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IndyWatch Bellingen NSW All Topics Summary was generated at Bellingen NSW IndyWatch.

Tuesday, 25 April


Underneath, On-top and Above "IndyWatch Feed National"

<div class="elementor elementor-54947"> <div class="elementor-inner"> <div class="elementor-section-wrap"> <section class= "elementor-section elementor-top-section elementor-element elementor-element-597128f elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default"> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-row"> <div class= "elementor-column elementor-col-100 elementor-top-column elementor-element elementor-element-162097c"> <div class="elementor-column-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap"> <div class= "elementor-element elementor-element-496daff elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-text-editor elementor-clearfix"> <h3><strong>Underneath, on Top, Above and all Places in Between</strong></h3> <p><strong>By Steven & Evan Strong


Whenever the topic of UFOs and Aliens is raised during recent times the responses are as fascinating as they are predictable. For quite a few such fanciful prattle is pure fictional nonsense espoused by the gullible and deceitful, while for even more there are varying degrees of acceptance that often spills over into unquestioning reverence. For some they are technologically advanced devils<strong>,</strong> others see them as being angelic and for many they see nothing at all. The reality is every reaction has nothing to do with the evidence accumulated by each person, but is all about their free will.</p> <p>                 Of course, when it comes to an indistinct object moving in the sky, there is some room to negotiate as to whether it is a planet, frisbee thrown in the air, weather balloon, drone, swamp gas, secret flying object made by humans, due to photo-shopping or tricks of the light are all permanent and extremely convenient offerings. But none of these as on top excuses are applicable to what has been found so below in the earth. None of the archaeology presented moves through the air as all are stationary and still and in every case exhibit either solid evidence or Original testimonies that is beyond the capaciti...</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div>


New low - Albaneses divisive, racist Anzac Day slur. Our diggers fought for all Aussies, regardless of race. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Remember when ANZAC Day was a day of unity? This so-called Prime Minister has decided its time to divide us. The sick left will stop at nothing.


Beautiful Anzac Day service in the pre-dawn at Hell-Fire Pass, Thailand. Lest We Forget. "IndyWatch Feed National"

A wonderful service. Congratulations to the Australian Government and The Australian Army, brilliantly done. Lest We Forget.


Whats important on ANZAC Day? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Every year its the same, where the nation stops to commemorate the perils of war, right?


Only a few hours are set aside, an inconvenience to those who are at the lowest level of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.

After all thats what Australia is all about, the economy.

Got to keep those mice turning that wheel perpetually.

You, the corporate fodder (or more appropriately known as consumers) have to keep spending, to keep the economy going, their economy.

Youre told not to hoard (old terminology; save up) cash in order to purchase a television or vehicle, but rather get a loan for it to keep the banks and financial institutions profiteering from usury (refer to the Statute of the Jewry) on the fruits of your labour, a modern day accepted form of slavery.

But isnt hoarding what the global elite do? 

They amass vast sums of cash, lock up art in private collections, and even keep stolen artefacts from their thieving ways, the British monarchy as just one example.

Whats not important on ANZAC Day?

For you to know that what is known as World War I, was actually a cousins war, where the offspring of the serfs were seen as cannon fodder and thus put in their appropriate use case scenario for the entertainment and financial gain of the global elite.

True sociopaths are in control.

Whats more disgusting is that people accept this, but then again, the majority of people are not supposed to think.



Die Folgen eines Krieges gegen China "IndyWatch Feed National"

Im Dienst von US-Interessen

Um die Folgen eines etwaigen Krieges gegen China fr das eigene Land in den Blick zu nehmen, hat krzlich die Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australiens ffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkgesellschaft, vier erfahrene Insider befragt, die im Lauf ihrer Karriere jeweils Fhrungspositionen in den politisch-militrischen Hierarchien des Landes innehatten, an militrischen Operationen beteiligt waren und Einsicht in Papiere smtlicher Geheimhaltungsstufen nehmen konnten. Es handelt sich um Professor Hugh White, einen ehemaligen stellvertretenden Staatssekretr fr Strategie und Geheimdienste im Verteidigungsministerium; Admiral Chris Barrie, 1998 bis 2002 Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkrfte; Allan Behm, einst Leiter der Abteilungen fr Internationale Politik und Strategie im Verteidigungsministerium; und Professor Clinton Fernandes, Ex-Militrgeheimdienstler. Alle vier sind fest berzeugt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten im Fall eines Krieges gegen China auf einer Beteiligung Australiens bestnden und dass sich die Regierung in Canberra dem nicht entziehen werde. Behm beklagt ausdrcklich eine fundamentale strategische Pathologie des australischen Establishments, US-Interessen auf Kosten unserer eigenen Interessen zu untersttzen.[1]

Bestenfalls ein militrisches Patt

Alle vier von der ABC befragten Experten stimmen zudem darin berein, dass die Vereinigten Staaten einen Krieg gegen China nicht gewinnen knnen. Das deckt sich mit den Resultaten zwar nicht aller, aber doch einer Mehrheit der sogenannten war games in den USA, bei denen Denkfabriken, Regierungsmitarbeiter und Militrs konkrete Kriegsszenarien durchdeklinieren.[2] Die Experten weisen darauf hin, dass sowohl die USA als auch China ber immense High-Tech-Militrapparate verfgen. Haben die US-Streitkrfte im Gegensatz zu den chinesischen umfangreiche Erfahrung mit dem Fhren von Kriegen, so knnen die chinesischen Streitkrfte daraus Vorteile ziehen, dass sie auf oder nahe dem eigenen Territorium kmpfen mssten, whrend die US-Truppen riesige Nachschubwege ber den Pazifik zu bewltigen htten. Kme es zu einem Abnutzungskrieg wie in der Ukraine, knnte China zudem auf seine erheblich greren Streitkrfte setzen. White urteilt, er sehe keine glaubwrdige Chance fr Amerika, einen Krieg mit China um Taiwan zu gewinnen. Behm differenziert dahingehend, dass er im Fall eines Krieges, der in den nchsten fnf bis zehn Jahren begnne, als bestes Szenario fr die USA ein Patt prognostiziert, whrend er mit Blick auf Chinas rasante Aufrstung urteilt, nach 2035 sei ein chinesischer Sieg ber die USA das wahrscheinlichere Ergebnis.

Dramatische Verluste

Was die konkreten Kriegsszenarien anbelangt, sind sich die Experten uneinig. Whrend White davon ausgeht, ein Waffengang zwischen den USA und China werde sich vorrangig auf See abspielen, rechnet etwa Fernandes eher damit, dass China Taiwan blockieren knne; die....


This and That "IndyWatch Feed National"

    Go tell the Spartans, you who passeth by, that here obedient to their laws, we lie. Simonides More toxic masculinity.   Identify it   Aging Europe   A Graveyard Garden Island Ships Graveyard, Port Adelaide, Australia. 40 ships were left here, 25 of which are known to date from around 1909-1945. Such []

The post This and That appeared first on Virtual Mirage.


Disappointing news for those on Centrelink unemployment benefits "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


The Interim Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee was created by the Albanese Government in December 2022.

Membership of this committee is intended to be up to 14 members, including a Chair, and include a mix of social security academic experts, representatives from key relevant advocacy organisations, unions, business peak bodies, the philanthropic sector and economists.

CHART: Interim Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee, 202324 Report to the Australian Government, p...

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IndyWatch Bellingen NSW All Topics Summary Today.

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Monday, 24 April


Binance integrates ChatGPT into the Web3 Academy "IndyWatch Feed National"

Binance released a new AI-driven tool it named the Binance Sensei that uses machine learning to generate answers from its education platform to help users learn about Web3.


Link "IndyWatch Feed National"

See also : Keyboard Warriors of the Australian #AltRight : XYZ & David Hiscox, February 5, 2018. Above : Luke Hollowood. 1) Spectator Australia keeps publishing white supremacists and anti-Semites writes Cam Wilson (Crikey, April 21, 2023). The white supremacists Continue reading


Barry Humphries: Misunderstood Anarchist of Culture "IndyWatch Feed National"

He was always a step ahead, his mind geared not only for the next move, but the next sequence. He also smelt it, anticipated the audience reaction, shaped the prejudice in context for consumption. and enraged audiences with his polymathic, panoramic reach.

The genius of the late Barry Humphries first took root in Britain, along with a flowing of other Australian expatriates who had made Blighty their home. It became evident in Britains most famous, remorseless panner of reputation and issue, the satirical magazine Private Eye, that weedkiller of inflated reputations. There, another genius of comedy, Peter Cook, understood a kindred spirit. At Cooks suggestion, Humphries ran a comic strip that made him famous and eventually found celluloid expression: The Adventures of Barry McKenzie.

The reception of the comic strip in Australia, with its slang-fluent, rough protagonist stomping through the Mother Country, was a foretaste of things to come. Compiled in three book collections, the first two were banned by the Customs Department under the Customs Prohibited Import Regulations. The silly justification was section 4A, which prohibited the importation of works and articles deemed blasphemous, indecent, or obscene, or unduly emphasising matters of sex, horror, violence or crime, or are likely to encourage depravity.

The harebrained nature of this measure, one that could only have been appreciated by Humphries, was that selections from Private Eye, including Barry McKenzies Naughty Night, were already available in the country in the 1965 publication Penguin Private Eye.

Her Dame Edna Everage (Mrs Norm Everage to some) act, hewn from the dull, insular terrain of Moonee Ponds in Victoria, was always going to be an uneven sell for home audiences. In the sex-suppressed Anglosphere, with its hypocrisies of gender, control and concealment, it was brilliant, a poking, full frontal display of the bigoted housewife giving bigotry a lengthy outing.

The bricks of the mythmakers are now being assembled, an effort to build a mausoleum of deception. Always be suspicious of the he was much loved by all tag; they usually have a fair share of aggrieved, envious enemies.

There are, however, clues in the coverage. Humphries was a comedy export read, not palatable in straitlaced, monochrome Australia, a bit too salty, or gamey, for local consumption. He tested his various alter-egos the barely tolerable Edna, the monstrous, dribbling Sir Les Patterson and so forth on foreign soil. (Rarely mentioned in tributes is his more complex,...


Labor Market and Mainstream Economics "IndyWatch Feed National"

Market and labor in market are crucial questions both to capital and labor. The questions have been discussed and answered by economists, from the mainstream, and also from the camp of labor.

Markets, writes Michael D. Yates in his Work Work Work: Labor, Alienation, and Class Struggle (Monthly Review Press,  2022), act as a veil, hiding the face of the system. They are impersonal mechanisms, which allow us to use them without knowing what is underneath.

Yates elaborates the issue: We buy goods and services and are thereby dependent on those who produce our food, clothing, shelter, and services of every kind. However, we simply exchange money for them. And as the Romans said, Pecunia non olet. Money has no smell.

He shows the argument employers use to defend self-interest: Employers say that they pay the market wage. If it is too low for survival, that is no fault of the boss.

Bosses never coerce

Bosses are always faultless! They define whats right and whats wrong, what rights are and what goes beyond rights, what should be enforced and what shouldnt be. Its now an old, well-known fact: In former times, writes Marx, capital resorted to legislation, whenever necessary, to enforce its property rights over the free laborer. (Capital, vol. I, Progress Publishers, Moscow, erstwhile USSR, 1977) He cites example from 1815: The emigration of mechanics employed in machine making was, in England, forbidden, under grievous pains and penalties. That, pains and penalties, was faultless, no fault by the bosses. There was no coercion; bosses never coerce. This story of pains and penalties isnt told today.

Coercion-free arrangement

This faultless, coercion-free arrangement and environment is also present today, in countries, in markets, in labor markets, in varied forms, which is overlooked tenaciously. The Roman slave was held by fetters, as Marx again tells another fact, the wage-labourer is bound to his owner by invisible threads. (ibid.) So, whats now told is whats called the push and pull factors: Peasants t...


The Art Of The Orange Pill: Lessons On Pitching Bitcoin From A Third-Generation Salesman "IndyWatch Feed National"

A former sales account manager describes pitching Bitcoin with a focus on influencing perspectives while maintaining honesty and integrity.

This is an opinion editorial by Source Node, a former sales account manager with a background in training and industrial-organizational psychology.

When I pitch Bitcoin to a relative, to a friend or to a complete stranger in the bathroom stall next to me, they will inevitably ask, "How is this benefiting you? Are you going to make money from me buying bitcoin?"

In one sense, the honest answer is yes, but my main objective is actually to alleviate suffering.

Will any single investor buying bitcoin make my bitcoin increase in value? Not unless I'm convincing a hyper-rich communist sympathizer like Charlie Munger to hop onboard. The average investor buying $1,000-worth of BTC is not going to change the price of bitcoin. In fact, even a very wealthy investor allocating $100 million may not significantly change the price of bitcoin. In that sense, I am not benefiting directly from convincing individuals to buy bitcoin at all.

However, given the early stage of adoption that we are currently experiencing, the asymmetric upside of investing in bitcoin today has the potential to turn a relatively-small investment into life-changing financial security. For this reason, the motivation to pitch Bitcoin to people I care about is greater now than it will be in the future. The potential future which Bitcoin enables for myself and for society is the primary driving force behind my participation in the network. The prospect of living in a world of abundance, voluntary behavior and geopolitical cooperation is becoming more achievable by the block. I wish to benefit from the transition to that world and I wish for those whom I love (as well as random strangers I encounter) to benefit from it as well.

I know I am not the only one who holds this view. It seems to be a natural inclination for nearly every Bitcoiner to compulsively pitch Bitcoin to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. Unfortunately, I have seen many people become exhausted with these pitches. This exhaustion seems to slow down adoption more than support it, which indicates to me that some of what I have...


New Zealand-Australia testiness over citizenship resolved, but nuclear sensitivities remain "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Stuff, Thomas Manch, Apr 24 2023

A thorny trans-Tasman citizenship issue has been resolved, but Prime Minister Chris Hipkins Brisbane trip showed nuclear sensitivities are set to linger between New Zealand and Australia.

.questions then centred on an emerging long-term issue Australias planned acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines questions Albanese was unwilling to answer.

At a joint press conference on Sunday afternoon, after a citizenship ceremony where more than 200 Kiwis pledged allegiance to Australia, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said he had discussed with Albanese his countrys new Aukus pact.

The pact between Australia, United Kingdom and the United States, will have Australia acquire nuclear-propelled in the coming three decades.

New Zealand, like Australia, is clear eyed that there is a challenging strategic environment in the Indo-Pacific region, Hipkins said.

.Albanese, asked twice at the press conference about New Zealands possible involvement in Aukus, veered away from answering the question, talking instead about the Pacific Island Forum and both countries co-operating on climate change.

New Zealand maintains a strong nuclear-free stance, and Hipkins on Sunday said he welcomed Albaneses reassurance Australia remained committed to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Despite this, Defence Minister Andrew Little has said New Zealand was interested in joining a second pillar of the Aukus arrangement, that would involve the sharing of non-nuclear defence technologies associated with the submarines.

Hipkins was unwilling to answer a hypothetical question about whether he would deny entry to nuclear-propelled Australian vessels into New Zealand waters, but said New Zealands nuclear-free policy, which includes nuclear-propulsion, had not changed.


Grusha Leeman: Submission to Senate Australia is much too hot for safe nuclear power lets not dither with the nuclear distraction. "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Grusha Leeman. Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill 2022 Submission 136

Retain the ban on nuclear energy

It is heartwarming to know there is serious consideration being given to replacing the climate destroying fossil fuel power methods, but going back to old failed methods is not the best answer for this sunny windy country.

Australia is much too hot for safe nuclear power

We are in a time of climate crisis. Extreme weather events are inevitable and increasing. We know there will be more heatwaves and droughts and some will be more intense. As nuclear power plants consume a lot of water for cooling, the Australian climate is simply not conducive for safe nuclear power. Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to water stress, the warming of rivers, and rising temperatures, which weaken the cooling of power plants and equipment. Nuclear reactors in an increasing number of countries 1 are being shut down during heatwaves, or see their activity drastically slowed. Overheating can present a major safety risk. We cant be spraying water on the walls of our nuclear power plants to cool the insides during a heatwave when we are also deep into a drought....


'Guess what guys?' Kevin Rudd is still an insufferable, cringe-making dickhead. "IndyWatch Feed National"

This'll take a bit of beating. You could say my visit to the @WhiteHouse was pretty sweet Kevin Rudd AC (@AmboRudd) April 22, 2023


Why You Must Never Trust a Liar? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Lying is a common human behaviour that has been around for centuries. People lie for various reasons, such as to avoid punishment, gain an advantage, or protect their reputation. However, lying can have serious consequences, especially when it comes to trusting others. In this essay, I will explain why you must never trust a liar, the types of people who lie, why people lie, and why it is dangerous to believe the lies of a liar. I will also answer the question, "Can a liar ever tell the truth?"

Why You Must Never Trust a Liar?

Lying is a breach of trust, and trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. When someone lies to you, they are essentially saying that they do not respect you enough to tell you the truth. This lack of respect can lead to a breakdown in the relationship, as the liar m...


A response to a public records request that raised more questions than it answered "IndyWatch Feed National"

Last August, a U.S. federal research misconduct watchdog announced findings that a longtime researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles named Janina Jiang faked data in 11 grant applications. 

More than a month later, the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) issued a rare correction to its announcement, saying additional information from UCLA indicated that one of the grants did not fund or contain falsified/fabricated data. The watchdog agency said it would remove the application in question from its findings of research misconduct. 

The grant, UL1 TR000124, helped fund the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) with $57 million from 2012-2015. The listed principal investigator, Steven M. Dubinett, is the interim dean for UCLAs David Geffen School of Medicine. 

At the time of the correction, we wondered how a report that would have had to be reviewed by multiple officials and lawyers at both institutions could include such a mistake, and filed public records requests to find out. 

As we...

Asked and Answered "IndyWatch Feed National"


A Letter to LiberalsA Letter to Liberals: Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals

By Robert Kennedy Jr.

A leading Democrat challenges his party to return to liberal values and evidence-based science
Democrats were the party of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and faith in scientific and liberal empiricism. They once took pride in understanding how to read science critically, exercising healthy skepticism toward notoriously corrupt entities like the drug companies that brought us the opioid crisis, and were outraged by the phenomenon of agency capture and the pervasive control of private interests over Congress, the media, and the scientific journals.
A Letter to Liberals is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s, challenge to lockdown liberalisms embrace of policies that are an affront to once cherished precepts.

DenialDenial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future

By Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted

Even as the autism rate soars and the cost to our nation climbs well into the billions, a dangerous new idea is taking hold: There simply is no autism epidemic.



Everybody Knows, Part 5: How To Harass a Doctor, on the Cheap "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

The text of this article was not written by me.  I shall leave off the real authors name (by his leave), but you will understand. Its a short story about an event in the life of man who has had much harassment.

The beauty of this one is that it took so little effort for the harassing crew to wreak havoc. Bet it cost them less than a-dollar-eighty-five, all up. It cost the good doctor, well, you know, stomach aches, sleepless nights, concern for his livelihood.

Note: the author gave a fake name for the bad guy, but I have faked it up even more, calling him Mr Brackleston (Ive just checked


What do apple cider vinegar gummies actually do? Golis $438 million business may or may not have the answer "IndyWatch Feed National"

Pushed by an army of social media influencers, Goli went viral on Instagram and TikTok. Then came the lawsuits.

Ask entrepreneur Michael Bitensky, founder of Goli Nutrition, what he considers his biggest accomplishment, and he doesnt point to the gummy vitamin companys hundreds of millions in annual revenue or the thousands of Target, CVS, and Walgreens stores that stock his products. Nor does he point to the companys ranking as a perennial top seller on Amazon Prime Day, its vast network of Instagram influencers, or even the investments of A-list celebrities Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez. Instead, Bitensky points to the more than 350,000 reviews his companys apple cider vinegar gummies have garnered on Amazon.

Read Full Story


Chris Bowen announces his 'HUGE WEEK' of giving away other people's money for the weather "IndyWatch Feed National"

Big week in Federal EV policy: Launched the National Electric Vehicle Strategy $40 million from CEFC in concessional loans for EVs $70 million in ARENA funding for EV charging Roll out of National Charging Network with NRMA for chargers every 150 kms on our highways


STILL DEAD RIGHT "IndyWatch Feed National"


There is no satisfaction in being dead right when the subject is the ongoing murder of my fellow Australians. As the infographic above shows, we finished 2022 with 17,052 people dead.


Now check out the latest death toll:


Once upon a time "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Once upon a time there was a fair-haired young lass who yearned to explore the mysteries of family history and whose adventures took her to times of yore and whereabouts distant. Dead or alive, interesting people are interesting people. Noel Riley Fitch Let me clarify there is no doubt as to the G.O.s parentage More Once upon a time


Australian court releases judges remarks in unprecedented secret prisoner trial "IndyWatch Feed National"

AN AUSTRALIAN HIGH COURT has released the sentencing remarks in an unprecedented closed-door trial of an intelligence officer, identified only as Witness J, who was convicted in 2019 of a crime that cannot be revealed. The man, who is also known as Prisoner 123458, was given a jail sentence in November of 2019. His sentencing []


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.05 AUD


Reminder of what an average person Malcolm Turnbull is. "IndyWatch Feed National"

When Barry Humphries went public with his support for the Monarchy during the 1999 Republic debate, Malcolm Turnbull did what all hate filled leftists do ... He got personal. Played the man not the argument. Andrew Bolt reminds us today: Malcolm Turnbull, who as Australian Republican Movement head pompously accused...


Murdoch cases: best to do nothing "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The disappointment especially among people in the media at the settlement of the defamation action between Rupert Murdochs Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems was almost audible. 

Murdoch has just bought his way out of accountability, they wailed. When will he ever be brought to account?

In Australia, the disappointment ran deeper because it was followed by the abandonment of the defamation action against the online news outlet Crikey brought by Fox Corporation chief executive Lachlan Murdoch over an article titled: Trump is a confirmed unhinged traitor. And Murdoch is his unindicted co-conspirator.

Both cases were about the same thing: the role of Fox News in knowingly publishing lies about the results of the 2020 US election and asserting Donald Trump won but was not declared winner because of various conspiracies to rig the voting and that Dominions voting machines were part of it.

The reason for the abandonment of the Australian case looked decidedly like the reason for the settlement of the US case: to prevent Rupert and his son Lachlan having to go into the witness box and answer uncomfortable questions about the unethical conduct of their business.

Essentially, that was knowingly publishing the lies because that was what their audiences wanted to hear. And if those audiences were not fed those lies, they would tune in to other channels at great financial cost to the Murdoch media empire.

The business model was the exact opposite of that of pre-internet media. In those days the ideal model was that media organisations would do their best to present accurate news so they could build up trust with their audiences who would remain loyal so circulation and ratings and the concomitant advertising revenue stayed high.

Clearly, the internet has put paid to that model. The source of revenue is no longer carefully accumulated trust through accurate and truthful reporting. Rather it is built upon the instantaneous gratification and self-reinforcing of the audience members world view however inaccurate or twisted that might be.

If disabusing that audience with facts and the truth would result in the loss of the audience an...


126 organisations call on Attorneys-General to #RaiseTheAge to 14 "IndyWatch Feed National"

An open letter signed by 126 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, health, legal, community and human rights organisations today reiterated calls to Attorneys-General to stop jailing 10 year old kids and raise the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14 years old, with no exception.

No child should grow up in prison in Australia. Last week, the Victorian Government disappointingly announced their intention to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 12. Raising the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14 with no exceptions is the absolute bare minimum to be in line with medical expert advice and international standards.

Evidence from brain development experts state that criminalising the actions of kids under 14 can cause serious long-term problems. But if provided with the care, support and treatment that they need, children can rehabilitate to live healthy and connected lives.

Locking up children behind bars does not work. Communities have the solutions to keep kids engaged and connected. Governments should stop funding new youth prisons and instead fund community-led solutions which keep the community safe and have better outcomes for children.

The calls by 126 organisations echo the support of 120,000+ people in Australia, as momentum grows across the country to raise the age of criminal responsibility in line with international UN standards.

State and territory Attorneys-General will meet on 28 April for the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG), marking five years since they first began investigating whether to raise the age of criminal responsibility. A report, which Attorneys-General delayed releasing for over two years, was finally made public last year and recommended raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 with no exceptions.

The report was prepared in 2020 with input from state, territory and Commonwealth justice departments and informed by over 80 public submissions made by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, medical and legal experts, and human rights organisations which all called for the age to be raised to 14.

This Friday, Australia can finally stop playing politics with children. We call on Attorneys-General to raise the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14, with no exceptions.

Cheryl Axleby, Co-Chair, Change the Record: 

"If the Victorian government announces an increase to the age of criminal responsibility to 12, it will not make any real difference to the already high and unacceptable rates of Aboriginal youth overrepresentation in the legal system.  



COVID-19 update in New South Wales "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Locally acquired COVID-19 cases up to 4pm, .April 20, 2023. Positive PCR and rapid antigen tests by local health district in the past 7 days.

To many people COVID-19 may feel like a thing of the past but each week there are still thousands of new cases and many deaths.

In a snap shot of last week in New South Wales we can see the from NSW Health, the current statistics around the virus.

There were 12,393 new cases in New South Wales in the 7 days leading up to 4pm Friday, April 20 7,273 were confirmed by PCR and 5,120 confirmed by Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). This figure is well up on last weeks total of 9,636 cases.

Three-hundred and thirty-six of the new cases were in Northern NSW.



Fatal vehicle crash Tweed Heads "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

NSW Police say a woman died following a two-vehicle crash on the weekend.

About 2.30pm on Saturday, 22 April, emergency services responded to reports of two vehicles colliding at the intersection of Parkes Drive and Ducat Street, Tweed Heads.

A female driver aged 50 of one of the vehicles died at the scene.

The 18-year-old male driver of the other vehicle was uninjured. He was taken to The Tweed Hospital for mandatory testing.

Officers from Tweed-Byron Police District have commenced an investigation into the circumstances of the crash and will prepare a report for the information of the coroner.

As inquiries continue police are urging anyone who may have information or any mobile phone/dashcam footage about the crash to contact Tweed Heads Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


The post Fatal vehicle crash Tweed Heads appeared first on The Echo.


"IndyWatch Feed World" "IndyWatch Feed National"

QUESTION: Didnt you also buy gold bars from the SS Central America ship that was discovered? The gold bugs hate you and say you are bearish gold but you buy a lot of it.

All the best


ANSWER: Oh yes. I tend to collect important relics from major economic events.  The sinking of that ship set off a financial panic in NYC because the banks were counting on that gold shipment. I did buy bars. There were some 30,000 pounds (13,600 kg) of gold and about 15 tons were recovered.

They are a piece of history. I would not melt them down.

The post...


Multi-agency road rescue competition in Coffs "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Fifty-five cars will be crushed by an excavator to replicate different car crash scenarios. Photo supplied.

The best way to learn some things is by hands-on experience and during the first weekend in May rescue agencies will have that opportunity during a road rescue competition.

Five teams of firefighters will represent Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) in a multi-agency State Road Crash Rescue Challenge next month at Coffs Harbour.

The FRNSW crews from Dubbo, Wyong, Ulladulla, Region South and Region North, which includes the Northern Rivers, will compete against eight teams from the State Emergency Service (SES), two from the Volunteer Rescue Association (VRA) and one from Victorias Country Fire Authority (CFA) in a series of events being held over the Saturday May 6 and Sunday 7 May weekend at the Coffs Harbour International Stadium.

Crushed cars to replicate crash scenarios

Challenge organisers have gathered 55 cars to be crushed by an excavator to replicate different car crash scenarios.

The vehicles will then be cut apart in simulated rescue competitions.

According to the competition rules, each rescue crew of six first responders has just 30 minutes to carry out its tasks under the watchful eye of competition assessors, judging the teams direction, technical competency and medical know-how.

In addition to two main car crash events, the teams will also compete in a trauma challenge, a first aid emergency, an...


Your list of ANZAC Day dawn services in the north from Helensburgh to Corrimal "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

A previous ANZAC Day dawn service held at Woonona

THIS ANZAC Day, RSL NSW is calling on Australians to Check on a Mate, pledge their support, and encourage their veteran friends and family members to attend one of the services held in the northern Illawarra.

Dawn services will be held on Tuesday April 25 at Helensburgh, Coledale, Austinmer, Thirroul, Woonona, Corrimal and Wollongong. Corrimal will be the only march taking place in the northern suburbs this year.

RSL NSW President Ray James said to further highlight the importance of ANZAC Day events, Census 2021 data has shown that one in 20 (5.3 per cent) of Australian households reported at least one person who had served, or was currently serving, in the Australian Defence Force.

The Census data shows that everyone knows a veteran or is connected to someone who has served in some form or another: a grandparent, partner, parent, sibling or friend, Mr James said.

Its therefore all of our responsibility to make sure they...


Paying respect to a mate's uncle Harry Longford in Kanchanaburi War Cemetery. Lest We Forget. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Early morning train over the Kwai River Bridge. Michael Smith News (@mpsmithnews) April 24, 2023 Kanchanaburi Thailand war cemetery. Lest We Forget. Michael Smith News (@mpsmithnews) April 23, 2023


Dr McCulloughs Mass Negligent Homicide Interview on X22 Report "IndyWatch Feed National"


Introduction by DM

A summary interview by Dr. McCullough on <strong>The Pandemic, Crime Of All Crimes, It Never Had To Be This Way, [Knowingly]</strong></p> <p>Dr McCullough points out that the vaccine developers defrauded the world, undermining early treatment and propagating the vaccines as the only solution. (crimes 19:00 min)</p> <p>He says this is Mass Negligent Homicide by denying effective early treatment and with 30x underreported injuries and deaths leading to 500,000 deaths from the vaccines. There are over 3,000 papers on the subject.<span id= "more-36264"></span></p> <p>He offers some solutions to the spike proteins.</p> <p>The post <a href= "" rel="nofollow">Dr McCulloughs Mass Negligent Homicide Interview on X22 Report</a> appeared first on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Gumshoe News</a>.</p>


First on RSL's Melbourne Anzac Day Dawn Service - Aboriginal 'Welcome to Country' "IndyWatch Feed National"

Thank you to reader Denzil who writes: Good morning Michael I trust this finds you well. I was appalled to discover, on reading the Order of Service for tomorrows Dawn Service in Melbourne, that the first item was a welcome to country. From the RSLs own website!! How offensive and...


Watch for children, with school zones back in force "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

MOTORISTS are reminded to slow down, keep watch for children, and obey school zone speed limits which come back into force with the commencement of Term 2 today (Monday, April 24).  

Sally Webb, Deputy Secretary of Safety, Environment and Regulation at Transport for NSW said school zones will be back in operation from today as it was an officially notified school day.  

We are advising motorists that school zones are back in operation from Monday which is the official start of Term 2 in NSW, Ms Webb said. 

The regulations mean schools zones operate in NSW on all notified school days, including development days which are student-free days for most schools because some students may still attend their schools. 

School zones are clearly marked, with flashing lights and signs so please take note of this warning, obey the law and slow down to avoid penalties and importantly reduce the risk of a serious crash. 

Ms Webb said the first day of school in Term 2 coincided with the ANZAC double demerit period when point penalties were increased for offences although fines remained the same. 

Double demerits will...


Marianne Williamson: "Democracy Is under Assault" "IndyWatch Feed National"

Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson today spent nearly two and a half hours at a weekly town hall Zoom of the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) expressing her views and answering numerous audience questions.


On the trail of good food in the Northern Rivers "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Farmer Kerry Wilson and Cheesemaker Paul Wilson from Nimbin Valley Dairy are excited to share their unique story and passion for farming and cheesemaking for the Northern Rivers Harvest Food Trail in May. Photo supplied.

The Northern Rivers Harvest Food Trail organisers are doing a hell of a lot of food, beverage and farm prep for their big even on the weekend of May 6 and 7.

This year Lismore City Council is co-sponsoring the event creating the opportunity for a record number of Lismores food producers to be involved.

The Trail is an annual event which showcases unique local food and beverage producers and has become a major tourism drawcard for the entire region.

Promoting amazing farmers

Northern Rivers Food Trail Coordinator Lorissa Barrett said the Harvest Food Trail provides a much-needed opportunity to promote the amazing farmers, produce and food establishments after they were hit by COVID-19 followed by the February 2022 natural disaster. Businesses in the food trail all offer something outside the usual, such as farm tours, pick your own experiences, sampling, demonstrations, sit-down meals with producer talks, behind-...


Leaks reveal reality behind U.S. propaganda in Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed National"

Medea Benjamin (cofounder of both CODEPINK Global Exchange) and Nicols Davies (independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK) write about the leaked Ukraine documents (LA Progressive 19 April 2023), which, among other disclosures of military action around the world, reveals the failing war strategy of the United States and the inability to win this proxy war. The leaks also reveal estimates that the war is not going particularly well for Russia. This might be partially true, but based on assumptions of what the Russian strategy is. Benjamin and Davies do not comment on this part. Their focus is on the role of the United States involvement, including actual military presence in Ukraine, the encouragement of corruption, and the fact that this is not something new. They call on Washington to tell the truth. After first making headlines, these leaks revealed by a whistleblower, have been quickly suppressed, and it is vital to mot allow the this to continue.

The U.S. corporate medias first response to the leaking of secret documents about the war in Ukraine was to throw some mud in the water, declare nothing to see here, and cover it as a depoliticized crime story about a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman who published secret documents to impress his friends. President Biden dismissed the leaks as revealing nothing of great consequence.

What these documents reveal, however, is that the war is going worse for Ukraine than our political leaders have admitted to us, while going badly for Russia too, so that neither side is likely to break the stalemate this year, and this will lead to a protracted war beyond 2023, as one of the documents says.

Image from Newsweek: Leaked document predicts a protracted war beyond 2023.

The publication of these assessments should lead to renewed calls for our government to level with the public about what it realistically...


Australia-wide assessment: climate change or instrument change? "IndyWatch Feed National"

...a majority of these AWS stations had an average 62.8% increase in their 99th percentile observations. These are the hottest 1 per cent of days calculated since the start year of each station.


Tong stands with Torres Strait over climate action "IndyWatch Feed National"

Uncle Fred Pabai, Uncle Paul Kabai, former President of Kiribati Anote Tong and Uncle Lalaitie Gilbert Akiba on Boigu island in the Torres Straight. Photo supplied.

Former President of Kiribati, Anote Tong, has been visiting communities in the Torres Strait between to stand alongside Uncle Paul Kabai on Saibai island and Uncle Pabai Pabai on Boigu island as they bring the landmark Australian Climate Case against the Australian government.

The case demands a reduction in emissions in line with the science....


President Boric proposes plan for Chilean lithium to benefit the Chilean people "IndyWatch Feed National"

Chile has been on an interesting and positive arc in recent years. Left-wing politician Gabriel Boric won the presidency there, representing the first big shift to the left since the fascist Pinochet took over in a US-backed coup in 1973. Theyre currently working on a number of reforms, and are trying to negotiate a new constitution, to replace the one from the Pinochet era. One big change that was just announced was a plan to gradually nationalize Chiles lithium industry. They intend to honor existing contracts, but to have more direct government involvement in new ones, with the intent of bringing more of the profits to the Chilean people, and eventually producing lithium-based products in Chile, rather than only selling raw lithium. From the Associated Press:

Boric, who spoke Thursday on a national media network, said the state will participate in the entire lithium production cycle in a public-private collaboration that the government will control.

Any private company, whether foreign or local, that wants to exploit lithium in Chile must partner with the state, he said.

Chile has the worlds third largest lithium reserves, at 9.6 million tons, behind Bolivia with 21 million and Argentina with 19.3 million, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. But Chile was the worlds second largest producer last year with an estimated 39,000 metric tons, after Australia, with 61,000 tons.

Boric wants to create a National Lithium Company to partner with private companies, but he conceded that likely will not happen quickly because it would require support from an absolute majority in both houses of Congress, which is fragmented among a variety of parties.

In the meantime, he said, the state National Copper Corporation will sign agreements with private parties for lithium extraction.

Currently, there are two companies that mine lithium in Chile: the U.S. company Albemarle and Chiles Chemical and Mining Society (Soquimich), which has been controlled for three decades by Julio Ponce, whose father-in-law was the late dictator Augusto Pinochet. Boric said Ponces contracts will be respe...



Pre-trial hearing for Nevada nuclear test site arrests "IndyWatch Feed National"

Friends, Many thanks for the prayers, messages of solidarity, concern and curiosity about Mondays (April 10) pre-trial hearing in Beatty, answering to charges of trespass at the Nevada National Security Site, formerly the Nevada Test Site, back in October. We were good company with some of the holdovers from the Sacred Peace Walk that finished []


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed National"

IMF Predicts Fall in Economic Growth in Africa

Ndea Yoka, host of Business Africa and Catherine Patillo, Deputy Director of the Africa Department at the IMF.

By Ndea Yoka

 21/04 - 11:57

Sub-Saharan Africa is facing a major financing shortage that threatens the region's growth, the International Monetary Fund warned in its report on the region's economic outlook.

The organization also warned that public debt is further delaying the region's economic recovery.

"Policymakers should stay the course of prudent monetary policy tightening."

Catherine Patillo, the deputy director of the Africa Department at the IMF answered questions from Africanews.

Senegal: Religious celebrations marked by inflation

While the country's economy is experiencing a sharper-than-expected slowdown according to IMF forecasts, Senegal is facing worrying inflation. It has reached 9.7 percent in 2022, its highest level in decades.

This situation is due in particular to soaring food prices. An unbearable increase for most Senegalese households, especially during the holiday season. A report by Wahany Johnson in Dakar.

Libya: promoting date exports

Date producers in Libya would like to export their abundant harvests, however, they face various challenges that slow down their hopes for emancipation.

The regions of Wahat, and Awjila are known for producing large quantities of dates, which reach 150,000 tons per year. The problem is that much of this fruit is destroyed or used as animal fodder due to poor marketing.


In 2023 is Clarence Valley Council preparing to walk away from a drowning town? "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Aerial view of a section of Yamba township precinct during flooding in 2022. IMAGE: Clarence Valley Independent

On Tuesday, 18 March 2023 Clarence Valley Council held its Ordinary Monthly Meeting.

Officially present at that meeting according to the Minutes were:

Cr Greg Clancy [Deputy Mayor], Cr Bill Day, Cr Peter Johnstone, Cr Debrah Novak, Cr Steve Pickering, Cr Jeff Smith, Cr Ian Tiley [Mayor], Cr Karen Toms and Cr Allis...

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Sunday, 23 April


When The Student Is Ready: Three Times I Was Able To Help Strangers Understand Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

An educator recalls three times she was able to help strangers better understand Bitcoin out in the wild.

This is an opinion editorial by Tali Lindberg, co-founder of Free Market Kids, a company focused on financial literacy and Bitcoin education.

Source: Author

My husband and I decided to become Bitcoin educators because we passionately believe that Bitcoin is a money standard everyone should know about. However, it can be very discouraging sometimes when most people see us as religious, cult evangelists who they should avoid or only politely tolerate.

But then, out of the blue, Ill experience amazing conversations with people who are ready to hear what we have to say. They are just waiting to find someone to discuss Bitcoin who can help them understand it better.

This article describes three such encounters Ive had in unexpected places. As the saying goes, (slightly modified), When the student is ready, the teacher (me) will be sent to them.

One: GoDaddy Tech Support

A few months ago, when my husband Scott and I were just starting our financial-literacy- and Bitcoin-focused organization Free Market Kids, we had a lot of trouble getting our website to work correctly. I spent hours with tech support through various service providers. During this incident, I called GoDaddy support and was instructed to reboot my computer.

While we were waiting for the computer to do its thing, instead of sitting on the line in silence, I began to chit chat with the support guy about where he was located, the weather, etc. Pretty soon, we were asking each other about our work and life experiences.

He asked, So, what is Free Market Kids?

Well, we teach people about Bitcoin and money with our board games, I answered.

Bitcoin! Sighing deeply, he continued, I sold mine years ago.

He explained that, early on, he had been persuaded by his friend to mine Bitcoin. When the price went up, he got excited and sold all his bitcoin because he needed the cash for something.

And now, he lamented, Im watching the bitcoin price go up like crazy, and I cant believe I blew my chance!

I asked him what he knew about Bitcoin, aside fr...


In Defense of Incoherent Psychiatry "IndyWatch Feed National"

I was stunned by the final two paragraphs of Peter Simons report No Evidence that Psychiatric Treatments Produce Successful Outcomes. In a viewpoint article in JAMA Psychiatry, the authors claimed that there is no system like Medicare collecting standardized data that is tracking changes in outcomes over time, and therefore we have no way to assess whether outcomes are continuing to improve.  They define the target outcomes as the prevention of undesirable events, such as death and disability, and the achievement of desirable ones, such as remission.

They appear to ignore the abundant existing evidence that, on those specific targets, modern psychiatric treatment appears to lead to worsening outcomes.  Like religious faith that often stands more firmly when faced with contradictory evidence, clinging to their belief that their treatments are beneficial, they dont take up the serious challenge posed by evidence of worsening outcomes.  Instead, they write as if the problem we have is a lack of a system that can chart how our treatments are continuing to improve outcomes.

Though there is no evidence of outcome improvement from the existing treatments and considerable evidence of the opposite, rather than questioning their use, we just need a system that can help us improve their efficacy.  Stunning!

Group Of Happy Excited Doctors Raising ArmsEarlier, I wrote a piece, In Defense of Placebo Psychiatry, in which I tried to see things from a prescribers point of view.  Feeling there was no defense for this apparently willful misunderstanding, I de...


Everybody Knows, Part 4: The KK System and the Mystery of Jimmy Saville "IndyWatch Feed National"

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This series is about Russell Pridgeon, MD, and his difficulties, trying to survive the legal system after he was unfairly charged with a crime.  His crime in the eyes of most of us at Gumshoe News is that he went against the system. And what system is that? Ill give it a name: System KK (for kid kidnap).

As Dee McLachlan had spelled out in many articles, Australia almost uniformly follows System KK. And here is how it works.

  1. A man is abusing kids.
  2. Then he abuses his own offspring.
  3. The wife calls a hotline or reports it somehow.
  4. The man runs to court to ask for full custody (!)
  5. He and the court blame the mom for having alienated him.
  6. She gets called an abuser in the form of emotional abuse.
  7. The court orders her to lose custody.
  8. At most she gets supervised access to the kid.
  9. During the visit she must not say I love you or give gifts.
  10. She spends all her money on lawyers, and may lose her job.
  11. Mandatory reports from teachers and doctors are hidden.
  12. Evidence of the fathers crime is suppressed by police.
  13. He usually is granted custody, or the kid is fostered out.
  14. Hearings, and letters from court, become increasingly absurd.
  15. Big media is no help. Social media is gagged by Rule 121.
  16. Lawyers wont fight this. Podkonyak and Teffaha got disbarred.
  17. The moms reputation is ruined, and she sinks into depression.
  18. She may realize her girl or boy is pimped out as a prostitute.
  19. Mom constantly fears arrest for breaking even a small rule.
  20. The public is largely unaware, or refuses to think about this.

Russell Pridgeons case is directly about System KK. Here in Part 2 of the series, my question is: Why does such a system not get thrown overboard? Year after year, it gets supported by all authorities, be it a judge, a caseworker, a prosecutor, or an attorney-general. Woe is our society!

Here at GumshoeNews, I published Part 1 of this series on April 19, 2023.  (Thats quite a woo-woo day in some circles, April 19th.) In the Comments, Rachel Vaughan offered us a Rumble video that listed many alleged perps who are/were high up in Australian society. No fewer than five Australian Prime Ministers came up on the screen while another two got honorable mention (for taking funding from Epstein). The implications of this seem huge. They must think that System KK is fine and dandy &...


Deagel population forecast of nearly 70 percent fewer Americans by 2025 is starting to look prophetic "IndyWatch Feed National"

Leo Hohmann April 21, 2023

All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us. Until you understand that, you will never understand whats going on. You will never make sense of it.

I know its a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again. Many of those duped the first time lost their lives, or ended up with life-long health issues. Some even offered their children to the military-biomedical-security complex.

I like to revert back to the analysis done by Deagel Corp. in 2014, forecasting massive global population declines out to the year 2025, especially in Western countries.

Deagels founder was a military contractor who had sources well positioned in the deep state. The Deagel Corporation is an offshoot of US military intelligence which collects data for high-level decision-makers and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations and the World Bank.

According to the Deagel forecast, Americas population would plummet from just over 310 million in 2017 down to just 99 million by the end of 2025. Western European nations, especially the U.K. and Germany, were forecast to see similarly drastic decreases in population, as were Canada and Australia.

If the Deagel calculations turn out to be even close to accurate, the most unsafe places to live over the next three years will be the United States, Canada and the U.K., followed by Germany, Australia and the rest of the E.U. nations. This population forecast was so controversial, showing population reductions of 68.5 percent in the United States (from 2017 levels) and between 25 and 70 percent for almost every Western European country, that the study mysteriously disappeared from Deagels website in March 2021.

But not all areas of the world will continue to decline. Some will actually have larger populations by 2025, according to the Deagel forecast. The safest places to be living would appear to be Central and South America, China and Africa. Interestingly, Russia came in as neutral, not gaining or losing population.

Is this Deagel forecast map a prediction of who will win World War III?


I am the enemy you killed Wilfred Owens solemn testament "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

Poet Wilfred Owen died on 4 November 1918 seven days before the guns fell silent in the war that people though would end all wars as it turned out, the Treaty of Versailles became the peace that ended all peace.

That old Lie, from which his most famous poem Dulce et Decorum Est takes its title...


They are feeding us the dead without us even knowing. "IndyWatch Feed National"

Soylent Green was a 1973 film starring Charlton Heston. Set in an overpopulated world of 2022 beset by food shortages, Heston plays a New York detective who discovers in the course of a murder investigation that the food on which the population subsists is made from highly processed human corpses. Ed.

IWB April 21, 2023





April 22 Did Prominent Jews Get the Vaccine Jew Call? "IndyWatch Feed National"

(Oscar winning actor hospitalized in Georgia after being vaccinated) April 22, 2023

Please send links and comments to

If links dont work, copy and paste into location bar.

Im not saying they did, but its a question worth asking and answering considering that

  1. Al Franken said he got the Jew Call from Ed Koch telling him to stay away from the WTC on 9-11
  2. White House and Congress, Big Pharma and CDC staff were not required to get vaccinated.

We know that many Israeli Jews suffered adverse reactions.  But did prominent Jews in the West get the vaccine, have adverse reactions or die? Please let me know

Heres a list of mostly non-Jewish celebrities that took the jab.

The satanists are compounding their crime by debunking and suppressing vaccine injuries and deaths

Continues with more headlines and links


The Rite Stuff the coronations pomp and circumstance "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Anyone expecting that the upcoming coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla would be a thoroughly modern affair suited to the 21st Century is likely to be disappointed. As these two highly entertaining and most informative articles makes clear, whilst the guest list is much shorter than that of past right royal enthronements and the banquets and street parties have been exhorted to eat quiche, the old times are by no means achangin. Rites and rituals historically and hysterically archaic and arcane will prevail as the imprimatur of the deity, the unctuous sanction of the demographically diminished Church of England and the rights and privileges of the theoretically hereditary aristocracy are upheld in time-honoured, anachronistic fashion.

The first is written by Australian constitutional expert Anne Twomey who has taken time off from her busy day-job explaining defending the coming referendum on the Indigenous and Torres Strait Island Voice to Parliament.  the second, by Observer columnist Catherine Bennett describes the amazing and unforetold apotheosis of soon to be Queen Camilla, Charles longtime paramour.

On matters monarchical, read also in In That Howling Infinite, The Crown the view from Down Under; Beyond Wolf Hall (1) Revolution Road, Beyond Wolf Hall (2) Icarus ascending, and Bringing it all back home the missing mosaic and other stolen stuff 

Expect arcane pomp during King Charles IIIs coronation

Anne Twomey, The Weekend Australian, 22nd April 2023

What can we expect from Charles coronation? Picture: AFP

The right to brandish a wand,...


The Contagion of War "IndyWatch Feed National"

QUESTION: You have suggested that we will end up at war with China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran simultaneously. How does Socrates conclude such an event that perhaps never happened in the past?


ANSWER: Your assumption that such a thing has never happened is not correct. Periods of war of this nature unfold like a contagion of the flu. The English Civil War (1642-1652) which ended with the beheading of the King in 1649 was instigated using religion as the rallying cry.

In France, there was also an uprising that dramatically interrupted monarchy in 1648 by the uprising of a series of challenges to the absolutism of the King that came to be known collectively as the Fronde.  The Fronde (1648-1653) plunged France into civil disorder.  The king was even driven from his capital as several provinces revolted. This was a revolution demanding a right to participate in government. When the Fronde ended, the king was restored to absolute royal authority.

Of course, the Fronde may not have changed the French system of government, but it set the stage for the final French Revolution. Nevertheless, the American Revolution then spread with that spirit to overthrow monarchy becoming the France Revolution in 1789.

Throughout history, if we correlate the civil uprisings and forget about the claimed cause, we will see an amazing correlation. Throughout Europe, there was the communist revolution that spread to all the countries in 1848. When you allow the computer to correlate the world, what pops up is that the same Communist Revolution spread to Spanish Latin America, with Revolutions that appeared in New Granada that led to the fall of the government there.

Looking closer, you will see in Brazil there was the Praieira Revolt between 1848-1852. You also see the Mexican-American War, which was also in part inspired by the Battle of the Alamo (February 23 March 6, 1836).

If we look closely, we will see that 1848 was aworld revolution for revolutions broke out almost simultaneously in fifty countries from Europe down to Brazil. This era created resentments that lingered beyond domestic revolution and international war jus...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed National"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.10 AUD


The Second Cold War Is More Dangerous than the First "IndyWatch Feed National"

Twenty years ago, Noam Chomsky published a bestselling book called Hegemony or Survival. Since then, the stark choice he posed has only become more urgent. Depending on how humanity responds to the challenges of ecological destruction and imperialistic war, in the coming decade that terrifying question Hegemony or survival? may well be answered.

Modern history shows that the most dangerous periods are when two or more great powers are struggling for hegemony. The eighteenth century in Europe was a time of multipolarity, as Britain, France, Prussia, Austria, and Russia were almost continually at war, competing for geopolitical advantage and to divide the continent between them. The conflicts escalated in the era of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, as a mighty France, bursting with revolutionary energy, strove for absolute dominance against, in the end, Britain and Russia.

The 1815 Congress of Vienna led to a century-long balance of power presided over by an industrializing Britain, which soon became the supreme world power. Once industrialization swept the rest of Europe, however, particularly Germany, Britains power began to be challenged, not only in the Scramble for Africa but in Europe itself. German elites wanted their country to be the next Britain, and to a great extent it was their desire for hegemony that precipitated both world wars.

Since 1945, the United States has been virtually a global hegemon. As John Ross notes in the recently published Washingtons New Cold War, even at the height of its relative economic achievement in the mid-1970s, the Soviet Unions GDP was only 44 percent of the U.S.s. The Soviets had vast power in their limited sphere encompassing Eastern Europe and Central Asia, but they were not a capitalistically expansive, dynamically growing imperial power in the mode of the United Statesor, more recently, of a resurgent China. Chinas GDP is 74 percent of the U.S.s, and its growth rate is higher (it has grown seven times faster than the American economy since 2007). Measured by purchasing power parities, the U.S. accounts for only 16 percent of the world economy, and Chinas economy is 18 percent larger. In short, for the first time since World War II, we are entering an era of real competition between two mammoth economies, a declining hegemon and an aspiring hegemon.

When people talk about the China threat, this is, in effect, all they mean. In the long run, China poses a greater threat to U.S. power than the Soviet Union ever did. Mainstream commentators and politicians prate about Chinas threat to democratic values and human rightsthere always has to be an ideological rationalization for geopolitical strategybut U.S. foreign and domestic policy since the Second World War tells us how much it...


George is Getting Upset! Exit, Stage Right For Seinfeld Actor Over Twitter Blue Tick Loss "IndyWatch Feed National"

As the saying goes, the smaller the stakes, the greater the outrage. And for former Seinfeld actor Jason Alexander, the stakes are very, very small.

First, they came for the politicians, and I said nothing. Then they came for the celebrities, and, well, youve gotta draw a line somewhere, right?

Jason Alexander, the actor who played the lovably repulsive George Costanza on the hit 90s sitcom Seinfeld is upset. Very upset. In a series of tweets yesterday, Alexander expressed his outrage at having his blue tick verification removed by Twitter. So in response, hes taken his bat, his ball and his outer space-sized ego, and gone home to Instagram.

By way of background, shortly after purchasing Twitter earlier this year, owner Elon Musk unarguably the worlds wealthiest and most powerful troll announced that users who want a blue tick (a verification that they are who they say they are) will have to pay $8 per month.

Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter boss Elon Musk. (IMAGE: Daniel Oberhaus, Flickr)

Thats right $8 per month. Or if you extrapolate that out to a year, thats nearly $100,000 no wait, sorry, $96.

In any event, this week the Twitter police came for Jason Alexander. He was reportedly at home at the time in his gazillion dollar Beverley Hills mansion, covered in Lindt chocolate and surrounded by satin pillows and small dogs.

In fact, Twitter came for all legacy accounts with the old blue tick verification, ending the free ride for (and creating widespread angst amongst) celebrities, public officials and journalists, who were no longer entirely sure who they were, or whether or not they remained publicly relevant. Alexander with almost three quarters of a million Twitter followers was particularly upset. And so he took action. By tweeting.

Ok everyone. Twitter has removed my verification. I will no longer be posting on this app. Anyone who posts as me is an imposter. I wish you all well.


GKP S5/E10 News Cycle Manipulation, Paradigm Shift, mRNA Tech in Food is Here "IndyWatch Feed National" Gday Folks, For this episode Ethan is away so Andy and I throw down to dissect the latest.  Wheres the real news? Mainstream media continues to control the minds of the masses by dictating the narrative. Constant distractions like Chinese Spy Balloons, Epstein/Maxwell saga, Fear and Entertainment. When an actual event happens like the []


How I view China after 12 years Living Here - by Trip Bitten "IndyWatch Feed National"

With the atrocious China-bashing going on in Australia at the moment, mirroring US policy, we decided to republish the concisely expressed views of an American living in China. The comments under the video indicate a general approval of his appraisal by people who are familiar with Chinese life. His main criticism of China is the media censorship, which commenters suggest has worsened along with US China-bashing. Certainly the western world has recently indulged in frank xenophobia against China, starting with COVID, whilst steadily increasing its own media-censorship to Chinese levels.




Dominate Minions, Re-order the New World "IndyWatch Feed National"

Turkey shooting 

Sun Tzu:

The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can...


Mothers Day Seafood Long Lunch "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Mums big day is coming up on 14 May and Forest restaurant at Crystalbrook Byron is celebrating with bubbles and seafood.

And even though they hope youre spoiling her year-round, its always nice to have an extra excuse. And by extra they mean surrounded by natural bliss, Byron Bay style.

Treat her to a decadent seafood long lunch in Forest with locally sourced ingredients from the Northern Rivers and toast with a complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival or indulge in a tipple from the Champagne cart.

Take it up a notch with a spa treatment at Elme Day Spa or make a weekend of it with Crystdalbrook Byrons nature-inspired Rise and Shine package.

Mothers Day Seafood Long Lunch
Sunday 14 May
Reservations from 12:00pm onwards
$119 per person includes a glass of bubbles on arrival. Upgrade to French Champagne on arrival for an additional $10.

The menu

Spelt focaccia with cultured butter and sea salt


Native rock oyster, pandanus, pepper berry

Ballina prawn, finger lime, salmon caviar

Over Coals

Iluka squid, roasted lemon, karkalla

Hervey Bay scallop, Davidsons plum, macadamia, roasted coconut


Ocean trout, avocado goddess sauce, Green Cauldron Farms baby beets and radishes, fried saltbush


Quince and sesame pain perdu, burnt white chocolate and lime panna cotta

Book Online

The post Mothers Day Seafood Long Lunch appeared first on Byron Bay Blog.


2-Sense: Big 3 news stories of the week "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"


I discussed the big 3 news stories of the week with Chris Bates.

3 weeks in and we now have 11,000 unique listeners - please feel free to spread the joy. 

Tune in here (or click on the image below):

You can also tune in at Apple podcasts, Spotify, and other podcasting outlets. 


Link "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"


Page is a large electorate covering an area from Sapphire Beach in the south to Nimbin in the north on the coastal side, and from Nymboida in the south to the Queensland border on the inland side. The main towns include Casino, Dunoon, Evans Head, Grafton, Iluka, Kyogle, Lismore, Nimbin, Sapphire Beach and Wooli. [Australian Electoral Commission, 2023]

It is one of only two federal electorates found in the Northern River region of north-east New South Wales.

That section of Page electorate that contains Kyogle local government area (LGA) has a SEIFA Index relative disadvantage score of 910 - most disadvantaged part of the electorate. The section that takes in Richmond LGA has a SEIFA Index score of 902, Clarence Valley section a SEIFA Index score of 926 and Lismore LGA section a SEIFA Index score of 954 - the least disadvantaged score in found in the electorate.



Teflon Dan Andrews conspired with Bill Shorten and his crime gang in $3.4 million pork-barrelling fraud IBAC report shows "IndyWatch Feed National"

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews conspired with Bill Shortens crime gang, who control the Health Workers Union (HWU), to steal $3.4 million from taxpayers which is outlined in a special report named Operation []


School shooter Audrey Hale's manifesto a 'blueprint on total destruction' say pols, who claim FBI is stalling its release "IndyWatch Feed National"

Nashville shooter Audrey Hale's manifesto is a "blueprint on total destruction" which the FBI are stalling releasing, according to local politicians, who describe its contents as "astronomically dangerous". Almost a month after Audrey Hale, who identified as transgender, killed six at the city's Covenant elementary school before being shot by police authorities have yet to release a motive or any of the writings seized from her home, despite growing pressure. Rep. Tim Burchett, (R-Tenn.) told The Post he knew the FBI was behind the delay, saying the news was "disappointing" and calling for documents to be released to grieving loved ones as well as members of Congress. The manifesto "could maybe tell us a little bit about what's going on inside of her head," he added. "I think that would answer a lot of questions."


The untold story behind the rape of Indian history? "IndyWatch Feed National"

The untold story behind the rape of Indian history? first shown on Taazakhabar News

The untold story behind the rape of Indian history?

Indian history has many unanswered questions like why the pain suffered by the Hindus for 1,400 years has not been adequately reflected. Why has this utterly painful, troubled, problematic, blood-drenched aspect of history been deliberately neglected? Were the Hindus not human enough? Are their suffering and humiliation not worth mentioning? Even if the Left-Liberal-Muslim Right cabal does not sympathize with the plight of the Hindus, does the truth not warrant being told? Why is it that our students are made to study the history of Muslim rule primarily in a political contextthe story of their conquests and administrationas if we had been living in anarchy or in some Dark Age before that? Why they have downplayed the human aspect, particularly the achievements of the Hindus before the advent of the Muslims and their sufferings after them?



Its Not The Ocean Levels "IndyWatch Feed National"

I think that a lot of the scare discussion around ocean levels is because its relatively simple to understand. More complex things, like arguing about the accuracy of certain climate models, is just too easily sidetracked into a sea of mights and maybes.

Whats going to kill us worst?

  1. Losing Florida
  2. The collapse of agriculture due to heat
  3. The collapse of agriculture due to drought
  4. The collapse of fisheries due to anoxic zones
  5. The collapse and death of people due to unsurvivable heat

Well, obviously the answer is all of the above but focusing on whether New York City will be uninhabitable in 100 years is letting the disaster off easily. Yes, there will be displacement, money lost, migrants started, etc., in the flooding scenario but thats not what scares me. And, what scares me is going to happen, sooner rather than later, and everyone is going to be shocked and freaked out in spite of decades of warnings.

Midjourney AI and mjr: mass casualty die-off from the heat, under a baking hot sun

The problem is simple: humans cant survive at temperatures above 35C/95F. In 6 hours, youre dead. We dont normally experience temperatures that high, because our body has evaporative cooling systems (AKA: sweat) that can cool us even in higher temperatures so long as the humidity is low enough that evaporation is fast, and we stay hydrated.

Of course this is going to kill a lot of poor, brown, people, so maybe thats why America is worries about whether Biden is going to take away our gas-guzzling air conditioned trucks. [science]

They discovered a handful of individual spotsincluding shorelines along the Persian Gulf and river valleys in India and Pakistanhad crossed the 35C wet bulb threshold, though only for an hour or two at a time. And in 2017, wet bulb conditions topped 30C 1000 timesmore than double the number in 1979, they write today in Science Advances.

Weather stations in several other places stood out. They include Mexican towns near the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of California, and the coastal city of San Francisco in Venezuela. Areas in the Caribbean, West Africa, and southern China also had extreme readings. Weather station...


Time Mustnt Be Allowed to Run out on Julian Assange "IndyWatch Feed National"

Despite whatever charges Julian Assange may be accused of, it is well known that the WikiLeaks publisher was targeted for exposing the war crimes of the US government. In an upside-down Bizarro World, the screws are being ever so gradually tightened on Assange by the war criminals and their criminal accomplices. It is, in fact, a slow-motion assassination being played out before the open and closed eyes of the world.

The Slow-motion Assassination of Julian Assange

The above was written in 2020. Little has changed. In the foreword to Guilty of Journalism by Kevin Gosztola, American journalist Abby Martin writes, Assange was only publishing the leaks. He never committed any crime. He only published evidence of the crimes. (p xiii)

Assanges crime is exposing the crimes of the US; especially revelatory was the Collateral Murder video where US troops in an Apache helicopter gleefully gunned dead 12 civilians on a street in New Baghdad. The murderers remain scot-free. For exposing war crimes, Assange and Chelsea Manning have been punished.

Kevin Gosztola who has followed much of the judicial proceedings against Manning and Assange presents his knowledge of the cases, in particular that of Assange, in Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case against Julian Assange (Seven Stories Press, 2023).

What is readily apparent is that the releases by WikiLeaks triggered a tsunamic vendetta. This has resulted in a brazen miscarriage of justice manipulated by a red-faced United States with the connivance of allied nation states such as Australia; Sweden; Britain; after a change of presidents, Ecuador; and the bystander nations of the world.

The US seeks to try Assange under the Espionage Act, a relic from WWI designed to control the release of information (see chapter 4). Yet, such a prosecution of Assange is hampered by the US Constitution, as the First Amendment protects the freedom of the press. Prosecuting a publisher/journalist would entail grave implications for journali...


Flashback The Stephen Lawrence Affair "IndyWatch Feed National"

Rixon Stewart The Truthseeker (print publication) 1999

Question: can something be ostensibly anti racist but still harbour a hidden fascist agenda?

Answer: yes, particularly if it is Sir William McPhersons Report on the murder of Stephen Lawrence.

Let me explain: the inquiry into the murder recently released its findings along with recommendations that propose sweeping legal reform. After careful study however, it becomes obvious that the Lawrence Inquiry is no more than a Trojan horse: a Trojan horse for the introduction of draconian legislation. Of course, though it cant be called fascist because it has been introduced under the guise of an anti-racist banner. So naturally anyone who argues against it can automatically be branded as a racist. At its heart though the inquirys recommendations reveal a chilling authoritarian mentality, in a word fascist.

The scene was set on April 22 1993, Stephen Lawrence, an 18 year old A level student was waiting for a bus in Eltham, S.E. London. A group of 5 or 6 white youths approached Stephen and his friend Duwayne Brooks. The word nigger was used; Stephen was stabbed and died a short while later. From the outset it is alleged that the investigation was bungled because of institutionalised racism. Six years later the alleged killers are still free, despite 2 trials and an inquiry into the investigation itself. The inquirys report is published amidst intense media coverage, further allegations of institutionalised racism and calls for the Metropolitan Police Commissioner to resign.

Amidst all the media generated controversy the reports proposals for sweeping reform become almost a side issue. In a sense they sneak in by the back door whilst everybodys attention was being diverted. Yet they lie at the very heart of the report and, when all is said and done, are probably the reason for its existence.

First though the report opens its case with allegations of institutionalised racism and unwitting prejudice. Only two clear examples are given, neither of which really stands up to rigorous objective scrutiny. However, its recommendations for sweeping change are based on the assumption that institutionalised racism is endemic: It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes or behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.

Attitudes? Ignorance? Thoughtlessness? George Orwell had a term for this; he called it thought crime.

The report is particularly critical of D.S. Davison for maintaining that the killing may not have been racially motivated. According to him, These lads had attacked whites before, very similarly with a similar knife. I believe this was thugs. They were described as the Krays....

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Saturday, 22 April


The Solution to Extinction Is You "IndyWatch Feed National"

To recognize Earth Week, WhoWhatWhy is running a new piece from our partners at Covering Climate Now each day through today, Earth Day. We are committed to covering the climate crisis and other environmental struggles humanity faces each and every week. Read more of our environmental coverage here.


Happy Earth Day!


People ask me all the time: What can I do to help stop extinction?


As a scientist working to protect endangered species, I hear the frustration in their voices. But I also know how to answer. Its not simple, its not quick, but its essential and it will help more than threatened animals and plants.


First and foremost, we cant think of biodiversity protection as isolated from everything else, something that only environmentalists or scientists handle while society goes on as usual. We have to address the biodiversity crisis, the climate emergency, and poverty and injustice simultaneously. And we can accomplish that by integrating biodiversity protection into the mainstream, into concerts, sports, fashion, business, education, transportation, everything everywhere all at once.


Habitat loss is still the biggest driver of extinction, and all our purchases and activities affect habitat somewhere. For all the things we purchase and consume, its important to ask where they came from, whose lives they affected wildlife and human alike and what byproducts are involved.


Our dollars are actions. If we see a terrible product like a living frog or fish in a sealed plastic container in a toy aisle, a trinket made out of a dead animal, or invasive landscaping plants like nandina, tropical milkweed, or Bradford pears theres a whole ladder of actions to take. First off, we can ask the store to stop selling them and ask the company to stop producing them. Most companies have parent companies that have a sustainability statement on their website but little knowledge of what the smaller brands they own are actually doing. They may not even know if we d...


Washing machine repairman wrongly targeted as a suspect in the William Tyrrell investigation is awarded almost $1.5MILLION in damages "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Crooked cops again

A washing machine repairman who was wrongly named as a high-profile suspect in the investigation into William Tyrrell's disappearance will receive almost $1.5million in compensation.

Bill Spedding sued the NSW Police alleging detectives maliciously pursued him while investigating the disappearance of the three-year-old from his foster grandmother's home in Kendall, on the NSW north coast, on September 12, 2014.

His case before the NSW Supreme Court sought compensation for reputational harm and psychological treatment. Mr Spedding also sought exemplary damages to punish police for purportedly using the courts for an improper purpose.

The tradesman was an early high-profile suspect in the disappearance, with police searching Mr Spedding's Bonny Hills home and draining his septic tank in January 2015. But they found no evidence linking him to William. 

Bill Spedding was awarded almost $1.5 million in damages after suing the NSW Police Force for malicious prosecution. Above, outside court on Thursday with his wife Margaret
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Bill Spedding was awarded almost $1.5 million in damages after suing the NSW Police Force for malicious prosecution. Above, outside court on Thursday with his wife Margaret

A coronial inquest later found Mr Spedding had an alibi on the day of William's disappearance. He was attending a school assembly for a child in his care that day, and had a receipt from a nearby coffee shop. 

During the police investigation into Mr Spedding, the tradesman was charged in April 2015 over the historical child abuse claims, spending 56 days in custody and then being released on strict bail conditions.

The charges were later dropped by prosecutors. 

Mr Spedding alleged that the charges were levelled against him in a bid to intimidate and place pressure on him. 

Mr Spedding's lawyers claimed a police investigation prior to those charges being laid was 'done in extreme haste' in three or four weeks. 

'The investigation was not in any way professional, careful or proper,' said Mr Spedding's lawyer Adrian Canceri during closing submissions in August.

Mr Spedding has claimed the anxiety and depression he suffers were caused by the prosecution and the public attention it brought.

Clear evidence emerged that the complainants had been coached by another person to make allegations and another person's evidence undermined the case, Justice Harrison heard.

Barrister Adrian Williams, for the State of NSW, had argued that misunderstandings occurred but it didn't follow that police were actin...


Vale Barry Humphries. "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

For me, the world will never be the same. It's well worth the effort to find a copy of this collection of Barry Humphries scripts and sketches: It was published by Currency Press in 1981. Barry created the character Lance Boyle, General Secretary of the NSW Branch of the ACU*T...


Globally, taxpayers are on the hook for nuclear accidents. Nuclear is uninsurable and unacceptable "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Simon Daigle 21 Apr 23,

Simon J Daigle, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc.(A) Concerned Canadian Citizen. Occupational / Industrial Hygienist, Epidemiologist. Climatologist / Air quality expert (Topospheric Ozone).

Any NPP plant globally has no guarantees from  insurers, or governments, or have adequate accident liabilities to cover for just one NPP accident and any country host NPP taxpayers are always on the hook for damages.

When will governments globally understand that taxpayers should not be collateral damage (tokens) financially for potential human suffering and/or irreversible biosphere damage as  willing  participants for the nuclear industry ? The answer should be none. Yet we see a different reality and narrative. Its all Shameful.

In India, a US company paid a fraction of the true cost of one chemical disaster: Bhopal (less than 500 million US dollars) for one chemical accident. And worse, they were never found guilty in a court of law in the US. Imagine when nuclear accident happens in India ? Who will be responsible? We know today that the true cost are billions (USD) because of Chernobyl and Fukushima tragedies for examples.

Now, in 2023, and for past decades, any nuclear accident in India, or elsewhere, citizens and taxpayers, had and will continue to absorb the true public burden in the global insurance pool for all nuclear energy countries that are contributing in for covering any NPP risks or accident liabilities.

Current insurance policy are clearly inadequate to repair and compensate for any human suffering, death, disease, and biosphere irreversible damages for any potential NPP accident, nuclear waste and compensation.



The Discord leaks: Justification to quash encrypted messaging? "IndyWatch Feed National"

On April 13, the FBI took 21-year-old Air National Guardsman Jake Teixiera into custody for posting top secret military documents on a private Discord chat group. A large amount of classified information has been exposed, and people want answers. Why is this young man getting arrested when other people leak to the press all the time? Who gives a 21-year-old top-secret clearance? Are there some other, less-obvious motives at work here? First, let's look at the leaks. Let's look first at the leaks themselves. In early March, classified documents started popping up on a public Discord channel. They had originally been posted in a private, invitation-only chat group on Discord with a few dozen members in December 2022 or January 2023. At some point, one of the private group members started posting the classified documents to a public group. And once on the public group, the classified documents rapidly made their way around the internet. (source) This series of leaks provided evidence...


UNSW: Psychological Distance is Not Necessarily a Barrier to Climate Motivation "IndyWatch Feed National"

The Australian Psychological Society argues psychological distance can be a barrier to climate action. But UNSW professor Ben Newell counters that the evidence is unclear.


Farmers crippled by satellite failure as GPS-guided tractors grind to a halt "IndyWatch Feed National"

Tractors have ground to a halt in paddocks across Australia and New Zealand because of a signal failure in the satellite farmers use to guide their GPS-enabled machinery, stopping them from planting their winter crop.


The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women "IndyWatch Feed National"

By David Bell | Brownstone Institute | April 19, 2023

The mRNA vaccines were released globally in early 2021 with the slogan safe and effective. Unusually for a new class of medicine, they were soon recommended by public health authorities for pregnant women.

By late 2021, working-age women, including those who were pregnant, were being thrown out of employment for not agreeing to be injected. Those who took the mRNA vaccines did so based on trust in health authorities the assumption being that they would not have been approved if the evidence was not absolutely clear. The role of regulatory agencies was to protect the public and, therefore, if they were approved, the vaccines were safe.

Recently, a lengthy vaccine evaluation report sponsored by Pfizer and submitted to the Australian regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) dated January 2021 was released under a Freedom of Information request.

The report contains significant new information that had been suppressed by the TGA and by Pfizer itself. Much of this relates directly to the issue of safety in pregnancy, and impacts on the fertility of women of child-bearing age. The whole report is important, but four key data points stand out;

  • The rapid decline in antibody and T cells in monkeys following second dose,
  • Biodistribution studies (previously released in 2021 through an FOI request in Japan)
  • Data on the impact of fertility outcomes for rats.
  • Data on fetal abnormalities in rats.

We focus on the last three items as, for the first point, it is enough to quote the report itself Antibodies and T cells in monkeys declined quickly over 5 weeks after the second dose of BNT162b2 (V9), raising concerns over long term immunity.

This point indicates that the regulators should have anticipated the rapid decline in efficacy and must have known at the outset that the initial two-dose course was unlikely to confer lasting immunity and would, therefore, require multiple repeat doses. This expectation of failure was recently highlighted by Dr Anthony Fauci, former director at the US NIH.

The three remaining items should be a major cause for alarm with the pharmaceutical regulatory system. The first, as revealed in 2021, involved biodistribution studies of the lipid nanoparticle carrier in rats, using a luciferase enzyme to substitute for the mRNA vaccine.

The study demonstrated that the vaccine will travel throughout the body after injection, and is found not only at the injection site, but in all organs...


How Do You Say Reparations for COVID-19 in Chinese? "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

As more and more of Jim Rickardss controversial claims about the COVID-19 pandemic are accepted, its time to turn our attention to the most important one for investors: the potential for nations to demand reparations from China.

Its taken three years for people to realise that masks do not effectively stop the transmission of COVID-19 in practice. That lockdowns only delay the problem while imposing terrible costs, and therefore end up causing more harm than good. That schools should not have been shut down. And plenty more that is not yet accepted by those who control our online media, and which must, therefore, not be mentioned, but which the public has learned the hard way for themselves anyway.

Of course, all these conclusions are still debated by some. But those who disagree with Jim Rickardss conclusions, reached back in 2020, now find themselves called the sceptics and are trying to discredit the opposing science.

Perhaps most important of all, as Jim made clear by actually referring to science, in Jims view, the science was never in favour of such policies to a sufficient extent to impose them in the first place.

But all of Jims coverage was leading somewhere specific, which could impact your investments even more directly than the pandemic.

You see, one of the most heinous conspiracy theories of all was the idea that the virus came from a Chinese lab. Suggesting this would get you banned, silenced, discredited, and defundedif you managed to get the claim out there at all.

But now, a recent US Senate report concluded that COVID-19 most likely came from a lab leak! Which, I presume, means we are finally allowed to mention the theoryI hope. Although the report did not offer a definitive conclusion on the origin of the pandemic.

If the world settled on the conclusion that the pandemics source really was a Chinese lab, then that begged a rather important question: Would governments seek compensation from China for the pandemic?

No doubt it sounds laughable to you. But, as ever, Jim gave his analysis in a carefully justified way

Its clear that China could be found negligent on a long list of issues related to the pandemic. Letting the virus escape and its response to the virus, for example.

The recent US Government report suggests that China began developing COVID-19 vaccines before the official start of the outbreak, which implies more than negligence.

But are reparations for such issues realistic? The answer seems to be that you cant ignore the issue, even if you think it isnt realistic. Because the impact of trying to sue China for trillions of dollars in damages may well spark one heck of an economic conflict, if not worse, regardless.

But dont let me get ahead of myself. Whats the evidence that a reparations claim would be plausible?

Take, for example, the topic of climate reparations. Last year, at COP27, in the luxury res...


Government in contempt of Supreme Court ruling, re: C-19 fines "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The colony has a very rich history of abuse by those in government.

In the 1800s Imperial law (No it wasnt 1788, contrary to popular belief) was established on this land, but those in government ignored it completely.

So much so that when Britain found out, the empire installed the Colonial Laws Validity Act in 1865.

While much has changed since then, some things never do, that being the illegal or unlawful behaviour of those in control of the general population.

The general population are being terrorised by those in government from many fronts.

The states premiers dictated to police, (an illegal action) to issue notices to people for so called C-19 Infringements where exorbitant amounts were listed.

The problem there was that those in government did not follow the law in order to put into place lawfully enacted infrastructure in order to issue the said fines.

MANY people have caught on via the help of social media platforms and other forums, culminating in court action against the government.

Even though the Supreme Court of New South Wales issued a ruling, the people in government have not heeded to this, therefore being in contempt.

We should all be aware if the plebs are in contempt of a court ruling, there are consequences.

Its up to you to hold them accountable and make them pay.

So far the...


No Gunpowder Residue Found on Manuel Tortuguita Tern According to DeKalb County Autopsy "IndyWatch Feed National"

DeKalb County, GA Three months after Georgia State Patrol officers shot Manuel Tortuguita Esteban Paez Tern, killing the 26-year-old environmental and human rights advocate, the DeKalb County Medical examiner released their autopsy results. In the 34-page report, Dr. Gerald T. Gowitt, the chief medical examiner, wrote that gunpowder residue is not seen on the hands.

A Gun Shot Residue kit was performed, yet those findings remain undisclosed. Another piece of new information revealed in this autopsy was that Tortuguitas body had at least 57 gunshot wounds.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) continues to hold onto their investigation findings closely, leaving Terns family, loved ones, and the greater Stop Cop City movement searching for answers on their own.

On March 13, 2023, Terns family held a press conference to release an independent full autopsy of Tortuguita and to discuss the lawsuit the family filed against the City of Atlanta under the Georgia Open Records Act.

At the request of their family, Dr. Kris Sperry conducted the independent autopsy on Tortuguita. Sperry found that when they were shot and killed, Terns hands were raised in the air. According to the familys lawyers, The autopsy further reveals that Manuel was most probably in a seated position, cross-legged when killed.

According to the newly released DeKalb County autopsy report however, Dr. Gowitt wrote that there are too many variables with respect to movement of the decedent and the shooters to draw definitive conclusions concerning [Terns] body position.

Tern was killed on January 18 in the South River Forest. They were dedicating their time to the diverse Stop Cop City movement and working to prevent the construction of the Atlanta Police Foundations Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. Tha...


Question: Which Cell Phone Companies Warn About Radiation Exposure from Their Products? Answer: All of Them "IndyWatch Feed National"

By B.N. Frank Decades of research have already revealed that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from cell phones and other wireless sources including 5G...

Question: Which Cell Phone Companies Warn About Radiation Exposure from Their Products? Answer: All of Them


What a Supporter of Peace Can Know and Do on Memorial Day "IndyWatch Feed National"

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 21, 2023

Some countries have a Catholic Church holiday every day of the year. The United States has a war holiday every day of the year. Some of them, such as so-called Veterans Day, began as peace holidays that like Mothers Day or Martin Luther King Jr. Day were carefully stripped of any peace content, and were instead turned toward the glorification of war and war preparations. Many peace holidays and formerly peace holidays and potential peace holidays can be found in the Peace Almanac at

Youll notice at the link for Veterans Day above that what used to be Armistice Day in the United States was and remains Remembrance Day in some other countries. In those countries, it has morphed from mourning the dead to celebrating the institutions that plan to create more dead. A similar trajectory can be charted for numerous other holidays in the U.S. and around the world, such as Anzac Day in New Zealand and Australia. A stellar example is Memorial Day in the United States, which falls on the last Monday in May every year. Heres what we can read in the Peace Almanac:

May 30. On this day in 1868, Memorial Day was first observed when two women in Columbus, MS, placed flowers on both Confederate and Union graves. This story about women recognizing lives sacrificed on each side due to the Civil War by visiting gravesites with flowers in their hands actually took place two years earlier, on April 25, 1866. According to the Center for Civil War Research, there were countless wives, mothers, and daughters spending time in graveyards. In April of 1862, a chaplain from Michigan joined some ladies from Arlington, VA to decorate graves in Fredericksburg. On July 4, 1864, a woman visiting her fathers grave joined by many who had lost fathers, husbands, and sons left wreaths at every grave in Boalsburg, PA. In the spring of 1865, a surgeon, who would become Surgeon General of the National Guard in Wisconsin, witnessed women placing flowers on graves near Knoxville, TN as he passed by on a train. Daughters of the Southland were doing the same on...


Waking From the Nightmare: Is Recovery From Akathisia Possible? "IndyWatch Feed National"

Is recovery from akathisia possible? Seven years ago, my answer to this question would have been no because I still had a blind belief in the medical system despite being utterly betrayed by it. The medical professionals with whom I had been working had told me that once someones conditions (meaning the drug-induced movement disorders Id developed) had deteriorated to the level mine had, the damage was permanent, and full recovery was unlikely.

That sentiment was reflected in the piece I wrote for Mad in America four years ago. Id made the short film about akathisia, How Bad Can Good Be?, from a hopeless state of mind. My hopelessness seemed reasonable at the time because I was told it was hopeless. Everything I read, everywhere I searched, everyone with whom I spoke either reinforced that narrative or had no hope to offer because they claimed theyd never seen anyone who had been so damaged by medications. In fact, my neuropsychologist called me the Lucy of Akathisia. As if I didnt feel isolated and freakish enough.

But what was there to feel hopeful about? I had been broken by a system Id been taught to trust with my actual life, and in turn, that system blamed what it could on me, the patient, while shirking any responsibility for what had happened to me with the callous disregard of a sociopath.

The Medical Model

For those who havent read my first article, Ill summarize briefl...


Walmart may be dumping Bonobos and Eloquii, but its strategy wasnt a total flop "IndyWatch Feed National"

While theres no question that Walmart significantly overpaid for these dealsto the tune of more than $400 millionit didnt walk away empty-handed.

When Walmart announced today that it was selling online womens-apparel brand Eloquii to FullBeautyBrands, just days after selling online menswear brand Bonobos for $75 million to a brand-management firm and the retailer Express, it marked the end of an experiment that started in 2016. Thats when Walmart bought e-commerce company for $3.3 billion, in what was then the largest-ever acquisition of an e-commerce company.

Read Full Story


Head of Norwegian Shipyard Denies Presence of Spy Equipment on Russian Trawlers "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Sputnik 21.04.2023

Greger Mannswerk, head of Norwegian shipyard Kimek located in the town of Kirkenes, which borders Russia, said on Friday that the shipyards employees did not find any spy equipment on board Russian trawlers, commenting on recent reports from Norwegian media.

We have a pretty good understanding of whats on board and we have never found anything to indicate that they [Russian seamen] are engaged in intelligence gathering. We cannot know if there are any [Russian] intelligence officers on board today, but no fisherman enters a Norwegian harbor without the [Norwegian] police and armed forces having a full idea of who is on board, Mannswerk was quoted as saying by the broadcaster.

This week, the media published the results of an investigation, which said that up to 50 civilian Russian ships could be involved in intelligence operations against Norway.

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Friday, 21 April


Making surface parking lots into solar farms "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

On hot days, if one parks ones car in the sun for any length of time, the temperature inside can rise to values much higher than the ambient temperature, making the interior extremely hot to the touch. This is another example of the greenhouse effect, similar to what is heating up the Earth.

Its only early April, but weve already had our first report of an infant found in a hot car in Tucson.  We talk about this every Spring and Summer in Arizona: the dangers of cars heating up in the sun.

Afternoon temperatures are about 20 to 25 degrees lower now than they will be in June, but its still hot enough to raise the temperature up to 120 degrees in about 45 minutes.

The air inside the car heats up so fast because of the greenhouse effect.  Heres what it means:
Incoming solar radiation, known as shortwave radiation, shines through the windows and is absorbed in the cars interior.

The heat released from the interior is known as longwave radiation, and is much weaker than the shortwave radiation.  The heat becomes trapped inside the car.  Heat continues to enter the car, but struggles to exit.

It only takes 10 to 15 minutes for a car in direct sun light to heat up above 100 degrees when its 80 degrees outside, even if the window is cracked.  When the air temperature climbs above 100 degrees here in June, the temperature inside a car can soar above 150 degrees to 170 degrees in less than an hour.

These are dangerous temperature levels. To avoid getting back to a car whose interior is hot to the touch, most people try to find a shady spot to park but that is rarely possible.

But Michael Mechanic writes that we can turn this problem into a solution by building roofs covered with solar panels over the parking lots This would provide shade for cars while at the same time using solar energy for generating electricity rather that wasting it as thermal energy.

He has done calculations for what might be achieved with the massive parking lots at just Walmart superstores. He says that there are over 3,500 such stores in the US covering an area of 1,400 square miles. If they were all covered with solar panels, they would generate about 1.5 terawatts of energy, sufficient to power 1.25 million households. A single 1,000 space parking lot could power 100 EV charging stations and 350 nearby homes.

The transition to clean power will require massive solar expansionnot just home rooftop arrays but photovoltaic installations near population centers. Where to mount all the panels? One answer seems obvious: over parking lots, which also bake...


The Real Reason We Cant Contain Gun Culture "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Beginning with this podcast and over the next few days, WhoWhatWhy will focus on guns, what should be done about them, and how the US approach to guns and gun violence differs greatly from that of its peer nations.

Guns and race have shaped the news this week. In this episode of the WhoWhatWhy podcast, I talk with Emory University professor Carol Anderson, author of the new book The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America, to explore the absolute connection between race, the original sin of slavery, and Americas gun culture. 


As mass shootings and gun violence continue to plague the nation, Anderson delves into the dark history of the Second Amendment and its foundation in anti-Blackness.


Anderson reveals how African Americans were historically depicted as inherently violent, criminal, and vicious, leading to the implementation of laws that restricted their access to guns and ammunition. 


She further discusses the contentious debate between James Madison and the anti-Federalists during the ratification of the Constitution, highlighting the fear of Black retribution and the belief that white control was necessary to maintain order.


When examining the role of the Second Amendment in Americas gun culture, Anderson discusses the crucial questions and offers invaluable insights into the complex relationship between race, guns, and the countrys ongoing struggle to address gun violence. 


Its a story of the hidden history behind the Second Amendment, its lasting impact on America today, and a search for an answer to the never-resolved question as to why we cant ever seem to do anything about guns in America. 

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The Pilgrimage of European politicians to Beijing, a sign of accelerating the transformation of the world order "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Pilgrimage to Beijing of European politicians.

The first two weeks of April this year were a time of pilgrimage to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) by European politicians of various ranks, representing some of the continents leading states as well as trans-European structures. This in itself turned out to be one of the signs indicating the acceleration of the process of change that has recently been taking place both in the world as a whole and in the group of countries designated by the (increasingly conventional) term generalized West.

No less representative of the fact that the world order as a whole is already at the stage of another radical reformatting is the increasingly obvious conventionality of the terminology used, which until recently seemed to reflect certain political realities more or less adequately. In particular, several elements accompanying European trips to China involuntarily provoke the question: What, in fact, are we talking about when the word Europe is used?

The same elements superimposed on the long-standing conflicts in transatlantic relations, the outwardly strange events and circumstances that accompanied the recent visit to Ireland of the American president, make legitimate the broader formulation of this question, namely: What realities do the mentioned term generalized West reflect? Moreover, it seems that the already aggravated situation on the territory of the current leader of the latter, i.e. the United States, provokes the question: who, in fact, does the current American administration represent in the international arena?

The answer to this question must be in the exclusive competence of the American people, who will do without prompting or, all the more so, help from outside. Lets wish them success in this. If only because during their short and controversial history the Americans have created a specific culture (in the broa...


Oversized blazers are the new workwear staple. Heres how to style yours "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

The oversized proportions are tricky. Heres how to look chic and put together, rather than drowning in your jacket.

What should you wear to work? The answer is, likely, an oversized blazer.

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The iconic Bangalow Billycart Derby is back to its regular Autumn timeslot on Sunday 21 May 2023! "IndyWatch Feed Northcoast"

Bangalow Lions Club President Greg Nash said that he was thrilled the event was back to Autumn, Sunday 21 May 2023 .

You cant beat a beautiful May day with kids and families everywhere and billycarts zooming down the main street. There is a real buzz in the village and we cant wait, Greg said.

So, start building a winning billycart for our daredevil kids and lets get excited!

Participants must print off the registration form, complete it and present your billycart from scrutineering and tagging in the Foodworks carpark from 7am.

Then proceed to the Bangalow Hotel for registration, payment (cash or EFTPOS) and lanyard collection.

Visit for full details and registration form.

There are Bangalow Billycart Derby categories for everyone

youngsters (5-7, 8-11, 12-15 years)
parent and child
tag team
schools challenge
sporting clubs

The event first started in 1995 as a celebration that our town had a main road bypass its since grown into a community event that really puts Bangalow on the map for all the right reasons.

Similar to previous years we are pleased to combine with the Bangalow Public Schools Annual Fair The Pit Stop.

The post The iconic Bangalow Billycart Derby is back to its regular Autumn timeslot on Sunday 21 May 2023! appeared first on Byron Bay Blog.


Ex-top spy admits Hunter Biden laptop letter designed to influence 2020 election, Blinken involved "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Ex-top spy admits Hunter Biden laptop letter designed to influence 2020 election, Blinken involved | 20 April 2023 | A former acting CIA director has admitted to Congress that he organized the letter that falsely portrayed Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation in an effort to influence the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden and that he did so at the direction of current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to a letter released Thursday by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. The extraordinary admission by career intelligence officer Michael J. Morell provides stunning evidence that the now-infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2021 was not an organic intelligence community initiative but rather a political dirty trick originating with Blinken and the Biden campaign. Jordan sent a letter demanding Blinken answer a series of questions about Morell's stunning testimony, as lawmakers weighed the enormity of America's top diplomat being willing to accuse a nuclear-armed superpower of interfering in the 2020 election without evidence. That letter included major snippets of Morell's testimony. Morell, who retired as deputy CIA director after a long and storied career and served as its acting chief, was on the short list in fall 2020 to be Biden's CIA director when he became involved in the letter. He ultimately did not receive the job.


NSW Liberals doomed - Opposition leader more left than Kean elected. #nswpol "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Just when you thought it could get no worse ... it has. Mark Speakman, an entitled and severely out of touch lawyer, has been elected NSW Opposition Leader and Leader of the Liberals. Speakman is a committed, extreme leftist. Worst than Kean. Speakman is a former Attorney General who spent...


Pan-African News Wire "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Why Sudans Conflict Matters to the Rest of the World

Associated Press

A destroyed military vehicle is seen in southern in Khartoum, Sudan, Thursday, April 20, 2023. The latest attempt at a cease-fire between the rival Sudanese forces faltered as gunfire rattled the capital of Khartoum. Through the night and into Thursday morning, gunfire could be heard almost constantly across Khartoum. (AP Photo/Marwan Ali)

Fighting in Sudan between forces loyal to two top generals has put that nation at risk of collapse and could have consequences far beyond its borders.

Both sides have tens of thousands of fighters, foreign backers, mineral riches and other resources that could insulate them from sanctions. Its a recipe for the kind of prolonged conflict that has devastated other countries in the Middle East and Africa, from Lebanon and Syria to Libya and Ethiopia.

The fighting, which began as Sudan attempted to transition to democracy, already has killed hundreds of people and left millions trapped in urban areas, sheltering from gunfire, explosions and looters.

A look at what is happening and the impact it could have outside Sudan.


Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, head of the armed forces, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, the leader of a paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces that grew out of Darfurs notorious Janjaweed militias, are each seeking to seize control of Sudan. It comes two years after they jointly carried out a military coup and derailed a transition to democracy that had begun after protesters in 2019 helped force the ouster of longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir. In recent months, negotiations were underway for a return to the democratic transition.

The victor of the latest fighting is likely to be Sudans next president, with the loser facing exile, arrest or death. A long-running civil war or partition of the Arab and African country into rival fiefdoms are also possible.

Alex De Waal, a Sudan expert at Tufts University, wrote in a memo to colleagues this week t...


Shut It Down "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Why didnt the Argentines stop the cycle? Spending, borrowing, defaulting, printingfrom excess to distressback and forth, over and over, for the last 70-plus years.

Why didnt they stop it? Why did Zimbabwe, Germany, Venezuelaet allet inflation go to more than 1,000,000%?

One of the basket cases we hear little about is Lebanon. Heres our son, Henry, reporting from Paris:

In 2021, the Lebanese pound traded on the black market for 10,000 pounds to the dollar. In February 2023, it dropped to 74,000 to the dollar. Two months later, the rate is 97,000 pounds to the dollar.

According to the theory of stimulation of an economy by adding money, youd think Lebanon would be enjoying incredible prosperity. But the theory doesnt match the reality. Lebanons GDP was $55 billion in 2018. It fell to $23 billion in 2021.

Financial catastrophe?

Thats how inflation really works. You increase the supply of currency by 1,000%and you cut the real economy in half.

The harm is so predictable and so grave, it brings us back to our question: How come the authorities dont stop it? And to answer it, we turn, via CNBC, to no less of an authority (because we cant think of any less of an authority) than Ms Janet Yellen:

The U.S. government risks economic and financial catastrophe if the House fails to pass a bill to raise the $31.4 trillion debt ceiling, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said

America has paid all of its bills on time since 1789, and not to do so would produce an economic and financial catastrophe, Yellen told ABCs George StephanopolousAnd every responsible member of Congress must agree to raise the debt ceiling.

And heres the bond market chiming in. From Business Insider:

The bond market sounded the alarm on US default risks as the deadline for reaching a deal on lifting the debt ceiling may come sooner than expected.

On Monday, the US sold $57 billion in three-month Treasury bills which would mature around when the government could run out of money at a yield of 5.1%, the highest since January 2001. 

That comes a week after a similar auction of three-month bills also saw lackluster demand.

Government unfunding

You see, bond investors, like Ms Yellen, fear that things might get back to where they should be. Yields are at a 22-year high specifically because investors worry about the debt ceiling. And Ms Yellen insists that the consequences of not increasing the debt ceiling which will mean printing more money would be an economic and financial catastrophe.

And in the press, tooalarms are sounding: the government would shut downa US default would be a wor...


"IndyWatch Feed Nthamerica" "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

<p><p><p>Welcome to <a href= "" rel= "nofollow noopener" style="color: #ff0000;" title= "This link will take you away from">The Daily Wrap Up</a>, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/20/23).<br> As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.<br> (<a href= ""></a>)(<a href=""></a>)<br><br> <br> <br> Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)<br> <br> <br> <br> <a href= "">Exclusive: FBI Agents Accuse CIA of 9/11 Coverup</a><br> <a href= ""> Att B. 2021-07-20 Mr. Canestraro Declaration, dated 20 July 2021</a><br> <a href= "">Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits - The Grayzone</a><br> <a href= ""> Not Just Azov: Documents Prove The CIA Has Been Cultivating Fascism In Ukraine Since At Least 1948</a><br> <a href= ""> January 6th Was Always A Very Clear Government Operation & Important TN Bill/Dioxin Follow Up
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(26) LastAmericanVagabond on Twitter: "@macroaggressio3 Isn't this offensive to the non-binary crash dummies? #DummyRightsAreHumanRights" / Twitter
(26) Ghost of Gary Plauch on Twitter: "@TLAVagabond Wait. Is she claiming there are physical differences between men and women?" / Twitter</a><br> <a href= "">(26) Kim Iversen on Twitter: "The anti-trans agenda is the new #MeToo movement. At first it made sense and many of us agreed, now it's just going way too far. Are you against kids being indoctrinated and women competing against biological males, or are you now just against ALL trans people in public?" /...


Senators make a new demand regarding FBI, Hunter Biden, Obama White House "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Two GOP senators who have been investigating alleged Biden family corruption for years have stepped up their efforts. After Facebook and Twitter suppressed, to an extent, explosive revelations about Hunter Biden's laptop in October 2020, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin want more answers. Grassley and Johnson have sent a letter to Zuckerberg noting: "In October 2020, when the New York Post published articles based on evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop, many news and social media organizations inappropriately rushed to censor and discredit the initial reporting and falsely labeled it as 'disinformation.'" Mainstream media outlets have finally admitted that the information gleaned from the laptop was not Russian disinformation but was in fact real.


Farmers Crippled by Satellite Failure as GPS-Guided Tractors Grind to a Halt "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Via: The Sydney Morning Herald: Tractors have ground to a halt in paddocks across Australia and New Zealand because of a signal failure in the satellite farmers use to guide their GPS-enabled machinery, stopping them from planting their winter crop.


The Israel-Palestine Conflict: How the Palestinian Resistance Is Changing the Equation "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

When Israel launched a war against the Gaza Strip in August 2022, it declared that its target was the Islamic Jihad only. Indeed, neither Hamas nor the other Gaza-based groups engaged directly in the fighting. Nevertheless, the war then raised more questions than answers.

Israel rarely distinguishes between one Palestinian group and another. For Tel Aviv, any Palestinian Resistance is a form of terrorism or, at best, incitement. Targeting one group and excluding other supposedly terrorist groups exposes a degree of Israeli fear in fighting all Palestinian factions in Gaza all at once.

For Israel, wars in Gaza have proved progressively harder with time. For example, Israels so-called Protective Edge in 2014 was very costly in terms of losing lives among the invading troops. In May 2021, the so-called Breaking Dawn was an even bigger flop. That war unified the Palestinians and served as a strategic blow to Israel without considerably advancing Israeli military interests.

Though the Gaza groups provided the Islamic Jihad with logistical support in August 2022, they refrained from directly engaging in the fight. For some Palestinians, this was unexpected and was interpreted by some as indicative of weakness, disunity, and even political opportunism.

Nearly a year later, another war loomed following the release of harrowing footage of Israeli police senselessly beating up peaceful Palestinian worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque on the 14th day of the holy month of Ramadan. Again, like in May 2021, Palestinians rose in unison. This time, resistance groups in Gaza and, eventually, Lebanon and Syria fired rockets at Israel first.

Though Israel hit back at various targets, it is evident that Tel Aviv was disinterested in a multi-front war with Palestinians to avoid a repeat of the 2021 fiasco.

The violent and repeated Israeli military raids at Al Aqsa and limited, though deadly, attacks on Jenin, Nablus, and other parts of the West Bank were meant to achieve political capital for the embattled government of Benjamin Netanyahu. But this strategy could only succeed i...


Feathered forecast: Tech tools comb weather data for bird migrations "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Ask Andrew Farnsworth about the origins of the BirdCast project, and he would describe it as ancient history. The year 1999, when the project was conceived, is a far cry from antiquity. But given how technology has helped transform the project since then, Farnsworths description might not be completely off the mark. BirdCast, in essence, is a project that tracks and forecasts bird migrations across the U.S. It uses weather radar data, in which birds also show up, to spot birds. Back when it was launched, scientists had the tedious task of manually poring through the chaotic radar data to differentiate between birds and meteorological phenomena like clouds. I used some statistical models and did some math that connects weather to migration intensity to make the forecast, Farnsworth, senior research associate at the Center for Avian Population Studies at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, told Mongabay in a video interview. The state of the art then was being able to use what was in the human brain to make the forecast. Since then, BirdCast has evolved to combine ornithology and advanced computer sciences to understand and predict bird migration patterns. The project now uses technology such as cloud computing and machine learning, which have helped make the work of researchers easier and more automated. The team at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is also currently working on combining human observations with technology like machine learning and bioacoustics to identify the species of migratory birds information that has remained elusiveThis article was originally published on Mongabay

Thursday, 20 April


Libelled by the Bot: Reputation, Defamation, and AI "IndyWatch Feed Nsw"

Cometh the new platform, cometh new actions in law, the fragile litigant ever ready to dash off a writ to those with (preferably) deep pockets. And so, it transpires that artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, for all the genius behind their creation, are up for legal scrutiny and judicial redress. Certainly, some private citizens are getting rather ticked off about what such bots as ChatGPT are generating about them.

Some of this is indulgent, narcissistic craving you deserve what you get if you plug your name into an AI generator, hoping for sweet things to be said about you. Things get even comical when the search platform is itself riddled with inaccuracies.

One recent example stirring interest in the Digital Kingdom is a threatened legal suit against the OpenAI chatbot. Brian Hood, Mayor of Hepburn Shire Council in the Australian state of Victoria, was alerted to inaccurate accusations about bribery regarding a case that took place between 1999 and 2004. It involved Note Printing Australia, an entity of the Reserve Bank of Australia. Hood had worked at Note Printing Australia and blew the whistle on bribes being made to foreign authorities. He was never charged with the crime itself. However, answers generated by ChatGPT suggested otherwise, including the claim that Hood was found guilty of the said bribery allegations.

In a statement provided to Ars Technica by Gordon Legal, the firm representing Hood, more details are given. Among several false statements returned by the AI bot are claims that Hood was accused of bribing officials in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam between 1999 and 2005, that he was sentenced to 30 months in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of false accounting under the Corporations Act in 2012, and that he authorised payments to a Malaysian arms dealer acting as a middleman to secure a contract with the Malaysian Government.

James Naughton, a partner at Gordon Legal, is representing Hood. Hes an elected official, his reputation is central to his role, stated the lawyer. It would potentially be a landmark moment in the sense that its applying this defamation law to a new area of artificial intelligence and publication in the IT space.

In March, Hoods legal representatives wrote a letter of concern to OpenAI, demanding that they amend the outlined errors within 28 days, threatening a defamation action against the company in the event they refused to do so.

The question here is whether ChatGPTs supposedly defamatory imputations might fall within the realm of liability. T...

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