to live, workers must produce goods or provide services. But the market-based exchange of commodities transforms relations between workers. Social relations are primarily experienced as relations between things. This is what Karl Marx calls commodity fetishism. Relationships of production disappear from the field of vision. We end up treating commodities as if they had an intrinsic value, independent of the labor that produces them. Hungarian philosopher Gyrgy Lukcs adds that capitalism reifies social relations. Social relations are objectified, while individuals are plunged into a contemplative stance. Passive, apathetic, depoliticized: the consumer is a spectator.

While Marx and Lukcs explain very well how one can use a product every day without knowing anything about the worker who produced it, they dont tell us why certain workers, certain societies or certain groups are particularly obscured in the culture of capitalism. The economist Samir Amin would answer that capitalism only extends globally through unequal exchange. Colonial domination cut the world into two types of capitalist development: the self-centered capitalism of the center, with...


Challenging Misconceptions: The Positive Aspects of the Sovereign Citizen Movement in Australia "IndyWatch Feed National"

By General Maddox. Sovereign citizens, also known as freemen on the land, have been a topic of much controversy and misunderstanding in Australia. Often portrayed in the media as radical, anti-government extremists, they are actually a diverse group of individuals who are seeking to exercise their rights and freedoms within the law. At the heart []


5 Tips To Overcome The Overwhelm "IndyWatch Feed National"

Many of us are feeling the overwhelm lately Here are 5 steps to keep it at bay.


From work to text, and back again: ChatGPT and the (new) death of the author "IndyWatch Feed National"

Generative models extinguish the dream that Barthess Death of the Author articulates by fulfilling it. Their tissue of signs seems less like revolution and more like the fear that AI will create a recursive postmodern nightmare world of perpetual sameness that we will all accept because we no longer remember otherwise or how to create an alternative.

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Bulga State Forest logging protesters get good behaviour bonds "IndyWatch Feed National"

Knitting Nannas outside the Taree Court House supporting Aaron Crowe, Susie Russell, and Isla Lamont. Photo Supplied

Protests and watch camps have been part of actions throughout the North Coast of NSW over the last several months as locals have sought to protect their local state forests from logging. 

Yesterday, 22 February three activists who had been arrested at the Bulga State Forest action site faced court. All had pleaded guilty to the offences of entering a prohibited forest and putting themselves in an unsafe situation. Each of the three received no conviction and a nine month good behaviour period.

Magistrate Allison Hawkins took into account their good character and the fact that the offences occurred on forestry land and had not been an inconvenience to the general public.


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